Is it alright to suppress/hide PHP notices? - php

I've suppressed notices for quite some time with no problems whatsoever but I am beginning to wonder if I'm doing the right thing. I can't seem to find any logical reason why I shouldn't just suppress them but some other people seem to think that suppressing them using error_reporting is a horrible thing to do, but why?
The closest thing to an answer I could find was in this question but that's still far from the answer I'm looking for. Is there some sort of unforeseen downside to hiding all the notices that PHP generates? For example, to include a variable from a POST call back into the form because there were errors, I would simply use:
<?= $_POST['variable'] ?>
This would generate a PHP notice. To fix that notice, I could use something like this:
<?= isset($_POST['variable']) ? $_POST['variable'] : '' ?>
But, is this really necessary? Will my code actually benefit any from doing this rather than just echoing the variable whether it exists or not and potentially creating a PHP notice? It seems to me that being able to ignore notices is a benefit of using PHP as then you don't have to worry about whether a variable is defined or not, especially for an example such as this where it doesn't seem to matter.
I also take advantage of PHP's ability to automatically change a variable's type/casting depending on how it's being used and you will often find code snippets such as this:
for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) $results[] = $i; // Example
where $results has not been previously defined, but is turned into an array when I try to add a new item to it as an array. I sort of prefer doing it this way because if no results are added to the array and I need to store that information or convert it to JSON for whatever reason, then that particular variable will not be defined and thus save additional bandwidth, even if it's minute.
$data = stdClass; // For reference, in my case this would be defined before this code
$data->results = array();
$limit = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) $data->results[] = $i;
print json_encode($data);
// {"results":[]}
$data = stdClass; // For reference
$limit = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) $data->results[] = $i;
print json_encode($data);
// []
The question again: what real benefit, if any, do I gain from fixing notice errors rather than just suppressing them? How can/would it harm my code?

In my point of view, you should never suppress errors, any kind of them, notices or not. It might give you some convenience right now, but down the road, you'll face many, many problems with your code when you are maintaining it.
Suppose you have a variable you want to echo out like the above first example. Yes, using isset is a little complicated, but maybe your application should handle the special empty case anyway, thus improving the experience. Example:
if (isset($var)) {
echo $var;
} else {
echo "Nothing is found. Try again later.";
If you only had echo $var; and if this was a public facing view a user was reading, they would just see nothing there, which may cause confusion. Of course, this is just one special case where fixing PHP Notices can improve your application.
It shouldn't be taken as a trouble or inconvenience when you are taking care of notices in PHP code, because code is supposed to be clean. I'd rather have a notice-free code than seeing clean code when I open it in source. Of course, both is definitely better! :)
Again, the errors (even if they aren't fatal) will cause problems down the road. If you're already doing things like echo $var; without checking it, that's an assumption that a variable exists, even if you know it might not, it will just give you a habit of assuming things exist and work. This might be small right now, but after a while you'll find out that you'll cause yourself many, many problems.
The notices are there for a reason. If we all did error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE) in our code, we're just being irresponsible for our code. If you are able to fix it, then why are you being lazy and not doing so? Sure, ship 1.0 with notices, fix them later, that's what we all say. But it is better to do that as a habit, code perfect the first time. If you spend 15 minutes writing code plagued by notices, and then spend 2 hours in later development time fixing them, why not just spend an hour and a half perfecting the code as you write it in the first place?
Writing good code should be a habit, not an inconvenience.
Error messages are there for a reason. Respect them, fix them, and there you go, you're a responsible programmer.
You also pave a path for the future maintainers of your code.

Suppose that you have a notice that you shouldn't ignore.
This notice will be hidden into all notices that you usually ignore.
IMHO, warnings should not be ignored. You should always take care of warnings to prevent bug. Every time I have a notice in my log file, I treat it like a bug.
Also, if your site is accessed by a lot of user, you'll get a very big log file.

In my experience, notices usually indicate a good chance that there's a bug somewhere in your code, usually of the case where you expect a certain variable to be set at a certain point but there will be cases where it isn't, and you'll start wondering why some part of your page isn't showing up or starts crashing randomly.
Of course computers aren't all that smart, and there will be cases where the code is clear enough and you don't care if there are any warnings, but that's what the # operator is for.

