Connecting J2ME with PHP and mySql [closed] - php

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am working on mobile app and i need to connect to database on a server, i would like to use php and mysql can anyone direct me to a good tutorial on using J2ME with php mysql?

I think what you are looking for is how to write a web-service using php & mysql and how to access it using j2me.

I think using SOAP as suggested by #coding.mof is a bit too complicated for a beginner. For starters, you can make a simple web service in PHP by just echoing a json encoded return.
$somethingToReturn = //do something`
echo json_encode($somethingToReturn); ?>
Use HttpClient to access web services in Java and then parse the json string to get the data you need.


PHP Websocket Client [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm currently attempting to create a WebSocket client to connect to a wss:// URL with PHP (without using JavaScript). It's been a few days trying to program a simple function or class that can do so.
I tried and looked into fsockopen, various streams, and also Racket but failed to see in their docs a client class. Is this possible with PHP? Code sample or any direction would be appreciated.
For anyone looking in the future this is what I found and used. Walk in the park.
use WSSC\WebSocketClient;
use \WSSC\Components\ClientConfig;
$client = new WebSocketClient('ws://localhost:8000/notifications/messanger/yourtoken123', new ClientConfig());
$client->send('{"user_id" : 123}');
echo $client->receive();

Image upload in Android using php/mySQL [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been trying to find a tutorial on how to upload/download an image to/from a mySQL database by using php and android.
I've made a database on 000WebHost, I've uploaded string data (name,username,password,email), but I want my app to have the ability to upload/download images.
Does anyone know a good tutorial (video/text maybe) on how this can be done?
Php allows you to create forms which support image upload functionality. This is generally done via a multi-part post message to a form that you create. Check that out here
You can try storing the image into a MySQL db as a base64 encoded string.
However, this is not a good idea from scalability perspective.
You can checkout this tutorial here which has an android sample as well.

Implementation of datatypes in PHP [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I wanted to know about Data Type implementation in PHP so I need a few resources(books websites and ...). what I want is not what data types PHP support or how to use them, it's the implementation and how all these things is done by PHP. I want to know how they are stored in memory and the very detail things about it(I already know PHP pretty good). That would be great if you could lead me where can I find this information.
Somewhere like IRC Maxwell's blog would be a good starting point, together with nikic's blog posts
Here is a couple of articles on data types in PHP from PHP Rocks and dummies. An interesting aside when it comes to data types in PHP is Type Hinting which will force a data type to be used for a function parameter.

is there a web service that can detect the country of a visitor in PHP? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I use PHP and I want to know if there's a free web service that can detect the countries of my visitors. Right now i can get their IPs and I have downloaded some IPtables that relate some locations but i don.t think they're quite accurate.
So if you are aware of some free webservice it would be just great. Thanks!
I have used the following SOAP GeoIPService to good effect from
You will also of course need to enable SOAP support in your PHP config.
You could then try something like:
$client = new SoapClient("");
$params = new stdClass;
$params->IPAddress = '';
$result = $client->GetGeoIP($params);
// Check for errors...
$country = $result->GetGeoIPResult->CountryName;
You could look around at MaxMind's open source solutions.
You could download and use this database

Constant Contact - PHP wrapper for REST API? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Anyone written or know of a decent PHP helper class written for Constant Contact's new REST API?
I've looked at their sample application... has a bunch of inline examples... helpful, but I'm thinking I want to either find or write a helper class to fully encapsulate the API so that all one has to do is interact with the PHP object.
I actually just started this project myself. It does almost everything the REST APIs allow. It will probably help you get off the ground with your integration.
They have a PHP sample application:
This is an old thread, but I thought it would be helpful to add in the official Constant Contact PHP SDK wrapper:
An old thread, but thought people might be interested in a V3 PHP client:
