I'm not sure this is even possible, but I would really like to be sure in order to create the most efficient code...
I need to build a query that works like an affiliate -
when a user signs in, I need to see if someone invited him, or if he got there alone (basic URL param). If he was invited, I need to give him X points. If the inviter was invited by someone, I need to give him 1/2X points, and if he was also invited, I need to give his inviter 1/4 points. I need this to be endless until the parent of all has no more "invited_by" values (null/0)...
I did this with a php (while x), a counter to calculate the amount of points - 1/(X sqr $i), but i'm not happy because it takes me a select and update query each time...
I'm using php and mysql.
Is there someone who can think of a better way to do this?
I think that you will need an iterative solution. I don't see any hierarchical query operators in the MySQL manual that might help you out (but that isn't quite the same as saying there aren't any; my eyesight isn't perfect). You could perform it in a stored procedure, which would reduce the cost of the operation (less data transferred between database server and client).
Also, the X/2, X/4, X/8, sequence isn't captured by the expressions 1/2X or 1/(X sqr $i); I assume that there was no intent to give the invitrr a fraction of a point whereas the inviter's inviter gets X/4 points?
So i noticed in a script i'm using that the id row in the database i have set up is started at 1728.
Is there any specific benefits in starting a database id number at a large number or anything other then 1 ??
It looks somewhat cool for someone.
profile.php?id=1728 looks better than profile.php?id=1
But in your case, it's probably wrong SQL dump which had AUTO_INCREMENT 1728
Not that I'm aware of, although I've seen it used as a very simple security measure, which prevents the first user in a table of users (typically the admin / creator) from having user ID = 1.
No, there are no benefits. As long as the id is unique, it doesn't matter. Some developers prefer to start ids for some rows higher because it seems to look better in a url. For example, this url:
looks better than:
I don't know of any real reason. Perhaps then people don't guess that your admin user ID is 1.
I have seen tables start with non-1 IDs when using auto-incrementing IDs. Every attempted insert will increment even if the insert fails. In your case the table may have incremented to 1728 while the script was being developed so the first "real" record was 1728.
We can only guess. There are no technical benefits as such. But there may be soft benefits. I can imagine that it's done with the intention of having some reserved IDs for old/previous backup .sql dumps or even default database entries.
I occasionally start IDs (if I really have to expose database-internal numbering in the UI) at larger numbers like 1000, so I get e.g. 4-digit numbers for all IDs. Not technical necessary, but may look more consistent.
#Jake Chapman, The reason behind it is that if one see
profile.php?id=1 or profile.php?id=2 ...
all these takes programmer's attention, and tricky programmer would like to play some hacking tricks because they know well what can be done to it.
Numbers likes
profile.php?id=1343 or profile.php?id=2543 ...
Some confusing and don't take attntion suddenly that is why.
Background: I'm working on a system where the developers seem to be using a function which executes a MYSQL query like "SELECT MAX(id) AS id FROM TABLE" whenever they need to get the id of the LAST inserted row (the table having an auto_increment column).
I know this is a horrible practice (because concurrent requests will mess the records), and I'm trying to communicate that to the non-tech / management team, to which their response is...
"Oh okay, we'll only face this problem when we have
(a) a lot of users, or
(b) it'll only happen when two people try doing something
at _exactly_ the same time"
I don't disagree with either point, and think we'll run into this problem much sooner than we plan. However, I'm trying to calculate (or figure a mechanism) to calculate how many users should be using the system before we start seeing messed up links.
Any mathematical insights into that? Again, I KNOW its a horrible practice, I just want to understand the variables in this situation...
Update: Thanks for the comments folks - we're moving in the right direction and getting the code fixed!
The point is not if potential bad situations are likely. The point is if they are possible. As long as there's a non-trivial probability of the issue occurring, if it's known it should be avoided.
It's not like we're talking about changing a one line function call into a 5000 line monster to deal with a remotely possible edge case. We're talking about actually shortening the call to a more readable, and more correct usage.
I kind of agree with #Mark Baker that there is some performance consideration, but since id is a primary key, the MAX query will be very quick. Sure, the LAST_INSERT_ID() will be faster (since it's just reading from a session variable), but only by a trivial amount.
