I have a set of items. I need to randomly pick one. The problem is that they each have a weight of 1-10. A weight of 2 means that the item is twice as likely to be picked than a weight of 1. A weight of 3 is three times as likely.
I currently fill an array with each item. If the weight is 3, I put three copies of the item in the array. Then, I pick a random item.
My method is fast, but uses a lot of memory. I am trying to think of a faster method, but nothing comes to mind. Anyone have a trick for this problem?
EDIT: My Code...
Apparently, I wasn't clear. I do not want to use (or improve) my code. This is what I did.
//Given an array $a where $a[0] is an item name and $a[1] is the weight from 1 to 100.
$b = array();
foreach($a as $t)
$b = array_merge($b, array_fill(0,$t[1],$t));
$item = $b[array_rand($b)];
This required me to check every item in $a and uses max_weight/2*size of $a memory for the array. I wanted a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT algorithm.
Further, I asked this question in the middle of the night using a phone. Typing code on a phone is nearly impossible because those silly virtual keyboards simply suck. It auto-corrects everything, ruining any code I type.
An yet further, I woke up this morning with an entirely new algorithm that uses virtual no extra memory at all and does not require checking every item in the array. I posted it as an answer below.
This ones your huckleberry.
$arr = array(
array("val" => "one", "weight" => 1),
array("val" => "two", "weight" => 2),
array("val" => "three", "weight" => 3),
array("val" => "four", "weight" => 4)
$weight_sum = 0;
foreach($arr as $val)
$weight_sum += $val['weight'];
$r = rand(1, $weight_sum);
print "random value is $r\n";
for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++)
if($r <= $arr[$i]['weight'])
print "$r <= {$arr[$i]['weight']}, this is our match\n";
print $arr[$i]['val'] . "\n";
print "$r > {$arr[$i]['weight']}, subtracting weight\n";
$r -= $arr[$i]['weight'];
print "new \$r is $r\n";
No need to generate arrays containing an item for every weight, no need to fill an array with n elements for a weight of n. Just generate a random number between 1 and total weight, then loop through the array until you find a weight less than your random number. If it isn't less than the number, subtract that weight from the random and continue.
Sample output:
# php wr.php
random value is 8
8 > 1, subtracting weight
new $r is 7
7 > 2, subtracting weight
new $r is 5
5 > 3, subtracting weight
new $r is 2
2 <= 4, this is our match
This should also support fractional weights.
modified version to use array keyed by weight, rather than by item
$arr2 = array(
for($i = 0; $i <= 500000; $i++)
$weight = rand(1, 10);
$num = rand(1, 1000);
$arr2[$weight][] = $num;
$start = microtime(true);
$weight_sum = 0;
foreach($arr2 as $weight => $vals) {
$weight_sum += $weight * count($vals);
print "weighted sum is $weight_sum\n";
$r = rand(1, $weight_sum);
print "random value is $r\n";
$found = false;
$elem = null;
foreach($arr2 as $weight => $vals)
if($found) break;
for($j = 0; $j < count($vals); $j ++)
if($r < $weight)
$elem = $vals[$j];
$found = true;
$r -= $weight;
$end = microtime(true);
print "random element is: $elem\n";
print "total time is " . ($end - $start) . "\n";
With sample output:
# php wr2.php
weighted sum is 2751550
random value is 345713
random element is: 681
total time is 0.017189025878906
measurement is hardly scientific - and fluctuates depending on where in the array the element falls (obviously) but it seems fast enough for huge datasets.
This way requires two random calculations but they should be faster and require about 1/4 of the memory but with some reduced accuracy if weights have disproportionate counts. (See Update for increased accuracy at the cost of some memory and processing)
Store a multidimensional array where each item is stored in the an array based on its weight:
$array[$weight][] = $item;
// example: Item with a weight of 5 would be $array[5][] = 'Item'
Generate a new array with the weights (1-10) appearing n times for n weight:
foreach($array as $n=>$null) {
for ($i=1;$i<=$n;$i++) {
$weights[] = $n;
The above array would be something like: [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 ... ]
First calculation: Get a random weight from the weighted array we just created
$weight = $weights[mt_rand(0, count($weights)-1)];
Second calculation: Get a random key from that weight array
$value = $array[$weight][mt_rand(0, count($array[$weight])-1)];
Why this works: You solve the weighted issue by using the weighted array of integers we created. Then you select randomly from that weighted group.
