I tried this to format the XML output in a PHP function with the formatoutput = true and that didn't do it. So I want to do this with a function. I found two different scripts for that but they all have the same issue: they do the indentation but the newline "\n" doesn't print in the file. Is there a different way to get the newline?
PHP script
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
function make_update( $nodeid, $name, $top, $left, $width, $height ) {
$nodes = new SimpleXMLElement('linkcards.xml', null, true);
$returnArray = $nodes->xpath("//LINKCARD[#ID='$nodeid']");
$node = $returnArray[0];
$node->NAME = $name;
$node->TOP = $top;
$node->LEFT = $left;
$node->WIDTH = $width;
$node->HEIGHT = $height;
$formatted = formatXmlString($nodes->asXML());
$file = fopen ('linkcards.xml', "w");
fwrite($file, $formatted);
fclose ($file);
echo make_update(trim($_REQUEST['nodeid']),trim($_REQUEST['name']),trim($_REQUEST['top']),trim($_REQUEST['left']),trim($_REQUEST['width']),trim($_REQUEST['height']));
function formatXmlString($xml) {
// add marker linefeeds to aid the pretty-tokeniser (adds a linefeed between all tag-end boundaries)
$xml = preg_replace('/(>)(<)(\/*)/', "$1\n$2$3", $xml);
// now indent the tags
$token = strtok($xml, "\n");
$result = ''; // holds formatted version as it is built
$pad = 0; // initial indent
$matches = array(); // returns from preg_matches()
// scan each line and adjust indent based on opening/closing tags
while ($token !== false) :
// test for the various tag states
// 1. open and closing tags on same line - no change
if (preg_match('/.+<\/\w[^>]*>$/', $token, $matches)) :
// 2. closing tag - outdent now
elseif (preg_match('/^<\/\w/', $token, $matches)) :
// 3. opening tag - don't pad this one, only subsequent tags
elseif (preg_match('/^<\w[^>]*[^\/]>.*$/', $token, $matches)) :
// 4. no indentation needed
else :
$indent = 0;
// pad the line with the required number of leading spaces
$line = str_pad($token, strlen($token)+$pad, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$result .= $line . "\n"; // add to the cumulative result, with linefeed
$token = strtok("\n"); // get the next token
$pad += $indent; // update the pad size for subsequent lines
return $result;
Found the answer. If I write "\r\n" for the newline, it works!!!!!!
$result .= $line . "\r\n";
Using that function instead of formatoutput = true might be a useful workaround for anyone else who had trouble formatting the XML output.
I have this CSV file: http://www.gamesdeal.com/media/feedgenerator/Gamekey.csv
And get this error with PHP:
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 6 in
But the problem is that I can not create the CSV file by my self. It is from a store. So, I can't modify it... Does somebody knows how I can fix this error?
Here my code:
function csvToXML($inputFilename, $outputFilename, $delimiter = ','){
// Open csv to read
$inputFile = fopen($inputFilename, 'rt');
// Get the headers of the file
$headers = fgetcsv($inputFile, 0, $delimiter);
// Create a new dom document with pretty formatting
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$doc->formatOutput = true;
// Add a root node to the document
$root = $doc->createElement('products');
$root = $doc->appendChild($root);
while (($row = fgetcsv($inputFile, 0, $delimiter)) !== false) {
$container = $doc->createElement('product');
foreach ($headers as $i => $header) {
$child = $doc->createElement($header);
$child = $container->appendChild($child);
$value = $doc->createTextNode($row[$i]);
$value = $child->appendChild($value);
$strxml = $doc->saveXML();
$handle = fopen($outputFilename, 'w');
fwrite($handle, $strxml);
Here is the problem:
header: products_price <tab> price_currency
data: 5.45 EUR (no tab between 5.45 and EUR)
So in the header there are 7 fields defined, but only 6 in the data (also most records don't have a EAN value, but there's a tab at the end, so that should be ok).
To fix this you could:
read all the fields manually
first replace products_price <tab> price_currency with products_price price_currency in the header
remove price_currency from $headers
or somehow let the parser know there are only 6 fields instead of 7
You probably have to correct the price field afterwards then.
My PHP_EOL is "\r\n", however, when I do print_r on an array each new line has a "\n" - not a "\r\n" - placed after it.
Any idea if it's possible to change this behavior?
