I am working on a php website and it gets regularly infected by Malware. I've gone through all the security steps but failed. But I know how it every time infect my code. It comes at the starting of my php index file as following.
Can anybody please help me how can I remove the starting block code of every index file at my server folders? I will use a cron for this.
I already gone through regex question for removal of javascript malware but did not found what I want.
You should change FTP password to your website, and also make sure that there are no programs running in background that open TCP connections on your server enabling some remote dude to change your site files. If you are on Linux, check the running processes and kill/delete all that is suspicious.
You can also make all server files ReadOnly with ROOT...
Anyhow, trojan/malware/unautorized ftp access is to blame, not JavaScript.
Also, this is more a SuperUser question...
Clients regularly call me do disinfect their non-backed up, PHP malware infected sites, on host servers they have no control over.
If I can get shell access, here is a script I wrote to run:
( set -x; pwd; date; time grep -rl zend_framework --include=*.php --exclude=*\"* --exclude=*\^* --exclude=*\%* . |perl -lne 'print quotemeta' |xargs -rt -P3 -n4 sed -i.$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S).bak 's/<?php $zend_framework=.*?>//g'; date ; ls -atrFl ) 2>&1 | tee -a ./$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S).$$.log`;
It may take a while but ONLY modifies PHP files containing the trojan's signature <?php $zend_framework=
It makes a backup of the infected .php versions to .bak so that when re-scanned, will skip those.
If I cannot get shell access, eg. FTP only, then I create a short cleaner.php file containing basically that code for php to exec, but often the webserver times out the script execution before it goes through all subdirectories though.
WORKAROUND for your problem:
I put this in a crontab / at job to run eg. every 12 hours if such access to process scheduling directly on the server is possible, otherwise, there are also more convoluted approaches depending on what is permitted, eg. calling the cleaner php from the outside once in a while, but making it start with different folders each time via sort --random (because after 60sec or so it will get terminated by the web server anyway).
Change Database Username Password
Change FTP password
Change WordPress Hash Key.
Download theme + plugins to your computer and scan with UPDATED antivirus specially NOD32.
Don't look for the pattern that tells you it is malware, just patch all your software, close unused ports, follow what people told you here already instead of trying to clean the code with regex or signatures...
$output = shell_exec('echo "php '.$realFile.'" | at '.$targTime.' '.$targDate.' 2>&1');
print $output;
Can someone please help me figure out why the above line isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing? The idea is for it to create an 'at' job that will execute a php script. If I switch to the user apache(which will ideally control the at function when the php file is complete) I can run
echo "php $realFile.php" | at 00:00 05/30/17
and it'll do EXACTLY what I want. The problem is in the above snippet from my php file it will not create the at job correctly. when I do a at -c job# on both of them the job made from my file is about a 3rd the length missing the User info and everything. It basically starts at PATH= and goes down. Doesn't include HOSTNAME=, SHELL=, SSH_CLIENT=, SSH_TTY=, USER=. I assume it needs most of this info to run correctly. The end output (below)is always the same though it just doesn't have any of the top part for some reason. Let me know if you need more info. I didn't want to paste all of my code here as it contains job specific information.
${SHELL:-/bin/sh} << 'marcinDELIMITER0e4bb3e8'
php "$realFile".php
It doesn't seem to be a permission issue because I can su to apache and run the exact command needed. The folder the files are located in are also owned by apache. I've also resulted to giving each file I try to run 777 or 755 permissions through chmod so I don't think that's the issue.
I figured out a coupe ways around it a while back. The way I'm using right now is an ssh2 connect to my own server as root and creating it that way. No compromise as you have to enter the password manually each time. Really bad work around. The main issue is that apache doesn't have the correct permissions to do everything needed for the AT job so someone figuring that out would be awesome. Another option I found on a random webpage would be to use sudo through the php script, but basically the same minus having to reconnect to your own server. Any other options would be appreciated.
Reading the manual and logs would be a good place to start. In particular:
The value of the SHELL environment variable at the time of at invocation will determine which shell is used to execute the at job commands. If SHELL is unset when at is invoked, the user’s login shell will be used; otherwise, if SHELL is set when at is invoked, it must contain the path of a shell interpreter executable that will be used to run the commands at the specified time.
Other things to check are that the user is included in at.allow, SELinux is disabled and the webserver is not running chrrot.
