How to do a xml based template for zend php - php

I've seen how Magento generates their templates but I am not sure how to do it myself in my application.
Basically we want to be able to define something similar to:
<section title="Recent Products">
<snippet name="products" />
Which in turn would be parsed.. somehow.. and render this code:
<h1>Recent products</h1>
<? include("Products"); ?>
(As an example...)
My main question is... is there anything written already that can do this? is there a term I can lookup online to get more information?
Thank you.


How to include and link menu file into every webpage using HTML?

I have researched some answers that talk about php, javascript, iframes etc. but I have tried a couple and none of them work. I am new to HTML coding.. and coding in general!
<link rel="menu" href="menu.html"> does nothing
<!--#include virtual="/menu.html" --> does nothing (presumably because its a comment?)
<iframe src="page.html"></iframe>
or object... both place the menu in a silly little scroll box.
I want to run my menu on my page as if it were a function in C. Where I can just include it, and it be there, or just link it.
Thanks for the help!
webpage file: biology.html
menu file: menu.html
<div class="container">
<img src="homeicon.jpg" width="50" alt="Home">
<div class="redhover">
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="dropbtn">GCSEs</button>
<div class="dropdown-content">
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="dropbtn">A-Levels</button>
<div class="dropdown-content">
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="dropbtn">University</button>
<div class="dropdown-content">
Electronic Engineering
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="dropbtn">More</button>
<div class="dropdown-content">
About me
You can use php to include files on other pages. Here is some example code to get you started:
You can put this in your HTML page appropriately, however you must make sure that php can be processed on your server and the file containing php code must end in the .php extension.
There are also other methods of including files via php, see here:
Edit - I'm not a big fan of this approach, but it will work on Github pages.
Create a file called nav.js with your menu defined as a js variable, then use javascript to insert it into an empty div created on each page. This way to update your nav you only have to ever edit nav.js Not pretty but it works
var navigation = "<nav>";
navigation += "<ul>";
navigation += "<li>Home</li>";
navigation += "<li>About</li>";
navigation += "</ul>";
navigation += "</nav>";
document.getElementById("navigation").innerHTML = navigation;
Other pages
<div id="navigation"></div>
<!--rest of page goes here.-->
<script src="nav.js"></script>
There are multiple ways to include a file into another depending on the backend technology you wish / want / need to use.
The most common way to do it in php is by using the include or require statement inside a php file.
In your specific case your biology.html file must be converted to a biology.php file and then you can add the relative code to include the file:
<?php include('menu.php');?>
This simple statement will add the content in your menu.php file to the current page. This will not work if php is not present on the server and obviously will not work locally without a local development environment
The differences between require and include can be found on the official documentation:
Another method is to use Server Side Includes. To use the SSI it must be supported and enabled on the webserver. To use SSI you need to change the extension from biology.html to biology.shtml and then add the following statement:
<!--#include file="menu.html" -->
More information on server side includes can be found on wikipedia:

How to Make or Call sidebar in CakePHP

I have such type of code in view, add.ctp file in Cake PHP.
<div id="container">
<div id="content">
<div id="sidebar">
Now in Layout, in default.ctp file, we access this code by this line.
<?php echo $this->fetch('content'); ?>
I have sidebar in each and every view file, and if I need some changes then I will go in each and every file and then change.
Now My Question is that, can I made a file in layout like sidebar.ctp or any thing else that I just call this file in my view. If I can, then how I will made such type of file.
You could do it with include or elements like this
<?php echo $this->element('sidebar'); ?>
With the element, you make the sidebar.ctp file in the View/Elements/ folder.
Check for more information: Cakephp 2 Elements
The other way is with include (not my choice, but another way to accomplish it)
<?php include('../View/Layouts/sidebar.ctp'); ?>
You can use elements and if the content in elements is dynamic you can use the blocks supported in latest version of cakephp.

