i use of "codeigniter" and rownum query, i want put WHERE in inside query but have following error. how is it?
A Database Error Occurred Error Number: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'WHERE '*' = '0' ) t, (SELECT #rownum:=0) r' at line 7
SELECT #rownum:=#rownum+1 rownum, t.* FROM ( SELECT * FROM
hotel_submits ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 0, 6 WHERE * = 1 ) t, (SELECT
#rownum:=0) r
Filename: D:\xampp\htdocs\hdr\system\database\DB_driver.php
Line Number: 330
$this->db->query("SELECT #rownum:=#rownum+1 rownum, t.*
FROM hasana_you
ORDER BY id desc
LIMIT $offset, $coun_page
WHERE * = 1 //or $id instead 1
) t,
(SELECT #rownum:=0) r");
WHERE always comes before LIMIT and ORDER:
#rownum:=#rownum+1 rownum,
column_a = 1 OR
column_b = 1 OR
column_c = 1 OR
column_d = 1
id desc
$offset, $count_page
) AS t
There are other issues that I see with this query (seems overly complex, may not need the subquery), but without your db structure I could not presume to correct it. However, the stated order of keywords stands as the primary concern.
Check out these tutorial articles on the various aspects of SQL syntax and usage: http://www.tizag.com/sqlTutorial/sqlwhere.php
$id= 1;
$f= $this->db->query("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(column_name,
\" like '%$id%' OR \" SEPARATOR '') AS str
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name='hasana_you'");
$f1= $f->row();
$filter= substr($f1->str,0,-4);
$x= $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM (SELECT #rownum:=#rownum+1 rownum, t.*
FROM (SELECT #rownum:=0) r,
FROM hasana_you
WHERE $filter
ORDER BY id desc
) t) x
ORDER BY id desc
LIMIT $offset, $count_page");
It's hard to know where you want the filter... can also be:
$x= $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM (SELECT #rownum:=#rownum+1 rownum, t.*
FROM (SELECT #rownum:=0) r,
FROM hasana_you
ORDER BY id desc
) t) x
WHERE $filter
ORDER BY id desc
LIMIT $offset, $count_page");
SELECT e.emp_id, concat(e.firstname,' ', e.middlename,' ',e.lastname) as EmployeeName ,
(select * from mst_attendance where status='Present' AND a.current_date > '#2008-09-29%#' GROUP BY substr('emp_id',0,5) HAVING COUNT(*)>1 ORDER BY a.emp_id='5') as PresentDays,
a.emp_id, a.current_date, a.status, a.in_time, a.out_time FROM mst_attendance a
INNER JOIN mst_employee e ON a.emp_id=e.emp_id where e.status='active'
and e.flag='Y' and e.role='employee' and e.emp_id='5' ORDER BY a.created asc LIMIT 1
Here I want to know the present days of an employee. But I get the error:
1241 - Operand should contain 1 column(s)..
Instead of
(select * from mst_attendance where status='Present' AND a.current_date > '#2008-09-29%#' GROUP BY substr('emp_id',0,5) HAVING COUNT(*)>1 ORDER BY a.emp_id='5') as PresentDays
The query should be something like
(select column_name from mst_attendance where status='Present' AND a.current_date > '#2008-09-29%#' GROUP BY substr('emp_id',0,5) HAVING COUNT(*)>1 ORDER BY a.emp_id='5') as PresentDays
I'm getting this error :
Query Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ';WITH convs AS ( select c.id, c.title, c.seen, c.id_receiver, c.id_send' at line 1
when i use this query :
$query = ";WITH convs AS (
select c.id, c.title, c.seen, c.id_receiver, c.id_sender
from conversations c
select id, title, seen, id_receiver, id_sender
from convs
where id_receiver = '5'
order by title desc limit 0,25";
$res = mysqli_query($connection ,$query);
Am i missing something ?
Your help would be much appreciated.
PS : i minimised the query to make it simple for this context, if you help me find the solution, i may have another problem with the full query. So i might come back to you for more help. Thank's in advance.
$query = "WITH convs AS (
select c.id, c.title, c.seen, c.id_receiver, c.id_sender,
(select max(date) from messages where id_conversation = c.id and id_user <> '$iduser') as last_msg,
(select top 1 id_user from messages where id_conversation = c.id and id_user <> '$iduser' order by date desc) as last_user,
(select count(distinct id_user) from messages where id_conversation = c.id) as nbruser,
(select count(*) from messages where id_conversation = c.id) as nbrmsg,
(select username from users where id = c.id_sender) as sender, (select username from users where id = c.id_receiver) as receiver,
(select count(*) from deleted_conversations where id_user='$iduser' and id_conversation=c.id) as deleted,
from conversations c
select id, title, seen, id_receiver, id_sender, receiver, sender, last_msg, last_user, deleted, nbruser, nbrmsg
from convs
where (id_receiver = '$iduser' or (id_sender == '$iduser' and nbruser > 1)) and deleted = 0
order by last_msg desc limit $pageLimit,$REC_PER_PAGE";
What pushed me to use CTE is the need of using aliases in where clause. And as you can see i have many of them.
Can you give me an example of how to use views/temporary tables to achieve my purpose ?
MySQL/MariaDB doesn't support CTEs. Plus, it is entirely unnecessary in this case:
select id, title, seen, id_receiver, id_sender
from conversations c
where id_receiver = '5'
order by ?? desc
limit 0, 25;
Note: You need to specify the column for the order by as well.
