I am beginner webdeveloper.
I use in my project Laravel 5.8.
I have this this code:
if ($this->calcutateAge($request->input('date')) < 18) {
return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['You are a minor. Registration is allowed for adult users']);
function calcutateAge($dob)
$dob = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dob));
$dobObject = new DateTime($dob);
$nowObject = new DateTime();
$diff = $dobObject->diff($nowObject);
return $diff->y;
It's work fine. But I have problem with date ex 2045-12-12.
This function is not working. With year: 2015-12-12 - it's okey.
How can I repair it?
I suggest you should use Carbon.
use Carbon\Carbon;
function calcutateAge($dob){
return \Carbon::parse($dob)->age;
I would write your function to return true or false depending on if the user is 18 or not.
function is_18($dob)
$dobObject = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dob)));
$nowObject = new DateTime();
return $dobObject < $nowObject ? ($dobObject->diff($nowObject)->y > 18) : false;
Then your IF block is simplified to this:
if (!$this->is_18($request->input('date')) {
return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['You are a minor. Registration is allowed for adult users']);
I would find out when a person born 18 years ago was born, then compare to that:
function isAdult($dob) {
$adult = new DateTime('18 years ago'); // 'date' => '2002-09-01 12:05:52.000000'
$dob = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dob));
$dobObject = new DateTime($dob);
return $adult >= $dobObject; // 2002-09-01 is after the passed date of birth
you can add 18 year and compare the date like this:
$dobObject = new DateTime($dob.' +18 years');
$nowObject = new DateTime();
if ($dobObject > $nowObject)
print 'great you are granted'
print 'sorry you are minor'
If you run var_dump($diff); you will see:
["invert"]=> int(1)
Which means is a negative difference.
So, you can do return $diff->invert? -$diff->y : $diff->y;
Of course this is a solution based on your code. You can always check if the date is someday into the future, and return false or throw some exception in this case.
I'm want to know which date is the greater date
if ($date1 > $date2) {
echo 'date1 greater than date2';
else {
echo 'Less than';
Why do I get "Less than"?
$date1=new DateTime("16-05-2019");
$date2=new DateTime("19-04-2019");
if ($date1 > $date2) {
echo 'date1 greater than date2';
} else {
echo 'Less than';
Here you compare two date objects (see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php)
Thanks fo you all guys!
now I have new problem :
foreach($datetimetextresult as $value1){
$datetime_text = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($value1->datetime));
$date1=new DateTime ($datetime_text);
$text = $value1->text;
if ($last_update <$date1){
$last_text = $text ;
I get this eror: "Object of class DateTime could not be converted to int"
Please, i need to get the time difference between a particular time and the current time. ie. I want to track users who submit an assignment late. the deadline time is 10:00AM everyday.I have surf,but all the solution i am seeing does not seems to work. see below:
$d1 = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d 10:00:00'));//Deadline time
$d2 = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));//Submission time
$interval = $d1->diff($d2);
$c = $interval->minute;
echo "submitted late";}else{ echo "Submitted on time";}
Regarding the first point, your code doesn't work because $interval->minute is always positive. So you should simply compare two dates.
Use the following code to achieve it:
$d1 = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d 10:00:00'));//Deadline time
$d2 = new \DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));//Submission time
if($d1 < $d2) {
echo "submitted late";
} else {
echo "Submitted on time";
$deadline = date('10:00:00');
$now = date('H:i:s');
if($now > $deadline){
echo "submitted late";
} else {
echo "Submitted on time";
as simple as that
I have a problem comparing a customized php datetime with current datetime, the code is below:
$requestDate = new DateTime("2014-05-28 11:14:00");
$nowDate = new DateTime();
$aklTimeZone = new DateTimeZone("Pacific/Auckland");
echo $nowDate->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if ($requestDate > $nowDate) {
echo '1';
} else if($requestDate == $nowDate){
echo '0';
} else{
echo "-1";
The printed result is:
2014-05-28 12:21:31
The $requestDate is supposed to be less than the $nowDate, how come it is greater here?
