Unique, unpredictable, 12 digit, integer id - php

How would I go about generating this... I want to keep my primary key sequential and have a 12 digit unique pin generated for each new object added to the database.
The reason it cant just be autoincrement is i don't want the sequential numbers to be easily guessable.
It needs to be integer numbers, because I'm going to have verification codes that need to be dialed on a phone pad.

Use a concatenation of a unique incremented number and a randomly generated number.
The unique incremented number ensures that the result is unique, and the randomly generated number makes it hardly guessable.
This is simple and guaranteed to have no collision (1). The result is incremental, partly random, and non-predictable (provided that the random number part is generated with a good PRNG).
(1): You have to either pad id and random with zeros, or to separate them with some non-digit character.
With a MySQL db, this translates to:
id int not null auto_increment,
random int not null,
primary key (id)

Maybe you can use UUID_SHORT(). Not 12 digits long, but still could be a viable option:
mysql> select uuid_short();
| uuid_short() |
| 22048742962102272 |
INSERT INTO `table` (`id`, `text`) VALUES (UUID_SHORT(), 'hello world!');
Note: If you really want to have exactly 12 digits, then don't even try to substring the result, if would not ensure the uniqueness of the identifier and may cause collisions.

$allowed_characters = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0);
for($i = 1;$i <= 12; $i++){
$pass .= $allowed_characters[rand(0, count($allowed_characters) - 1)];
echo $pass;
demo: http://sandbox.phpcode.eu/g/c0190/4

Generally, I will prefer to do something a little bit more low tech. I obscure the values in PHP and leave them as auto-incrementing in JS.
$seeds = array( /*series 100 of very large >= 10-digit numbers*/ );
$seedID = rand( count( $seeds ) ); // randomly choose one of those.
// a string combination which represents the ID + some hash.
$id = bcadd( $seeds[ $seedID ], /* id retrieved from database */ );
// make sure we've not accidentally passed the 10^12 point
$id = bcmod( $id, 1000000000000 );
// make sure to pad
$id = str_pad('' . $id, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$outID = substr( $id, 0, 5 ) . $seedID . substr( $id, 6 );
Then, when receiving the ID from the user:
$seedID = substr( $outID, 6, 2 );
$tmpID = substr( $outID, 0, 5 ) . substr( $outID, 8 );
$id = bcsub( $tmpID, $seeds[ $seedID ] );
// we passed the modulus se we need to add this back in.
if( $id < 0 ) $id = bcmod( bcadd( $id, 1000000000000 ), 1000000000000 );
This will basically mean that you're simply obscuring whatever number you want -- you can use auto_increment with impunity!

One method would be to take your primary key value, salt it with a few other random-ish bits of data (username, current time, process ID, fixed string, etc...) and hash it with md5 or sha1. You then take the hash string and convert it into digits via basic string operations. That'll give you a relatively unique numeric code.
of course, with only 12 digits, you're far more likely to end up with a collision than by using the raw string hash - but since you're requiring this to be dialed on a keypad, it's an acceptable tradeoff.
If the pins are invalidated/deleted after usage, then the collision chances will be much reduced.

You want two things
If you want both the things from same sequence you will run out of luck (literally)
Uniqueness is guaranteed by having large sample space + random + check-unique. Which means, the actual number could be anywhere in between the sample space.
But if you want unique + incremental property, you are dividing sample space by 2. In 64 tries you would have reduced a 64 bit int sample space to 1 bit sample space.
Good luck !

All solutions so far lack one thing essential to your application: Security!
You said you will be using these numbers as a (product) verification code - so you really, really want this to be unpredictable, otherwise it will get exploited.
Neither MySQL's built-in RANDOM function nor any of the random functions PHP provides today are secure random functions. They behave pseudo-randomly, alright, but they all are predictable!
Your only chance is to whip up something of your own using /dev/urandom on a *nix machine or leveraging the Crypto API on Windows. OpenSSL does provide secure random numbers based on these mechanisms - you could reuse this either in a C extension for PHP or by reading the output from a command line script called from PHP. See also this answer.
About your requirement for the numbers to be sequential - is this really so important? It does complicate things enormously. Otherwise you would be good to go with a simple secure 6 byte random number encoded to a string using hex encoding (yielding a 12 character string). Although I would recommend making it 10 bytes and 20 characters to be safer.
But if you want to be sequential, which I interpret as monotonously increasing (because a simple +1 would be trivially predictable), this makes things just so much more complicated. And you don't gain anything from this complexity, the only thing that might happen is that you break the security by inventing some obscure scheme that is easily exploitable.
My suggestion: Add another column that acts as a plain old auto-incremented ID and add the code as a random number constructed as above as a separate column. As far as I see, there's no need to require the product activation code to be the ID at the same time.