And you don't need a lot of users for this to occur. All you need is a lot of concurrent requests (not even that many). If the time between the start of the insert and the start of the select is 50 milliseconds (assuming a transaction safe DB engine), then you only need 20 requests per second to start hitting an issue with this consistently. The point is that the window for error is non-trivial. If you say 20 requests per second (which in reality is not a lot), and assuming that the average person visits one page per minute, you're only talking 1200 users. And that's for it to happen regularly. It could happen once with only 2 users.
And right from the MySQL documentation on the subject:
You can generate sequences without calling LAST_INSERT_ID(), but the utility of
using the function this way is that the ID value is maintained in the server as
the last automatically generated value. It is multi-user safe because multiple
clients can issue the UPDATE statement and get their own sequence value with the
SELECT statement (or mysql_insert_id()), without affecting or being affected by
other clients that generate their own sequence values.
Instead of using SELECT MAX(id) you shoud do as the documentation says :
Instead, use the internal MySQL SQL function LAST_INSERT_ID() in an SQL query
Even so, neither SELECT MAX(id) nor mysql_insert_id() are "thread-safe" and you still could have race condition. The best option you have is to lock tables before and after your requests. Or even better use transactions.
I don't have the math for it, but I would point out that response (a) is a little silly. Doesn't the company want a lot of users? Isn't that a goal? That response implies that they'd rather solve the problem twice, possibly at great expense the second time, instead of solve it once correctly the first time.
This will happen when someone has added something to the table between one insert and that query running. So to answer your question, two people using the system has the potential for things to go wrong.
At least using the LAST_INSERT_ID() will get the last ID for a particular resource so it won't matter how many new entries have been added in between.
In addition to the risk of getting the wrong ID value returned, there's also the additional database query overhead of SELECT MAX(id), and it's more PHP code to actually execute than a simple mysql_insert_id(). Why deliberately code something to be slow?
I have a database which holds URL's in a table (along with other many details about the URL). I have another table which stores strings that I'm going to use to perform searches on each and every link. My database will be big, I'm expecting at least 5 million entries in the links table.
The application which communicates with the user is written in PHP. I need some suggestions about how I can search over all the links with all the patterns (n X m searches) and in the same time not to cause a high load on the server and also not to lose speed. I want it to operate at high speed and low resources. If you have any hints, suggestions in pseudo-code, they are all welcomed.
Right now I don't know whether to use SQL commands to perform these searches and have some help from PHP also or completely do it in PHP.
First I'd suggest that you rethink the layout. It seems a little unnecessary to run this query for every user, try instead to create a result table, in which you just insert the results from that query that runs ones and everytime the patterns change.
Otherwise, make sure you have indexes (full text) set on the fields you need. For the query itself you could join the tables:
theUrlTable AS tu
thePatternTable AS tp ON tu.link LIKE CONCAT('%', tp.pattern, '%');
I would say that you pretty definately want to do that in the SQL code, not the PHP code. Also searching on the strings of the URLs is going to be a long operation so perhaps some form of hashing would be good. I have seen someone use a variant of a Zobrist hash for this before (google will bring a load of results back).
Hope this helps,
Do as much searching as you practically can within the database. If you're ending up with an n x m result set, and start with at least 5 million hits, that's a LOT Of data to be repeatedly slurping across the wire (or socket, however you're connecting to the db) just to end up throwing away most (a lot?) of it each time. Even if the DB's native search capabilities ('like' matches, regexp, full-text, etc...) aren't up to the task, culling unwanted rows BEFORE they get sent to the client (your code) will still be useful.
You must optimize your tables in DB. Use a md5 hash. New column with md5, will use index and faster found text.
But it don't help if you use LIKE '%text%'.
You can use Sphinx or Lucene.
I am trying to create a point system in my program similar to stack overflow i.e. when the user does some good deed (activity) his/her points are increased. I am wondering what is the best way to go about implementing this in terms of db schema + logic.
I can think of three options:
Add an extra field called points in the users table, and everytime a user does something, add it to that field (but this will not be able to show an activity of sorts)
Create a function which will run everytime the user does good deed and it calculates from scratch the value and updates the points field
Calculate everytime using a function without any points field.
What is the best way to go about this? Thank you for your time.
Personally, I would use the second option to approach this problem.
