How can I post a JSON multi-dimensional data via $.post? For instance, I have this multi-dimensional array in JSON format:
"name" : "1024x768.jpg",
"type" : "image\/jpeg",
"tmp_name" : "C:\\wamp\\tmp\\php8F59.tmp",
I will use to post the JSON data.
So I can get this array in process.php using print_r($_POST):
[file] => Array
[name] => 1024x768.jpg
[type] => image/jpeg
[tmp_name] => C:\wamp\tmp\phpA1.tmp
[error] => 0
[size] => 469159
Is this possible?
Try this:
that should give you the desired array on the php side
Edit: this works since jQuery 1.4 and above
$jsonArray ='{"file":{"name":"1024x768.jpg","type":"image\/jpeg","tmp_name":"C:\\wamp\\tmp\\php8F59.tmp","error":0,"size":469159}}';
$arr = JSON.stringify($jsonArray);
in the php file do
$json = json_decode($_POST['data']);
may be this will help, i have not tested it though...
var file=[];
var myObject = new Object();
var enumm=["name","type","tmp_name","error","size"];
function getEnum(index){
return enumm[index];
on the php side do
$json = parse_str($_POST['data'], $data);
I have a large multi-dimensional object of arrays in JS that I am trying to pass to PHP using Ajax. The keys of some of the array values are written arrays test[key], and in PHP I want them to be read as such test => array([key] => 123). Note, I am working in Wordpress.
Working example
var args = {
'action' : 'save',
'test[key1]' : ['123', 'abc']
var request = $.ajax({
url: settings.get('ajaxurl'),
data: args,
type: 'post',
success: function(response) { // }
PHP print_r on output:
[action] => save
[test] => Array
[key1] => Array
[0] => 123
[1] => 234
However, I want to send all of the test[key1] (and a lot more data) at the second level of the object. I have a lot of data and need them grouped accordingly.
Not working example
// simple changing the args
var args = {
'action' : 'save',
'data' : {
'test[key1]' : ['123', 'abc']
PHP print_r on output:
[action] => save
[data] => Array
[test[key1] => Array
[0] => 123
[1] => 234
This seems to be really difficult to explain - but it looks like PHP isn't parsing the array keys properly when it's not on the top level of the array. Am I doing something wrong // is there a way around this? I can provide more insight if needed, I attempted to make this as clear as possible.
When printing the keys of the data array, it prints them without the final ]. So it shows test[key1 instead of what I am expecting. Maybe they get stripped somewhere?
I think you need to stringify the data
var request = $.ajax({
url: settings.get('ajaxurl'),
data: JSON.stringify(args),
type: 'post',
success: function(response) { // }});
Then use json_decode to make it useful in PHP.
This might get you where you want to go...
var args = {
'action' : 'save',
test : {
key1 : [
'abc' ]
} }
Since JavaScript does not allow for associative arrays.
Please try this args, this will give multi-dimensional array result.
var args = {
'action' : 'save',
'data' : {
'test': {
'key1' : ['123', 'abc']
I know my JSON is valid, I'm wanting to pull all the KEY's out of the array and put them in an object. However it seems I can either access ONE objects Key or Value, the entire array, or one key value pair. I have not figured out how to parse out all the keys, or all the values in the array.
Here is what I've tried:
print_r($json_obj) yields:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => uploads/featured/doublewm-4097.jpg [1] => featured ) [1] => Array ( [0] => uploads/featured/moon-5469.jpg [1] => featured ) )
print_r($json_obj[0][1]) yields:
print_r($json_obj[1][0]) yields:
print_r($json_obj[1][1]) yeilds:
print_r($json_obj[0][0]) yields:
PHP Code:
$resultSet = '[["uploads/featured/doublewm-4097.jpg","featured"],
$json_obj = json_decode($resultSet);
// print_r($json_obj);
The JSON validates per JSONLint
I would like to end up with a object with all the keys in the json_obj... ie:
json_obj = array(
If your input is always in the same format, you can handle it like this
$tmp = json_decode($resultSet);
$json_obj = array();
foreach ($tmp as $values) {
array_push($json_obj, $values[0]);
This will give you $json_obj in the desired format with a hardcoded $resultSet like the one you provided.
maybe this is what you are looking for:
json encode server-side like:
echo json_encode($html);
json parse clientside like
var str = JSON.parse(data);
alert (JSON.stringify(str))
I managed to fix it like this:
Changing the json object to this format
data = { gallery: gallery_name,
files: [
// imagefile,imagefile,imagefile...
And the using the following php
$resultSet = json_decode($_GET['submittedResults'], true);
$gallery = $resultSet['gallery'];
$files_to_zip = $resultSet['files'];
I have a piece of JSON that I'm parsing with php. I need to get one of the pieces of data out of it.