If you look the source code of print_r you'll find:
zval *var;
zend_bool do_return = 0;
if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|b", &var, &do_return) == FAILURE) {
if (do_return) {
zend_print_zval_r(var, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
if (do_return) {
php_output_get_contents(return_value TSRMLS_CC);
} else {
ultimately you can ignore the stuff arround zend_print_zval_r(var, 0 TSRMLS_CC); for your question.
If you follow the stacktrace, you'll find:
ZEND_API void zend_print_zval_r(zval *expr, int indent TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
zend_print_zval_r_ex(zend_write, expr, indent TSRMLS_CC);
which leads to
ZEND_API void zend_print_zval_r_ex(zend_write_func_t write_func, zval *expr, int indent TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
switch (Z_TYPE_P(expr)) {
case IS_ARRAY:
if (++Z_ARRVAL_P(expr)->nApplyCount>1) {
print_hash(write_func, Z_ARRVAL_P(expr), indent, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
From this point on, you could continue to find the relevant line - but since there is already a hardcoded "Array\n" - i'll assume the rest of the print_r implementation uses the same hardcoded \n linebreak-thing.
So, to answer your question: You cannot change it to use \r\n.
Use one of the provided workarounds.
Sidenode: Since print_r is mainly used for debugging, this will do the job as well:
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
Use second param in print_r (set true), read DOC:
mixed print_r ( mixed $expression [, bool $return = false ] );
$eol = chr(10); //Break line in like unix
$weol = chr(13) . $eol; //Break line with "carriage return" (required by some text editors)
$data = print_r(array(...), true);
$data = str_replace(eol, weol, $data);
echo $data;
Like pointed out elsewhere on this page, the newlines are hardcoded in the PHP source, so you have to replace them manually.
You could use your own version of print_r like this:
namespace My;
function print_r($expression, $return = false)
$out = \print_r($expression, true);
$out = \preg_replace("#(?<!\r)\n#", PHP_EOL, $out);
if ($return) {
return $out;
echo $out;
return true;
Whenever you want to use it, you just import it with
// aliasing a function (PHP 5.6+)
use My\print_r as print_r;
print_r("A string with \r\n is not replaced");
print_r("A string with \n is replaced");
This will then use PHP_EOL for newlines. Note that it will only substitute newlines, e.g. \n, but not any \r\n you might have in the $expression. This is to prevent any \r\n to become \r\r\n.
The benefit of doing it this way is that it will work as a drop-in replacement of the native function. So any code that already uses the native print_r can be replaced simply by adding the use statement.
This may not be the most elegant solution, but you could capture the print_r() output using buffer output, then use str_replace() to replace existences of \n with your PHP_EOL. In this example I've replaced it with x to show that it's working...
$test_array = range('A', 'Z');
$dump = ob_get_contents();
As pointed out by dognose, since PHP 4.3 you can return the result of print_r() into a string (more elegant):
$dump = print_r($test_array, true);
Then replace line endings:
$dump = str_replace("\n", "x" . PHP_EOL, $dump);
echo $dump;
[0] => Ax
[1] => Bx
[2] => Cx
[3] => Dx
[4] => Ex
[5] => Fx
[6] => Gx
... etc
[25] => Zx
Question Is it possible to change the behavior of PHP's print_r function was marked was duplicated of this one . I'd like to answer more how is possible change the behavior of print_r. My propose is do another function with another name that do the print_r customized . And we just need replace print_r functions with print_r_pretty ...
