Using a PHP implementation of the java android market API I'm attempting to display the top 10 most popular applications.
Using the code below:
$session = new MarketSession();
$ar = new AppsRequest();
//free or paid
//arcade etc
$reqGroup = new Request_RequestGroup();
$response = $session->execute($reqGroup);
$groups = $response->getResponsegroupArray();
foreach ($groups as $rg) {
$appsResponse = $rg->getAppsResponse();
$apps = $appsResponse->getAppArray();
foreach ($apps as $app) {
echo $app->getTitle()."<br/>";
But the results I'm getting aren't exactly what I expected:
Brightest Flashlight Freeâ„¢
Seesmic (Facebook, Twitter)
Android Assistant(18 features) Lab
US Yellow Pages
Sudoku Free
Color Flashlight
Scanner Radio
I expected the list of top 10 apps to contain Gmail, Facebook, Youtube etc
Anyone know why this could be happening? Any alternative APIs we could use? Any other way we can acheive this?
A number of Xero accounts API samples have PHP variables which start with {
$invoices = {invoices:[{type: Invoice.TypeEnum.ACCREC, contact:{contactID:"00000000-0000-0000-000-000000000000"}, lineItems:[{ description:"Acme Tires", quantity:2.0, unitAmount:20.0, accountCode:"000", taxType:"NONE", lineAmount:40.0}], date:"2019-03-11", dueDate:"2018-12-10", reference:"Website Design", status: Invoice.StatusEnum.DRAFT}]};
I am struggling to understand how this can work. I am trying to use the API to create multiple invoices in the same call, I can do it fine in Postman so I know my code is OK.
I have tried following:
Using the documents
But for some reason I just can't find a way to make it work.
All our SDKs and documentation is generated from our OpenAPI specs. Generating runnable code in our docs is our long term goal. In the interim, we needed to offer "some" generated docs, but the JSON payloads are not meant to be used.
We have created a sample app that demonstrates different endpoints and displays the code used to make the call.
Here is the code you'll need to create an invoices
$result = $apiInstance->getContacts($xeroTenantId);
$contactId = $result->getContacts()[0]->getContactId();
$contact = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Contact;
$arr_invoices = [];
$invoice_1 = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoice;
->setDueDate(new DateTime('2019-12-10'))
array_push($arr_invoices, $invoice_1);
$invoice_2 = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoice;
->setDueDate(new DateTime('2019-12-02'))
array_push($arr_invoices, $invoice_2);
$invoices = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoices;
$result = $apiInstance->createInvoices($xeroTenantId,$invoices);
I have a very basic RESTful api running on my localhost, and it looks something like this:
or in text:
"course_name":"Chanel Introduction",
"course_description":"In this course i will discuss info about myself and what you will be learning on my Chanel.",
"date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"
"course_name":"Getting started with Web Develop",
"course_description":"In this course, you will learn the basic concepts of Web Development. ",
"date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"
"course_name":"HTML and CSS Introduction",
"course_description":"In this course, I will go in depth on HTML, CSS and front end development of basic static webpages.",
"date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"
{"course_id":"4","course_creator_id":"1","course_name":"JavaScript and React Basics.","course_description":"In this course, we will dive deep into JavaScript and briefly go over the basics of React","course_thumbnail":"\/public\/course_images\/3.jpg","date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"}
{"course_id":"5","course_creator_id":"1","course_name":"Building REST apis with Node and Express","course_description":"In this course, we will go in depth on REST apis and build one in the second half of the course.","course_thumbnail":"\/public\/course_images\/4.jpg","date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"}
{"course_id":"6","course_creator_id":"1","course_name":"Building an e-books website from scratch","course_description":"In this course we will build an e-books website and combine everything from the previus 5 tutorials.","course_thumbnail":"\/public\/course_images\/5.jpg","date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"}
{"course_id":"7","course_creator_id":"3","course_name":"What is Game Development","course_description":"In-depth look on game development (theory only, no code).","course_thumbnail":"\/public\/course_images\/6.jpg","date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"}
{"course_id":"8","course_creator_id":"3","course_name":"C++ For Game Development","course_description":"In this massive course, i will teach you everything about C++ and touch on concepts for game development in C++.","course_thumbnail":"\/public\/course_images\/7.jpg","date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"}
{"course_id":"9","course_creator_id":"3","course_name":"Introduction to Unreal Engine 4 ","course_description":"Here we will combine what you learnt in the previus course with Unreal Engine4 and start developing small games","course_thumbnail":"\/public\/course_images\/8.jpg","date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"}
{"course_id":"10","course_creator_id":"3","course_name":"Making a turn based RPG with UE4 and C++","course_description":"In this tutorial, we will combined the previus 2 courses and make a turn based RPG from scratch","course_thumbnail":"\/public\/course_images\/9.jpg","date_added":"2019-04-17 15:25:39"}
My code is as follows:
$stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM courses');
$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
foreach($result as $row){
if($row->course_id == $_GET['course_id']){
echo json_encode($row);
} else if (isset($_GET['creator_id'])){
if($row->course_creator_id == $_GET['creator_id']){
echo json_encode($row);
} else {
echo json_encode($row);
As i said, very simple. Im using it as a testing api rather then as a production one.
My question is, why are most REST api's so pretty like the facebook graph thing but my rest APIs always have an ugly format? How do i make my REST api pretty? :D
First of all you need to create a valid json output then you need to declare your output is a json like followings;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM courses');
$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$rows = [];
foreach($result as $row){
if($row->course_id == $_GET['course_id']){
$rows[] = $row;
} else if (isset($_GET['creator_id'])){
if($row->course_creator_id == $_GET['creator_id']){
$rows[] = $row;
} else {
$rows[] = $row;
echo json_encode($rows, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
JSON_PRETTY_PRINT is responsible for printing the data in rows and not in a single line
I'm using the twitter api to get my latest mentions.