Update: Because of the possibility of disproportionate counts of items per weight, you could add another loop and array for the counts to increase accuracy.
foreach($array as $n=>$null) {
$counts[$n] = count($array[$n]);
foreach($array as $n=>$null) {
// Calculate proportionate weight (number of items in this weight opposed to minimum counted weight)
$proportion = $n * ($counts[$n] / min($counts));
for ($i=1; $i<=$proportion; $i++) {
$weights[] = $n;
What this does is if you have 2000 10's and 100 1's, it'll add 200 10's (20 * 10, 20 because it has 20x the count, and 10 because it is weighted 10) instead of 10 10's to make it proportionate to how many are in there opposed the minimum weight count. So to be accurate, instead of adding one for EVERY possible key, you are just being proportionate based on the MINIMUM count of weights.
I greatly appreciate the answers above. Please consider this answer, which does not require checking every item in the original array.
// Given $a as an array of items
// where $a[0] is the item name and $a[1] is the item weight.
// It is known that weights are integers from 1 to 100.
for($i=0; $i<sizeof($a); $i++) // Safeguard described below
$item = $a[array_rand($a)];
if(rand(1,100)<=$item[1]) break;
This algorithm only requires storage for two variables ($i and $item) as $a was already created before the algorithm kicked in. It does not require a massive array of duplicate items or an array of intervals.
In a best-case scenario, this algorithm will touch one item in the original array and be done. In a worst-case scenario, it will touch n items in an array of n items (not necessarily every item in the array as some may be touched more than once).
If there was no safeguard, this could run forever. The safeguard is there to stop the algorithm if it simply never picks an item. When the safeguard is triggered, the last item touched is the one selected. However, in millions of tests using random data sets of 100,000 items with random weights of 1 to 10 (changing rand(1,100) to rand(1,10) in my code), the safeguard was never hit.
I made histograms comparing the frequency of items selected among my original algorithm, the ones from answers above, and the one in this answer. The differences in frequencies are trivial - easy to attribute to variances in the random numbers.
EDIT... It is apparent to me that my algorithm may be combined with the algorithm pala_ posted, removing the need for a safeguard.
In pala_'s algorithm, a list is required, which I call an interval list. To simplify, you begin with a random_weight that is rather high. You step down the list of items and subtract the weight of each one until your random_weight falls to zero (or less). Then, the item you ended on is your item to return. There are variations on this interval algorithm that I've tested and pala_'s is a very good one. But, I wanted to avoid making a list. I wanted to use only the given weighted list and never touch all the items. The following algorithm merges my use of random jumping with pala_'s interval list. Instead of a list, I randomly jump around the list. I am guaranteed to get to zero eventually, so no safeguard is needed.
// Given $a as the weighted array (described above)
$weight = rand(1,100); // The bigger this is, the slower the algorithm runs.
$item = $a[array_rand($a)];
$weight-= $item[1];
// $item is the random item you want.
I wish I could select both pala_ and this answer as the correct answers.
I'm not sure if this is "faster", but I think it may be more "balance"d between memory usage and speed.
The thought is to transform your current implementation (500000 items array) into an equal-length array (100000 items), with the lowest "origin" position as key, and origin index as value:
// 0=>0 means the lowest "position" 0
// points to 0 in the set;
// 3=>1 means the lowest "position" 3
// points to 1 in the set;
And then randomly picks a number between 0 and highest "origin" position:
// 3 is the lowest position of the last element ("b")
// and 5 the weight of that last element
Full code:
function randomPickByWeight(array $set)
foreach($set as $key=>$item)
return $set[$candidates[$pick]];
$cache[]=["item"=>"item {$i}","weight"=>mt_rand(1,10)];
var_dump($time); demo have some time limitation on codes, so the demo didn't finished. On my laptop the above demo finished in 10 seconds (i7-4700 HQ)
ere is my offer in case I've understand you right. I offer you take a look and if there are some question I'll explain.
Some words in advance:
My sample is with only 3 stages of weight - to be clear
- With outer while I'm simulating your main loop - I count only to 100.
- The array must to be init with one set of initial numbers as shown in my sample.
- In every pass of main loop I get only one random value and I'm keeping the weight at all.
0=>array('item' => 'A', 'weight' => 1),
1=>array('item' => 'B', 'weight' => 2),
2=>array('item' => 'C', 'weight' => 3),
while($ii<100){ // Simulates your main loop
// Randomisation cycle
echo $cur['item'];
I'll use this input array for my explanation:
The simple version isn't going to work for you because your array is so large. It requires no array modification but may need to iterate the entire array, and that's a deal breaker.
foreach($values_and_weights as $val=>$wgt){
echo "$val";
For your case, re-structuring the array will offer great benefits.
The cost in memory for generating a new array will be increasingly justified as:
array size increases and
number of selections increases.