function print_r_pretty($in, $saveToString = false) {
$out = print_r($in, true);
$out = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $out);
switch ($saveToString) {
case true: return $out;
default: echo $out;
But line :
$out = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $out);
can be replaced by another line that do another changes to print_r like this :
$out = explode("\n", $out, 2)[1];
I have a script that appends XML data to the end of an XML file via PHP. The only problem is that after each new line of XML I add via the PHP script, an extra line (whitespace) is created. Is there a way to remove the whitespace from the XML file with PHP without loosing the neatly formated XML file? Here is my PHP code that writes to the XML file:
function formatXmlString($xml) {
// add marker linefeeds to aid the pretty-tokeniser (adds a linefeed between all tag-end boundaries)
$xml = preg_replace('/(>)(<)(\/*)/', "$1\n$2$3", $xml);
// now indent the tags
$token = strtok($xml, "\n");
$result = ''; // holds formatted version as it is built
$pad = 0; // initial indent
$matches = array(); // returns from preg_matches()
// scan each line and adjust indent based on opening/closing tags
while ($token !== false) :
// test for the various tag states
// 1. open and closing tags on same line - no change
if (preg_match('/.+<\/\w[^>]*>$/', $token, $matches)) :
// 2. closing tag - outdent now
elseif (preg_match('/^<\/\w/', $token, $matches)) :
// 3. opening tag - don't pad this one, only subsequent tags
elseif (preg_match('/^<\w[^>]*[^\/]>.*$/', $token, $matches)) :
// 4. no indentation needed
else :
$indent = 0;
// pad the line with the required number of leading spaces
$line = str_pad($token, strlen($token)+$pad, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$result .= $line . "\n"; // add to the cumulative result, with linefeed
$token = strtok("\n"); // get the next token
$pad += $indent; // update the pad size for subsequent lines
return $result;
function append_xml($file, $content, $sibling, $single = false) {
$doc = file_get_contents($file);
if ($single) {
$pos = strrpos($doc, "<$sibling");
$pos = strpos($doc, ">", $pos) + 1;
else {
$pos = strrpos($doc, "</$sibling>") + strlen("</$sibling>");
return file_put_contents($file, substr($doc, 0, $pos) . "\n$content" . substr($doc, $pos));
$content = "<product><id>3</id><name>Product 3</name><price>63.00</price></product>";
append_xml('prudcts.xml', formatXmlString($content), 'url');
Do not just put all in one line and you're more flexible:
return file_put_contents($file, substr($doc, 0, $pos) . "\n$content" . substr($doc, $pos));
Instead (suggestion):
$buffer = substr($doc, 0, $pos) . "\n$content" . substr($doc, $pos);
$buffer = rtrim($buffer);
return file_put_contents($file, $buffer);
P.S: Using DomDocument might be more straight forward and save for XML processing then the string functions.
Instead of appending new data to $result and then a newline, do the reverse.
Use something like if( !empty($result) ) { result .= "\n" } to avoid beginning the XML data with a newline.
I'm writing a RESTful API. I'm having trouble with uploading images using the different verbs.
I have an object which can be created/modified/deleted/viewed via a post/put/delete/get request to a URL. The request is multi part form when there is a file to upload, or application/xml when there's just text to process.
To handle the image uploads which are associated with the object I am doing something like:
if(isset($_FILES['userfile'])) {
$data = $this->image_model->upload_image();
$this->response(array('error' => $error['error']));
$xml_data = (array)simplexml_load_string( urldecode($_POST['xml']) );
$object = (array)$xml_data['object'];
} else {
$object = $this->body('object');
The major problem here is when trying to handle a put request, obviously $_POST doesn't contain the put data (as far as I can tell!).
For reference this is how I'm building the requests:
curl -F userfile=#./image.png -F xml="<xml><object>stuff to edit</object></xml>"
http://example.com/object -X PUT
Does anyone have any ideas how I can access the xml variable in my PUT request?
First of all, $_FILES is not populated when handling PUT requests. It is only populated by PHP when handling POST requests.
You need to parse it manually. That goes for "regular" fields as well:
// Fetch content and determine boundary
$raw_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
$boundary = substr($raw_data, 0, strpos($raw_data, "\r\n"));
// Fetch each part
$parts = array_slice(explode($boundary, $raw_data), 1);
$data = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
// If this is the last part, break
if ($part == "--\r\n") break;
// Separate content from headers
$part = ltrim($part, "\r\n");
list($raw_headers, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $part, 2);
// Parse the headers list
$raw_headers = explode("\r\n", $raw_headers);
$headers = array();
foreach ($raw_headers as $header) {
list($name, $value) = explode(':', $header);
$headers[strtolower($name)] = ltrim($value, ' ');
// Parse the Content-Disposition to get the field name, etc.
if (isset($headers['content-disposition'])) {
$filename = null;
'/^(.+); *name="([^"]+)"(; *filename="([^"]+)")?/',
list(, $type, $name) = $matches;
isset($matches[4]) and $filename = $matches[4];
// handle your fields here
switch ($name) {
// this is a file upload
case 'userfile':
file_put_contents($filename, $body);
// default for all other files is to populate $data
$data[$name] = substr($body, 0, strlen($body) - 2);
At each iteration, the $data array will be populated with your parameters, and the $headers array will be populated with the headers for each part (e.g.: Content-Type, etc.), and $filename will contain the original filename, if supplied in the request and is applicable to the field.
Take note the above will only work for multipart content types. Make sure to check the request Content-Type header before using the above to parse the body.
Please don't delete this again, it's helpful to a majority of people coming here! All previous answers were partial answers that don't cover the solution as a majority of people asking this question would want.
