Xor encryption in PHP - php

I'm new to Xor encryption, and I'm having some trouble with the following code:
function xor_this($string) {
// Let's define our key here
$key = ('magic_key');
// Our plaintext/ciphertext
$text =$string;
// Our output text
$outText = '';
// Iterate through each character
$outText .= $text{$i} ^ $key{$j};
//echo 'i='.$i.', '.'j='.$j.', '.$outText{$i}.'<br />'; //for debugging
return $outText;
When I run this it works for normal strings, like 'dog' but it only partially works for strings containing numbers, like '12345'.
To demonstrate...
xor_this('dog') = 'UYV'
xor_this('123') = ''
It's also interesting to note that xor_this( xor_this('123') ) = '123', as I expect it to. I'm pretty sure the problem resides somewhere in my shaky understanding of bitwise operators, OR possibly the way PHP handles strings that contain numbers. I'm betting there's someone clever out there that knows exactly what's wrong here. Thanks.
EDIT #1: It's not truly 'encryption'. I guess obfuscation is the correct term, which is what I'm doing. I need to pass a code containing unimportant data from a user without them being able to easily tamper with it. They're completing a timed activity off-line and submitting their time to an online scoreboard via this code. The off-line activity will obfuscate their time (in milliseconds). I need to write a script to receive this code and turn it back into the string containing their time.

How i did it, might help someone ...
$msg = 'say hi!';
$key = 'whatever_123';
// print, and make unprintable chars available for a link or alike.
// using $_GET, php will urldecode it, if it was passed urlencoded
print "obfuscated, ready for url: " . urlencode(obfuscate($msg, $key)) . "\n";
print "deObfuscated: " . obfuscate(obfuscate($msg, $key), $key);
function obfuscate($msg, $key) {
if (empty($key)) return $msg;
return $msg ^ str_pad('', strlen($msg), $key);

I think you might have a few problems here, I've tried to outline how I think you can fix it:
You need to use ord(..) to get the ASCII value of a character so that you can represent it in binary. For example, try the following:
printf("%08b ", ord('A')); // outputs "01000001"
I'm not sure how you do an XOR cipher with a multi-byte key, as the wikipedia page on XOR cipher doesn't specify. But I assume for a given key like "123", your key starts "left-aligned" and extends to the length of the text, like this:
function xor_this($text) {
$key = '123';
$i = 0;
$encrypted = '';
foreach (str_split($text) as $char) {
$encrypted .= chr(ord($char) ^ ord($key{$i++ % strlen($key)}));
return $encrypted;
print xor_this('hello'); // outputs "YW_]]"
Which encrypts 'hello' width the key '12312'.

There's no guarantee that the result of the XOR operation will produce a printable character. If you give us a better idea of the reason you're doing this, we can probably point you to something sensible to do instead.

I believe you are faced with console output and encoding problem rather than XOR-related.
Try to output results of xor function in a text file and see a set of generated characters. I believe HEX editor would be the best choice to observe and compare a generated characters set.
Basically to revert text back (even numbers are in) you can use the same function:
var $textToObfuscate = "Some Text 12345";
var $obfuscatedText = $xor_this($textToObfuscate);
var $restoredText = $xor_this($obfuscatedText);

Based on the fact that you're getting xor_this( xor_this('123') ) = '123', I am willing to guess that this is merely an output issue. You're sending data to the browser, the browser is recognizing it as something which should be rendered in HTML (say, the first half dozen ASCII characters). Try looking at the page source to see what is really there. Better yet, iterate through the output and echo the ord of the value at each position.

Use this code, it works perfect
function scramble($inv) {
$key=342244; // scramble key
for($index=0;$index<=strlen($inv)-1;$index++) {
$res=$res.(chr(ord($var)) ^ chr(ord($invarr[$index])));

Try this:
$outText .= (string)$text{$i} ^ (string)$key{$j};
If one of the two operands is an integer, PHP casts the other to an integer and XORs them for a numeric result.
Alternatively, you could use this:
$outText .= chr(ord($text{$i}) ^ ord($key{$j}));

// Iterate through each character
for($i=0; $i<strlen($text); $i++)
$outText .= chr(ord($text{$i}) ^ ord($key{$i % strlen($key)))};
note: it probably will create some weird characters...

Despite all the wise suggestions, I solved this problem in a much simpler way:
I changed the key! It turns out that by changing the key to something more like this:
$key = 'ISINUS0478331006';
...it will generate an obfuscated output of printable characters.


