I looked at all the other posts on this and none of them came up with exactly what my problem is so here we go:
$dbh stores my PDO connection, if I do a var dump on it, it returns:
object(PDO)#1 (0) { }
So I know my PDO connection is working. I then use $sth to hold my query:
$c = 2;
$sth = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE ID = " . $c);
Then to make sure this is working I did:
echo $sth->rowCount();
That return a value of 6. So I know it is grabbing some rows. My next step of checking my problem was to fetch a single row like the following:
$row = $sth->fetch()
This returned a single row (as it should) with the $row array filled exactly how I would expect it (column names as keys and column values as the array value).
So we are good up to this point. Once I move $row = $sth->fetch() into a while loop my script fails the error it returns is: Call to a member function fetch() on a non-object
Here is my while loop:
while($row = $sth->fetch()){
//while loop stuff here
I know it has something to do with the condition of the loop because even when I comment out all the stuff in the middle it still isn't working. What am I doing wrong? Why won't this work? I'm beyond confused on this as it has worked in the past with all the PDO I have done but for some reason it is failing in this script.
If anyone has any tips or something that can help it would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT Since ninetwozero's post worked, I'm posting my class and basically everything I've got to get this figured out.
class html_elements {
var $units;
var $useMaps;
var $cid;
var $uid;
var $companyMoney;
var $currCity;
var $terminals;
var $termLocs;
var $cityArray;
var $cargoArray;
var $cargo;
var $tid;
var $truckArray;
var $load;
var $cityID;
var $cargoID;
var $xp;
var $gasPrice;
var $warning;
function __construct($u, $maps, $c, $userID, $cMoney, $dbh, $city, $tid, $xp){
$this->units = $u;
$this->useMaps = $maps;
$this->cid = $c;
$this->uid = $userID;
$this->companyMoney = $cMoney;
$this->currCity = $city;
$this->terminals = array();
$this->termLocs = array();
$this->cityArray = array();
$this->cargoArray = array();
$this->cargo = array();
$this->tid = $tid;
$this->truckArray = array();
$this->load = 0;
$this->cityID = array();
$this->cargoID = array();
$this->xp = $xp;
$this->gasPrice = 0;
$sth = null;
$sth = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM tblCTerminals WHERE companyID = " . $c);
while($row = $sth->fetch()){
$this->termLocs[] = $row['Location'];
Then in another file that has my class file included in it is:
$h = new html_element($u->get_units(), $u->get_maps(), $u->get_company(), $u->get_user_id(), $c->get_money(), $dbh, $u->get_city(), $u->get_truck_id(), $u->get_xp());
Each of those getters work, I tested them. Also $dbh is what is used my connection file that is included before anything else. So I know all of that is working.
I got to say that you've encountered a pretty interesting error, so let's try some things to pinpoint the cause:
if( $sth == null ) die('My sth is null at #1');
while( $row = $sth->fetch() ) {
if( $row == null ) die('My row is null at #2');
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Let me know what this tells you.
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblCTerminals WHERE companyID = ' . $c;
if( intval($c) == 0 ) { die('Aaaaaaaaaa.......aaaaah.');
foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
echo '$row[\'Location\'] is: ' . $row['Location'] .'<br />';
$this->termLocs[] = $row['Location'];
Below is my PHP code. I'm tying to retrieve values from a database and round them to the nearest 10 (upwards only). All the values in the database in this column are integers.
#$Teach_ID = $_POST['txtteachID'];
#$Class_ID = $_POST['txtclass'];
#$BookingDate = $_POST['txtbookingdate'];
#$BookingPeriod = $_POST['txtperiod'];
$capacity = 'SELECT ClassSize FROM classes WHERE ClassID = 1';
$result = $dbh->query($capacity);
$result = (int)$result;
function ceiling($number, $significance = 1)
return ( is_numeric($number) && is_numeric($significance) ) ? (ceil($number/$significance)*$significance) : false;
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
echo ceiling($result, 10);
Error Description
Am I missing something obvious?
You need to loop through your $result variable, which is a mysqli_result object, to get its different entries.
Use mysqli_fetch_assoc to get the values, which will end in something like this :
$capacity = 'SELECT ClassSize FROM classes WHERE ClassID = 1';
$result = $dbh->query($capacity);
function ceiling($number, $significance = 1)
return ( is_numeric($number) && is_numeric($significance) ) ? (ceil($number/$significance)*$significance) : false;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
// if ($result->num_rows > 0) { /* I think this condition is not needed anymore */
$value = intval($row['ClassSize'], 10); // will convert the string from database to an int in base 10
echo ceiling($value, 10); /* I suppose you wanted to use the ClassSize key since it's the one you query */
// }
You can't do this $result = (int)$result;. You have to irritate over each row and then extract the data.