This takes what has been said above and additionally handles multiple file uploads and places them in $_FILES as someone would expect. To get this to work, you have to add 'Script PUT /put.php' to your Virtual Host for the project per Documentation. I also suspect I'll have to setup a cron to cleanup any '.tmp' files.
private function _parsePut( )
global $_PUT;
/* PUT data comes in on the stdin stream */
$putdata = fopen("php://input", "r");
/* Open a file for writing */
// $fp = fopen("myputfile.ext", "w");
$raw_data = '';
/* Read the data 1 KB at a time
and write to the file */
while ($chunk = fread($putdata, 1024))
$raw_data .= $chunk;
/* Close the streams */
// Fetch content and determine boundary
$boundary = substr($raw_data, 0, strpos($raw_data, "\r\n"));
$GLOBALS[ '_PUT' ] = $data;
// Fetch each part
$parts = array_slice(explode($boundary, $raw_data), 1);
$data = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
// If this is the last part, break
if ($part == "--\r\n") break;
// Separate content from headers
$part = ltrim($part, "\r\n");
list($raw_headers, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $part, 2);
// Parse the headers list
$raw_headers = explode("\r\n", $raw_headers);
$headers = array();
foreach ($raw_headers as $header) {
list($name, $value) = explode(':', $header);
$headers[strtolower($name)] = ltrim($value, ' ');
// Parse the Content-Disposition to get the field name, etc.
if (isset($headers['content-disposition'])) {
$filename = null;
$tmp_name = null;
'/^(.+); *name="([^"]+)"(; *filename="([^"]+)")?/',
list(, $type, $name) = $matches;
//Parse File
if( isset($matches[4]) )
//if labeled the same as previous, skip
if( isset( $_FILES[ $matches[ 2 ] ] ) )
//get filename
$filename = $matches[4];
//get tmp name
$filename_parts = pathinfo( $filename );
$tmp_name = tempnam( ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), $filename_parts['filename']);
//populate $_FILES with information, size may be off in multibyte situation
$_FILES[ $matches[ 2 ] ] = array(
'size'=>strlen( $body ),
//place in temporary directory
file_put_contents($tmp_name, $body);
//Parse Field
$data[$name] = substr($body, 0, strlen($body) - 2);
$GLOBALS[ '_PUT' ] = $data;
For whom using Apiato (Laravel) framework:
create new Middleware like file below, then declair this file in your laravel kernel file within the protected $middlewareGroups variable (inside web or api, whatever you want) like this:
protected $middlewareGroups = [
'web' => [],
'api' => [HandlePutFormData::class],
namespace App\Ship\Middlewares\Http;
use Closure;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag;
* #author Quang Pham
class HandlePutFormData
* Handle an incoming request.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #param \Closure $next
* #return mixed
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($request->method() == 'POST' or $request->method() == 'GET') {
return $next($request);
if (preg_match('/multipart\/form-data/', $request->headers->get('Content-Type')) or
preg_match('/multipart\/form-data/', $request->headers->get('content-type'))) {
$parameters = $this->decode();
return $next($request);
public function decode()
$files = [];
$data = [];
// Fetch content and determine boundary
$rawData = file_get_contents('php://input');
$boundary = substr($rawData, 0, strpos($rawData, "\r\n"));
// Fetch and process each part
$parts = $rawData ? array_slice(explode($boundary, $rawData), 1) : [];
foreach ($parts as $part) {
// If this is the last part, break
if ($part == "--\r\n") {
// Separate content from headers
$part = ltrim($part, "\r\n");
list($rawHeaders, $content) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $part, 2);
$content = substr($content, 0, strlen($content) - 2);
// Parse the headers list
$rawHeaders = explode("\r\n", $rawHeaders);
$headers = array();
foreach ($rawHeaders as $header) {
list($name, $value) = explode(':', $header);
$headers[strtolower($name)] = ltrim($value, ' ');
// Parse the Content-Disposition to get the field name, etc.
if (isset($headers['content-disposition'])) {
$filename = null;
'/^form-data; *name="([^"]+)"(; *filename="([^"]+)")?/',
$fieldName = $matches[1];
$fileName = (isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : null);
// If we have a file, save it. Otherwise, save the data.
if ($fileName !== null) {
$localFileName = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'sfy');
file_put_contents($localFileName, $content);
$files = $this->transformData($files, $fieldName, [
'name' => $fileName,
'type' => $headers['content-type'],
'tmp_name' => $localFileName,
'error' => 0,
'size' => filesize($localFileName)
// register a shutdown function to cleanup the temporary file
register_shutdown_function(function () use ($localFileName) {
} else {
$data = $this->transformData($data, $fieldName, $content);
$fields = new ParameterBag($data);
return ["inputs" => $fields->all(), "files" => $files];
private function transformData($data, $name, $value)
$isArray = strpos($name, '[]');
if ($isArray && (($isArray + 2) == strlen($name))) {
$name = str_replace('[]', '', $name);
$data[$name][]= $value;
} else {
$data[$name] = $value;
return $data;
Pls note: Those codes above not all mine, some from above comment, some modified by me.