Random String Generator (PHP)

I am trying write a PHP function that returns a random string of a given length. I wrote this:
function generate_string($lenght) {
$ret = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $lenght; $i++) {
$ret .= chr(mt_rand(32,126));
return $ret;
echo generate_string(150);
The above function generates a random string, but the length of the string is not constant, ie: one time it is 30 characters, the other is 60 (obviously I call it with the same length as input every time). I've searched other examples of random string generators, but they all use a base string to pick letters. I am wondering why this method is not working properly.
Educated guess: you attempt to display your plain text string as HTML. The browser, after being told it's HTML, handles it as such. As soon as a < character is generated, the following characters are rendered as an (unknown) HTML tag and are not displayed as HTML standards mandate.
echo htmlspecialchars(generate_string(150));
This is the conclusion i reached after testing it a while : Your functions works correctly. It depends on what you do with the randomly generated string. If you are simply echo-ing it, then it might generate somthing like <ck1ask which will be treated like a tag. Try eliminating certain characters from being concatenated to the string.
This function will work to generate a random string in PHP
function getRandomString($maxlength=12, $isSpecialChar=false)
//initalise the string include lower case, upper case and numbers
$charSet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
//if required special character to include, please set $isSpecialchar= 1 or true
if ($isSpecialChar) $charSet .= "~##$%^*()_±={}|][";
//loop for get specify length character with random characters
for ($i=0; $i<$maxlength; $i++) $randomString .= $charSet[(mt_rand(0, (strlen($charSet)-1)))];
//return the random string
return $randomString;
//call the function set value you required to string length default:12
echo $random8char;
Source: Generate random string in php

php outputting strange character

I have the following code to generate a random password string:
$password = '';
for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
$chars = array('lower' => array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'), 'upper' => array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'), 'num' => array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'), 'sym' => array('!','£','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','-','=','+','{','}','[',']',':','#','~',';','#','<','>','?',',','.','/'));
$set = rand(1, 4);
switch($set) {
case 1:
$set = 'lower';
case 2:
$set = 'upper';
case 3:
$set = 'num';
case 4:
$set = 'sym';
$count = count($chars[$set]);
$digit = rand(0, ($count-1));
$output = $chars[$set][$digit];
$password.= $output;
echo $password;
However every now and then one of the characters it outputs will be a capital a with a ^ above it. French or something. How is this possible? it can only pick whats it my arrays!
The only non-ascii character is the pound character, so my guess is that it has to do with this.
First off, it's probably a good idea to avoid that one, as not many people will be able to easily type it.
Good chance that the encoding of your php file (or the encoding set by your editor) is not the same as your output encoding.
Are you sure it is indeed a character not in your array, or is the browser just unable to output? For example your monetary pound sign. Ensure that both PHP, DB, and HTML output all use the same encoding.
On a separate note, your loop is slightly more complicated than it needs to be. I typically see password generators randomize a string versus several arrays. A quick example:
$chars = "abcdefghijkABCDEFG1289398$%#^&";
$pos = rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1);
$password .= $chars[$pos];
i think you generate special HTML characters
for example here and iso8859-1 table
You may be seeing the byte sequence C2 A3, appearing as your capital A with a circumflex followed by a pound symbol. This is because C2A3 is the UTF-8 sequence for a pound sign. As such, if you've managed to enter the UTF-8 character in your PHP file (possibly without noticing it, depending on your editor and environment) you'd see the separate byte sequence as output if your environment is then ASCII / ISO8859-1 or similar.
As per Jason McCreary, I use this function for such Password Creation
function randomString($length) {
$characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .
$string = '';
for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++)
$string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters))];
return $string;
The pound symbol (£) is what is breaking, since it is not part of the basic ASCII character set.
You need to do one of the following:
Drop the pound symbol (this will also help people using non-UK keyboards!)
Convert the pound symbol to an HTML entity when outputting it to the site (&#pound;)
Set your site's character set encoding to UTF-8, which will allow extended characters to be displayed. This is probably the best option in the long run, and should be fairly quick and easy to achieve.