Twitter api link:
Function used to get last mentions:
function twitter_get_tweets(){
$connection = $this->twitter_auth();
$latest_tweet = $connection->get('statuses/mentions_timeline', array('count' => 1));
return $latest_tweet;
Preview of response:
Sadly im not able to access the variables in there directly, such as the text node.
[text] => #pr0b_ Submit a request to our Support team and they'll be in touch ASAP
Been testing something like:
$twitter_bot = new twitter_bot_functions($twitter_settings['api_key'], $twitter_settings['api_secret'], $twitter_settings['access_token'], $twitter_settings['access_token_secret']);
$get_latest_mention = $twitter_bot->twitter_get_tweets();
echo $get_latest_mention['text'];
Does someone have a idea what I'm doing wrong?
It is an array first and then a stdClass object. So you should use it like
echo $get_latest_mention[0]->text;
I'm using the Google AdWords PHP API to access statistics from our account. However, I'm getting some really strange read outs from the statistics through the api. I'm trying to access the stats for individuals Ads or Adgroups. The statistics returned, however, are way off what they are in the client center. The code I'm using:
$adService = $user->GetService("AdGroupAdService", ADWORDS_VERSION);
$selector = new Selector();
$selector->fields = array("Id", "Name", "Clicks", "Impressions", "Cost");
$selector->predicates[] = new Predicate("AdGroupId", "IN", array($adGroupId));
$selector->dateRange = $dateRange;
$selector->paging = new Paging(0, AdWordsConstants::RECOMMENDED_PAGE_SIZE);
do {
// Make the get request.
$page = $adService->get($selector);
if (isset($page->entries)) {
foreach ($page->entries as $ad) {
$newLineObject->adName = $ad->name;
$newLineObject->clicks = $ad->ad->AdStats->clicks;
$newLineObject->impressions = $ad->adStats->impressions;
$newLineObject->cost = $ad->ad->AdStats->cost->microAmount/ AdWordsConstants::MICROS_PER_DOLLAR;
else {
print "No matching ads were found.\n";
$selector->paging->startIndex += AdWordsConstants::RECOMMENDED_PAGE_SIZE;
} while ($page->totalNumEntries > $selector->paging->startIndex);
When I print the results I get numbers that are considerably larger than those displayed in the client center. For example, for one partiuclar Ad the API reported 2.000.000 impressions, while the client center showed 56.000.
What am I doing wrong?
Your code seems correct to me. However, you problem may be that your date range in your code is different to the one you see in your client center. Make sure that you keep the same date range when you cross check.
Having tried using the method detailed above extensively, I have altered my code completely. I now use AdHoc Reporting (described here This method was suggested to me by an AdWords developer. While this does not literally solve my question (i.e. why does the above code return incorrect statistics), it does provide an easy and clean way to obtain the data correctly.
Hi, is there a way to download the BibTeX entry for something from Google Scholar using PHP without having to download the BibTeX manually one by one? For example, setting a search value like "research" and then downloading the related BibTeX from the links automatically through code.
Any help would be appreciated. I tried to get the HTML page, but as I try to get the page contents the "Import to BibTeX" link disappears on the retrieved page contents.
My code:
$url = ' amp;as_sdt=1%2C4&as_sdtp=on';
$needle = 'Import into bibtex';
$contents = file_get_contents($url);
echo $contents;
if(strpos($contents, $needle)!== false) {
echo 'found';
} else {
echo 'not found';
The short answer is No you cannot do this
Google does not provide API's for search / scholar and uses firm rate-limitation. The problem is that for each BibTex entry you need 2 additional requests (1 for the query, 1 for the 'import link' and a final one to get the actual BibTex entry content)
I wrote a script that scrapes google scholar results and finds the BibTex links and saves the results. However, due to the rate limit is not viable and will get blocked almost instantly.
Code can be viewed here: and is free of use, but at your own risk.
As Tessmore said - you can't. But you can make it work by using Google Scholar Organic Results API from SerpApi that bypasses quota limits and blocks from search engines so you don't have to think about how to reduce the chance of being blocked.
Install google-search-results-php package first via composer:
$ composer require serpapi/google-search-results-php:2.0
Code to integrate and full example in the online IDE:
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
ini_set("display_startup_errors", 1);
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
function getResultIds () {
$result_ids = array();
$params = [
"engine" => "google_scholar", // parsing engine
"q" => "biology" // search query
$search = new GoogleSearch(getenv("API_KEY"));
$response = $search->get_json($params);
foreach ($response->organic_results as $result) {
// print_r($result->result_id);
array_push($result_ids, $result->result_id);
return $result_ids;
function getBibtexData () {
$bibtex_data = array();
foreach (getResultIds() as $result_id) {
$params = [
"engine" => "google_scholar_cite", // parsing engine
"q" => $result_id
$search = new GoogleSearch(getenv("API_KEY"));
$response = $search->get_json($params);
foreach ($response->links as $result) {
if ($result->name === "BibTeX") {
array_push($bibtex_data, $result->link);
return $bibtex_data;
print_r(json_encode(getBibtexData(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
Bibtex data from the first URL:
title={A new biology for a new century},
author={Woese, Carl R},
journal={Microbiology and molecular biology reviews},
publisher={Am Soc Microbiol}
Disclaimer, I work for SerpApi.