I respectfully disagree with some of the comments that suggest that you should never suppress notices. If you know what you are doing, I do think using # is very useful, especially for handling unset variables or array elements. Don't get me wrong: I agree that in the hands of an inexperienced or sloppy programmer, # can be evil. However, consider this example:
public function foo ($array) {
if (isset ($array[0])) {
$bar = $array[0];
} else {
$bar = null;
// do something with $bar
is functionally identical to
public function foo ($array) {
$bar = #$array[0];
// do something with $bar
but is IMHO less readable and more work to type. In these types of cases, I know there are exactly two possibilities: a variable is set or it isn't. I don't know in advance, but I must proceed in both cases. I see nothing wrong with using # in that case. Yes, you could also write
public function foo ($array) {
$bar = isset ($array[0]) ? $array[0] : null;
// do something with $bar
but I find that only marginally better. To me, code readability and brevity are values in and of themselves, and bloating the code with isset-tests just out of principle to me is a little silly.
Of course, if I am not mistaken, using # takes a tiny bit more time to execute that an isset-test, but let's be honest: how much of our code is truly performance critical? In a loop that is executed a bazillion times, I would probably use isset instead, but in most cases, it makes no difference to the user.


Is it good practice to ignore non-fatal errors?

When I learned PHP I was taught to make my code error free, but to still hide errors in production code to ensure a clean user experience.
I've recently been involved in some projects where the original writer took the approach of leaving in errors and warnings and even utilizing them to achieve something, rather than write code without it.
For example, the code would look like this:
$numm = 0;
while($numm < 10){
$var = "something,".$var;
This code will throw a non-fatal Noticethe first time through the loop, because $var doesn't exist for the first concatenation.
There are tons of other examples where they either ignore errors, or even utilize them (to end loops, etc.) but then hide them from the user.
To me, this seems like bad practice, but I could just be OCD.
A Notice is a bug waiting to happen. I routinely run development with error_reporting(E_ALL); set. I want to find the bugs before they are a problem, and not simply ignore the problems, potential, or not.
Set a requirement of isset($var) in the while loop.
One thing that I have always found annoying was doing things like:
$var = isset($var) ? "something,".$var : "something,";
This one liner will prevent the error but not ideal way of doing it when you consider the number of possible uses. Imagine an associative array that returns that doesn't always have all it's key/values you would expect set.
One approach that i take to nearly all my apps is creating and using the following function:
function rtnVal(&$val, $default = null){
return isset($val) ? $val : $default;
so in this case, all I have to do is this:
$var = "something,".rtnVal($var);
Easy ain't it? In case you didn't know, defining
function rtnVal(&$var) { ... }
instead of:
function rtnVal($var) { ... }
(notice the & symbol) means that $var is a 'placeholder' (passed by reference) and not actually passed. So when you use it, it doesn't have to be previously set.
There is one limitation to this though and that's working with Objects, they don't like being passed by reference this way so for those, I have yet to find a better solution.

How to write comparisons with undefined variables in PHP

I'm learning that I've gotten into a bad programming habit of not always defining variables or properties before using them in a comparison operator. I'd never noticed this before, but now that I'm developing in a different environment I'm getting the notices.
For example:
if ($test_var)
echo "Do some stuff";
This is easy enough to solve with isset or empty depending on the need.
However, I also tend to use these undeclared variables/properties in comparisons like so:
if (($test_int == 1) && ($test_str == "hello world"))
echo "Do some stuff";
This is a lot harder to rewrite with isset or empty statements. I could wrap the whole thing in a bunch of issets, but then you very quickly get nested spaghetti code that impacts readability and maintainability.
I understand WHY this is happening, but am looking for help finding the best solution as a general practice.
Apologies if this solution has been posted before. I looked, but all I could find were questions about why notices were appearing, not specifically how to write comparisons.
I think the best way to go would be to initialise these variables you do comparisons on, by assigning some sort of value like null before your procedure.
$chicken = null;
// some code that generates $egg value
if ($egg) {
$chicken = "Leghorn";
if ("Leghorn" === $chicken) {
echo "I say ..I say...boy...";
So if $chicken = null; was missing in the example above, and the value of $egg was false, you would normally get a PHP notice.
If you just want to get rid of the notices, check your error reporting settings:
(If you have a script that runs at the top of every page, you can do something like:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
Otherwise, you could declare your variables near the top (probably a better idea).
Unrelated: It's a personal thing, but if you enclose your IF statements in braces, it'll be easier to decipher later!