The first option limits functionality, so I eliminate that right away.
The third option is inefficient in terms of performance - it is likely that you will be fetching that number a lot, and, if your program is anything like stackoverflow, perhaps showing (calculating) that number many times per pageview/action.
To me, the second option is a decent hybrid solution. Normally, I hate having duplicated data in my system (actions and points, rather than one or the other), but in this case, an integer field is a rather small amount of space per user that saves you a lot of time in recalculating the values unnecessarily.
We must, at times, trade data storage space for performance or vice versa, and I would say that #2 is a trade-off that greatly benefits the application.
This depends very much on the number of expected computations you'll face. In fact, SO apparently uses a method which is similar to your 1) approach, for performance reasons I assume.
This also prevents jumps in the numbers if factors change (such as deleted items which awarded points, or here on SO replies which become community wiki, changes in the point rules, external actions such as joining another account here on SO etc.)
If a recalc solution (2) is what you want, you may implement a "smart" caching by clearing the value (setting it to NULL which would mean "dirty") each time a point modification may take place, and re-computing it when it is NULL, using the cache otherwise. You could also (as a self-correcting measure when non-explicit things happened) clear out the values after an hour, a day or whatever you think firs so that a recalc is forced after a certain time, independently of the "dirty" state.
I would go for 1 and 2 (run in cron on every minute or so).
So that:
- extra field would act as a cache to the amount of point.
- The function to calc the points could be a single sql query that would recalculate the points for all users at once to gain some speed.
I think that recalculating the field each time when point is recieved would be an overkill.
Personally, I'd go with the first option, and add an "Actions" table to keep track of your activity history.
When a user does something good, they get an entry in the "Actions" table, with the action and some point value. The point value can come from another table, or some config file. That same value gets added to the user record.
At any point in time, you could sum up the actions and get the user total, but for performance, simply updating when you add the action record would be simple enough.
How simple is your points system going to be?
I reckon some kind of logging / journalling is good so that you can track activity on a daily /weekly/monthly basis across all users
Check out http://code.google.com/p/userinfuser/
Its open source and allows for you to add points and badges to your application. It has Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby bindings.
I'm designing a very simple (in terms of functionality) but difficult (in terms of scalability) system where users can message each other. Think of it as a very simple chatting service. A user can insert a message through a php page. The message is short and has a recipient name.
On another php page, the user can view all the messages that were sent to him all at once and then deletes them on the database. That's it. That's all the functionality needed for this system. How should I go about designing this (from a database/php point of view)?
So far I have the table like this:
field1 -> message (varchar)
field2 -> recipient (varchar)
Now for sql insert, I find that the time it takes is constant regardless of number of rows in the database. So my send.php will have a guaranteed return time which is good.
But for pulling down messages, my pull.php will take longer as the number of rows increase! I find the sql select (and delete) will take longer as the rows grow and this is true even after I have added an index for the recipient field.
Now, if it was simply the case that users will have to wait a longer time before their messages are pulled on the php then it would have been OK. But what I am worried is that when each pull.php service time takes really long, the php server will start to refuse connections to some request. Or worse the server might just die.
So the question is, how to design this such that it scales? Any tips/hints?
PS. Some estiamte on numbers:
number of users starts with 50,000 and goes up.
each user on average have around 10 messages stored before the other end might pull it down.
each user sends around 10-20 messages a day.
UPDATE from reading the answers so far:
I just want to clarify that by pulling down less messages from pull.php does not help. Even just pull one message will take a long time when the table is huge. This is because the table has all the messages so you have to do a select like this:
select message from DB where recipient = 'John'
even if you change it to this it doesn't help much
select top 1 message from DB where recipient = 'John'
So far from the answers it seems like the longer the table the slower the select will be O(n) or slightly better, no way around it. If that is the case, how should I handle this from the php side? I don't want the php page to fail on the http because the user will be confused and end up refreshing like mad which makes it even worse.
the database design for this is simple as you suggest. As far as it taking longer once the user has more messages, what you can do is just paginate the results. Show the first 10/50/100 or whatever makes sense and only pull those records. Generally speaking, your times shouldn't increase very much unless the volume of messages increases by an order of magnatude or more. You should be able to pull back 1000 short messages in way less than a second. Now it may take more time for the page to display at that point, but thats where the pagination should help.
