I have build a CMS using Zend Framework (1.11). In the application I have two modules, one called 'cms' which contains all the CMS logic and an other 'web' which enables a user to build their own website around the CMS. This involves adding controllers/views/models etc all in that module.
The application allows you to serve multiple instances of the app with their own themes. These instances are identified by the hostname. During preDispatch(), a database lookup is done on the hostname. Based on the database field 'theme' the app then loads the required css files and calls Zend_Layout::setLayout() to change the layout file for that specific instance.
I want to extend this functionality to also allow the user to run different web modules based on the 'theme' db field. However, this is where I am stuck. As it is now, the web module serves the content for all the instances of the application.
I need the application to switch to a different web module based on the 'theme' database value (so indirectly the hostname). Any ideas?
Well, in my opinion,
You should write a front controller plugin for the web module, and do it so, that when you need another plugin, you can do so easily.
The front controller plugin should look something like this:
class My_Controller_Plugin_Web extends My_Controller_Plugin_Abstract implements My_Controller_Plugin_Interface
public function init()
// If user is not logged in - send him to login page
if(!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
// Do something
return false;
} else {
// You then take the domain name
$domainName = $this->_request->getParam( 'domainName', null );
// Retrieve the module name from the database
$moduleName = Module_fetcher::getModuleName( $domainName );
// And set the module name of the request
$this->_request->setModuleName( $moduleName );
if(!$this->_request->isDispatched()) {
// Good place to alter the route of the request further
// the way you want, if you want
$this->_request->setControllerName( $someController );
$this->_request->setActionName( $someAction );
$this->setLayout( $someLayout );
* Set up layout
public function setLayout( $layout )
$layout = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance();
$layout->setLayout( $layout );
And the My_Controller_Plugin_Abstract, which is not an actual abstract and which your controller plugin extends,looks like this:
class My_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
protected $_request;
public function __construct($request)
private function setRequest($request)
$this->_request = $request;
And in the end the front controller plugin itself, which decides which one of the specific front controller plugins you should execute.
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Plugin/Abstract.php';
require_once 'Zend/Locale.php';
require_once 'Zend/Translate.php';
class My_Controller_Plugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
* before dispatch set up module/controller/action
* #param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
public function routeShutdown(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
// Make sure you get something
if(is_null($this->_request->getModuleName())) $this->_request->setModuleName('web');
// You should use zend - to camelCase convertor when doing things like this
$zendFilter = new Zend_Filter_Word_SeparatorToCamelCase('-');
$pluginClass = 'My_Controller_Plugin_'
. $zendFilter->filter($this->_request->getModuleName());
// Check if it exists
if(!class_exists($pluginClass)) {
throw new Exception('The front controller plugin class "'
. $pluginClass. ' does not exist');
Check if it is written correctly
if(!in_array('My_Controller_Plugin_Interface', class_implements($pluginClass))) {
throw new Exception('The front controller plugin class "'
. $pluginClass.'" must implement My_Controller_Plugin_Interface');
// If all is well instantiate it , and you will call the construct of the
// quasi - abstract , which will then call the init method of your
// My_Plugin_Controller_Web :)
$specificController = new $pluginClass($this->_request);
If you have never done this, now is the time. :)
Also, to register your front controller plugin with the application, you should edit the frontController entry in your app configuration. I will give you a json example, i'm sure you can translate it to ini / xml / yaml if you need...
"frontController": {
"moduleDirectory": "APPLICATION_PATH/modules",
"defaultModule": "web",
"modules[]": "",
"layout": "layout",
"layoutPath": "APPLICATION_PATH/layouts/scripts",
// This is the part where you register it!
"plugins": {
"plugin": "My_Controller_Plugin"
This might be a tad confusing, feel free to ask for a more detailed explanation if you need it.
The name is quite bad, but I really don't know what else to call it.
I'm trying to make a extendable and modular plugin system for my website. I need to be able to access plugin php files that exist in a plugin directory and get access to their classes to call functions such as getting the html content that the plugin should show and more.
Below is a semi-pseudo code example of what I am trying to achieve, but how to actually arbitrarily load the plugins is where I am stuck (PluginLoader.php).
abstract class BasePlugin
public function displayContent()
print "<p>Base Plugin</p>";
//ExamplePlugin.php -> In specific plugin directory.
class ExamplePlugin extends BasePlugin
public static function Instance()
static $inst = null;
if ($inst === null) {
$inst = new ExamplePlugin();
return $inst;
public function displayContent()
print "<p>Example Plugin</p>";
foreach($pluginFile : PluginFilesInDirectory) { // Iterate over plugin php files in plugin directory
$plugin = GetPlugin($pluginFile); // Somehow get instance of plugin.
echo plugin->displayContent();
I'm guessing here, but it seems to me that you need to:
get a list of the plugins in the desired directory.
include or require the plugin's class file.
create an instance of the class.
call the plugin's displayContent() method.