I have to realize a fallback solution (a auth system) for an external application. Therefore I have to keep the auth folder of my primary auth server syncronized with my fallback servers. The folder contains several .php files, .bin files and some others. Unfortunately I have no idea how I should realize a (for example hourly) syncronization of those folders to my fallback servers.
All servers use CPanel / WHM, maybe there is a solution for this or how can I keep them synced otherwise? I thought about a .php script which logs in via FTP and syncronizes them. I would put a cronjob then for this .php script. But I don't even know whether this is possible. If the primary server is offline it shouldn't affect my fallback servers in a negative way of course.
How should/can I realize this?
I suggest you use RSYNC, assuming you are not on a shared hosting plan.
Rsync, which stands for "remote sync", is a remote and local file
synchronization tool. It uses an algorithm that minimizes the amount
of data copied by only moving the portions of files that have changed.
For this to work, you need to have access to SFTP port on your server and of course, a linux terminal!.
Leonel Atencio's suggestion of rsync is great.
Here is the rsync shell script that I use. It is placed in a folder named /publish in my project. The gist contains the rs_exclude.txt file the shell script mentions.
# reverse the comments on the next two lines to do a dry run
pg="--no-p --no-g"
#delete is dangerous - use caution. I deleted 15 years worth of digital photos using rsync with delete turned on.
# reverse the comments on the next two lines to enable deleting
# choose one.
#rsync $rsync_options $dryrun $delete $exclude $c $pg $rsync_local_path $rsync_server_string:$rsync_server_path
#how to specify an alternate port
#rsync -e "ssh -p 2220" $dryrun $delete $exclude $c $pg $rsync_local_path $rsync_server_string:$rsync_server_path
running via cron
Edit your crontab.
# crontab -e
Crontab entries are one per line. The comment character is the pound (#) symbol. Use the following syntax for your cron entry.
These examples assume you placed your rsync.sh script in ~/rsync
These examples will also create log files of the rsync output.
Each Minute
* * * * * ~/rsync/rsync.sh > ~/rsync/rsync.log
Every 5 Minutes
*/5 * * * * ~/rsync/rsync.sh > ~/rsync/rsync.log
Save your crontab and exit the editor. You should see a message confirming your addition to the crontab.
I'm brand new to ruby and Watir, here's my issue...
I have a MySQL DB with test data that I need. I've done a lot in the past with this data and so I have a whole library of PHP tools for accessing this data, marking data as in use/used/bad/etc, and in general I have a lot of time invested in the PHP framework. So I'd really like to use the PHP framework as a wrapper around the Watir script - for example, use PHP to grab test user login data from the DB and pass it to the ruby script for processing.
I now have sites with javascript that need work/testing and PHP & cURL can't deal with this. So I'm working with Watir-WebDriver on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick, Desktop not Server) for these sites. The problem I'm having is with the use of PHP's shell_exec of the ruby script with all the Watir code.
The PHP shell_exec is executing the file - I can see it because I have some puts lines in the file which are being displayed. However, the code appears to be failing on the line
ff = Watir::Browser.new :firefox
I'm not getting an error from PHP.
The PHP line is:
echo shell_exec('ruby /var/www/watir_test.rb');
The ruby script works fine when I call it from a terminal window with the line:
ruby /var/www/watir_test.rb
I originally expected this was a permissions issue since it worked from the command line but not from a browser. However, since it can call the file well enough to return the hardcoded data I've provided for the test then ruby file permissions don't seem to be the issue. Could there be a permissions issue with opening a Firefox window from the www-data user?
