I need to scramble/encode all e-mail addresses in a string, turn them into links and leave the rest of the string intact?
I'm using
$withlinks = preg_replace("/([\w-?&;#~=\.\/]+\#(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?))/i","$1",$nolinks);
to make links out of e-mails and
function encode_email($str) {
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str , 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8'); //big endian
$split = str_split($str, 4);
$res = "";
foreach ($split as $c) {
$cur = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$cur |= ord($c[$i]) << (8*(3 - $i));
$res .= "&#" . $cur . ";";
return $res;
to encode the addresses but I can't figure out how to put them together, so that only e-mails would be encoded and turned into links.
You can use preg_replace_callback so that you can manipulate the replacement text to be exactly what you want...
// test string
$nolinks = "amy#winehous.com is an email for bobby#fisher.com plays chess";
// your original function
function encode_email($str)
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8'); //big endian
$split = str_split($str, 4);
$res = "";
foreach ($split as $c) {
$cur = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$cur |= ord($c[$i]) << (8 * (3 - $i));
$res .= "&#" . $cur . ";";
return $res;
// function used for callback
function encode_email_and_add_link($in)
// get encoded email address (don't actually know what this function does)
$encoded = encode_email($in[1]);
// return a hyperlink string built with encoded email address
return "$encoded";
// do the regex with callback
$withlinks = preg_replace_callback("/([\w-?&;#~=\.\/]+\#(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?))/i", 'encode_email_and_add_link', $nolinks);
// output the results
echo $withlinks;
I would like to convert all characters to character entities to act as a spam protection for email address. I need entities in this format
y o u ...
just like on this web (here done by JS):
character entities encoding
Is there any simple way to do that in PHP like with built-in functions?
function encode2($str) {
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str , 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');
$t = unpack("N*", $str);
$t = array_map(function($n) { return "&#$n;"; }, $t);
return implode("", $t);
function encode($str) {
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str , 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8'); //big endian
$split = str_split($str, 4);
$res = "";
foreach ($split as $c) {
$cur = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$cur |= ord($c[$i]) << (8*(3 - $i));
$res .= "&#" . $cur . ";";
return $res;
I'm trying to detect the emoji that I get through e.g. a POST (the source ist not necessary).
As an example I'm using this emoji: ✊🏾 (I hope it's visible)
The code for it is U+270A U+1F3FE (I'm using http://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html for the codes)
Now I converted the emoji with json_encode and I get: \u270a\ud83c\udffe
Here the only part that is equal is 270a. \ud83c\udffe is not equal to U+1F3FE, not even if I add them together (1B83A)
How do I get from ✊🏾 to U+270A U+1F3FE with e.g. php?
Use mb_convert_encoding and convert from UTF-8 to UTF-32. Then do some additional formatting:
// Strips leading zeros
// And returns str in UPPERCASE letters with a U+ prefix
function format($str) {
$copy = false;
$len = strlen($str);
$res = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
$ch = $str[$i];
if (!$copy) {
if ($ch != '0') {
$copy = true;
// Prevent format("0") from returning ""
else if (($i + 1) == $len) {
$res = '0';
if ($copy) {
$res .= $ch;
return 'U+'.strtoupper($res);
function convert_emoji($emoji) {
// ✊🏾 --> 0000270a0001f3fe
$emoji = mb_convert_encoding($emoji, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');
$hex = bin2hex($emoji);
// Split the UTF-32 hex representation into chunks
$hex_len = strlen($hex) / 8;
$chunks = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $hex_len; ++$i) {
$tmp = substr($hex, $i * 8, 8);
// Format each chunk
$chunks[$i] = format($tmp);
// Convert chunks array back to a string
return implode($chunks, ' ');
echo convert_emoji('✊🏾'); // U+270A U+1F3FE
Simple function, inspired by #d3L answer above
function emoji_to_unicode($emoji) {
$emoji = mb_convert_encoding($emoji, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');
$unicode = strtoupper(preg_replace("/^[0]+/","U+",bin2hex($emoji)));
return $unicode;
emoji_to_unicode("💵");//returns U+1F4B5
You can do like this, consider the emoji a normal character.
$emoji = "✊🏾";
$str = str_replace('"', "", json_encode($emoji, JSON_HEX_APOS));
$myInput = $str;
$myHexString = str_replace('\\u', '', $myInput);
$myBinString = hex2bin($myHexString);
print iconv("UTF-16BE", "UTF-8", $myBinString);
I'm fairly new to PHP functions I really dont know what the bottom functions do, can some one give an explanation or working example explaining the functions below. Thanks.
PHP functions.
function mbStringToArray ($str) {
if (empty($str)) return false;
$len = mb_strlen($str);
$array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$array[] = mb_substr($str, $i, 1);
return $array;
function mb_chunk_split($str, $len, $glue) {
if (empty($str)) return false;
$array = mbStringToArray ($str);
$n = 0;
$new = '';
foreach ($array as $char) {
if ($n < $len) $new .= $char;
elseif ($n == $len) {
$new .= $glue . $char;
$n = 0;
return $new;
The first function takes a multibyte string and converts it into an array of characters, returning the array.
The second function takes a multibyte string and inserts the $glue string every $len characters.
function mbStringToArray ($str) { // $str is a function argument
if (empty($str)) return false; // empty() checks if the argument is not equal to NULL (but does exist)
$len = mb_strlen($str); // returns the length of a multibyte string (ie UTF-8)
$array = array(); // init of an array
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { // self explanatory
$array[] = mb_substr($str, $i, 1); // mb_substr() substitutes from $str one char for each pass
return $array; // returns the result as an array
That should help you to understand the second function
This question already has answers here:
Reverse the letters in each word of a string
(6 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
This task has already been asked/answered, but I recently had a job interview that imposed some additional challenges to demonstrate my ability to manipulate strings.