So, you probably want to do something like
$pluginDir = 'your/plugin/directory/' ;
$plugins = glob($pluginDir . '*.php') ;
foreach($plugins as $plugin) {
// include the plugin file
include_once($plugin) ;
// grab the class name from the plugin's file name
// this finds the last occurrence of a '/' and gets the file name without the .php
$className = substr($plugin,strrpos($plugin,'/') + 1, -4) ;
// create the instance and display your test
$aPlugin = $className::Instance() ;
$aPlugin->displayContent() ;
There's probably a cleaner way to do it, but that will ready your directory, get the plugins' code, and instantiate each one. How you manage/reference them afterwards depends on how your plugins register with your application.
The Sonata Media Bundle you have the thumbnail property on a provider in the config where you can specify either
This all fine and the sonata.media.thumbnail.format one works fine for everything I want to achieve. My problem comes in with what happens within these files.
In the FormatThumbnail.php there is a function called generatePublicUrl where they generate the url of the media file and also the name of the formatted file. They use the media id within the name or url. If you have private files not everyone must be able to see this causes a problem with it is easy to manipulate the id to another id.
I know the public files that will be served will always stay public so if the url can be guessed the user will access the file. For this specific reason I want to try and replace that id with the unique reference that the bundle uses before they create the actual formatted files as this will not be as easy to just change.
I am aware that there are still risks of leaking out data.
I want to change this
public function generatePublicUrl(MediaProviderInterface $provider, MediaInterface $media, $format)
if ($format == 'reference') {
$path = $provider->getReferenceImage($media);
} else {
$path = sprintf('%s/thumb_%s_%s.%s', $provider->generatePath($media), $media->getId(), $format, $this->getExtension($media));
return $path;
to this
public function generatePublicUrl(MediaProviderInterface $provider, MediaInterface $media, $format)
if ($format == 'reference') {
$path = $provider->getReferenceImage($media);
} else {
$path = sprintf('%s/thumb_%s_%s.%s', $provider->generatePath($media), $media->getProviderReference(), $format, $this->getExtension($media));
return $path;
How do I override the file that the bundle just picks up the change?
I have followed the steps on Sonata's site on how to install and set up the bundle using the easy extends bundle. I have my own Application\Sonata\MediaBundle folder that is extending the original Sonata\MediaBundle.
For installation related information have a look through the documentation(https://sonata-project.org/bundles/media/master/doc/reference/installation.html)
However I tried to create my own Thumbnail folder and creating a new FormatThumbnail.php as follows
namespace Application\Sonata\MediaBundle\Thumbnail;
use Sonata\MediaBundle\Model\MediaInterface;
use Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\MediaProviderInterface;
use Sonata\MediaBundle\Thumbnail\FormatThumbnail as BaseFormatThumbnail;
class FormatThumbnail extends BaseFormatThumbnail
* Overriding this to replace the id with the reference
* {#inheritdoc}
public function generatePublicUrl(MediaProviderInterface $provider, MediaInterface $media, $format)
if ($format == 'reference') {
$path = $provider->getReferenceImage($media);
} else {
$path = sprintf('%s/thumb_%s_%s.%s', $provider->generatePath($media), $media->getProviderReference(), $format, $this->getExtension($media));
return $path;
But the bundle still generates everything using the id instead of the reference. Is there a more specific way to achieve extending this file and overriding the function?
After looking at a few different bundles and after looking in code I found that they physically have a parameter which is set to use Sonata\MediaBundle\Thumbnail\FormatThumbnail.
The solution is to override the parameter in the config aswell.
#As top level classification in app/config/config.yml
sonata.media.thumbnail.format: Application\Sonata\MediaBundle\Thumbnail\FormatThumbnail
This way the custom FormatThumbnail class is injected everywhere it will be used within the bundle.
I've just started looking into Zend framework 2 .One thing that I can’t seem to figure out is how to change the behavior of the framework when its deciding what view template to use when i’m not passing it in the viewmodel.