When I run
ruby -d -v /var/www/watir_test.rb
I get:
{:extension=>:webdriver} {"app.update.enabled"=>"false"} {"browser.link.open_newwindow"=>"2"} {"browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser"=>"false"} {"extensions.update.enabled"=>"false"} {"security.warn_entering_secure.show_once"=>"false"} {"webdriver_assume_untrusted_issuer"=>true} {"startup.homepage_welcome_url"=>"\"about:blank\""} {"browser.tabs.warnOnClose"=>"false"} {"extensions.update.notifyUser"=>"false"} {"toolkit.networkmanager.disable"=>"true"} {"security.warn_entering_weak.show_once"=>"false"} {"webdriver_firefox_port"=>"7055"} {"browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting"=>"false"} {"extensions.logging.enabled"=>"true"} {"network.manage-offline-status"=>"false"} {"network.http.max-connections-per-server"=>"10"} {"security.warn_submit_insecure"=>"false"} {"security.warn_entering_weak"=>"false"} {"security.warn_leaving_secure"=>"false"} {"prompts.tab_modal.enabled"=>"false"} {"security.warn_viewing_mixed.show_once"=>"false"} {"dom.max_script_run_time"=>"30"} {"webdriver_accept_untrusted_certs"=>true} {"browser.safebrowsing.enabled"=>"false"} {"security.warn_leaving_secure.show_once"=>"false"} {"signon.rememberSignons"=>"false"} {"javascript.options.showInConsole"=>"true"} {"app.update.auto"=>"false"} {"browser.EULA.3.accepted"=>"true"} {"browser.tabs.warnOnOpen"=>"false"} {"dom.disable_open_during_load"=>"false"} {"network.http.phishy-userpass-length"=>"255"} {"security.warn_entering_secure"=>"false"} {"browser.startup.homepage"=>"\"about:blank\""} {"browser.EULA.override"=>"true"} {"browser.dom.window.dump.enabled"=>"true"} {"browser.startup.page"=>"0"} {"browser.link.open_external"=>"2"} {"browser.search.update"=>"false"} {"browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash"=>"false"} {"security.warn_viewing_mixed"=>"false"} {"dom.report_all_js_exceptions"=>"true"} {"webdriver_enable_native_events"=>false} {"devtools.errorconsole.enabled"=>"true"}
How do I get PHP to execute the shell_exec properly? The script works and my initial tests were run using firewatir (which shell_exec ran fine) but I am really wanting to use Watir-WebDriver instead of FireWatir - WatirWebDriver should be capable of running a Chrome browser (and IE on a Windows machine) while FireWatir can only run Firefox.
Here's my "Create Browser" code:
# Include the RubyGems file
require 'rubygems'
# Include the Watir-WebDriver file.
require 'watir-webdriver'
# Create the necessary objects
def create_browser(proxy)
# Setup the proper Firefox Profile
profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
profile.proxy = Selenium::WebDriver::Proxy.new :http => proxy
puts "<br>Using proxy " + proxy + "..."
#ff=FireWatir::Firefox.new :profile => profile
ff = Watir::Browser.new :firefox #, :profile => profile
puts "<br>Firefox ready..."
return ff
If the server is headless, you should install the headless gem so that Firefox can work.
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'headless'
headless = Headless.new
b = Watir::Browser.start 'www.google.com'
puts b.title
See: http://watirwebdriver.com/headless/
It't a permission problem, the PHP script runs with the permissions of the server, normally apache.
You can do a sudo www and try to run the script then with rb to see if there is a problem when running ruby with the server user.
Put the two lines of code that is below at the very top of your PHP script. The result of this is that when you browse to your PHP page with your browser it will display exactly what the errors are, including any permission errors.
So a recent update to Firefox killed it's support for Watir (no JSSH update if I remember). As a result I rewrote what little code I had for Selenium::WebDriver. But I'm thinking that isn't particularly relevant (its included in case it is relevant I don't know it).
My ultimate solution was to use phpseclib. This allows me to SSH into the machine via their SSH2 PHP class. Once logged in as my typical username (with typical password) I was able to fire off a headless version of my script no problem. The only real issues this creates is that I now have to view everything that's going on through log files and screenshots but that was likely to be true no matter what solution I came up with.
phpseclib needs your username and password for the server (at least until you set some form of public private key pair). So I wouldn't want to do this on a publicly available machine without a couple of layers of security - like setting .htaccess to deny read access to the file with the login data, encrypting the password stored in the file, etc. However, for my purposes I'm logging into one machine on my LAN from another machine on my LAN. The password is only good on my LAN (not my web servers) and while my LAN can see out it should not be (easily) available to the rest of the world (to the best of my knowledge). So the security concerns are minimal.
I never did figure this out. Headless isn't the answer to getting PHP to exec the script. I'm pretty sure it is a permissions issue with Firefox's executable but I can't be positive until I find an actual fix.
Ultimately I've had to break up the tool where PHP manages the DB and task scheduling. Then PHP creates text files with all the data necessary for ruby to run the browser to right site, login, etc, etc... Then ruby moves the data file to one of a few different folders (success, failure, bad login, etc) and adds some text to the data file. Finally PHP parses all this info in the moved text files and updates the DB with that info.
It's less than ideal but it is getting the job done. Now I just need to figure out how to run all of this with mutliple threads...
Thanks for the help
First, I read some threads by people with similar problems but all answers didn't go beyond export DISPLAY=:0.0 and xauth cookies. So here is my problem and thanks in advance for your time!