Dynamic data in header in a symfony project

I have a Symfony 1.4 project. As you know the Template layout is defined independently, in the apps' templates' folder and then it is universally applied to all other templates. My layout is very simple, something like this:
<div id = "header">
<div id = "content">
<?php echo $sf_content ; ?>
<div id = "footer">
$sf_content, as most symfonians would know, essentially spits out the template for whatever web page is being viewed at the moment. If I needed some specific data for my header, such as logout, logo etc, I would simply include it within my header. THis works great because it is static in nature. The challenge I am facing is how I can include data that is dynamic in nature and specific to a page within the header tag because the UI demands that I include it there.
For instance, one of my webpages requires user specific data to be loaded in a dropdown/select menu. This is dynamic and could range from 0 to 100 and is specific to each user. To create this dropdown menu is not an issue, and I already have that part done. The challenge is, how do I load it in the header, given that my data becomes part of $sf_content and that is spit out in my content div.
Is there a way for me to move a specific part of my $sf_content into the header div ?
In your actions.php:
$this->getResponse()->setSlot('someData', 'and its value');
In layout.php:
<div id="header">
<?php echo get_slot('someData'); ?>
<div id="content">
<?php echo $sf_content ; ?>
<div id="footer">
Slots work for this. They can either be set in the action as in the first answer above or you can define them in the templates themselves. This is what I've done where I have dynamic data to define for the layout.
In your example:
<div id="header">
<?php include_slot('some slot name')?>
<div id="content">
<?php echo $sf_content() ?>
<div id="footer">
In the templates you would define the following:
<?php slot('some slot name')?>
//your code goes here
<?php end_slot() ?>
When the layout is then rendered Symfony will place the code between the slot() and end_slot() into the point at which you defined by using include_slot().
For ease I created a global partial that is included in all templates that defines the various common slots used through out the application. There is more info on slots and their usage here

Editing certain parts of page template in User mode

I have a web page I am working on in WP which needs some customization.
Firstly I have created a page template that will be used over and over again, only changing parts of the content. I am wondering about available options for me when enabling this fact, through the Admin panel in the HTML Editor(if possible)...
Hope my question is clear enough for you all.
Let me add some code to show what I am trying to accomplish.
<div id="header-style">
<?php get_header();?>
<div id="content">
<div id="about">
//This is what i want to be able to edit
<div id="features">
//This is what i want to be able to edit
There are lots of ways you could do this. The main question I would ask you is, who is going to be adding/editing this content? If you're going to have a community of people adding content, the input needs to be stripped and sanitized (to avoid injecting tags or other harmful content). If its just going to be you, then here's the easiest/fastest solution:
Use custom fields. If you can't see them in the post/page edit screen, go to the little tab on the top right of the post-edit screen that says Screen Options (or something like that) and click "Custom Fields".
Once you can see the Custom Fields edit box, you can add as many fields as you want. These are stored as post meta data. You can use the <?php the_meta(); ?> function in the loop to display all of your custom fields.
You can access a specific field by using get_post_meta(). You pass in the postID and the key of the meta field:
<?php echo get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'my_key'); ?>
So, for your example, you would add in the post-edit screen:
about: Some text to go in the about section.
features: Some text to go in the features section.
Then, you would access these on your page like so:
<div id="header-style">
<?php get_header();?>
<div id="content">
<div id="about">
<?php echo get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'about'); ?>
<div id="features">
<?php echo get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'features'); ?>

how to layout inside other layout in Zend Framework

I want to do this:
<?php echo $layout;?>
<div class="grid_3">
<?php echo $content;?>
the content
then... the master are "master.phtml"... in layout goes the content of "layout.phtml"... and... inside the "content" goes the content of "view.phtml"
is possible do this ?
You can use a partial to do that, instead of nesting Layouts...
Here is a feature request submitted to the Zend Issue Tracker for this functionality. There is a patch suggested and provided to Zend_Layout which provides this functionality, but it is not yet part of the Zend Framework. Go vote for it to be added!
You could also try this approach:
