Say I want to execute an ant command on a linux server using php on a website...
Can I do say, /home/user/apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant compile - where compile is the command?
Basically I need to start up a few things with ANT in a few different directories. I would like to do this from a php webpage, can shell_exec perform this?
Yes, shell_exec can run any command (with appropriate permissions).
I'm trying to open a Windows program from PHP using exec() on a local machine. Is it possible to start a system program (on Windows 10 if it's relevant) that runs in the foreground using PHPs exec function?
This line:
exec("C:/Windows/notepad.exe 2>&1");
Causes Microsoft's Notepad to open in the background (verified it is actually running using task manager) but I have no access to it, i.e., it doesn't open a window. How do I get it to run in the foreground so I can actually see it and interact with it?
So this seems like an utter ball ache to achieve using exec() for your average coder. There's another way to achieve this result: Have PHP generate .bat files using file_put_contents() with instructions to open a given file path and then auto-delete itself, like so:
#echo off
Start "" "C:\Path\To\File\SomeFile.txt"
del %0
This method requires some kind of task scheduler to monitor a given folder and execute the batch files as they come in. I believe PowerShell can do this, and possibly the Windows Task Scheduler. I think Linux has Cron.
Trying to mess around with PHP, but I don't want to install IIS or Apache and was hoping for a small interpreter that I can pass the scripts to and have them run in like a console or something. Much like Lua does. Does this exist? When I go to download PHP it seems to only talk about running it on IIS or Apache.
PHP can be used on the command line. Just download and extract the executable.
Running can be done 3 ways: a file, supplied code or in an interactive shell
php file.php
php -r "echo 'hello';"
php -a
You can also install a pre-packaged server (e.g. XAMPP) or run your code online on various places (e.g.
With PHP 5.1+ you have an interactive shell too:
launch php with -a parameter
php.exe -a
I believe that PHP v5.4 comes with its own webserver built-in. Install that version and you should be fine. Though I really would like to know why you have problem with installing Apache (IIS sucks though).
As a few others have said, you can run PHP from the command line.
check out easyphp, a server for php development
Alternatively, you can write your PHP scripts as you would normally (with some limitations),
And use the following command line:
C:\php.exe -f "D:\phpFile.php"
dtech's answer seems most fitting for the simple script-running things you're looking for. If you decide you want an actual web-server, with as little setup as possible, look at "XAMPP".
I am wondering if a PHP script can be executed from a shell command line.
Does a script executed from shell have the exact functionality if executed from the browser? or is there a difference in coding.
Is it better to run a script from shell for performance and also is it better to run it from windows or unix/linux
I am asking all these questions because, I am suppose to develop a PHP script that can fetch some data from http headers of some urls listed in a MySQL db and then store the data in the database.
Can you guys point me to the right direction please, Do I need ubuntu, or is there a shell that can run php from windows? all I have at the moment installed is WAMP, which has mysql, php and apache server.
I am sorry for being a novice.
thanks for your kind help
I am wondering if a PHP script can be executed from a shell command line.
Does a script executed from shell have the exact functionality if executed from the browser? or is there a difference in coding.
It won't have $_REQUEST and friends populated, and $_SERVER won't have server information in it.
Is it better to run a script from shell for performance
Maybe. It avoids the overhead of runnning a webserver. It stops you having cached versions in memory for faster re-execution.
and also is it better to run it from windows or unix/linux
Benchmark it.
I am asking all these questions because, I am suppose to develop a PHP script that can fetch some data from http headers of some urls listed in a MySQL db and then store the data in the database.
There doesn't seem to be any need to involve a web server for that.
Can you guys point me to the right direction please, Do I need ubuntu, or is there a shell that can run php from windows?
The standard Windows shell can.
all I have at the moment installed is WAMP, which has mysql, php and apache server.
You'll need the command line version of PHP. I've no idea if WAMP includes it or not.
I am wondering if a PHP script can be executed from a shell command line.
It's possible either by executing:
$ php -f your_script.php
Or by inserting #/usr/bin/env php into the first line of the script and by making it executable.
$ head -n 1 your_sript.php
#/usr/bin/env php
$ chmod +x your_script.php
$ ./your_script.php
Note: this example only works on UNIX systems.
Does a script executed from shell have the exact functionality if executed from the browser? or is there a difference in coding.
You can use the same Syntax/Functions etc. The only difference is that there are command line arguments in $argv and some other values in the $_SERVER variable.
Is it better to run a script from shell for performance and also is it better to run it from windows or unix/linux.
That doesn't really matter. For your usecase you don't really need a webserver, and a full featured GUI. The advantage of having a command line tool is, you can combine your program with other program available like grep etc.
Can you guys point me to the right direction please, Do I need ubuntu, or is there a shell that can run php from windows?
You don't need ubuntu, you can also execute a shell script from windows. The PHP executable is located in the %PATH%. This question will help you in order to do this:
Then simply open cmd.exe and execute a script using php -f your_script.php
Yes, PHP can be run from command line.
No, there aren't any differences in coding.
The only difference is that it's not Apache running the script, but the user you are currently logged in as. That could mean different privileges on certain maps and folders.
Yes you can execute PHP from the command line using:
/path/to/php.exe /path/to/script.php
The main difference is that it doesn't run through Apache, so you won't have things that rely on it (like some $_SERVER data).
Also it won't be subject to timeouts on the command line, unless you have a PHP limit set.
Take a look at for more info.
I have 55 php files that I would like to run simultaneously from the command line. Right now, I am running them in multiple CLI windows using the code:
php Script1.php
I would like to be able to call one single php file that would execute all 55 php files simultaneously. I have been reading about how to make the command line not wait for the output, but I can't seem to make it work.
This thread:
How to run multiple PHP scripts from CLI
suggests putting an & at the end of the command to run the command in the background, but using the xampp CLI this doesn't seem to do anything.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
By mentioning XAMPP, I assume you are on windows. I think what you need is the start command. You probably need start php Script1.php. For more info, do a
start /?|more
Apart from adding a &, you also need to redirect output to somewhere - otherwise your php process waits until the other process finished, because there could be more output:
exec('/path/to/program & > /dev/null 2>&1')
You could use the php forking mechanism. Read about it here:
I know PHP scripts don't actually compile until they are run. However, say I want to create a small simple program and compile it to a binary without requiring the PHP binary. How could I do this?
I've seen a few IDE's out there that would do this, but either they are all for windows or the Linux versions don't actually build properly.
What I would like is something like py2exe that does it in the script itself.
Check out phc: the PHP compiler
If you just want to run it like a script, you may not need to compile it per se, but just run it via the command line. Read running PHP via the command line.
There is this: but that compiles to Windows bytecode. There are a few others, but all I have seen will compile for windows only.Few More:
Edit: I almost forgot if your looking to make it work on linux without regard for windows you can just add
to the top of the script and you should be able to run it from the command line. Don't forget to chmod +x the file first.
Have a look at Facebook's Hiphop-PHP. It's able to convert PHP code into C++ then compile it with g++. Apparently, they've even gotten it to successfully compile entire WordPress installations.