The new array requires the replacement of "weight" with a "limit" for each value by adding the previous element's weight to the current element's weight.
Then flip the array so that the limits are the array keys and the values are the array values.
The selection logic is: the selected value will have the lowest limit that is >= $pick.
// Declare new array using array_walk one-liner:
//Alternative declaration method - 4-liner, foreach() loop:
foreach($values_and_weights as $val=>$wgt){
$limits_and_values looks like this:
array (
1 => 'one',
9 => 'two',
19 => 'three',
23 => 'four',
26 => 'five',
36 => 'six',
Now to generate the random $pick and select the value:
// $x (from walk/loop) is the same as writing: end($limits_and_values); $x=key($limits_and_values);
$pick=mt_rand(1,$x); // pull random integer between 1 and highest limit/key
while(!isset($limits_and_values[$pick])){++$pick;} // smallest possible loop to find key
echo $limits_and_values[$pick]; // this is your random (weighted) value
This approach is brilliant because isset() is very fast and the maximum number of isset() calls in the while loop can only be as many as the largest weight (not to be confused with limit) in the array.
Here is my Demo that will accept a weighted array (like $values_and_weights), then in just four lines:
Restructure the array,
Generate a random number,
Find the correct value, and
Display it.
I have a fully-populated array of values, and I would like to arbitrarily remove elements from this array with more removed towards the far end.
For example, given input ( where a . signifies a populated index )
I would like something like
....... . ... .. . . .. . .
My first thought was to count the elements, then iterate over the array generating a random number somewhere between the current index and the total size of the array, eg:
if ( mt_rand( 0, $total ) > $total - $current_index )
//remove this element
however, as this entails making a random number each time the loop goes round it becomes very arduous.
Is there a better way of doing this?
One easy way is to flip a weighted coin for each entry with coin flips more weighted towards the end. For example, if the array is size n, for each entry you could choose a random number from 0 to n-1 and only keep the value if the index is less than or equal to the random number. (That is, keep each entry with probability 1 - index/total.) This has the nice advantage that if you're going to be compacting your array anyways, and you're using a good enough but efficient random number generator (could be a simple integer hash over a nonce), it's going to be rather fast for memory access.
On the other hand if you're only blanking out a few items and aren't rearranging the array, you can go with some sort of weighted random number generator that more often chooses numbers that are toward the end of the index. For example, if you have a random number generator that generates floats in the value of [0,1] (closed or open bounds not mattering that much likely), consider obtaining such a random float r and squaring it. This will tend to prefer lower values. You can fix this by flipping it around: 1-r^2. Of course, you need this to be in your index range of 0 to n - 1, so take floor(n * (1 - r^2)) and also round n down to n-1.
There's practically an infinite number of variations on both of these techniques.
This is quite probably not the best/most efficient way to do this, but it is the best I can come up with and it does work.
N.B. the codepad example takes a long time to execute, but this is because of the pretty-print loop I added to the end so you can see it visibly working. If you remove the inner loop, execution time drops to acceptable levels.
$array = range(0, 99);
for ($i = 0, $count = count($array); $i < $count; $i++) {
// Get array keys
$keys = array_keys($array);
// Get a random number between 0 and count($keys) - 1
$rand = mt_rand(0, count($keys) - 1);
// Cut $rand elements off the beginning of the keys
$keys = array_slice($keys, $rand);
// Unset a random key from the remaining keys
This method isn't random- it works by you defining a function, and its inverse. Different functions, with different constant coefficients will have different distribution characteristics.
The results are very pattern like, as expected when mapping a continuous function to a discrete structure like an array.
Here's an example using a quadratic function. You could try varying the constant.
#as in y = x^2 / 7;
function y($x) {
return $x * $x / 7;
function x($y) {
return 7 * sqrt($y);
$theArray = range(0,100);
$size = count($theArray);
//use func inverse to find the max value we can input to $y() without going out of array bounds
$maximumX = x($size);
for ($i=0; $i<$maximumX; $i++) {
$index = (int) y($i);
//unset the index if it still exists, else, the next greatest index
while (!isset($theArray[$index]) && $index < $size) {
for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
printf("[%-3s]", isset($theArray[$i]) ? $theArray[$i] : '');
I wanna solve this problem with your support.
Assume that, there is an array in variable named $ar, and exist 5 numbers in this array, so i want to calculate geometric average of these numbers through Pascal or PHP programming language. How can i do ?