Text Obfuscation using base64_encode()

I'm playing around with encrypt/decrypt coding in php. Interesting stuff!
However, I'm coming across some issues involving what text gets encrypted into.
Here's 2 functions that encrypt and decrypt a string. It uses an Encryption Key, which I set as something obscure.
I actually got this from a php book. I modified it slightly, but not to change it's main goal.
I created a small example below that anyone can test.
But, I notice that some characters show up as the "encrypted" string. Characters like "=" and "+".
Sometimes I pass this encrypted string via the url. Which may not quite make it to my receiving scripts. I'm guessing the browser does something to the string if certain characters are seen. I'm really only guessing.
is there another function I can use to ensure the browser doesn't touch the string? or does anyone know enough php bas64_encode() to disallow certain characters from being used? I'm really not going to expect the latter as a possibility. But, I'm sure there's a work-around.
enjoy the code, whomever needs it!
define('ENCRYPTION_KEY', "sjjx6a");
function encrypt($string) {
$result = '';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($string); $i++) {
$char = substr($string, $i, 1);
$keychar = substr(ENCRYPTION_KEY, ($i % strlen(ENCRYPTION_KEY))-1, 1);
$char = chr(ord($char)+ord($keychar));
return base64_encode($result)."/".rand();
function decrypt($string){
$exploded = explode("/",$string);
$string = $exploded[0];
$result = '';
$string = base64_decode($string);
for($i=0; $i<strlen($string); $i++) {
$char = substr($string, $i, 1);
$keychar = substr(ENCRYPTION_KEY, ($i % strlen(ENCRYPTION_KEY))-1, 1);
$char = chr(ord($char)-ord($keychar));
return $result;
echo $encrypted = encrypt("reaplussign.jpg");
echo "<br>";
echo decrypt($encrypted);
You could use PHP's urlencode and urldecode functions to make your encryption results safe for use in URLs, e.g
echo $encrypted = urlencode(encrypt("reaplussign.jpg"));
echo "<br>";
echo decrypt(urldecode($encrypted));
You should look at urlencode() to escape the string correctly for use in the query.
If you are worried about +,= etc. similar characters, you should have a look at http://php.net/manual/en/function.urlencode.php and it's friends from "See also" section. Encode it in encrypt() and decode at the beginning of decrypt().
If this doesn't work for you, maybe some simple substitution?
$text = str_replace('+','%20',$text);

Using regex to fix phone numbers in a CSV with PHP

My new phone does not recognize a phone number unless its area code matches the incoming call. Since I live in Idaho where an area code is not needed for in-state calls, many of my contacts were saved without an area code. Since I have thousands of contacts stored in my phone, it would not be practical to manually update them. I decided to write the following PHP script to handle the problem. It seems to work well, except that I'm finding duplicate area codes at the beginning of random contacts.
//the script can take a while to complete
function validate_area_code($number) {
//digits are taken one by one out of $number, and insert in to $numString
$numString = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($number); $i++) {
$curr = substr($number,$i,1);
//only copy from $number to $numString when the character is numeric
if (is_numeric($curr)) {
$numString = $numString . $curr;
//add area code "208" to the beginning of any phone number of length 7
if (strlen($numString) == 7) {
return "208" . $numString;
//remove country code (none of the contacts are outside the U.S.)
} else if (strlen($numString) == 11) {
return preg_replace("/^1/","",$numString);
} else {
return $numString;
//matches any phone number in the csv
$pattern = "/((1? ?\(?[2-9]\d\d\)? *)? ?\d\d\d-?\d\d\d\d)/";
$csv = file_get_contents("contacts2.CSV");
foreach ($matches[0] as $key1 => $value) {
/*create a pattern that matches the specific phone number by adding slashes before possible special characters*/
$pattern = preg_replace("/\(|\)|\-/","\\\\$0",$value);
//create the replacement phone number
$replacement = validate_area_code($value);
//add delimeters
$pattern = "/" . $pattern . "/";
$csv = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$csv);
echo $csv;
Is there a better approach to modifying the CSV? Also, is there a way to minimize the number of passes over the CSV? In the script above, preg_replace is called thousands of times on a very large String.
If I understand you correctly, you just need to prepend the area code to any 7-digit phone number anywhere in this file, right? I have no idea what kind of system you're on, but if you have some decent tools, here are a couple options. And of course, the approaches they take can presumably be implemented in PHP; that's just not one of my languages.
So, how about a sed one-liner? Just look for 7-digit phone numbers, bounded by either beginning of line or comma on the left, and comma or end of line on the right.
sed -r 's/(^|,)([0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4})(,|$)/\1208-\2\3/g' contacts.csv
Or if you want to only apply it to certain fields, perl (or awk) would be easier. Suppose it's the second field:
perl -F, -ane '$"=","; $F[1]=~s/^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$/208-$&/; print "#F";' contacts.csv
The -F, indicates the field separator, the $" is the output field separator (yes, it gets assigned once per loop, oh well), the arrays are zero-indexed so second field is $F[1], there's a run-of-the-mill substitution, and you print the results.
Ah programs... sometimes a 10-min hack is better.
If it were me... I'd import the CSV into Excel, sort it by something - maybe the length of the phone number or something. Make a new col for the fixed phone number. When you have a group of similarly-fouled numbers, make a formula to fix. Same for the next group. Should be pretty quick, no? Then export to .csv again, omitting the bad col.
A little more digging on my own revealed the issues with the regex in my question. The problem is with duplicate contacts in the csv.
(208) 555-5555, 555-5555
After the first pass becomes:
2085555555, 208555555
and After the second pass becomes
2082085555555, 2082085555555
I worked around this by changing the replacement regex to:
//add escapes for special characters
$pattern = preg_replace("/\(|\)|\-|\./","\\\\$0",$value);
//add delimiters, and optional area code
$pattern = "/(\(?[0-9]{3}\)?)? ?" . $pattern . "/";