Thank you
This function seems to only return false. Are any of you getting the same? I'm sure I'm overlooking something, however, fresh eyes and all that ...
function isweekend($date){
$date = strtotime($date);
$date = date("l", $date);
$date = strtolower($date);
echo $date;
if($date == "saturday" || $date == "sunday") {
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
I call the function using the following:
$isthisaweekend = isweekend('2011-01-01');
If you have PHP >= 5.1:
function isWeekend($date) {
return (date('N', strtotime($date)) >= 6);
function isWeekend($date) {
$weekDay = date('w', strtotime($date));
return ($weekDay == 0 || $weekDay == 6);
Another way is to use the DateTime class, this way you can also specify the timezone.
Note: PHP 5.3 or higher.
// For the current date
function isTodayWeekend() {
$currentDate = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("Europe/Amsterdam"));
return $currentDate->format('N') >= 6;
If you need to be able to check a certain date string, you can use DateTime::createFromFormat
function isWeekend($date) {
$inputDate = DateTime::createFromFormat("d-m-Y", $date, new DateTimeZone("Europe/Amsterdam"));
return $inputDate->format('N') >= 6;
The beauty of this way is that you can specify the timezone without changing the timezone globally in PHP, which might cause side-effects in other scripts (for ex. Wordpress).
If you're using PHP 5.5 or PHP 7 above, you may want to use:
function isTodayWeekend() {
return in_array(date("l"), ["Saturday", "Sunday"]);
and it will return "true" if today is weekend and "false" if not.
function isweekend($year, $month, $day)
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
$weekday = date('w', $time);
return ($weekday == 0 || $weekday == 6);
The working version of your code (from the errors pointed out by BoltClock):
$date = '2011-01-01';
$timestamp = strtotime($date);
$weekday= date("l", $timestamp );
$normalized_weekday = strtolower($weekday);
echo $normalized_weekday ;
if (($normalized_weekday == "saturday") || ($normalized_weekday == "sunday")) {
echo "true";
} else {
echo "false";
The stray "{" is difficult to see, especially without a decent PHP editor (in my case). So I post the corrected version here.
For guys like me, who aren't minimalistic, there is a PECL extension called "intl".
I use it for idn conversion since it works way better than the "idn" extension and some other n1 classes like "IntlDateFormatter".
Well, what I want to say is, the "intl" extension has a class called "IntlCalendar" which can handle many international countries (e.g. in Saudi Arabia, sunday is not a weekend day). The IntlCalendar has a method IntlCalendar::isWeekend for that. Maybe you guys give it a shot, I like that "it works for almost every country" fact on these intl-classes.
EDIT: Not quite sure but since PHP 5.5.0, the intl extension is bundled with PHP (--enable-intl).
This works for me and is reusable.
function isThisDayAWeekend($date) {
$timestamp = strtotime($date);
$weekday= date("l", $timestamp );
if ($weekday =="Saturday" OR $weekday =="Sunday") { return true; }
else {return false; }
As opposed to testing the explicit day of the week string or number, you can also test using the relative date this weekday of the supplied date.
A direct comparison between the values is not possible without a workaround, as the use of weekday resets the time of the supplied date to 00:00:00.0000.
DateTimeInterface objects
$date->setTime(0, 0, 0) != $date->modify('this weekday');
DateTimeInterface Method
A simple method to implement to ensure the supplied date object is not changed.
function isWeekend(DateTimeInterface $date): bool
if ($date instanceof DateTime) {
$date = DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable($date);
return $date->setTime(0,0,0) != $date->modify('this weekday');
isWeekend(new DateTimeImmutable('Sunday')); //true
strtotime method
With strtotime you can compare with the date('Yz') format. If the Yz value changes between the supplied date and this weekday, the supplied date is not a weekday.
function isWeekend(string $date): bool
return date('Yz', strtotime($dateValue)) != date('Yz', strtotime($dateValue . ' this weekday'));
isWeekend('Sunday'); //true
$sunday = new DateTimeImmutable('Sunday');
foreach (new DatePeriod($sunday, new DateInterval('P1D'), 6) as $date) {
echo $date->format('D') . ' is' . (isWeekend($date) ? '' : ' not') . ' a weekend';
Sun is a weekend
Mon is not a weekend
Tue is not a weekend
Wed is not a weekend
Thu is not a weekend
Fri is not a weekend
Sat is a weekend