Validation Layer in a PHP Class - php

I need help understanding the logic to deal with validating user inputs.
my current state of validating user data is at worst, i feel pretty awkward using these messy lines of codes, have a look at my typical function which i uses it to get input from the user and process it to database.
public function saveUser($arguments = array()) {
//Check if $arguments have all the required values
if($this->isRequired(array('name','email','password','pPhone','gender','roleId'))) {
//$name should could minimum of 5 and maximum of 25 chars, and is a strict character.
$name = $this->isString(5, 25, $this->data['name'], 'STRICT_CHAR');
$email = $this->isEmail($this->data['email']);
$pPhone = $this->isString(5, 12, $this->data['pPhone'], 'STRICT_NUMBER');
$sPhone = (!empty($this->data['sPhone'])) ? $this->isString(5, 12, $this->data['sPhone'], 'STRICT_NUMBER') : 0;
//Check For Duplicate Email Value
//If Static Variable $error is not empty return false
if(!empty(Validation::$error)) { return false; }
//After Validation Insert the value into the database.
$sth = $this->dbh->prepare('INSERT QUERY');
Now is the time i focus on improving my validation code. i would like all my class methods to validate the user inputs before inserting into the database. basically a class methods which takes user input should be able to perform the following.
If class method accepts user input as an array then check for all required inputs from within the array.
Check the Minimum and Maximum Length of the input.
Check for any illegal character.
I would like to know how to deal with this, and also if there is any PHP Independent Validation Component which can come to my rescue. it would be of great help. if i am doing it wrong please suggest me on improving my code, i won't mind going to any extent as long as it guarantees that my code follows the coding standard.
I will also appreciate if someone could explain me on dealing with validation logic for validating user input for a class method of an object.
Thank you..

PHP 5.2 has a new core extension called "filter functions". You can use this extension to sanitize and validate user data.
For example, to validate an email address:
if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "This (email) email address is considered valid.";
As for dealing with validation in general, you want to decouple the validation process from the incoming data and the objects themselves. I use the Lithium PHP framework, and their data validation class is implemented as a nearly independant utility class. Check it out for ideas on how to roll your own:
Using their class, you get something like this:
// Input data. This can be an $object->data() or $_POST or whatever
$data = array(
'email' => 'someinvalidemailaddress';
// Validation rules
$rules = array(
'email' => array(
array('notEmpty', 'message' => 'email is empty'),
array('email', 'message' => 'email is not valid')
// Perform validation
Validator::check($data, $rules);
// If this were in your object
public validate($data = array(), $rules = array()) {
$data = !empty($data) ? $data : $this->data; // Use whatever data is available
$rules = $this->rules + $rules; // Merge $this's own rules with any passed rules
return Validator::check($data, $rules));
// You can have a save method like
public save() {
if ($this->validates()) {
// insert or update
// And your object would
$user = new User();
$user->data = array('email' => 'whatever');
And there's always Zend Validate. You can look it up at

Create your validation class first...Then when they submit the code. Just include the class on where every you have action set to on the form. You can create a loop to pass the POST or GET data though the instance which validates the input. Then if the input is good, return it(maybe as an array, that's what I do) and pass it to your database.
$validate = new validation_Class; //new instance of the validation class
$output = foreach($_POST as $input) // loop each input data into the class
Now if your validation class is setup right, you can have all the clean data stored in $output


Laravel same validator

My case is for change password option. I already have current password in object $pass. I want to validate this $pass against textbox form input current_password to proceed to create a new password for the user. How to validate with same validator. Sorry I'm new to laravel.
$rules = array('password_current' => "required|same:$pass");
doesn't work.
since same: used to ensure that the value of current field is the same as another field defined by the rule parameter (not object). so you can't use this function take a look this example code below.
$data = Input::all();
$rules = array(
'email' => 'required|same:old_email',
the above code will check if current email field is same as old_email field.
so i think you can you simple if else
in your handle controller function assume
public function handleCheck(){
$current_password = Input::get('current_password');
$pass = //your object pass;
if($current_password == $pass){
// password correct , show change password form
// password incorrect , show error
let me know if it works. see Laravel Validation same
If you have password stored in $pass already just inject $pass in the request and use its field instead for e.g.
$request->request->add(['password_old' => $pass]);
Then, you can validate it like
$rules = array('password_current' => "required|same:password_old");

Laravel - both input values can't be no how to validate?