PHP increment booking number according to the last booking number in database

I'm using PHP 7 with Phalcon PHP and I'm trying to create a method to generate a booking number. Here is my current method :
public function generateNumber($company_code) {
// Build the prefix : COMPANY20190820
$prefix = $company_code . date('Ymd');
// It's like SELECT count(*) FROM bookings WHERE number LIKE 'COMPANY20190820%'
$counter = Bookings::count(array(
"number LIKE :number:",
"bind" => array('number' => $prefix.'%')
// Concat prefix with bookings counter with str_pad
// COMPANY20190820 + 005 (if 4 bookings in DB)
$booking_number = $prefix . str_pad($counter + 1, 3, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
// Return COMPANY20190820005
return $booking_number;
So I have a problem because sometime I have to delete 1 or multiple bookings so I can get :
And I need to add after the last in my DB so here 007, because I can get duplicated booking number if I count like that.
So how can I do to take the last and increment according the last booking number of the current day ?
You need to rethink what you want to do here as it will never work that way.
As I see it you have at least two options:
Use an auto-increment id and use that in combination with the prefix
Use a random fairly unique string (e.g. UUID4)
You should never manually try to get the current maximum id as that may and most likely will at some point result in race conditions and brittle code as a result of that.
So I found a solution, maybe there is a better way to do that but my function works now:
public function generateNumber($company_code) {
// Build the prefix : COMPANY20190820
$prefix = $company_code . date('Ymd');
// Get the last booking with the today prefix
// e.g : COMPANY20190820005
$last_booking = Bookings::maximum(array(
"column" => "number",
"number LIKE :number:",
"bind" => array('number' => $prefix.'%')
// Get the last number by removing the prefix (e.g 005)
$last_number = str_replace($prefix, "", $last_booking);
// trim left 0 if exist to get only the current number
// cast to in to increment my counter (e.g 5 + 1 = 6)
$counter = intval(ltrim($last_number, "0")) + 1;
// Concat prefix + counter with pad 006
$booking_number = $prefix . str_pad($counter, 3, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
// Return COMPANY20190820006
return $booking_number;
I reckon that the use case you describe does not justify the hassle of writing a custom sequence generator in PHP. Additionally, in a scenario where booking deletion is expected to happen, ID reusing feels more a bug than a feature, so your system should store a permanent counter to avoid reusing, making it less simple. Don't take me wrong, it can be done and it isn't rocket science, but it's time and energy you don't need to spend.
Your database engine surely has a native tool to generate autoincremented primary keys, with varying names and implementations (SQL Server has identity, Oracle has sequences and identity, MySQL has auto_increment...). Use that instead.
Keep internal data and user display separated. More specifically, don't use the latter to regenerate the former. Your COMPANY20190820007 example is trivial to compose from individual fields, either in PHP:
$booking_number = sprintf('%s%s%03d',
... or in SQL:
-- This is MySQL dialect, other engines use their own variations
SELECT CONCAT(company_code, DATE_FORMAT(booking_date, '%Y%m%d'), LPAD(booking_id, 3, '0')) AS booking_number
FROM ...
You can (and probably should) save the resulting booking_number, but you cannot use it as source for further calculations. It's exactly the same case as dates: don't need to store dates in plain English in order to eventually display them to the end-user and you definitively don't want to parse English dates back to actual dates in order to do anything else beyond printing.
You also mention the possibility of generating long pure-digit identifiers, as Bookings.com does. There're many ways to do it and we can't know which one they use, but you may want to considering generating a numeric hash out of your auto-incremented PK via integer obfuscation.
you could split your database field in two parts, so you hold the prefix and the counter separately.
then, you simply select the highest counter for your desired prefix and increment that one.
if you can't change the table structure, you could alternatively order by the id descendingly and select the first. then you can extract its counter manually. keep in mind you should pad the numbers then, or you get #9 even if #10 exists.
if padding is not an option, you can direct the database to replace your prefix. that way, you can cast the remaining string to a number and let the database sort - this will cost some performance, though, so keep the amount of records low.