When looking for the answer myself I found the following, which states that Zend resolves view templates using the pathing below:
(Source: http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/Question-regarding-template-path-stack-tp4660952p4660959.html)
Now I’m looking to edit or remove the normalized-module-name segment. All the view files stay in my module/views folder. The reason I want to change this is because I’m using sub namespaces as my module name, resulting in the first segment of the namespace as the normalized module name (which is not specific enough for me).
To give you an example, the module Foo\Bar will result in an example view being rendered from:
I would like to change that default behavior to:
Starting with zf 2.3 you can use extra config parameter view_manager['controller_map'] to enable different template name resolving.
Look at this PR for more info: https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/pull/5670
'view_manager' => array(
'controller_map' => array(
'Foo\Bar' => true,
Will result in controller FQCN starting with 'Foo\Bar' to be resolved following those rules:
strip \Controller\ namespace
strip trailing Controller in classname
inflect CamelCase to dash
replace namespace separator with slash
Eg: Foo\Bar\Controller\Baz\TestController -> foo/bar/baz/test/actionname
Starting with zend-mvc v3.0 this is default behavior
I had a similar problem and here's my solution.
Default template injector is attached to an event manager of the current controller with priority -90, and it resolves a template name only if a view model is not provided with one.
Knowing this, you can create your own template injector with a required logic and attach it to the event manager with the higher priority.
Please see the code below:
public function onBootstrap(EventInterface $event)
$eventManager = $event->getApplication()->getEventManager();
new TemplateInjector(),
-80 // you can put here any negative number higher -90
Your template injector which resolves template paths instead of the default one.
class TemplateInjector
public function __invoke(MvcEvent $event)
$model = $event->getResult();
if (!$model instanceof ViewModel)
$controller = $event->getTarget();
if ($model->getTemplate())
return ;
if (!is_object($controller))
$namespace = explode('\\', ltrim(get_class($controller), '\\'));
$controllerClass = array_pop($namespace);
array_pop($namespace); //taking out the folder with controllers
array_shift($namespace); //taking out the company namespace
$moduleName = implode('/', $namespace);
$controller = substr($controllerClass, 0, strlen($controllerClass) - strlen('Controller'));
$action = $event->getRouteMatch()->getParam('action');
Here's the link from my blog where I wrote about it in more details: http://blog.igorvorobiov.com/2014/10/18/creating-a-custom-template-injector-to-deal-with-sub-namespaces-in-zend-framework-2/
Right template to ViewModel is injected in MVC event 'dispatch' (defined in ViewManager) by Zend\Mvc\View\Http\InjectTemplateListener with priority -90
You'll have to create custom InjectTemplateListener and register it with higher priority to same event.
But I'd recommend to set template in every action by hand, because of performance - see http://samminds.com/2012/11/zf2-performance-quicktipp-1-viewmodels/
template name resolving is a heavy process(on system resources), and all the articles about ZF2 performance says that you should provide the template name manually to increase performance.
so don't waste time finding a way to do something that you will end up doing manually :D
In order to improve Next Developer answer, I write the following code in TemplateInjector.php:
class TemplateInjector
public function __invoke(MvcEvent $event)
$model = $event->getResult();
if (!$model instanceof ViewModel) {
if ($model->getTemplate()) {
$controller = $event->getTarget();
if (!is_object($controller)) {
$splitNamespace = preg_split('/[\\\]+/', ltrim(get_class($controller), '\\'));
$moduleName = $splitNamespace[1];
$controller = $splitNamespace[0];
$action = $event->getRouteMatch()->getParam('action');
$model->setTemplate(strtolower($moduleName . '/' . $controller . '/' . $action));
I've changed the way to build the Template path. Using regexp is faster than using array methods.
I am trying to follow a tutorial for Zend Auth and Zend Acl using 1.11 framework Link here!
I have setup the authentication successfully and am able to use the authentication for the controller::action pairs given in the Acl.php page. Firstly I would like to test two additional parameter on the users table that whether the user account is activated and if the user is banned by administrator before allowing access to the site. How do I implement that in this code.
Secondly I would like to know how to include all actions under one controller to a User authorization level. i.e. I have a masters controller which has numerous actions under it for various tables. Could you tell me how to restrict access to Masters controller all actions to admin role only. Without adding resources and allow resources for each action in Acl.php. Also please tell me if this logic can be extended to allow access over entire modules instead of just the controllers(by one add resource and allow resource)? If yes how?
Firstly I would like to test two additional parameter on the users
table that whether the user account is activated and if the user is
banned by administrator before allowing access to the site.