I'm using Laravel for a project and want to know how to validate a particular scenario I'm facing. I would like to do this with the native features of Laravel if this is possible?
I have a form which has two questions (as dropdowns), for which both the answer can either be yes or no, however it should throw a validation error if both of the dropdowns equal to no, but they can both be yes.
I've check the laravel documentation, but was unsure what rule to apply here, if there is one at all that can be used? Would I need to write my own rule in this case?
very simple:
let's say both the fields names are foo and bar respectively.
// Validate for those fields like $rules = ['foo'=>'required', 'bar'=>'required'] etc
// if validation passes, add this (i.e. inside if($validator->passes()))
if($_POST['foo'] == 'no' && $_POST['bar'] == 'no')
$messages = new Illuminate\Support\MessageBag;
$messages->add('customError', 'both fields can not be no');
return Redirect::route('')->withErrors($validator);
the error messge will appear while retrieving.
if you get confuse, just dump the $error var and check how to retrieve it. even if validation passes but it gets failed in the above code, it won't be any difference than what would have happened if indeed validation failed.
Obviously don't know what your form fields are called, but this should work.
This is using the sometimes() method to add a conditional query, where the field value should not be no if the corresponding field equals no.
$data = array(
'field1' => 'no',
'field2' => 'no'
$validator = Validator::make($data, array());
$validator->sometimes('field1', 'not_in:no', function($input) {
return $input->field2 == 'no';
$validator->sometimes('field2', 'not_in:no', function($input) {
return $input->field1 == 'no';
if ($validator->fails()) {
// will fail in this instance
// changing one of the values in the $data array to yes (or anything else, obvs) will result in a pass
Just to note, this will only work in Laravel 4.2+

JForm - Multiple Validation Rules?