PHP - Generating random integers within specified range from a key

I have a set of questions with unique IDs in a MySQL database.
Users also have a unique ID and are to answer these questions and their answers are saved in the database.
Now, I want users to get 5 non-repeating uniquely and randomly picked questions from the pool of available ones (let's say 50) based on users ID. So when a user with id 10 starts answering his questions, but stops and wants to return later to the same page, he will get the same questions as before. A user with id 11 will get a different random set of questions, but it will always be the same for him and different from all other users.
I found that random.org can generate exactly what I need with their sequence generator that generates a random sequence of numbers based on provided ID:
But I would like the generation to be done locally instead of relying random.org API.
So, I need to generate 'X' unique random integers, within specified range 'Y' that are generated based on supplied integer 'Z'. I should be able to call a function with 'Z' as parameter and receive back the same 'X' integers every time.
I need to know how to replicate this generation with PHP code or at least a push or hint in a direction of a PHP function, pseudo-code or code snippet that will allow me to do it myself.
Thank you in advance!
Why reinvent the wheel
for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) echo mt_rand(). "\n";
echo "\n\n";
for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) echo mt_rand(). "\n";
Generate your random numbers at the beginning and save it in a session. That way the random numbers for that user is always known and you can know what id of question you should go back to by looking it up in the session.
you can get random $w array values. try this code as example and change with your logic.
$w = array('0'=>11,'1'=>22,'2'=>44,'3'=>55,'4'=>66,'5'=>88);
$str = '';
for($i=0;$i<5;$i++) {
$str.= $w[rand(0,5)];
As this article suggests, you could use a non-repeating pseudo random number generator. Only problem would be to generate a primnumber that is atleast 2x as big as the upper-bound for IDs and satisfies the condition p = 3 in the ring Z4. Though there should be big-enough primnumbers matching the conditions on the net for free use.
Due to my lack of experience with PHP i can only provide pseudocode though.
int[] generateUniqueRands(int id , int ct)
int[] res
const int prim//the primnumber described above
for int i in [0 , ct[
res[i] = ((id + i) * (id + i)) % prim
return res
Note that this algorithm basically works like a window:
id = x set = [a , b , c , d]
id = x + 1 set = [b , c , d , e]
If you wish to avoid this kind of behavior just generate a unique random-number from the id first (can be achieved in the same way the set of random numbers is generated).
When the user with ID 10 opens the page for the first time, use rand() to generate random numbers then store them into a cell in the users table in database. So the user with id 10 has the rand() numbers stored.
For example the users table has id, rand_questions.
Check if the rand_questions is empty then update with the new random numbers generated, else you get the numbers from the database.

How can i generate a 6 digit number in php?

How can I automatically generate a unique, random 6 digit number to insert into a column of a mysql table? The randomly generated number must not already exist in the column.
I am accessing mysql via php.
The table format is like so, with the random number going in the reqnumber column:
function gen(){
$num = rand(100000,999999);
if($num == ifnumberinyourdatabase){
return $num;
You can also use recursive function here.
which check's if number is your database if it is generate new one if not return the unique number
function gen(){
$num = rand(100000,999999);
$query_idgetrs = "SELECT * FROM servicetbl where reqnumber = $num";
$idgetrs = mysql_query($query_idgetrs, $dbconnection) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_num_rows($idgetrs);
if($row >= 1){
return $num;
Just generate a random number and then use str_pad():
$myRandom = str_pad(rand(1,999999), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
The problem that you're going to run into is that since you require this to be random, there's no way to know if it exists in the table until it's generated. You'd have to make a loop and keep checking in DB.
Put unique constraint on reqnumber field and put error handling code in PHP
Although random is ok, please note that 6 digits only offers 1 million combinations. I'm not sure how long it would be before you started getting duplicate primary key errors.
A much better solution would be to use a unique value. This is very different to a random value as the unique value guarantees to by different every time. MySql has the auto_increment datatype to help you with this. Unfortunately, you are still limited to 1 million entries when using 6 digits.
If you want a totally random, long identifier, check out MySql's UUID function. It will generate a unique string that is guaranteed to never repeat. However it is much longer than 6 characters because that's what it can take to achieve uniqueness.
A part of your table structure must be:
`id` mediumint(6) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,
If you really need 6 digits always:
or use

BIGINT in MySQL Changes a my number? Why does it do this?