Here is PHP version:
function geometric_average($a) {
foreach($a as $i=>$n) $mul = $i == 0 ? $n : $mul*$n;
return pow($mul,1/count($a));
echo geometric_average(array(2,8)); //Output-> 4
Possible solution in "standard" Pascal:
program GeometricAvarage;
const SIZE = 5;
function GeoAvg(A:array of real):real;
avg: real;
i: integer;
avg := 1;
for i:=0 to (SIZE) do
avg := avg * A[i];
avg :=Exp(1/SIZE*Ln(avg));
ar: array [1..SIZE] of real :=(1,2,3,4,5);
writeln('Geometric Avarage = ', GeoAvg(ar)); {Output should be =~2.605}
If you want to use dynamic arrays this should be done in Delphi or ObjectPascal for example.
For someone that had an issue with this, as I have stated in the comment to the PHP answer, that answer may not be suitable for everyone, especially with ones looking to find geometric average/mean for large numbers or large number of numbers as PHP will simply not store it.
Pretty easy solution is to split the initial array into chunks, calculate mean and then multiply them:
function geometricMean(array $array)
if (!count($array)) {
return 0;
$total = count($array);
$power = 1 / $total;
$chunkProducts = array();
$chunks = array_chunk($array, 10);
foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
$chunkProducts[] = pow(array_product($chunk), $power);
$result = array_product($chunkProducts);
return $result;
Note the 10 - it's the number of elements in a chunk, you may change that if you need to do so. If you get INF as a result, try lowering that.
I am trying to calculate an average without being thrown off by a small set of far off numbers (ie, 1,2,1,2,3,4,50) the single 50 will throw off the entire average.
If I have a list of numbers like so:
The average is 31
The median is 30
The mode is 21 & 60 (averaged to 40.5)
But anyone can see that the majority is in the range 19-22 (5 in, 3 out) and if you get the average of just the major range it's 20.6 (a big difference than any of the numbers above)
I am thinking that you can get this like so:
Where c is the count of a numbers, d is the distinct values, and r is the range. Then you can apply this to all the possble ranges, and the highest score is the omptimal range to get an average from.
For example 19,20,21,21,22 would be 5 numbers, 4 distinct values, and the range is 3 (22 - 19). If you plug this into my equation you get 5+4-3=6
If you applied this to the entire number list it would be 8+6-41=-27
I think this works pretty good, but I have to create a huge loop to test against all possible ranges. In just my small example there are 21 possible ranges:
19-19, 19-20, 19-21, 19-22, 19-30, 19-60, 20-20, 20-21, 20-22, 20-30, 20-60, 21-21, 21-22, 21-30, 21-60, 22-22, 22-30, 22-60, 30-30, 30-60, 60-60
I am wondering if there is a more efficient way to get an average like this.
Or if someone has a better algorithm all together?
You might get some use out of standard deviation here, which basically measures how concentrated the data points are. You can define an outlier as anything more than 1 standard deviation (or whatever other number suits you) from the average, throw them out, and calculate a new average that doesn't include them.
Here's a pretty naive implementation that you could fix up for your own needs. I purposely kept it pretty verbose. It's based on the five-number-summary often used to figure these things out.
function get_median($arr) {
$c = count($arr) - 1;
if ($c%2) {
$b = round($c/2);
$a = $b-1;
return ($arr[$b] + $arr[$a]) / 2 ;
} else {
return $arr[($c/2)];
function get_five_number_summary($arr) {
$c = count($arr) - 1;
$fns = array();
if ($c%2) {
$b = round($c/2);
$a = $b-1;
$lower_quartile = array_slice($arr, 1, $a-1);
$upper_quartile = array_slice($arr, $b+1, count($lower_quartile));
$fns = array($arr[0], get_median($lower_quartile), get_median($arr), get_median($upper_quartile), $arr[$c-1]);
return $fns;
else {
$b = round($c/2);
$a = $b-1;
$lower_quartile = array_slice($arr, 1, $a);
$upper_quartile = array_slice($arr, $b+1, count($lower_quartile));
$fns = array($arr[0], get_median($lower_quartile), get_median($arr), get_median($upper_quartile), $arr[$c-1]);
return $fns;
function find_outliers($arr) {
$fns = get_five_number_summary($arr);
$interquartile_range = $fns[3] - $fns[1];
$low = $fns[1] - $interquartile_range;
$high = $fns[3] + $interquartile_range;
foreach ($arr as $v) {
if ($v > $high || $v < $low)
echo "$v is an outlier<br>";
//$numbers = array( 19,20,21,21,22,30,60 ); // 60 is an outlier
$numbers = array( 1,230,239,331,340,800); // 1 is an outlier, 800 is an outlier
Note that this method, albeit much simpler to implement than standard deviation, will not find the two 60 outliers in your example, but it works pretty well. Use the code for whatever, hopefully it's useful!
