I am using this Image Upload and Cropping with PHP and Jquery: 9lessons.info Maybe someone can give me please PHP script or link to script that allows me upload image from URL?
I've found that re-sizing images using GD can be buggy, especially when you're dealing with transparency. It could also just be that your script bugs out after it's created the image but before it's copied any data into it.
Go over it step-by-step and see when the image turns black.
I used php image magician library to resize image, It is working fine for all images except one image, I doesn't know whats wrong with this image, does anyone have face this type of issue ?
If you are facing such a problem then it must not be necessarily the fault of the image. Have you tried this image with any other software.
Try it out with any other resizing software
Try renaming this file as it might help.
The cause of such type of error might be that somebody might have alternated the .png code of this file by any text editor.
While I was looking for some info, I came across this image on a forum which i didn't understood how it worked. Its a JPG image which actually tells you your ip address and your browser. I think that maybe it was made by modifying htacess and replacing PHP for JPG, and with PHP generating the image dynamically but I'm not sure about it.
Would this be the way that this works?
Here is the image i saw:
It is nothing but etching text on image. There are several options to do it. Using PHP see here and Java see here
yes this image is generating dynamically. It collects your info make a string and use some library to generate that image like in Captcha. php has its own library too for this purpose
Click here
How to Rotate, Edit , Add Text to an image and Save it to local folder like a image editor Based on php and java script. I already tried image rotation in PHP Image Creator. But it reduces the image quality too much. If anybody knows idea to do that please share here.
Use canvas. Here is a tutorial for the rotation.
So far, I've been uploading one image by hand (FTP to the server when live, locally moving a file), and then resizing them on the fly using the img tag's width and height properties to resize them. Well, the images don't look good, because I need a square, cropped 100px version as a thumbnail, and then a 800px wide version for the view image page, and then finally the full-size original image for HD viewing, but I also need to apply a watermark, but only to the full res version. And I need help with an image upload script. Any sort of file upload, really. I've looked at tutorials, and they don't seem to make too much sense. Furthermore, I need to drop all three versions into a database row (which I think I can figure out). I know that I need to use something like $_FILE to do it, but I'm just really confused to the actual usage and the cropping/resizing/watermarking part really has me stumped. Solutions, anyone?
File uploading
Upload using a simple HTML form and use PHP to manipulate the image. Example
Read all the images stored in a directory and convert them in a batch. Example
Image re-sizing
Use ImageMagick or GD library to resize images. Example
Use any of the same libraries to watermark the images. Example
In all, you need to combine all these in order to upload, resize and watermark all in one go.
For the resizing, watermark etc, you should look at ImageMagic
I have been attempting to use a mashup of jquery plugins found on this website. as far as i can tell this is a pretty good peice of code, just have a couple of issues.
my main issue is that if i attempt to upload a file that is larger than the max file size in firefox it sends a javascript alert saying "error" which it is supposed to do but then crashes firefox and i have to physically end the process.
my next issue is that when you do upload an image and specify the crop target it doesnt actually seem to crop it rather just resize the the image to fit the samll region.
I would happily plough through the code myself but i know very little about javascript and next to nothing on jQuery, i do however know a fair bit about php so that side of things shouldnt be too bad.
hope someone can help,
You can't resize the image in Javascript - i imagine all it does is change the image tag. You need to send the resize coordinates/height/width to your backend and then resize it there.