I want increase the student_no, when i click the finish button.
student_no : ABS10000
So i want to split the student_no and increase one. How?
Can i use character_limiter()?
$string1 = "ABS100000";
$string1 = character_limiter($string1, 2);
$string2 = "ABS100000";
$string2 = character_limiter($string2, 3,8);
$string = $string + 1;
echo $string1;
echo $string2;
This is correct...
You're using that helper function quite wrong. Also, your code makes little sense at some points.
character_limiter() belongs to the Text helper, it's aim is to provide help in formatting, mostly; look at the companion functions and you will see it.
Also, the third (optional) parameter should be a text appended at the end of the trimmed string, something such an ellipsis, for ex. Your second example, which tells to "limit the string to 3 characters and add and 8 at the end" is just plainly wrong, according to your original intentions.
I'm not aware of any helper function (here or in other helpers) that can do what you want, but since you're coding in php, I don't know why can't just do something like (I know there might be better ways to do this):
$string1 = str_replace('ABS','',"ABS100000"); // becomes 100000
$string1 = intval($string1) + 1; //100000 is cast to INT and then 1 is added;
$new_string = 'ABS'.$string1; //gives ABS100001;
I'm assuming 'ABS' is something fixed and you just want to increment the numerical part of this string.If not, please be more clear in you question and add the relevant informations.
I've looked into the similar_text() and levenshtein() functions, but they only seem to return THAT there are similarities and the percentage of those similarities.
What I am trying to do is compare 2 strings to determine WHAT is actually similar between the two.
$string1 = "IMG_1";
$string2 = "IMG_2";
echo CompareTheseStrings($string1,$string2); // returns "IMG_";
If this wonderful function doesn't exist, what would be the best way to accomplish this?
My end game plan is to read through a list of file names and then replace the similar text with something user defined or just remove it all together, but I don't want to replace each files unique identifier.
Reading your 'end goal' I think you're going about this completely the wrong way I think you should really be looking at str_replace
$string1 = "IMG_1";
$string2 = "IMG_2";
// you would create a loop here to insert each string
str_replace("IMG", "NEW_TERM", $string1);
If you want to remove the text altogether then just pass an empty string in as the 2nd parameter
Please forgive me if I'm way off here but I'm trying to create a simple template parser and to do this I'm using regular expressions to find template tags and replace them with dynamic text.
I want to be able to use a closure to return the replacement text. For example:
// Example 1
$tag['\{{title:(.*)}}\'] = function($1)
return $1;
// Example 2
$tag['\{{title:(.*)}}\'] = function($1)
$something = ['One', 'Two', 'Three'];
return $1 . implode($something);
// Now do the replacements
foreach($tag as $pattern=>$replacement)
preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $template);
I've included example 2 to explain that the result maybe dynamic and this is why I can't simply use strings.
I also feel like I need to explain why I'd need such functionality. The patterns are meant to be expandable, so other developers can add their own patterns easily.
If I've completely off the mark and this isn't going to be achievable, could you point me in the direction to achieve the same/similar functionality?
also, side note - not my main question - but is there a way to do multiple preg_replace in one go instead of looping through, seems inefficient.
i'm using $_POSTto send form values to PHP and then insert into database, i have some inputs for prices values that looks like this:
1.000.000,00 (1 million in BRL "Brazilian Real")
I need to convert it to 1000000.00 (DECIMAL(10,2) to insert into database)
How can i do that using PHP number_format()?
If number_format() is not the function i'm looking for, what's best to be using in this case?
Also, i need help finding a solution, even if the user value is 100.000,00
You can not do that with number format, it works other way around.
The thing that you do is bad practice, View layer should send primitive data to Controller - if you are using some advanced javascript component to represent to the user formatted number, that is fine, but underlaying form control should send primitive data, i.e. 10000000.00
Now, if nothing that I have stated to you is not applicable at this particular moment, and having in mind that this format that you have send is fixed (dot for thousand separator, coma for decimal separator), you can clean the value by using simple str_replace.
But, the trick is to replace first dot with empty string, then coma with dot.
str_replace(',', '.',str_replace('.', '', $number));
Got it?
But know that what you are doing is bad approach and wrong implementation, eventually, it will bite you in the a**.
