According to GET parameters, I want to save the output HTML and save to my own cache. Next time it's called, load the cache. It sounds easy to use ob_start() and ob_get_contents() but what if the other running scripts in between use this too? It spoils the "original" output buffering, right?
How to globally save the output?
To quote the PHP manual for ob_start:
Output buffers are stackable, that is, you may call ob_start() while
another ob_start() is active. Just make sure that you call
ob_end_flush() the appropriate number of times.
In other words: No, it doesn't spoil the original output buffering; buffering can be nested. You can also use ob_get_flush() instead of ob_end_flush() to "stop" buffering.
How can i print values in same place when i echo the statement instead of printing the values in the same/next line (if using br tag). This is a sample for-loop
echo $i;
The output will be:
But I want my output to be the one as shown below as it should overwrite values in the same place.
I will display all the values slowly one by one using timer or sleep but my objective here is to overwrite the previous value or display it in the same place.
I'm sorry, but you can't do it.
If you want to change the output in the browser itself, after you flushed the buffer, you have to use JS.
Think of it this way:
When you echo, you put some values in the buffer stream. When the buffer is flushed, you see the printed value in the browser.
You can manage the buffer, flush it, clean it, change it, but you can't change whats already out there.
I hope that helps some how.
Look at this link for more information about stream output:
Output Control
Why is recommended use ob_start() in PHP language when you need include other PHP (or template) file?
This is bad:
require_once( dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/views/file.php' );
This is good:
require_once( dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/views/file.php' );
$output = ob_get_clean();
return $output;
But i don't get why
There is no such recommendation, use it if you think its necessary.
ob_start() tells PHP to start buffering output, any echo or other output by any means will be buffered instead of sent straight to the client.
This can be used for many purposes, one of them is being able to send headers even after producing output, since the output wasn't sent yet thanks to buffering.
In this particular piece of code you have, you are using output buffer to catch the output generated by your included file and storing it to a variable, instead of sending it to the client.
It would be hard to say without understanding a little more about your program, as well as who is telling you to do this. For one thing, the return $output line at the bottom--what are you returning from?
I can think of many reasons you'd want to include scripts this way.
In PHP, the ob_* functions deal with output buffering, that is, capturing anything that gets printed to the page/screen your PHP code is running in as a string.
This may be necessary because a very common pattern in classic PHP is to write straight HTML outside of any <?php tags. When you output text this way, it gets sent directly to the screen, bypassing any intermediate processing that you may want to do with it. It's also possible that a programmer may want to define all of their includes in one place, so that they can be switched out easily, and then reference the text to be output as a variable later in the script.
It may also be a way to prevent includes that don't output any text from accidentally outputting white space, making it impossible to change headers later on in the script. I've had problems before with a large code base in which every include had been religiously closed with a ?> and may or may not have included white space afterward. This would have solved the problem with comparatively little effort.
In programming, there are often many different ways to do things, and there's not always one of them that's "right." The end goal is to create something that does its job, is maintainable, and can be comprehended by other programmers. If you have to write a couple of extra lines of code in pursuit of maintainability, it's worth it down the line.
ob_start() is a function that begins output buffering, ob_get_clean(); flushes the buffer, and it looks like you are returning it from a function.
This allows any print or echo statements to be added to the buffer, and then all stored to a variable and returned and printed elsewhere in your application.
i have a site, where i buffer some output with
and it worked fine until today i updated my debian from an older php5.3 to the latest php5.3.3-7+squeeze8
Now i sometimes have something in the output buffer before i call it the first time
please don't answer things like
"header must be called before any output is sent."
(I know, I work a lot with output buffers)
when i set an extra ob_get_clean(); at the very first line of my script, it works
it seems, like php is creating some output beforehand
if i put the first line
<? print_r(ob_get_clean()); ?>
then i see, that there is an empty string already in the buffer:
on all other pages it isn't, there ob_get_clean(); contains
is it possible you have some " " in front of your <?php somewhere? or wrong file encoding issue its usually some kind of that nature, check your files and include files.
Now i sometimes have something in the output buffer before i call it
the first time
It'll be much easier if you give us some info about that mysterious data.
perhaps a case of BOM character?
more info here
i found it:
i had no invisible character in front, it was something different: i called ob_end_clean() one time too much:
this was my code, inside a function i call:
function print_something(){
echo some stuff...
echo ob_get_clean();
ob_end_clean(); // this was the bug!
it seems, that you can clear your main output buffer ;)
This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to make PHP generate Chunked response
How can I execute something, display its contents, and continue executing it and showing its contents? I don't want to wait until the script is done to echo its content.
An example of this is on The script doesn't wait for all of the whois data to be returned before it starts showing results!
I'd recommend the following:
// .. inside of loop...
if(ob_get_length()) {
This really flushes the content to the server, but the error suppression is also useful to prevent certain configurations throwing (harmless) errors when there is nothing to flush.
Note that this doesn't necessarily prevent other server output modules from doing their own buffering, so output flushing will not be 100% fool-proof on all systems.
You are probably using output buffering. If you turn it off completely or use the ob_flush() you'll get what you want.
I hope everyone's holidays are going well.
Another PHP related question here. I am using output buffers in my script, for what I have recently learned is an invalid reason (so I can pass headers later in the script). I now realize that I should be storing all output in a variable or some other sort of storage until I am ready to output at the end of the script instead of using output buffers. Unfortunately, I have already coding these functions and the spontaneous output of html into my pages already. I was hoping to be able to fix this problem in version 2 of the script, as I have strict deadlines to meet with this version.
To the question at hand. I was planning to do this, but apparently die() and exit() functions do not work so well with output buffers? I have exit() after all of my error messages, and instead of ending the execution at that point, it seems the script keeps going due to the output buffer. I have tested this hypothesis by removing the output buffers and the exit() functions work as expected.
Is there a way I change this behaviour, or should I go back to the drawing board and begin replacing my older pages? Also, can someone please explain to me why we should keep output till the end? I'm always interested in learning.
Thanks in advance everyone! Enjoy the last few days of 2010!
While I'll leave the headier and more abstract questions to more intelligent minds than I, I would recommend that you create a wrapper exit() function to simplify the code when you have errors.
trigger_error('bleh', E_USER_WARNING);
function errorExit()
And replace all your exits with that function call and that way the buffer is flushed and the program will exit at the proper time.
Difference between header and the actual page content is basically only the position where they occur.
As the name suggests, header is in the beginning of the output. After that two carriage/returns (enter symbols) are sent and everything after that is presumed to be content.
Therefore, if you echo something and then want to change the header, it cannot be done. The content part already closed header part. What you would send as new header would now display as plain text (should PHP interpreter not stop you, which it does).
As for the other part of the question, ob_flush is a good solution as noted by Patrick.