Problem: How to reverse words in a string? You can use strpos(), strlen() and substr(), but not other very useful functions such as explode(), strrev(), etc.
$string = "I am a boy"
I ma a yob
Below is my working coding attempt that took me 2 days [sigh], but there must be a more elegant and concise solution.
1. get number of words
2. based on word count, grab each word and store into array
3. loop through array and output each word in reverse order
$str = "I am a boy";
echo reverse_word($str) . "\n";
function reverse_word($input) {
//first find how many words in the string based on whitespace
$num_ws = 0;
$p = 0;
while(strpos($input, " ", $p) !== false) {
$num_ws ++;
$p = strpos($input, ' ', $p) + 1;
echo "num ws is $num_ws\n";
//now start grabbing word and store into array
$p = 0;
for($i=0; $i<$num_ws + 1; $i++) {
$ws_index = strpos($input, " ", $p);
//if no more ws, grab the rest
if($ws_index === false) {
$word = substr($input, $p);
else {
$length = $ws_index - $p;
$word = substr($input, $p, $length);
$result[] = $word;
$p = $ws_index + 1; //move onto first char of next word
//append reversed words
$str = '';
for($i=0; $i<count($result); $i++) {
$str .= reverse($result[$i]) . " ";
return $str;
function reverse($str) {
$a = 0;
$b = strlen($str)-1;
while($a < $b) {
swap($str, $a, $b);
$a ++;
$b --;
return $str;
function swap(&$str, $i1, $i2) {
$tmp = $str[$i1];
$str[$i1] = $str[$i2];
$str[$i2] = $tmp;
$string = "I am a boy";
$reversed = "";
$tmp = "";
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
if($string[$i] == " ") {
$reversed .= $tmp . " ";
$tmp = "";
$tmp = $string[$i] . $tmp;
$reversed .= $tmp;
print $reversed . PHP_EOL;
>> I ma a yob
Whoops! Mis-read the question. Here you go (Note that this will split on all non-letter boundaries, not just space. If you want a character not to be split upon, just add it to $wordChars):
function revWords($string) {
//We need to find word boundries
$wordChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$buffer = '';
$return = '';
$len = strlen($string);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $len) {
$chr = $string[$i];
if (($chr & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
//UTF8 Characer!
if (($chr & 0xF0) == 0xF0) {
//4 Byte Sequence
$chr .= substr($string, $i + 1, 3);
$i += 3;
} elseif (($chr & 0xE0) == 0xE0) {
//3 Byte Sequence
$chr .= substr($string, $i + 1, 2);
$i += 2;
} else {
//2 Byte Sequence
$chr .= $string[$i];
if (stripos($wordChars, $chr) !== false) {
$buffer = $chr . $buffer;
} else {
$return .= $buffer . $chr;
$buffer = '';
return $return . $buffer;
Edit: Now it's a single function, and stores the buffer naively in reversed notation.
Edit2: Now handles UTF8 characters (just add "word" characters to the $wordChars string)...
My answer is to count the string length, split the letters into an array and then, loop it backwards. This is also a good way to check if a word is a palindrome. This can only be used for regular string and numbers.
preg_split can be changed to explode() as well.
* Code snippet to reverse a string (LM)
$words = array('one', 'only', 'apple', 'jobs');
foreach ($words as $d) {
$strlen = strlen($d);
$splits = preg_split('//', $d, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
for ($i = $strlen; $i >= 0; $i=$i-1) {
#$reverse .= $splits[$i];
echo "Regular: {$d}".PHP_EOL;
echo "Reverse: {$reverse}".PHP_EOL;
echo "-----".PHP_EOL;
Without using any function.
$string = 'I am a boy';
$newString = '';
$temp = '';
$i = 0;
while(#$string[$i] != '')
if($string[$i] == ' ') {
$newString .= $temp . ' ';
$temp = '';
else {
$temp = $string[$i] . $temp;
$newString .= $temp . ' ';
echo $newString;
Output: I ma a yob
I want to convert this hello#domain.com to
I have tried:
this provides the same string I entered, returned with the # symbol converted to %40
also tried:
this provides the same string right back.
I am using a UTF8 charset. not sure if this makes a difference....
Here it goes (assumes UTF-8, but it's trivial to change):
function encode($str) {
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str , 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8'); //big endian
$split = str_split($str, 4);
$res = "";
foreach ($split as $c) {
$cur = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$cur |= ord($c[$i]) << (8*(3 - $i));
$res .= "&#" . $cur . ";";
return $res;
EDIT Recommended alternative using unpack:
function encode2($str) {
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str , 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');
$t = unpack("N*", $str);
$t = array_map(function($n) { return "&#$n;"; }, $t);
return implode("", $t);
Much easier way to do this:
function convertToNumericEntities($string) {
$convmap = array(0x80, 0x10ffff, 0, 0xffffff);
return mb_encode_numericentity($string, $convmap, "UTF-8");
You can change the encoding if you are using anything different.
Fixed map range. Thanks to Artefacto.
function uniord($char) {
$k=mb_convert_encoding($char , 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');
return $value;
the above function works for 1 character but if you have a string you can do like this
$temp=" ";
foreach($arr as $v){
$temp="&#".uniord($v);//prints the equivalent html entity of string