I have a form (defined in XML) which is used with Joomla's JForm to handle. What I'd like to know is if it's possible to validate against multiple rules at once.
Typically, I've come to understand that Joomla's JForm accepts only one rule for validation, defined in the XML of the form:
Joomla's JForm internals also seem to suggest I can't, the following area being the only one I can find handing validation:
// Get the field validation rule.
if ($type = (string) $element['validate'])
// Load the JFormRule object for the field.
$rule = $this->loadRuleType($type);
// If the object could not be loaded return an error message.
if ($rule === false)
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('%s::validateField() rule `%s` missing.', get_class($this), $type));
// Run the field validation rule test.
$valid = $rule->test($element, $value, $group, $input, $this);
// Check for an error in the validation test.
if ($valid instanceof Exception)
return $valid;
This isn't wrapped in a loop, so I'm quite concerned that I can't apply multiple rules at once to a particular field.
Are you looking for server or client side validation? Sean's answer seems to cover server side so I figured I'd add some insight into client side techniques.
You enable client side validation two ways. The first and simplest would be by adding the following to your form field definition, which would ensure any required fields are filled out to proceed.
Second would be to add a class to the form field definition to let Joomla core know you want to validate the field and how. Joomla offers 4 validations built into the core: validate-username, validate-password, validate-numeric and validate-email.
These in and of themselves don't help you much, but the ability to create and reference custom client-side validations does. For my example we're going to ensure a check box is marked before allowing the form to submit. So in the form field definition I'll add:
On the page where you render the form, be sure to load the JS library for validation using:
In addition, add the class form-validate to your form HTML element.
Add this javascript to handle the actual validation, here I have a checkbox input type with an ID of tos I'm verifying. In the setHandler method, the first parameter is the custom name I entered in the form field definition class statement, validate-checked:
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
document.formvalidator.setHandler('checked', function(value) {
var tos = document.getElementById('tos');
if (tos.checked) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Now, capture the submit event and verify all core and custom validations passed before submitting the form.
Joomla.submitbutton = function(task) {
if (task == 'user.cancel' || document.formvalidator.isValid(".myFormId"))) {
Joomla.submitform(task, document.getElementById('myformId'));
You can create as many custom client-side validation scripts as you want. Inside the setHandler method you can interact with the DOM and use the passed in value parameter to determine if the field should pass, only needing to worry about returning true or false to indicate results and Joomla will handle the rest. So you can either create one complicated validation or many smaller concise validations to suit your needs.
Hope that helps...
This is a common request. There are a few possibilities. You could write your own JFormRule with more complex validation. The other is that you could programatically add an attribute to the field that runs the additional validation sort of like what Sean is advocating.
This answer assumes that it is not possible to natively add multiple rules on one field.
Assuming that it is not possible to apply multiple rules to one field natively, then it may be possible to extend JForm::validateField() to enable such a feature by simply calling the validate method for each validation rule found.
// Extending class JForm
protected function validateField(SimpleXMLElement $element, $group = null, $value = null, JRegistry $input = null) {
if($type = (string) $element['validate'])
$multiple_types = explode('|', $type);
if(is_array($multiple_types) && $multiple_types[0] !== $type)
foreach($multiple_types as $single_type)
$result = parent::validateField($element, $group, $value, $input);
// Validation failed, return the result and stop validating.
if($result !== true)
return $result;
return true;
return parent::validateField($element, $group, $value, $input);
With that example, validation rules could be structured like:

Validating multiple optional form fields with Zend Framework

I am trying to validate Zend_Form which has several optional fields and I want at least one of them to be filled in. In my case I have mobile, home and office phone numbers and I want at least one of them to be provided.
I am trying to achieve this though Validation Context (as suggested here) by creating custom validator which extends Zend_Validate_Abstract. The problem is that if all optional fields are empty they are missing from the form $context (passed to the validator class) and this way not validated at all.
So if you fill any or several of the three options (mobile, home, work) they are all going to be validated (which is fine, but for this no custom validator is needed), but if you fill none of them, there is no option to force the customer to fill at least one of the fields (which is my aim).
Here is what I have:
1. my form
class Application_Form_Application extends Zend_Form {
public function init() {
// attach sub forms to main form
'application' => $this->application(),
private function application() {
$application = new Zend_Form_SubForm();
// custom phone validation
$phone_validation = array('phone_mobile' => 'Mobile', 'phone_home' => 'Home', 'phone_work' => 'Work');
// phone mobile
$app['phone_mobile'] = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('phone_mobile');
->addValidator('Regex', false, array('/^[0-9]{8}$/i'))
->addValidator(new Application_Form_PhoneMobileHomeWork($phone_validation), false);
// phone home
$app['phone_home'] = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('phone_home');
->addValidator('Regex', false, array('/^[0-9]{8}$/i'))
->addValidator(new Application_Form_PhoneMobileHomeWork($phone_validation), false);
// phone work
$app['phone_work'] = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('phone_work');
->addValidator('Regex', false, array('/^[0-9]{8}$/i'))
->addValidator(new Application_Form_PhoneMobileHomeWork($phone_validation), false);
2. custom validator
class Application_Form_PhoneMobileHomeWork extends Zend_Validate_Abstract {
const NOT_PRESENT = 'notPresent';
protected $_messageTemplates = array(
self::NOT_PRESENT => 'At least one contact phone shall be provided!'
protected $_listOfFields;
public function __construct(array $listOfFields) {
$this->_listOfFields = $listOfFields;
public function isValid($value, $context = null) {
The validator always passes though the first dump ($listOfFields), but if I remove it, isValid() is never called unless some data is typed into some of the phone fields (which we want to prevent).
When I checked further I found a solution in extending the Zend_Validate class by passing empty fields to the $context parameter, but I would like to have a better solution if someone knows any.
Concluding it in short - how to validate certain form, forcing the user to fill at least one out of several optional fields?
If I understand you right, you want your form elements to not be required, but prevent them to be empty (except if one of them is not empty) using a custom validator? Then, in order to not skip the validation chain, you need to prevent them to be empty calling the method setAllowEmpty(false) in each of your elements.
Finally, in your custom validator, you will have something like this:
foreach ($this->_listOfFields as $field) {
if (isset($context[$field]) AND $context[$field])
return true;
Also, make sure your elements are not required (setRequired(false)).
The problem is that if any field is filled, the multi_checkbox element doesn't exists in the form, and then it won't be validated.
One solution is the follow:
Use a hidden option always checked and validate that this always is checked this more one of the others.