I am taking data from many tables. I want to display many objects in different places. I got the data from data base, but I want to put the data into an array for useful purpose, but it's not working.
This my controller code:
public function compare_by_business_sectors() {
if ($this->input->post())
$solution_array = array();
//print_r (json_encode($business_sectors)); exit;
$tab_child_id = "";
foreach ($business_sectors as $key=>$sectors) {
//$solution_array[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->value;
$id = "solution".$sectors->tab_child_id;
if ($tab_child_id != $sectors->tab_child_id) {
$id = array();
$id[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->title;
else if ($tab_child_id == $sectors->tab_child_id) {
$id[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->title;
//$solution_array[$id]= $id;
This is my model code:
public function compare_business_sectors_data($sectorid) {
$query = $this->db->select('solutions.*,solution_tabs_child_fields.field_id,solution_tabs_child_fields.tab_child_id,solution_tabs_child_fields.title')
//->join('solutions', 'business_sector.sector_id = solutions.business_sector_id',"left")
->join('solution_features','solutions.entry_id = solution_features.entry_id',"left")
->join('solution_tabs_child_fields','solution_features.field_id = solution_tabs_child_fields.field_id')
->where('solutions.business_sector_id', $sectorid['id'])
return $query->result();
change it as follow and try.
$id_string = "";
$id_array = array();
foreach ($business_sectors as $key=>$sectors) {
//$solution_array[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->value;
$id_string = "solution".$sectors->tab_child_id;
if ($tab_child_id != $sectors->tab_child_id) {
$id[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->title;
else if ($tab_child_id == $sectors->tab_child_id) {
$id[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->title;
First you are assigning string value to $id then, $id will convert to array only if first if() statement execute other wise it will not be a string. So to overcome from this keep $id_array before for loop and you can capture string in another variable.
I've been working on creating an object oriented database call class for practice and I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate a scrollable cursor properly. I would like to be able to call this function in order to grab the next 10 records or a different function for the previous 10 records. I've gotten to the point where I can specify an offset for the records through the scrollable cursor but I cannot call the same function again to get the next set without passing in an incremented offset value.
How would I go about being able to specify a number of records per page and simply call getNextSet() or getPrevSet() in order to get the results I want.
My current line of thinking is setting a static variable somewhere and incrementing/deincrementing or resetting it accordingly then use that as the offset value in the functions. However, I believe I heard there was an issue with using static variables in instantiated classes.
Here's the code so far:
$i5DBconn = db2_connect("*LOCAL", "", "");
if (!$i5DBconn) {
echo "Database Connection failed. SQL Err:";
echo db2_conn_error();
echo "<br>";
echo db2_conn_errormsg();
class queryDB{
var $query;
var $outputFunction;
var $parameters;
function performDBCall(){
global $i5DBconn;
$dbStatement = db2_prepare($i5DBconn, $this->query, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
$i = 1;
foreach ($this->parameters as $param) {
db2_bind_param($dbStatement, $i, 'param', DB2_PARAM_IN);
$result = db2_execute($dbStatement);
if (!$result){
echo "$this->query failed!. ";
echo 'SQLSTATE value: ' . db2_stmt_error();
echo ' Message: ' . db2_stmt_errormsg();
return $dbStatement;
class invoiceCall extends queryDB {
function testQueryFormatter($dbResultSet, $dataOffset){
$zebraStriping = 1;
//snipped header row formatting
$rowLimit = 10;
while(($rowData = db2_fetch_array($dbResultSet, $dataOffset)) && ($zebraStriping < $rowLimit)){
list($dataNames) = $rowData;
//snipped data formatting
$offsetVal = 5;
$testQuery = new invoiceCall();
$testQuery->query = "select invoice#, status, amountpaid, amountbilled, invoicedate, paydate, custname, termofpay, balance from TESTSCHEMA.SAMPLE_INVOICE_TABLE";
//$testQuery->parameters = [8000001];
$resultSet = $testQuery->performDBCall();
$testQuery->testQueryFormatter($resultSet, $offsetVal);
If there are also some coding practices I could improve on, let me know as I am starting my first real journey into Object Oriented PHP.
During my coding I really got stuck into this problem.
I ran a foreach loop and for every item I had to get a certain value from a function.