For more complex examples, you can use subqueries, views, and/or temporary tables.
CTEs are quite similar to Derived Tables:
select id, title, seen, id_receiver, id_sender, receiver, sender, last_msg, last_user, deleted, nbruser, nbrmsg
select c.id, c.title, c.seen, c.id_receiver, c.id_sender,
(select max(date) from messages where id_conversation = c.id and id_user <> '$iduser') as last_msg,
(select top 1 id_user from messages where id_conversation = c.id and id_user <> '$iduser' order by date desc) as last_user,
(select count(distinct id_user) from messages where id_conversation = c.id) as nbruser,
(select count(*) from messages where id_conversation = c.id) as nbrmsg,
(select username from users where id = c.id_sender) as sender, (select username from users where id = c.id_receiver) as receiver,
(select count(*) from deleted_conversations where id_user='$iduser' and id_conversation=c.id) as deleted,
from conversations c
) as convs
where (id_receiver = '$iduser' or (id_sender == '$iduser' and nbruser > 1)) and deleted = 0
order by last_msg desc limit $pageLimit,$REC_PER_PAGE
I am trying to use two JOIN statements in one query,
$sqlsorgu = mysql_query("SELECT *, COUNT(*), AVG(clicks), AVG(scrolls), AVG(spent)
FROM track where referid='".$memberr."' GROUP BY referer ORDER BY id desc limit 15
select id, country, num, num*100/total pct
from (SELECT id,country, count(*) as num
FROM track GROUP BY country
ORDER BY num desc limit 5) x
join (select count(*) total from track) y
) tc on t.id = tc.id") or die(mysql_error());
but I am getting this error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ( select id, country, num, num*100/total pct from (SELECT id,country' at line 1
What is the correct way to use it ?
GROUP BY/ WHERE/ Order by come after join statements. Try reording like:
"SELECT *, COUNT(*), AVG(clicks), AVG(scrolls), AVG(spent)
FROM track t
select id, country, num, num*100/total pct
from (SELECT id,country, count(*) as num
FROM track GROUP BY country
ORDER BY num desc limit 5) x
join (select count(*) total from track) y
) tc on t.id = tc.id
where referid='".$memberr."'
GROUP BY referer
ORDER BY tc.id desc limit 15
Here is my query:
SELECT * FROM Photos WHERE Event_ID IN ($eventidstring)
I know I can limit the total amount of results from this query using LIMIT 5
I need the Limit the amount of results Per value in $eventidstring.
So if $eventidstring = 23,41,23*
*And there are 10 results WHERE Event_ID = 23, I want to limit this amount to 5. The same for all the other values in $eventidstring.
You may have some joy doing something similar to Oracle's RANK by PARITION in MySQL.
Sadly this feature is not available in MySQL though you can work around it using this method
Dump that in an inline view and then select those rows with rank <= 5;
CASE Event_id
WHEN #curEventId
THEN #curRow := #curRow + 1
ELSE #curRow := 1 AND #curEventId := Event_Id END
) AS rank,
FROM Photos p INNER JOIN (SELECT #curRow := 0, #curEventId := '') r
) t
WHERE t.rank <= 5 ORDER BY t.Event_Id asc;
Consider how you are going to 'choose' the top five by Event_Id too. You can always add in more after the ORDER BY p.Event_Id DESC to decide this.
I take it you're writing that query somewhere inside your PHP, so you need to split the $eventidstring into it's component values, form a SELECT for each and UNION all after the first one.
You sould do this with a loop of some sort, and concatenate the query strings in the loop...
If I understand correctly and you want to get five of each, you can use this:
(SELECT * FROM Photos WHERE Event_ID = 23 LIMIT 5)
(SELECT * FROM Photos WHERE Event_ID = 41 LIMIT 5)
(SELECT * FROM Photos WHERE Event_ID = ... LIMIT 5)
Maybe with a SELECT UNION but you need a new select for each value:
SELECT * FROM Photos WHERE Event_ID = 23 LIMIT 5
I have a PHP script displaying a list of players sorted by their "virtual money":
$sth = $db->prepare("
select u.id,
u.login > u.logout as online
from pref_users u, pref_money m where
m.yw=to_char(current_timestamp, 'IYYY-IW') and
order by m.money desc
limit 20 offset ?
To show a player position in the list I use a PHP variable $pos which is incremented in a loop while printing their names and further data.
I would like to have that position in the SQL statement instead of PHP for various reasons. So I'm trying the following:
$sth = $db->prepare("
select u.id,
row_number() + ? as pos,
u.login > u.logout as online
from pref_users u, pref_money m where
m.yw=to_char(current_timestamp, 'IYYY-IW') and
order by m.money desc
limit 20 offset ?
$sth->execute(array($_GET['offset'], $_GET['offset']));
But get the ERROR: window function call requires an OVER clause
I'm trying to add over(m.money) but get a syntax error.
I'm probably misunderstanding the Window Functions doc.
Check the user notes on: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interactive/functions-window.html
You will need the Over() to contain the same order by clause as the whole query:
$sth = $db->prepare("
select u.id,
row_number() OVER (order by m.money desc) + ? as pos,
u.login > u.logout as online
from pref_users u, pref_money m where
m.yw=to_char(current_timestamp, 'IYYY-IW') and
order by m.money desc
limit 20 offset ?
$sth->execute(array($_GET['offset'], $_GET['offset']));
You want row_number() OVER (ORDER BY m.money) + ? etc.