The tutorial code uses a vanilla version of Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable which uses a specific api for authentication. To make Zend_Auth work how you want it to is not very difficult but will require some thought as you'll need to implement Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface. Sounds worse then it is, you only have to implement the authenticate() method. Here is an example of an auth adapter that can be used in place of Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable:
//some code truncated for length and relevance
class My_Auth_Adapter implements Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface
protected $identity = null;
protected $credential = null;
protected $usersMapper = null;
public function __construct($username, $password, My_Model_Mapper_Abstract $userMapper = null)
if (!is_null($userMapper)) {
} else {
$this->usersMapper = new Users_Model_Mapper_User();
* #return \Zend_Auth_Result
public function authenticate()
// Fetch user information according to username
$user = $this->getUserObject();
if (is_null($user)) {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
array('Invalid username')
// check whether or not the hash matches
$check = Password::comparePassword($this->getCredential(), $user->password);
if (!$check) {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
array('Incorrect password')
// Success!
return new Zend_Auth_Result(
// public function setIdentity($userName)
// public function setCredential($password)
// public function setMapper($mapper)
* #return object
private function getUserObject()
return $this->getMapper()->findOneByColumn('username', $this->getIdentity());
* #return object
public function getUser()
$object = $this->getUserObject();
$array = array(
'id' => $object->id,
'username' => $object->username,
'role' => $object->getRoleId()
return (object) $array;
// public function getIdentity()
// public function getCredential()
// public function getMapper()
You can modify the auth adapter to do pretty much anything you need.
As far as your access list is concerned, the thing to remember is that you resources are defined by a string. In the case of this tutorial a resource is defined as:
$this->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('error::error'));
where the string on the left side of the colon represents the controller and the string on the right side of the colon represents the action. it's this line in the acl plugin that tell's us what the resources are:
if(!$acl->isAllowed($user->role, $request->getControllerName() . '::' . $request->getActionName()))
you can change this definition of what your resources represent to anything that works for you.
It's very difficult to provide hard and fast rules on how to implement an ACL because it seems that every project needs something different.
Look around the web and you'll find several different implementations of a Zend Framework ACL, some of them can be very complex.
Here is one that might provide some more insight. http://codeutopia.net/blog/2009/02/06/zend_acl-part-1-misconceptions-and-simple-acls/
good luck
Recently I've been doing some research into SEO and how URIs that use hyphens or underscores are treated differently, particularly by Google who view hyphens as separators.
Anyway, eager to adapt my current project to meet this criteria I found that because Kohana uses function names to define pages I was receiving the unexpected '-' warning.
I was wondering whether there was any way to enable the use of URIs in Kohana like:
Obviously I could setup a routeHandler for this... but if I was to have user generated content, i.e. news. I'd then have to get all articles from the database, produce the URI, and then do the routing for each one.
Are there any alternative solutions?
Note: This is the same approach as in Laurent's answer, just slightly more OOP-wise. Kohana allows one to very easily overload any system class, so we can use it to save us some typing and also to allow for cleaner updates in the future.
We can plug-in into the request flow in Kohana and fix the dashes in the action part of the URL. To do it we will override Request_Client_Internal system class and it's execute_request() method. There we'll check if request->action has dashes, and if so we'll switch them to underscores to allow php to call our method properly.
Step 1. Open your application/bootstrap.php and add this line:
You use this constant to quickly disable this feature on some requests, if you need underscores in the url.
Step 2. Create a new php file in: application/classes/request/client/internal.php and paste this code:
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class Request_Client_Internal extends Kohana_Request_Client_Internal {
* We override this method to allow for dashes in the action part of the url
* (See Kohana_Request_Client_Internal::execute_request() for the details)
* #param Request $request
* #return Response
public function execute_request(Request $request)
// Check the setting for dashes (the one set in bootstrap.php)
// Block URLs with underscore in the action to avoid duplicated content
if (strpos($request->action(), '_') !== false)
throw new HTTP_Exception_404('The requested URL :uri was not found on this server.', array(':uri' => $request->uri()));
// Modify action part of the request: transform all dashes to underscores
$request->action( strtr($request->action(), '-', '_') );
// We are done, let the parent method do the heavy lifting
return parent::execute_request($request);
} // end_class Request_Client_Internal
What this does is simply replacing all the dashes in the $request->action with underscores, thus if url was /something/foo-bar, Kohana will now happily route it to our action_foo_bar() method.
In the same time we block all the actions with underscores, to avoid the duplicated content problems.