But I got only one returned. I could not figure out what was happening. I hope you guys surely will.
Below is the short version of my program.
Database structure is given at last.
function opendb() {
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
function sql_query($sql) {
$datas = array();
if ($res = mysql_query($sql)) {
$x = 0;
while ( $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) {
$datas[$x] = $data;
$x += 1;
return $datas;
function get_parent_id($table, $parent, $cid) {
// cid=>child id
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=$cid";
$datas = sql_query($sql);
$pid = $datas[0]['parent'];
$p_id = $datas[0]['id'];
if ($pid != 0) {
get_parent_id($table, $parent, $pid);
} else {
return $p_id;
$datas_pkg = sql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_packages WHERE 1");
foreach ( $datas_pkg as $data_pkg ) {
echo $data_pkg['destination_id'] . '-->';
echo $parent_id = get_parent_id('tbl_destinations', 'parent', $data_pkg['destination_id']);
echo '<br/>';
Database structure..
| id(int)|destination_name(Varchar)|parent(int)|
If I did not clear my question please let me know so that I can help you to help me.
You call the function, but never use its value.
Here is my code for the function
function multiple_delete($checkbox, $table = 0, $url = 0, $picture1 = 0, $picture2 = 0, $picture3 = 0){
echo $count = count($checkbox);
for( $j=0;$j<$count;$j++)
$delete_id = $checkbox[$j];
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = '$delete_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if( $picture1 !== 0 && $picture2 !== 0 && $picture3 !== 0)
$pic_1 = $picture1;
$pic_2 = $picture2;
$pic_3 = $picture3;
if( $picture1 !== 0 && $picture2 !== 0 && $picture3 == 0 )
$pic_1 = $picture1;
$pic_2 = $picture2;
for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) {
$del_id = $checkbox[$i];
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id='$del_id'";
$result_delete_data = mysql_query($sql);
alert('Deleted Successfully');
return true;
My Problem is when i call the function using the following code.
#multiple_delete($_POST['checkbox'], 'news', 'news.php', '$row[\'pic_title\']', '$row[\'pic_brief\']', '$row[\'pic_detail\']');
the three array variables $row['pic_title'], $row['pic_brief'], $row['pic_detail'] , does not parse as the value in the function in first for loop, instead it just print the string and hence is not able to fetch the value stored in the database. for example
in the first if condition i have defined 3 variables,
$pic_1 = $picture1;
$pic_2 = $picture2;
$pic_3 = $picture3;
$picture1, $picture2, and $picture3 holds the value that i declared in the function , now when i do something like this echo $pic_1 = $picture1; it prints $row['pic_title'] the exact value which i declared in the function instead of parsing the value which is actually upload/news/title/pic_title1.jpg i tried testing it like this, instead of declaring the value in the defined function i actually just changed the value of the three variables to
$pic_1 = $row['pic_title'];
$pic_2 = $row['pic_brief'];
$pic_3 = $row['pic_detail'];
this works very fine without any problem. why is that variable $picture1 which holds the value $row['pic_title']; refuses to parse it and force it to just print the string while if i change it manually it works? where i am going wrong?
apart from the last three parameters i dont have any problem parsing the first three parameters it works perfectly fine i have tested it in many ways. the only problem i am facing is of the last three parameters
Edit : i tried double quotes, single quotes, and single quotes with double quote with the combination of concatenation operator. without quotes. nothing works.
P.S : thanks in advance
Try this:
function multiple_delete($checkbox, $table, $url, $picture1, $picture2, $picture3){
echo $count = count($checkbox);
for($j=0; $j<$count; $j++)
$delete_id = $checkbox[$j];
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = '$delete_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$pic1 = $row[$picture1];
$pic2 = $row[$picture2];
$pic3 = $row[$picture3];
if(!empty($pic1) && !empty($pic2) && !empty($pic3))
else if(!empty($pic1) && !empty($pic2))
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id='$delete_id'";
$result_delete_data = mysql_query($sql);
// this is javascript, not php
// alert('Deleted Successfully');
return true;
Call the function like this:
multiple_delete($_POST['checkbox_name'], 'table_name', 'redirect_url', 'column_name_pic_1', 'column_name_pic_2', 'column_name_pic_3');
get rid of the apostrophes around your variable names in the function call, ie try
, $row[\'pic_title\'],
instead of
, '$row[\'pic_title\']',
I got the solution for this problem. in case it can benefit anyone here is the link to the solution.
How do i parse the the value from a string in the function call?