I'll try and keep this simple. I'm using a BIGINT data type on a MySQL database table. I have a function generating a unique random number that may span anywhere from 12 digits to 13 digest long.
When I insert into the database with a digit that is 12 digits in length, it enters it just fine,
but when I use a value that is 13 digits or longer, it seems like it rounds up or something. here is the
$defaultText = 'some string'; //just some string
$web_id = 12;
$element_id = 23112182735363; //case 1 (doesn't work)
//$element_id = 2311218333205; //case 2, does work ()
mysql_query("INSERT INTO tableName (web_id, element_id, content)
VALUES ($web_id, $element_id, '".mysql_real_escape_string($defaultText)."')");
in case one, it inserts a slightly different number, usually rounds up for some reason.
in case two, it inserts the number just fine! Maybe someone can help shed some light on this mystery! Thanks again!
the big int datatype:
Numbers lose their precision from PHP_INT_MAX onwards. See also: http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.constants.php#constant.php-int-max
After that they are turned into floats which have limited precision and causes weird rounding issues. The only way to support BIGINT in PHP is by using strings.
I assumed you were talking about a 32-bit server.
But in my server, PHP seemed not lose the precision.
echo(PHP_INT_MAX . "<br/>");
$big_int = -6174803190685607000;
echo($big_int . '<br/>');
Sadly I still got the precision losing. I guessed it might because i used 'i' in prepare statement of mysqli, but I could not prove it.

How to generate unique id in MySQL?