Are there any essential reasons to use isset() over # in php

So I'm working on cleanup of a horrible codebase, and I'm slowly moving to full error reporting.
It's an arduous process, with hundreds of notices along the lines of:
Notice: Undefined index: incoming in /path/to/code/somescript.php on line 18
due to uses of variables assuming undefined variables will just process as false, like:
// do something
The goal is to be able to know when a incorrectly undefined variable introduced, the ability to use strict error/notice checking, as the first stage in a refactoring process that -will- eventually include rewriting of the spots of code that rely on standard input arrays in this way. There are two ways that I know of to replace a variable that may or may not be defined
in a way that suppresses notices if it isn't yet defined.
It is rather clean to just replace instances of a variable like $_REQUEST['incoming'] that are only looking for truthy values with
It is quite dirty to replace instances of a variable like $_REQUEST['incoming'] with the "standard" test, which is
(isset($_REQUEST['incoming'])? $_REQUEST['incoming'] : null)
And you're adding a ternary/inline if, which is problematic because you can actually nest parens differently in complex code and totaly change the behavior.
So.... there any unacceptable aspect to use of the # error suppression symbol compared to using (isset($something)? $something : null) ?
Edit: To be as clear as possible, I'm not comparing "rewriting the code to be good" to "#", that's a stage later in this process due to the added complexity of real refactoring. I'm only comparing the two ways (there may be others) that I know of to replace $undefined_variable with a non-notice-throwing version, for now.
Another option, which seems to work well with lame code that uses "superglobals" all over the place, is to wrap the globals in dedicated array objects, with more or less sensible [] behaviour:
class _myArray implements ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate
function __construct($a) {
$this->a = $a;
// do your SPL homework here: offsetExists, offsetSet etc
function offsetGet($k) {
return isset($this->a[$k]) ? $this->a[$k] : null;
// and maybe log it or whatever
and then
$_REQUEST = new _myArray($_REQUEST);
This way you get back control over "$REQUEST" and friends, and can watch how the rest of code uses them.
You need to decide on your own if you rate the # usage acceptable or not. This is hard to rate from a third party, as one needs to know the code for that.
However, it already looks like that you don't want any error suppression to have the code more accessible for you as the programmer who needs to work with it.
You can create a specification of it in the re-factoring of the code-base you're referring to and then apply it to the code-base.
It's your decision, use the language as a tool.
You can disable the error suppression operator as well by using an own callback function for errors and warnings or by using the scream extension or via xdebug's xdebug.scream setting.
You answered you question yourself. It suppress error, does not debug it.
In my opinion you should be using the isset() method to check your variables properly.
Suppressing the error does not make it go away, it just stops it from being displayed because it essentially says "set error_reporting(0) for this line", and if I remember correctly it would be slower than checking isset() too.
And if you don't like the ternary operator then you should use the full if else statement.
It might make your code longer but it is more readable.
I would never suppress errors on a development server, but I would naturally suppress errors on a live server. If you're developing on a live server, well, you shouldn't. That means to me that the # symbol is always unacceptable. There is no reason to suppress an error in development. You should see all errors including notices.
# also slows things down a bit, but I'm not sure if isset() is faster or slower.
If it is a pain to you to write isset() so many times, I'd just write a function like
function request($arg, $default = null) {
return isset($_REQUEST[$arg]) ? trim($_REQUEST[$arg]) : $default;
And just use request('var') instead.
Most so-called "PHP programmers" do not understand the whole idea of assigning variables at all.
Just because of lack of any programming education or background.
Well, it isn't going a big deal with usual php script, coded with considerable efforts and consists of some HTML/Mysql spaghetti and very few variables.
Another matter is somewhat bigger code, when writing going to be relatively easy but debugging turns up a nightmare. And you are learn to value EVERY bloody error message as you come to understanding that error messages are your FRIENDS, not some irritating and disturbing things, which better to be gagged off.
So, upon this understanding you're learn to leave no intentional errors in your code.
And define all your variables as well.
And thus make error messages your friends, telling you that something gone wrong, lelping to hunt down some hard-spotting error which caused by uninitialized variable.
Another funny consequence of lack of education is that 9 out of 10 "PHP programmers" cannot distinguish error suppression from turning displaying errors off and use former in place of latter.
I've actually discovered another caveat of the # beyond the ones mentioned here that I'll have to consider, which is that when dealing with functions, or object method calls, the # could prevent an error even through the error kills the script, as per here:
Which is a pretty powerful argument of a thing to avoid in the rare situation where an attempt to suppress a variable notice suppressed a function undefined error instead (and perhaps that potential to spill over into more serious errors is another unvoiced reason that people dislike #?).