I would suggest though going through and thinking of future features and building your database out a little more based on that. Adding more features to the software is easy, changing the database is comparatively harder.
Follow the rules of normalization. Try to reach 3rd normal form. To go further for this type of application probably isn’t worth it. Keep your tables thin.
Don’t actually delete rows just mark them as deleted with a bit flag. If you really need to remove them for some type of maintenance / cleanup to reduce size. Mark them as deleted and then create a cleanup process to archive or remove the records during low usage hours.
Integer values are easier for SQL server to deal with then character values. So instead of where recipient = 'John' use WHERE Recipient_ID = 23 You will gain this type of behavior when you normalize your database.
Don't use VARCHAR for your recipient. It's best to make a Recipient table with a primary key that is an integer (or bigint if you are expecting extremely large quantities of people).
Then when you do your select statements:
SELECT message FROM DB WHERE recipient = 52;
The speed retrieving rows will be much faster.
Plus, I believe MySQL indexes are B-Trees, which is O(log n) for most cases.
A database table without an index is called a heap, querying a heap results in each row of the table being evaluated even with a 'where' clause, the big-o notation for a heap is O(n) with n being the number of rows in the table. Adding an index (and this really depends on the underlying aspects of your database engine) results in a complexity of O(log(n)) to find the matching row in the table. This is because the index most certainly is implemented in a b-tree sort of way. Adding rows to the table, even with an index present is an O(1) operation.
> But for pulling down messages, my pull.php will take longer as the number of rows
increase! I find the sql select (and delete) will take longer as the rows grow and
this is true even after I have added an index for the recipient field.
UNLESS you are inserting into the middle of an index, at which point the database engine will need to shift rows down to accommodate. The same occurs when you delete from the index. Remember there is more than one kind of index. Be sure that the index you are using is not a clustered index as more data must be sifted through and moved with inserts and deletes.
FlySwat has given the best option available to you... do not use an RDBMS because your messages are not relational in a formal sense. You will get much better performance from a file system.
dbarker has also given correct answers. I do not know why he has been voted down 3 times, but I will vote him up at the risk that I may lose points. dbarker is referring to "Vertical Partitioning" and his suggestion is both acceptable and good. This isn't rocket surgery people.
My suggestion is to not implement this kind of functionality in your RDBMS, if you do remember that select, update, insert, delete all place locks on pages in your table. If you do go forward with putting this functionality into a database then run your selects with a nolock locking hint if it is available on your platform to increase concurrency. Additionally if you have so many concurrent users, partition your tables vertically as dbarker suggested and place these database files on separate drives (not just volumes but separate hardware) to increase I/O concurrency.
So the question is, how to design this such that it scales? Any tips/hints?
Yes, you don't want to use a relational database for message queuing. What you are trying to do is not what a relational database is best designed for, and while you can do it, its kinda like driving in a nail with a screwdriver.
Instead, look at one of the many open source message queues out there, the guys at SecondLife have a neat wiki where they reviewed a lot of them.
This is an unavoidable problem - more messages, more time to find the requested ones. The only thing you can do is what you already did - add an index and turn O(n) look up time for a complete table scan into O(log(u) + m) for a clustered index look up where n is the number of total messages, u the number of users, and m the number of messages per user.
Limit the number of rows that your pull.php will display at any one time.
The more data you transfer, longer it will take to display the page, regardless of how great your DB is.
You must limit your data in the SQL, return the most recent N rows.
Put an index on Recipient and it will speed it up. You'll need another column to distinguish rows if you want to take the top 50 or something, possibly SendDate or an auto incrementing field. A Clustered index will slow down inserts, so use a regular index there.
You could always have only one row per user and just concatenate messages together into one long record. If you're keeping messages for a long period of time, that isn't the best way to go, but it reduces your problem to a single find and concatenate at storage time and a single find at retrieve time. It's hard to say without more detail - part of what makes DB design hard is meeting all the goals of the system in a well-compromised way. Without all the details, its hard to give advice on the best compromise.
EDIT: I thought I was fairly clear on this, but evidently not: You would not do this unless you were blanking a reader's queue when he reads it. This is why I prompted for clarification.