$number = '1.000.000,00';
$replaced_number = str_replace(array('.',','), array('',''), $number);
echo number_format($replaced_number,2,'.','');
The easiest way is to use str_replace() function:
$p = '1.000.000,00';
$p = str_replace('.', '', $p);
$p = str_replace(',', '.', $p);
echo $p;
At first replace the (.) and (,) with str_replace by '' and then use t the following function
If you have a look at php.net you will easily see the right syntax for your goal:
The first parameter is the number of decimal places that in your case is 2.
The second is the symbol to use for decimal separator and the third is the one to be used for thousands that in your case will be nothing .
Brain totally not working today.
So, I have a few columns in a table that basically designate whether a certain piece of information WAS or WAS NOT provided by the user.
For example, I have a table with:
| ID | USER | crit1 | crit2 | crit3 | crit4 | etc. |
Now, the record could have a 1 or yes for any of the "critX" fields. I dunno much about math and permutations, but I guess if there were 4 columns, you could have 16 combinations of output. In my real world example I have 16 different criteria, so I can't factor for the output of that mess. I need to write a routine of some sort.
In my example, each of those crit values is going to be evaluated and if the criterion == 1/yes, it will be included in another variable AND have a more human friendly bit of data assigned to it. I am currently pulling each value from the DB an doing something like
### first I pull the values
$mydbarray[crit1] = $cr1;
$mydbarray[crit2] = $cr2;
$mydbarray[crit3] = $cr3;
### then I assign some human friendly text ONLY if the value == 1/yes
if($cr1==1) ($cr1 = "This info is present!";}
if($cr2==1) ($cr2 = "Number two is present!";}
if($cr3==1) ($cr3 = "Three was provided!";}
Now, what I need to do, is collect all that output only if the "IF" fired on true and assemble into a final variable.
So somehow, I want:
$finaloutput = $cr1, $cr2, $cr3;
Obviously that's not valid or what I want, but even if it DID work, it would end up including all the == 0/no instances as well.
So essentially I need a conditional grouping of these variables and I am not getting it.
I was thinking of casting an array and looping through it, but then I was at a loss for including the human intelligible portions...
Some guy at work mentioned an IF statement using bool, but I am not wellversed there.
I would think this is easy, but I've been up all week with the baby. so my brain is broken.
Thanks in advance!!!
First of all much of what you wrote is not valid PHP. I will assume you wrote it just to illustrate the point and didn't bother with the syntax.
Here is how to do it:
You take an array in which you will put your texts:
$texts = array();
For each of your criteria you check if they are provided, but add to the array created before:
if($cr1==1) {$texts[] = "This info is present!";}
if($cr2==1) {$texts[] = "Number two is present!";}
if($cr3==1) {$texts[] = "Three was provided!";}
In the end you concatenate all your texts with implode:
$finaloutput = implode(', ', $texts);
I prefer the method with implode to the one that just appends to a string because if I want a comma separator I don't get an extra one at the end.
Good luck, Alin
Try this:
$finaloutput = '';
if($cr1) $finaloutput .= "This info is present! ";
if($cr2) $finaloutput .= "Number two is present! ";
if($cr3) $finaloutput .= "Three was provided! ";
echo $finaloutput;
You dont need brackets in an if statement if there is only one item inside it. Im not sure if you want commas in the variable though...
Can't wrap my head around this...
Say, we explode the whole thing like so:
$extract = explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse);
Then we want to get a value at index 1:
$finish = $extract[1];
My question is how to get it in one go, to speak so. Something similar to this:
$finish = explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse)[1]; // does not work
Something like the following would work like a charm:
$finish = end(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse));
// or
$finish = array_shift(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse));
But what if the value is sitting somewhere in the middle?
Function Array Dereferencing has been implemented in PHP 5.4. For older version that's a limitation in the PHP parser that was fixed in here, so no way around it for now I'm afraid.
Something like that :
end(array_slice(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse), 1, 1));
Though I don't think it's better/clearer/prettier than writing it on two lines.
you can use list:
list($first_element) = explode(',', $source);
[1] would actually be the second element in the array, not sure if you really meant that. if so, just add another variable to the list construct (and omit the first if preferred)
list($first_element, $second_elment) = explode(',', $source);
// or
list(, $second_element) = explode(',', $source);
My suggest - yes, I've figured out something -, would be to use an extra agrument allowed for the function. If it is set and positive, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the rest of string. So, if we want to get, say, a value at index 2 (of course, we're sure that the value we like would be there beforehand), we just do it as follows:
$finish = end(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse, 3));
explode will return an array that contains a maximum of three elements, so we 'end' to the last element which the one we looked for, indexed 2 - and we're done!