How to make this Filter run after this Validator

I have an element. I want to add a custom validator and custom filter to it. The validator makes sure the input is one of several permitted values, then the filter adds some custom values to the input. This means I have to validate the original input first before running the filter. I do it in this order
$element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('element');
$element->addValidator('PermittedValue', false);
$element->addFilter('TotalHyphen', false);
but this order isn't being respected. The filter runs first and changes the data, then the validator runs on the filtered data which means it always fails even for valid input. It seems from documentation that this is intentional
Note: Validation Operates On Filtered
Values Zend_Form_Element::isValid()
filters values through the provided
filter chain prior to validation. See
the Filters section for more
How can I specify the order in which validators and filters run?
Sure seems like creating a custom element that supports post-validation filtering would be the way to go. How about this:
* An element that supports post-validation filtering
class My_Form_Element_PostValidateFilterable extends Zend_Form_Element_Text
protected $_postValidateFilters = array();
public function setPostValidateFilters(array $filters)
$this->_postValidateFilters = $filters;
return $this;
public function getPostValidateFilters()
return $this->_postValidateFilters;
public function isValid($value, $context = null)
$isValid = parent::isValid($value, $context);
if ($isValid){
foreach ($this->getPostValidateFilters() as $filter){
$value = $filter->filter($value);
return $isValid;
Usage would be something like this:
$elt = $form->addElement('PostValidateFilterable', 'myElement', array(
'label' => 'MyLabel',
'filters' => array(
// etc
'validators' => array(
// etc
// here comes the good stuff
'postValidateFilters' => array(
new My_Filter_RunAfterValidateOne(),
new My_Filter_RunAfterValidateTwo(),
This keeps the validation and filtering in the form - keeping the controller thin.
Not tested, just a stab in the dark. And surely you could fatten/modify the API to add/remove filters by key, etc.
Whaddya think?
Maybe don't add the filter at all. Validate the content first in the controller, and then use the filter separately:
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getParams())) {
$filter = new Filter_Whatever();
$val = $filter->filter($request->getParam('element'));
... //call your model or whatever
I've never done this, but I suppose this (or something similar) might work.
Good point ! ,
AFAIK filters should or must run before validating the input :
from ZF docs
It's often useful and/or necessary to
perform some normalization on input
prior to validation. For example, you
may want to strip out all HTML, but
run your validations on what remains
to ensure the submission is valid. Or
you may want to trim empty space
surrounding input so that a
StringLength validator will use the
correct length of the input without
counting leading or trailing
whitespace characters.
but if and only if you are in case which can't solve mingos's answer must be the help
What you want to achieve is to change default behavior of how text element is being processed. Thus, I think you could create your own element (e.g. My_Form_Element_Text) that extends Zend_Form_Element_Text and overload its isValid() method.
Specifically you could just change second line in the orginal isValid() method, from $value = $this->getValue(); into $value = $this->getUnfilteredValue();. This way your validation will be performed using unfiltered values.