PHP - smart, error tolerating string comparison

I'm looking either for routine or way to look for error tolerating string comparison.
Let's say, we have test string Čakánka - yes, it contains CE characters.
Now, I want to accept any of following strings as OK:
The problem is, that I often switch letters in word, and I want to minimize user's frustration with not being able (i.e. you're in rush) to write one word right.
So, I know how to make ci comparison (just make it lowercase :]), I can delete CE characters, I just can't wrap my head around tolerating few switched characters.
Also, you often put one character not only in wrong place (character=>cahracter), but sometimes shift it by multiple places (character=>carahcter), just because one finger was lazy during writing.
Thank you :]
Not sure (especially about the accents / special characters stuff, which you might have to deal with first), but for characters that are in the wrong place or missing, the levenshtein function, that calculates Levenshtein distance between two strings, might help you (quoting) :
int levenshtein ( string $str1 , string $str2 )
int levenshtein ( string $str1 , string $str2 , int $cost_ins , int $cost_rep , int $cost_del )
The Levenshtein distance is defined as
the minimal number of characters you
have to replace, insert or delete to
transform str1 into str2
Other possibly useful functions could be soundex, similar_text, or metaphone.
And some of the user notes on the manual pages of those functions, especially the manual page of levenshtein might bring you some useful stuff too ;-)
You could transliterate the words to latin characters and use a phonetic algorithm like Soundex to get the essence from your word and compare it to the ones you have. In your case that would be C252 for all of your words except the last one that is C250.
Edit    The problem with comparative functions like levenshtein or similar_text is that you need to call them for each pair of input value and possible matching value. That means if you have a database with 1 million entries you will need to call these functions 1 million times.
But functions like soundex or metaphone, that calculate some kind of digest, can help to reduce the number of actual comparisons. If you store the soundex or metaphone value for each known word in your database, you can reduce the number of possible matches very quickly. Later, when the set of possible matching value is reduced, then you can use the comparative functions to get the best match.
Here’s an example:
// building the index that represents your database
$knownWords = array('Čakánka', 'Cakaka');
$index = array();
foreach ($knownWords as $key => $word) {
$code = soundex(iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $word));
if (!isset($index[$code])) {
$index[$code] = array();
$index[$code][] = $key;
// test words
$testWords = array('cakanka', 'cákanká', 'ČaKaNKA', 'CAKANKA', 'CAAKNKA', 'CKAANKA', 'cakakNa');
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($testWords as $word) {
$code = soundex(iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $word));
if (isset($index[$code])) {
echo '<li> '.$word.' is similar to: ';
$matches = array();
foreach ($index[$code] as $key) {
similar_text(strtolower($word), strtolower($knownWords[$key]), $percentage);
$matches[$knownWords[$key]] = $percentage;
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($matches as $match => $percentage) {
echo '<li>'.$match.' ('.$percentage.'%)</li>';
echo '</ul></li>';
} else {
echo '<li>no match found for '.$word.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
Spelling checkers do something like fuzzy string comparison. Perhaps you can adapt an algorithm based on that reference. Or grab the spell checker guessing code from an open source project like Firefox.
