Zend Framework Get Last Part of URL - php

I need to get the last part of the URL while using Zend Framework from a View (.phtml)
So my URL currently is something like: site.com/some/other/path
I need to return "path" -- how can I do this from a view?

Use strrpos() to find the position of the last '/' in the string, and return everything after it:
$url = 'site.com/some/other/path';
echo substr( $url, strrpos( $url, '/' ) + 1 ); // Output: 'path'
To get the URL, you can use:
as stated by John Cartwright.

Either assign a view variable from the controller:
$path = $this->_request->getRequestUri();
$parts = explode('/', $path);
$lastPathComponent = end($parts);
$this->view->lastPathComponent = $lastPathComponent;
Or, if you are going to use this in a view that's used for multiple controllers (e.g. a layout), create a view helper that returns the last path component, and call it from the view:

You can get the url from the request object, then apply basename() to the result.
echo basename($this->getRequest()->getRequestUri());


How to take an element inside an url

I have an url rewrited like this : http://localhost/test/boutique/index.php/language/fr
I would know if I can take an element inside because var_dump($_GET['language']) return nothing.
the original url is http://localhost/test/boutique/index.php?language=fr (original). In this case $_GET['language'] works fine.
I need the element : fr when it's rewrited to identified the good language.
thank you.
You should get request URI with $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] and parse it.
Here is simple example which might help you get the idea for achieving your goal:
$temp = explode(".php", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
// $temp[1] -> /language/fr
$url = explode("/", substr($temp[1], 1));
// $url[0] -> language , $url[1] -> fr
echo $url[1];
Are you trying to get it in CodeIgniter???
If it's in CodeIgniter then try to get the value using code.
$val = $this->segment->uri(3);

How to retrieve script name from full absolute URL using PHP?

I'm able to retrieve the full URL like: http://www-click08-co-uk/wonga.php
and I need to retrieve the script name "wonga" from it.
The url will be changing depending on what page the user is on and I will always need the word or phrase after the / and not including the .php, in the example above I would like to create a variable with the value of this being wonga
This is the code I currently have, where "argos" is, is where the database is searched and responds with the information I need, this is where the vaiable would be used
// Include files and set Classes
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/includes/common.php";
$db = new dbConnection();
$directorydata = new directorydata();
$phoneDirectory = new phoneDirectory();
$conn = $db->pdoConnect();
// Load the directorydata row via the row ID - 543 is "best buy"
//$directorydata->get($db, 543);
// Load the directorydata row via the url alias field
$directorydata->get($db, "Argos");
// Phone number isn't formatted coming out the DB
$formattedPhoneNumber = $phoneDirectory->formatPhoneNumber($directorydata->Number1);
Just because you didn't provide any code, I provide you a way to solve this on your own:
$url = "http://www-click08-co-uk/wonga.php";
// SEARCH and replace
// FIRST_FUNCTION => google => php trailing name component of path
// SECOND_FUNCTION => google => php explode a string by string
// THIRD_FUNCTION => google => php pop first element of array
$urlParts = SECOND_FUNCTION( ".", FIRST_FUNCTION( $url ) );
echo THIRD_FUNCTION( $urlParts );
An example use of parse_url could be:
$url = 'http://www-click08-co-uk/wonga.php?page=74';
$route = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
$routeTokens = explode('/', $route);
$scriptName = array_pop($routeTokens);
echo $scriptName;
which in this case outputs wonga.php.
Just note that this is a very rare task that you would have to take care of yourself. So instead of parse_url you might look at the bigger picture here and start looking for some good MVC framework.

PHP: How can i read the second part of URL

How can I take out the part of the url after the view name
The URL:
This is called a GET parameter. You can get it by using
$view = $_GET['view'];
If this is for a URL which is not part of your website (e.g. Not your domain), but you wish to parse it. Something like this will work
$url = "http://example.com/index.php?foo=bar&acme=baz&view=asdf";
$params = explode('?', $url)[1]; // This gets the text AFTER the ? Note: If using PHP 5.3 or less, this may not work. You would then need to split it into two lines with the [1] happening on $params.
$pairs = explode('&', $params);
foreach($pairs as $p => $pair) {
list($keys[$p], $values[$p]) = explode('=', $pair);
$splits[$keys[$p]] = $values[$p];
echo $splits['view'];
<?php echo $_GET['view']; ?> //eims
If that's current URL, the simple and rock solid approach is to use the filter functions:
filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'view')
Otherwise, you can use parse_url() with PHP_URL_QUERY as second argument. The resulting string can be split with e.g. parse_str().
Are sure you are writing this "echo $_GET['view'];" in the container.php file?
Maybe write why do you need that "view".