I'm programming a script using PHP and MySQL and I want to get a
unique id (consisting of a string: capitals and small
letters with numbers) like: gHYtUUi5b.
I found many functions in PHP that can generate such numbers but I'm afraid about how to ensure the id is unique!
UPDATE: uuid is long, I mean such id like: (P5Dc) an 11 alphanumeric char.
EDIT: This answer has been flagged for being dangerous in the context of destroying a database. Do NOT use this code to generate unique ids in databases!
I use UUID() to create a unique value.
insert into Companies (CompanyID, CompanyName) Values(UUID(), "TestUUID");
You may like the way that we do it. I wanted a reversible unique code that looked "random" -a fairly common problem.
We take an input number such as 1,942.
Left pad it into a string: "0000001942"
Put the last two digits onto the front: "4200000019"
Convert that into a number: 4,200,000,019
We now have a number that varies wildly between calls and is guaranteed to be less than 10,000,000,000. Not a bad start.
Convert that number to a Base 34 string: "2oevc0b"
Replace any zeros with 'y' and any ones with 'z': "2oevcyb"
Upshift: "2OEVCYB"
The reason for choosing base 34 is so that we don't worry about 0/O and 1/l collisions. Now you have a short random-looking key that you can use to look up a LONG database identifier.
A programmatic way can be to:
add a UNIQUE INDEX to the field
generate a random string in PHP
loop in PHP ( while( ! DO_THE_INSERT ) )
generate another string
This can be dirty, but has the advantage to be DBMS-agnostic
Even if you choose to use a DBMS specific unique ID generator function (UUID, etc)
it is a best practice to assure the field HAS to be UNIQUE, using the index
the loop is statistically not executed at all, it is entered only on insert failure
If you use MySQL with version higher than 5.7.4, you can use the newly added RANDOM_BYTES function:
This will result in a random string such as GgwEvafNLWQ3+ockEST00A==.
How you generate the unique_ids is a useful question - but you seem to be making a counter productive assumption about when you generate them!
My point is that you do not need to generate these unique id's at the time of creating your rows, because they are essentially independent of the data being inserted.
What I do is pre-generate unique id's for future use, that way I can take my own sweet time and absolutely guarantee they are unique, and there's no processing to be done at the time of the insert.
For example I have an orders table with order_id in it. This id is generated on the fly when the user enters the order, incrementally 1,2,3 etc forever. The user does not need to see this internal id.
Then I have another table - unique_ids with (order_id, unique_id). I have a routine that runs every night which pre-loads this table with enough unique_id rows to more than cover the orders that might be inserted in the next 24 hours. (If I ever get 10000 orders in one day I'll have a problem - but that would be a good problem to have!)
This approach guarantees uniqueness and takes any processing load away from the insert transaction and into the batch routine, where it does not affect the user.
Use UUID function.
I don't know the source of your procedures in PHP that generates unique values. If it is library function they should guarantee that your value is really unique. Check in documentation. You should, hovewer, use this function all the time. If you, for example, use PHP function to generate unique value, and then you decide to use MySQL function, you can generate value that already exist. In this case putting UNIQUE INDEX on the column is also a good idea.
USE `temp` $$
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `GenerateUniqueValue`$$
CREATE PROCEDURE `GenerateUniqueValue`(IN tableName VARCHAR(255),IN columnName VARCHAR(255))
WHILE LENGTH(uniqueValue) = 0 DO
) INTO #newUniqueValue;
SET #rcount = -1;
SET #query=CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) INTO #rcount FROM ',tableName,' WHERE ',columnName,' like ''',newUniqueValue,'''');
PREPARE stmt FROM #query;
IF #rcount = 0 THEN
SET uniqueValue = #newUniqueValue ;
SELECT uniqueValue;
And call the stored procedure as GenerateUniqueValue('tableName','columnName'). This will give you a 8 digit unique character everytime.
To get unique and random looking tokens you could just encrypt your primary key i.e.:
SELECT HEX(AES_ENCRYPT(your_pk,'your_password')) AS 'token' FROM your_table;
This is good enough plus its reversable so you'd not have to store that token in your table but to generate it instead.
Another advantage is once you decode your PK from that token you do not have to do heavy full text searches over your table but simple and quick PK search.
Theres one small problem though. MySql supports different block encryption modes which if changed will completely change your token space making old tokens useless...
To overcome this one could set that variable before token generated i.e.:
SET block_encryption_mode = 'aes-256-cbc';
However that a bit waste... The solution for this is to attach an encryption mode used marker to the token:
SELECT CONCAT(CONV(CRC32(##GLOBAL.block_encryption_mode),10,35),'Z',HEX(AES_ENCRYPT(your_pk,'your_password'))) AS 'token' FROM your_table;
Another problem may come up if you wish to persist that token in your table on INSERT because to generate it you need to know primary_key for the record which was not inserted yet... Ofcourse you might just INSERT and then UPDATE with LAST_INSERT_ID() but again - theres a better solution:
INSERT INTO your_table ( token )
SELECT CONCAT(CONV(CRC32(##GLOBAL.block_encryption_mode),10,35),'Z',HEX(AES_ENCRYPT(your_pk,'your_password'))) AS 'token'
FROM information_schema.TABLES
One last but not least advantage of this solution is you can easily replicate it in php, python, js or any other language you might use.
Below is just for reference of numeric unique random id...
it may help you...
$query=mysql_query("select * from collectors_repair");
echo "random number is : ".$echo;
and you can add char with the code like -> $rand=mt_rand(10000,999999) .$randomchar; // assume $radomchar contains char;
For uniqueness what I do is I take the Unix timestamp and append a random string to it and use that.
$hostname_conn = "localhost";
$database_conn = "user_id";
$username_conn = "root";
$password_conn = "";
$conn = mysql_pconnect($hostname_conn, $username_conn, $password_conn) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
// run an endless loop
while(1) {
$randomNumber = rand(1, 999999);// generate unique random number
$query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_rand WHERE the_number='".mysql_real_escape_string ($randomNumber)."'"; // check if it exists in database
$res =mysql_query($query,$conn);
$rowCount = mysql_num_rows($res);
// if not found in the db (it is unique), then insert the unique number into data_base and break out of the loop
if($rowCount < 1) {
$con = mysql_connect ("localhost","root");
mysql_select_db("user_id", $con);
$sql = "insert into tbl_rand(the_number) values('".$randomNumber."')";
mysql_query ($sql,$con);
mysql_close ($con);
echo "inserted unique number into Data_base. use it as ID";
crypt() as suggested and store salt in some configuration file, Start salt from 1 and if you find duplicate move to next value 2. You can use 2 chars, but that will give you enough combination for salt.
You can generate string from openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8). So this should give random and short string (11 char) when run with crypt().
Remove salt from result and there will be only 11 chars that should be enough random for 100+ millions if you change salt on every fail of random.
You might also consider using crypt()* to generate a [nearly-guaranteed] unique ID inside your contraints.
$info = random_bytes(16);
$info[6] = chr(ord($info[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40);
$info[8] = chr(ord($info[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80);
$result =vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($info), 4));
return $result;
This generates random ids:
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Age int
You could use Twitter's snowflake.
In short, it generates a unique id based on time, server id and a sequence. It generates a 64-bit value so it is pretty small and it fits in an INT64. It also allows for sorting values correctly.
In sum, it allows multiple servers, highly concurrency, sorting value and all of them in 64 bits.
Here it is the implementation for MySQL
It consists of a function and a table.