How do you handle PHP notice (error)

The following code generates a notice if $n is not set. Solving it requires an additional statement (isset($n)) or to "declare" the $n ($n=''). But what consequences does this notice have? The below code is a lot neater and lets say we turn error_reporing off in production no difference is visible frontend. Does something bad follows? Prestanda, readability etc? (sorry for the bad english)
//do something
There is no "consequence" to notices, per sé, other than bad coding practices. You should be coding with error_reporting set to E_ALL on your development machines, so obviously the consequence there is a lot of notices...
I would argue that your code actually isn't neat, because you're testing a variable which doesn't get set previously.
A suggestion would be something like this:
if (!empty($n) && $n == 1)
//do something
empty checks for existence automatically (just like calling isset before it) but it also checks to make sure your value doesn't evaluate as false with values like false, 0, or '' (empty string).
A notice means that while your code will work as expected, it isn't written "like it should be". It's like the compiler telling you "I know what you mean here and I can do it, but you shouldn't rely on this. Please write it differently so I don't have to make assumptions".
Therefore a notice by itself doesn't mean that something bad happens most of the time. However, I wouldn't call anyone who accepts notices in their code a professional programmer because fixing the notices is a pretty simple task and not having any notices says that you understand the language's basics well. If someone can't or don't want to do even this much, it says something about them.
In your specific example, something like this should be done:
$n = null; // or some other appropriate initial value
// possibly change the value of $n here
if($n==1) {
//do something
Note that by writing the extra $n = null, you are not making the program any different as far as the compiler is concerned (it will end up doing that itself at the same time it gives out the notice anyway). But you are making it very different as far as someone reading the code is concerned: with this code they won't have a "WTF did this $n come from???" moment.
Normally in the production environments all error reporting which come strait from PHP libraries is turned off or parsed before showing to end user (it`s still logged).
There are no consequences in notice, it`s just notice to developer that something bad could happen in this place, in your example initializing the variable with value.
I encountered one function that handling "PHP Notice" can be beneficial.
The function is:
This function return "false" and send "PHP Notice" on IP's that do not find in its database.
The standard is that IP's reserved for internal networks, or Localhost will not be found.
As a horrible practice this function treat this normal condition as bed coding. WRRRRR!!!
There is solution to filter local IP,s before sending to this function ( assuming that all other addresses are covered by geoip database).
I consider this geoip_record_by_name() as pest function that handling of "PHP Notice" is justified.
Discussion related to this pest function