Quoting netcoder reply : "Take note the above will only work for multipart content types"
To work with any content type I have added the following lines to Mr. netcoder's solution :
// Fetch content and determine boundary
$raw_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
$boundary = substr($raw_data, 0, strpos($raw_data, "\r\n"));
/*...... My edit --------- */
return $data;
/* ........... My edit ends ......... */
// Fetch each part
$parts = array_slice(explode($boundary, $raw_data), 1);
$data = array();
I've been trying to figure out how to work with this issue without having to break RESTful convention and boy howdie, what a rabbit hole, let me tell you.
I'm adding this anywhere I can find in the hope that it will help somebody out in the future.
I've just lost a day of development firstly figuring out that this was an issue, then figuring out where the issue lay.
As mentioned, this isn't a symfony (or laravel, or any other framework) issue, it's a limitation of PHP.
After trawling through a good few RFCs for php core, the core development team seem somewhat resistant to implementing anything to do with modernising the handling of HTTP requests. The issue was first reported in 2011, it doesn't look any closer to having a native solution.
That said, I managed to find this PECL extension called Always Populate Form Data. I'm not really very familiar with pecl, and couldn't seem to get it working using pear. but I'm using CentOS and Remi PHP which has a yum package.
I ran yum install php-pecl-apfd and it literally fixed the issue straight away (well I had to restart my docker containers but that was a given).
I believe there are other packages in various flavours of linux and I'm sure anybody with more knowledge of pear/pecl/general php extensions could get it running on windows or mac with no issue.
I know this article is old.
But unfortunately, PHP still does not pay attention to form-data other than the Post method.
Thanks to friends (#netcoder, #greendot, #pham-quang) who suggested solutions above.
Using those solutions I wrote a library for this purpose:
composer require alireaza/php-form-data
You can also use composer require alireaza/laravel-form-data in Laravel.
I'm trying to write a parser for a xml postback listener, but can't seem to get it to dump the xml for a sample. The API support guy told me to use 'DOMDocument', maybe 'SimpleXML'? Anyways here's the code: (thanks!)
$xml_document = file_get_contents('php://input');
$doc = new DOMDocument();
How about use this to create an XML file?
* Will output in a similar form to print_r, but the nodes are xml so can be collapsed in browsers
* #param mixed $mixed
function print_r_xml($mixed)
// capture the output of print_r
$out = print_r($mixed, true);
// Replace the root item with a struct
// MATCH : '<start>element<newline> ('
$root_pattern = '/[ \t]*([a-z0-9 \t_]+)\n[ \t]*\(/i';
$root_replace_pattern = '<struct name="root" type="\\1">';
$out = preg_replace($root_pattern, $root_replace_pattern, $out, 1);
// Replace array and object items structs
// MATCH : '[element] => <newline> ('
$struct_pattern = '/[ \t]*\[([^\]]+)\][ \t]*\=\>[ \t]*([a-z0-9 \t_]+)\n[ \t]*\(/miU';
$struct_replace_pattern = '<struct name="\\1" type="\\2">';
$out = preg_replace($struct_pattern, $struct_replace_pattern, $out);
// replace ')' on its own on a new line (surrounded by whitespace is ok) with '</var>
$out = preg_replace('/^\s*\)\s*$/m', '</struct>', $out);
// Replace simple key=>values with vars
// MATCH : '[element] => value<newline>'
$var_pattern = '/[ \t]*\[([^\]]+)\][ \t]*\=\>[ \t]*([a-z0-9 \t_\S]+)/i';
$var_replace_pattern = '<var name="\\1">\\2</var>';
$out = preg_replace($var_pattern, $var_replace_pattern, $out);
$out = trim($out);
$out='<?xml version="1.0"?><data>'.$out.'</data>';
return $out;
Im my application I posted all of the $_POST variables to it:
$handle = fopen("data.xml", "w+");
$content = print_r_xml($_POST);