No way to directly map a hyphenated string to a PHP function so you will have to do routing.
As far as user generated content, you could do something like Stack Exchange does. Each time user content is saved to the database, generated a slug for it (kohana-3-2-how-can-i-use-hyphens-in-uris) and save it along with the other information. Then when you need to link to it, use the unique id and append the slug to the end (ex:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7404646/kohana-3-2-how-can-i-use-hyphens-in-uris) for readability.
You can do this with lambda functions: http://forum.kohanaframework.org/discussion/comment/62581#Comment_62581
You could do something like
Route::set('route', '<controller>/<identifier>', array(
'identifier' => '[a-zA-Z\-]*'
'controller' => 'Controller',
'action' => 'show',
Then receive your content identifier in the function with Request::current()->param('identifier') and parse it manually to find the relating data.
After having tried various solutions, I found that the easiest and most reliable way is to override Kohana_Request_Client_Internal::execute_request. To do so, add a file in your application folder in "application\classes\kohana\request\client\internal.php" then set its content to:
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class Kohana_Request_Client_Internal extends Request_Client {
* #var array
protected $_previous_environment;
* Processes the request, executing the controller action that handles this
* request, determined by the [Route].
* 1. Before the controller action is called, the [Controller::before] method
* will be called.
* 2. Next the controller action will be called.
* 3. After the controller action is called, the [Controller::after] method
* will be called.
* By default, the output from the controller is captured and returned, and
* no headers are sent.
* $request->execute();
* #param Request $request
* #return Response
* #throws Kohana_Exception
* #uses [Kohana::$profiling]
* #uses [Profiler]
* #deprecated passing $params to controller methods deprecated since version 3.1
* will be removed in 3.2
public function execute_request(Request $request)
// Create the class prefix
$prefix = 'controller_';
// Directory
$directory = $request->directory();
// Controller
$controller = $request->controller();
if ($directory)
// Add the directory name to the class prefix
$prefix .= str_replace(array('\\', '/'), '_', trim($directory, '/')).'_';
if (Kohana::$profiling)
// Set the benchmark name
$benchmark = '"'.$request->uri().'"';
if ($request !== Request::$initial AND Request::$current)
// Add the parent request uri
$benchmark .= ' « "'.Request::$current->uri().'"';
// Start benchmarking
$benchmark = Profiler::start('Requests', $benchmark);
// Store the currently active request
$previous = Request::$current;
// Change the current request to this request
Request::$current = $request;
// Is this the initial request
$initial_request = ($request === Request::$initial);
if ( ! class_exists($prefix.$controller))
throw new HTTP_Exception_404('The requested URL :uri was not found on this server.',
array(':uri' => $request->uri()));
// Load the controller using reflection
$class = new ReflectionClass($prefix.$controller);
if ($class->isAbstract())
throw new Kohana_Exception('Cannot create instances of abstract :controller',
array(':controller' => $prefix.$controller));
// Create a new instance of the controller
$controller = $class->newInstance($request, $request->response() ? $request->response() : $request->create_response());
// Determine the action to use
/* ADDED */ if (strpos($request->action(), '_') !== false) throw new HTTP_Exception_404('The requested URL :uri was not found on this server.', array(':uri' => $request->uri()));
/* MODIFIED */ $action = str_replace('-', '_', $request->action()); /* ORIGINAL: $action = $request->action(); */
$params = $request->param();
// If the action doesn't exist, it's a 404
if ( ! $class->hasMethod('action_'.$action))
throw new HTTP_Exception_404('The requested URL :uri was not found on this server.',
array(':uri' => $request->uri()));
$method = $class->getMethod('action_'.$action);
// Execute the "after action" method
catch (Exception $e)
// Restore the previous request
if ($previous instanceof Request)
Request::$current = $previous;
if (isset($benchmark))
// Delete the benchmark, it is invalid
// Re-throw the exception
throw $e;
// Restore the previous request
Request::$current = $previous;
if (isset($benchmark))
// Stop the benchmark
// Return the response
return $request->response();
} // End Kohana_Request_Client_Internal
Then to add an action with hyphens, for example, "controller/my-action", create an action called "my_action()".
This method will also throw an error if the user tries to access "controller/my_action" (to avoid duplicate content).
I know some developers don't like this method but the advantage of it is that it doesn't rename the action, so if you check the current action it will be consistently called "my-action" everywhere. With the Route or lambda function method, the action will sometime be called "my_action", sometime "my-action" (since both methods rename the action).