I have developed a little library which renders shelves using OpenGL and GLSL.
Last few days I wrapped it in a php extension and surprisingly easy it works now.
But the problem is it works only when I execute the php script using the extension from commandline
$php r100.php(i successfuly run this from the http user). The script is in the webroot of apache and if I request it from the browser I get ** CRITICAL **: Unable to open display in apache's error_log.
So, to make things easier to test and to be sure that the problem is not in the library/extension, at the moment I just want to start xmms with following php script.
echo shell_exec("xmms");
It works only from the shell too.
I've played with apache configuration so much now that I really dont know what to try.
I tried $xhost + && export DISPLAY=:0.0
In the http.conf I have these
SetEnv DISPLAY :0.0 SetEnv XAUTHORITY /home/OpenGL/.Xauthority
So my problem seems to be this:
How can I make apache execute php script with all privileges that the http user has, including the environment?
Additional information:
HTTP is in video and users groups and has a login shell(bash).
I can login as http and execute scripts with no problem and can run GUI programs which show up on display 0.
It seems that apache does not provide the appropriate environment for the script.
I read about some difference between CLI/CGI but cant run xmms with php-cgi too...
Any ideas for additional configuration?
Sounds bit hazard, but basically you can add even export DISPLAY=:0.0 to apache start-up script (like in Linux /etc/init.d/httpd or apache depending distro).
And "xhost +" need to be run on account which is connected to local X server as user, though I'm only wondering how it will work as php script should only live while apache http request is on-going.
Is this is kind of application launcher?, you can spawn this with exec("nohub /usr/bin/php script.php &"); .. now apache should be released and php should continue working in background.
In your console, allow everyone to use the X server:
xhost +
In your PHP script, set the DISPLAY variable while executing the commands:
DISPLAY=:0 glxgears 2>&1
I have tried calling a windows program several ways and I have gotten the same result each time.
The program opens up on my machine (without a GUI) but never closes each means that the browser is forever loading.
Though when executing the query string manually through the command line prompt the program closes. Not only that, but the program doesn't actually execute
(it is just launched i.e. there aren't any results).
I just want to know the proper way of starting a program with switches through PHP.
Here is the query string that works (closes the program after executing):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Softinterface, Inc\Convert PowerPoint\ConvertPPT.exe" /S
"C:\Users\Farzad\Desktop\upload\test.ppt" /T "C:\Users\Farzad\Desktop\upload\test.png" /C 18
If the program never closes, then PHP can't return a value from exec(). The program must close. Chances are there is a problem accessing your files on your desktop in this manner. It will be executed with whatever permissions the webserver has defined.
You might consider the advanced functionality of proc_open(). It will give you access to all the necessary pipes, but I don't think that will help you in this situation.
If the target directory on your Windows machine is C:\Program Files (x86)\Softinterface, Inc\Convert PowerPoint\ConvertPPT.exe, you need to double-quote the directories that have space character within them.
To translate it into php terms, it should be like this:
$directory = 'C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Softinterface, Inc"\"Convert PowerPoint"\ConvertPPT.exe';
$command = $directory . ' enter your arguments here';
exec($command, $output, $return_var);
// if $return_var == 0, you hit the jackpot.
The physical directory where your Windows desktop is stored belongs to your user profile folder. That means that other users (including the one Apache runs as, which is typical "Local System") won't have the appropriate permissions to read and write files on it. While you can adjust your Apache set-up to make it run with your own user, Farzad, it's more common to put web applications in an entirely different directory tree. It may happen that ConvertPPT.exe just stalls because it's trying to write a file at a location where it's not allowed. I suggest you create a top folder directory and make sure it's world-writeable (once finished, you can tighten these permissions if you like).
Once you discard (or confirm) that the issue is caused by lack of appropriate credentials, make sure you are escaping your command and arguments properly. See this link:
One more thing you can try is to close PHP sessions before issuing the call to exec():
You have probably run into this bug: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44994
which has been bothering me for ages, even today, on PHP 5.3.5.
It seems like there is some kind of deadlock between the error output of the program and the apache error log file handle into which the program is redirected to write its stderr output, making the program be stuck for ever until the apache processes are killed.
Also, when using passthru, or system, or the backtick operator, there's an intermediary "cmd.exe" process that is used to run the program in an invisible console, and I have seen this cmd process getting stuck without even running the program.
I don't really have a solution as of now, and it seems the bug, even though reproduced by many people, hasn't been resolved.