Here's the output of the json when I do a print_r:
Array ( [deviceId] => 07a9727e-3fe5-4f44-9765-134388241f39 [programId] => 3895 [serviceId] => 19977 [createdAt] => 2013-12-12T07:19:04.466Z [updatedAt] => 2013-12-12T07:19:04.466Z [objectId] => 7TxmL2GiXq )
Here's my code trying to extract deviceId:
$objectData = json_decode($data, true);
$deviceId = $objectData->deviceId;
$deviceId is coming back empty.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Do this:
$deviceId = $objectData['deviceId'];
You are using the optional second parameter TRUE in your json_decode call, which converts it into an associative array instead of an object.
$objectData = json_decode($data);
$deviceId = $objectData->deviceId; // Works
I am trying to loop through a multidimensional associative array retrieved via jquery/ajax from a php file.
The php array looks like this:
$pink = array ( "newarray" => array
( "varietyOne" => array
("name" => "Poublout", "year" => 2002),
"varietyTwo" => array
("name" => "Gerarde", "year" => 2003),
"varietyThree" => array
("name" => "Encore", "year" => 1956),
"varietyFour" => array
("name" => "Toujours", "year" => 1957),
"varietyFive" => array
("name" => "J'aime", "year" => 1958),
"varietySix" => array
("name" => "Alisee", "year" => 2001)
"varNumber" => array
print json_encode($pink);
The js looks like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.clicker').click(function () {
type: 'GET',
url: 'another.php',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (brandon) {
for (var i = 0; i < brandon.newarray.length; i++) {
var catName = brandon.varNumber[i];
for (var wineName in brandon.newarray[i][catName]) {
And here is the json rather than the php:
I've tried several different loops, changing my array values, but I can't make anything work. I can call an individual key=value pair in the array, but I can't get it to loop through all values.
Thank you.
And the results of console.log(brandon)
Object { newarray={...}, varNumber=[6]}
Object { varietyOne={...}, varietyTwo={...}, varietyThree={...}, more...}
Object { name="J'aime", year=1958}
Object { name="Toujours", year=1957}
Object { name="Poublout", year=2002}
Object { name="Alisee", year=2001}
Object { name="Encore", year=1956}
Object { name="Gerarde", year=2003}
["varietyOne", "varietyTwo", "varietyThree", 3 more...]
0 "varietyOne"
1 "varietyTwo"
2 "varietyThree"
3 "varietyFour"
4 "varietyFive"
5 "varietySix"
So, the loop now outputs to console, but I want the text to be displayed on my site. Normally I use a $('#somediv').append(brandon.(whateverelse); and the information will appear. In this case it does not.
You shouldn't need the varNumber array.
All you need is:
for (var index in brandon.newarray) {
console.log(brandon.newarray[index]['name']); // or brandon.newarray[index].name
console.log(brandon.newarray[index]['year']); // or brandon.newarray[index].year
In this case, index will be varietyOne, varietyTwo, etc.
I want to send the result of a HTML sorting to the server by serializing with jQuery.
This works if I only send the result:
var result = $(this).sortable('serialize');
type: 'POST',
url: '/cms/update/',
data: result,
But I try to send a Javascript Object to the server wich contains the serialized 'result'
In PHP I get an array with result_2 as the serialize object:
[ids_1] => miti_1_ti_2_col_2
[article_id] => article_id_2
[result_1] =>
[ids_2] => miti_1_ti_2_col_1
[result_2] => article_id[]=2
How can I get this result to be an array in PHP?
As I understood "result" is a serialized object too.
So you have to unserialize result at first.
Then you have to unserialize result2. Something like that:
$res1 = unserialize($data);
if (isset($res1['result_2']){
$res2 = unserialize($res['result_2']);
I don't know if your result_2 in data is already serialized. Therefore here are two examples:
if result_2 is not serialized in data:
$arr = array('id_1' => 'miti_1_ti_2_col_2',
'article_id' => 'article_id_2',
'result_1' => '',
'ids_2' => 'miti_1_ti_2_col_1'
$arr['result_2'] = $arr;
$test1 = serialize($arr);
$test1 = unserialize($test1);
If result_2 is already serialized in data:
$arr = array('id_1' => 'miti_1_ti_2_col_2',
'article_id' => 'article_id_2',
'result_1' => '',
'ids_2' => 'miti_1_ti_2_col_1'
$arr['result_2'] = serialize($arr);
$test2 = serialize($arr);
$test2 = unserialize($test2);
$test2['result_2'] = unserialize($test2['result_2']);
This code works I checked out it. If your code still doesn't work check result in JS.
If I've understood correctly, you need to convert a string such as action[]=1&action[]=2 into an array?
If that is right you can use the following: (when $_POST["order"] = "action[]=1&action[]=2")
$result = preg_split("/&?action\[\]=/", $_POST["order"], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
This will give you:
[0] => 1
[1] => 2