PHP and undefined variables strategy

I am a C++ programmer starting with PHP. I find that I lose most of the debugging time (and my selfesteem!) due to undefined variables. From what I know, the only way to deal with them is to watch the output at execution time.
Are other strategies to notice these faults earlier (something like with C++ that a single compile gives you all the clues you need)?
This is a common complaint with PHP. Here are some ideas:
Use a code analysis tool. Many IDEs such as NetBeans will help also.
Just run the code. PHP doesn't have an expensive compilation step like C++ does.
Use unit testing. Common side effects include: better code.
Set error_reporting(-1), or the equivalent in your ini file.
Get xdebug. It's not preventative, but stack traces help with squishing bugs.
isset(), === null (identity operator), and guard clauses are your friends.
Loose and dynamic typing are a feature of the language. Just because PHP isn't strict about typing doesn't mean you can't be. If it really bugs you and you have a choice, you could try Python instead—it's a bit stricter with typing.
Log your E_NOTICE messages to a text file. You can then process logs with automated scripts to indicate files and lines where these are raised.
No. In PHP, you can only know a variable doesn't exist when you try to access it.
if ($data = file('my_file.txt')) {
if (count($data) >= 0)
$line = reset($data);
You have to restructure your code so that all the code paths leads to the variable defined, e.g.:
$line = "default value";
if ($data = file('my_file.txt')) {
if (count($data) >= 0)
$line = reset($data);
If there isn't any default value that makes sense, this is still better than isset because you'll warned if you have a typo in the variable name in the final if:
$line = null;
if ($data = file('my_file.txt')) {
if (count($data) >= 0)
$line = reset($data);
if ($line !== null) { /* ... */ }
Of course, you can use isset1 to check, at a given point, if a variable exists. However, if your code relies on that, it's probably poorly structured. My point is that, contrary to e.g. C/Java, you cannot, at compile time, determine if an access to a variable is valid. This is made worse by the nonexistence of block scope in PHP.
1 Strictly speaking, isset won't tell you whether a variable is set, it tell if it's set and is not null. Otherwise, you'll need get_defined_vars.
From what I know the only way to deal with them is to watch the output at execution time.
Not really: To prevent these notices from popping up, you just need to make sure you initialize variables before accessing them the first time. We (sadly IMO) don't have variable declaration in PHP, but initializing them in the beginning of your code block is just as well:
$my_var = value;
Using phpDocumentor syntax, you can also kind of declare them to be of a certain a type, at least in a way that many IDEs are able to do code lookup with:
/** #desc optional description of what the variable does
#var int */
$my_var = 0;
Also, you can (and sometimes need to) use isset() / empty() / array_key_exists() conditions before trying to access a variable.
I agree this sucks big time sometimes, but it's necessary. There should be no notices in finished production code - they eat up performance even if displaying them is turned off, plus they are very useful to find out typos one may have made when using a variable. (But you already know that.)
Just watch not to do operations that requires the variable value when using it the first time, like the concatenate operator, .=.
If you are a C++ programmer you must be used to declare all variables. Do something similar to this in PHP by zeroing variables or creating empty array if you want to use them.
Pay attention to user input, and be sure you have registered globals off and check inputs from $_GET and $_POST by isset().
You can also try to code classes against structural code, and have every variable created at the beginning of a class declaration with the correct privacy policy.
You can also separate the application logic from the view, by preparing all variables that have to be outputted first, and when it goes to display it, you will be know which variables you prepared.
During development stages use
which will show every error that has caused, all NOTICE errors, etc.
Keep an eye on your error_log as well. That will show you errors.
Use an error reporting system, example:
class ErrorReporter
public function catch($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
if($errno == E_USER_NOTICE && !defined('DEBUG'))
// Catch all output buffer and clear states, redirect or include error page.
set_error_handler(array(new ErrorReporter,'catch'));
A few other tips is always use isset for variables that you may / may not have set because of a if statement let’s say.
Always use if(isset($_POST['key'])) or even better just use if(!empty($_POST['key'])) as this checks if the key exists and if the value is not empty.
Make sure you know your comparison operators as well. Languages like C# use == to check a Boolean state whereas in PHP to check data-types you have to use === and use == to check value states, and single = to assign a value!
Unless I'm missing something, then why is no one suggesting to structure your page properly? I've never really had an ongoing problem with undefined variable errors.
An idea on structuring your page
Define all your variables at the top, assign default values if necessary, and then use those variables from there. That's how I write web pages and I never run into undefined variable problems.
Don't get in the habit of defining variables only when you need them. This quickly creates spaghetti code and can be very difficult to manage.
No one likes spaghetti code
If you show us some of your code we might be able to offer suggestions on how you can better structure it to resolve these sorts of errors. You might be getting confused coming from a C background; the flow may work differently to web pages.
Good practice is to define all variable before use, i.e., set a default value:
$variable = default_value;
This will solve most problems. As suggested before, use Xdebug or built-in debugging tools in editors like NetBeans.
If you want to hide the error of an undefined variable, then use #. Example: #$var
I believe that various of the Code Coverage tools that are available for PHP will highlight this.
Personally, I try and set variables, even if it's with an empty string, array, Boolean, etc. Then I use a function such as isset() before using them. For example:
$page_found = false;
if ($page_found==false) {
// Do page not found stuff here
if (isset($_POST['field'])) {
$value = $_POST['field'];
$sql = "UPDATE table SET field = '$value'";
And so on. And before some smart-ass says it: I know that query's unsafe. It was just an example of using isset().
I really didn't find a direct answer already here. The actual solution I found to this problem is to use PHP Code Sniffer along with this awesome extension called PHP Code Sniffer Variable Analysis.
Also the regular PHP linter (php -l) is available inside PHP Code Sniffer, so I'm thinking about customizing my configuration for regular PHP linting, detecting unused/uninitialized variables and validating my own code style, all in one step.
My very minimal PHPCS configuration:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="MyConfig">
<description>Minimal PHP Syntax check</description>
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.Syntax" />
<rule ref="VariableAnalysis" />