To see how the algorithm works and how I implemented it, go to:
This, of course, doesn't calculate the final average, but it's kind of trivial after you run find_outliers() :P
Why don't you use the median? It's not 30, it's 21.5.
You could put the values into an array, sort the array, and then find the median, which is usually a better number than the average anyway because it discounts outliers automatically, giving them no more weight than any other number.
You might sort your numbers, choose your preferred subrange (e.g., the middle 90%), and take the mean of that.
There is no one true answer to your question, because there are always going to be distributions that will give you a funny answer (e.g., consider a biased bi-modal distribution). This is why may statistics are often presented using box-and-whisker diagrams showing mean, median, quartiles, and outliers.
rand(1,N) but excluding array(a,b,c,..),
is there already a built-in function that I don't know or do I have to implement it myself(how?) ?
The qualified solution should have gold performance whether the size of the excluded array is big or not.
No built-in function, but you could do this:
function randWithout($from, $to, array $exceptions) {
sort($exceptions); // lets us use break; in the foreach reliably
$number = rand($from, $to - count($exceptions)); // or mt_rand()
foreach ($exceptions as $exception) {
if ($number >= $exception) {
$number++; // make up for the gap
} else /*if ($number < $exception)*/ {
return $number;
That's off the top of my head, so it could use polishing - but at least you can't end up in an infinite-loop scenario, even hypothetically.
Note: The function breaks if $exceptions exhausts your range - e.g. calling randWithout(1, 2, array(1,2)) or randWithout(1, 2, array(0,1,2,3)) will not yield anything sensible (obviously), but in that case, the returned number will be outside the $from-$to range, so it's easy to catch.
If $exceptions is guaranteed to be sorted already, sort($exceptions); can be removed.
Eye-candy: Somewhat minimalistic visualisation of the algorithm.
I don't think there's such a function built-in ; you'll probably have to code it yourself.
To code this, you have two solutions :
Use a loop, to call rand() or mt_rand() until it returns a correct value
which means calling rand() several times, in the worst case
but this should work OK if N is big, and you don't have many forbidden values.
Build an array that contains only legal values
And use array_rand to pick one value from it
which will work fine if N is small
Depending on exactly what you need, and why, this approach might be an interesting alternative.
$numbers = array_diff(range(1, N), array(a, b, c));
// Either (not a real answer, but could be useful, depending on your circumstances)
shuffle($numbers); // $numbers is now a randomly-sorted array containing all the numbers that interest you
// Or:
$x = $numbers[array_rand($numbers)]; // $x is now a random number selected from the set of numbers you're interested in
So, if you don't need to generate the set of potential numbers each time, but are generating the set once and then picking a bunch of random number from the same set, this could be a good way to go.
The simplest way...
function rand_except($min, $max, $excepting = array()) {
$num = mt_rand($min, $max);
return in_array($num, $excepting) ? rand_except($min, $max, $excepting) : $num;
What you need to do is calculate an array of skipped locations so you can pick a random position in a continuous array of length M = N - #of exceptions and easily map it back to the original array with holes. This will require time and space equal to the skipped array. I don't know php from a hole in the ground so forgive the textual semi-psudo code example.
Make a new array Offset[] the same length as the Exceptions array.
in Offset[i] store the first index in the imagined non-holey array that would have skipped i elements in the original array.
Now to pick a random element. Select a random number, r, in 0..M the number of remaining elements.
Find i such that Offset[i] <= r < Offest[i+i] this is easy with a binary search
Return r + i
Now, that is just a sketch you will need to deal with the ends of the arrays and if things are indexed form 0 or 1 and all that jazz. If you are clever you can actually compute the Offset array on the fly from the original, it is a bit less clear that way though.
Maybe its too late for answer, but I found this piece of code somewhere in my mind when trying to get random data from Database based on random ID excluding some number.
$excludedData = array(); // This is your excluded number
$maxVal = $this->db->count_all_results("game_pertanyaan"); // Get the maximum number based on my database
$randomNum = rand(1, $maxVal); // Make first initiation, I think you can put this directly in the while > in_array paramater, seems working as well, it's up to you
while (in_array($randomNum, $excludedData)) {
$randomNum = rand(1, $maxVal);
$randomNum; //Your random number excluding some number you choose
This is the fastest & best performance way to do it :
$all = range($Min,$Max);
$diff = array_diff($all,$Exclude);
shuffle($diff );
$data = array_slice($diff,0,$quantity);