Url Explode for value

Currently I have a url thats like this,
I am using
$url = trim($url, '/');
$array = explode('/',$url);
this to get the value currently but my page has Facebook like's on it and when it is clicked it adds all these extra variables. http://website.com/type/value?fb_action_ids=1234567&fb_action_types= and that breaks that value that I am trying to get. Is there another way to get the specific value?
Assuming you know that this will always be a valid URL, you can use parse_url.
list(, $value) = explode('/', parse_url($url)['path']);
I'd use a preg_replace
explode('/', preg_replace('/?.*$/', '', $url));
You could also use:
$array = explode('/',$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']);
Or, this:
$array = explode('/',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
With this, you do not need the trim() call or the temp var $url - unless you use it from something else.
The reason for two options is I don't know if /type/value is being passed to an index.php or if value is in fact a php file. Either way, one of the two options will give you what you need.

Remove specific parameter from URL while preserving other parameters

I want remove a parameter from a URL:
I am trying to get this result:
I am trying to do it using preg_replace, but I've no idea how it can be done.
$link = preg_replace('~(\?|&)counter=[^&]*~','$1',$link);
Relying on regular expressions can screw things up sometimes..
You should use, the parse_url() function which breaks up the entire URL and presents it to you as an associative array.
Once you have that array, you can edit it as you wish and remove parameters.
Once, completed, use the http_build_url() function to rebuild the URL with the changes made.
Check the docs here..
Parse_Url Http_build_query()
Whoops, forgot to mention. After you get the parameter string, youll obviously need to separate the parameters as individual ones. For this you can supply the string as input to the parse_str() function.
You can even use explode() with & as the delimeter to get this done.
I would recommend using a combination of parse_url() and http_build_query().
Handle it correctly! !
function remove_query($url, $which_argument=false){
return preg_replace( '/'. ($which_argument ? '(\&|)'.$which_argument.'(\=(.*?)((?=&(?!amp\;))|$)|(.*?)\b)' : '(\?.*)').'/i' , '', $url);
A code example how I would grab a requested URL and remove a parameter called "name", then reload the page:
$url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //complete url
$parts = parse_url($url);
parse_str($parts['query'], $query); //grab the query part
unset($query['name']); //remove a parameter from query
$dest_query = http_build_query($query); //rebuild new query
$dest_url=(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http").'://'.$parts['path'].'?'.$dest_query; //add query to host
header("Location: ".$dest_url); //reload page
parse_url() and parse_str() are buggy. Regular expressions can work but have the tendency to break. If you want to correctly deconstruct, make changes, and then reconstruct a URL, you should look at:
ExtractURL() generates parse_url()-like output but does much more (and does it right). CondenseURL() takes an array from ExtractURL() and constructs a new URL from the information. Both functions are in the 'support/http.php' file.
Years later...
$_GET can be manipulated like any other array in PHP. Simply unset the key and create the http query using the http_build_query function.
// Populate _GET with sample data...
$_GET = array(
'value_a' => "A",
'key_to_remove' => "Don't delete me bro!",
'value_b' => "B"
// Should output everything...
// "value_a=A&key_to_remove=Don%27t+delete+me+bro%21&value_b=B"
echo "\n".http_build_query( $_GET );
// Remove the key from _GET...
unset( $_GET[ 'key_to_remove' ] );
// Should output everything else...
// "value_a=A&value_b=B"
echo "\n".http_build_query( $_GET );
This is working for me:
function removeParameterFromUrl($url, $key)
$parsed = parse_url($url);
$path = $parsed['path'];
return $path .'?'. http_build_query($_GET);
} else return $path;
