This question already has answers here:
Merge row data from multiple arrays
(6 answers)
Closed last month.
I'm chasing my tail trying to combine the results of two different queries to output in a template.
I'm trying to merge the corresponding sub-arrays in model_data and entry_data to get desired_result. I will then iterate over desired_result and print values into the template.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
array(2) {
array(2) {
["entry_id"]=> string(3) "192"
["field_id_49"]=> string(10) "Model Name"
array(2) {
["entry_id"]=> string(3) "193"
["field_id_49"]=> string(5) "MN123"
array(2) {
array(2) {
["uri"]=> string(24) "/products/product-title/"
["title"]=> string(13) "Product Title"
array(2) {
["uri"]=> string(22) "/products/lorem-ipsum/"
["title"]=> string(11) "Lorem Ipsum"
array(2) {
array(4) {
["entry_id"]=> string(3) "192"
["field_id_49"]=> string(10) "Model Name"
["uri"]=> string(24) "/products/product-title/"
["title"]=> string(13) "Product Title"
array(4) {
["entry_id"]=> string(3) "193"
["field_id_49"]=> string(5) "MN123"
["uri"]=> string(22) "/products/lorem-ipsum/"
["title"]=> string(11) "Lorem Ipsum"
foreach($model_data as $key => $value){
$result[$key] = array_merge($entry_data[$key], $model_data[$key]);
You can use array_replace_recursive function to merge these arrays.
Below is a example:
$desired_result = array_replace_recursive($model_data, $entry_data);
This question already has answers here:
Using array_map vs array_column and array_combine in php [closed]
(1 answer)
Generate an associative array from an array of rows using one column as keys and another column as values
(3 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
returning to php after a VERY long break and need some help. So my function is returning the following array. I now want to get the 'id' and 'name' and return them in their own array where name is the key and id is the value. How would I go about it?
object(stdClass)#11 (1) {
array(5) {
object(stdClass)#1 (3) {
string(36) "7fd134a2-5f80-4d07-8a1a-a54c48f7e71b"
string(13) "userattribute"
object(stdClass)#2 (1) {
string(10) "Test1Test1"
object(stdClass)#3 (3) {
string(36) "dcdd87d5-1ff3-4fd9-8a75-7e20fe8f19d7"
string(13) "userattribute"
object(stdClass)#4 (1) {
string(10) "Test1Test2"
object(stdClass)#5 (3) {
string(36) "b167b703-a63f-4548-9104-43a436871f45"
string(13) "userattribute"
object(stdClass)#6 (1) {
string(10) "Test1Test3"
object(stdClass)#7 (3) {
string(36) "6a17046b-b665-493f-83be-35e0a9129c49"
string(13) "userattribute"
object(stdClass)#8 (1) {
string(10) "Test1Test4"
object(stdClass)#9 (3) {
string(36) "4704cf6f-1c8b-432e-88df-f6865c8690d5"
string(13) "userattribute"
object(stdClass)#10 (1) {
string(10) "Test1Test5"
Use array_column() to extract each column, and array_combine() to merge them so one is the key and the other is the value of an associative array.
$result = array_combine(array_column($object->data, 'id'), array_column($object->data, 'name'));
where $object is the variable holding the data you posted.
I have this array, it could look something like this:
array(756) {
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps5"
string(4) "23.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps4"
string(4) "23.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps3"
string(2) "24"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps2"
string(4) "24.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps1"
string(2) "25"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps0"
string(4) "25.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps5"
string(4) "23.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps4"
string(4) "23.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps3"
string(2) "24"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps2"
string(4) "24.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps1"
string(2) "25"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps0"
string(4) "25.5"
How would i go about looping thru and splitting it up into arrays based on the value in the inner arrays[0] ex: "joint_temps5".
I have tested quite a few things but without success. My problem mainly is i dont know what might be in the string in the arrays.
I would like to end up with arrays like:
$array1[] = array(x_amount){
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps5"
string(4) "23.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps5"
string(4) "23.5"
$array2[] = array(x_amount){
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps4"
string(4) "23.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps4"
string(4) "23.5"
I would recommend to create a new array from your input array, using the value as an index of the array to be created, like so:
// test-set: input array is $a
$a[0] = array("joint_temps5","23.5");
$a[1] = array("joint_temps3","24");
$a[2] = array("joint_temps2","24.5");
$a[3] = array("joint_temps1","25");
$a[4] = array("joint_temps0","25.5");
$a[5] = array("joint_temps5","23.5");
$a[6] = array("joint_temps4","23.5");
$a[7] = array("joint_temps3","24");
$a[8] = array("joint_temps2","24.5");
$a[9] = array("joint_temps1","25");
foreach($a as $key => $value){
$b[$value[0]][] = $value; // *Explained below
*"Explained below": $a is the source array, $b is the newly created array.
$b[$value[0]][] means it wil create a new element for array $b[$value[0]]. And $value[0] will be substituted by the first value in the element of $a that the foreach loop hits.
Example: the first element of $a is this array: array("joint_temps5","23.5"). So in the foreach loop, the text "joint_temps5" ($value[0] in the foreach) will be used as a key/index to create a new element for array $b. The [] means that with every new execution of this line, a new element, with that key value $value[0], will be added.
It will result in:
array(6) {
array(2) {
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps5"
string(4) "23.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps5"
string(4) "23.5"
array(2) {
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps3"
string(2) "24"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps3"
string(2) "24"
array(2) {
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps2"
string(4) "24.5"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps2"
string(4) "24.5"
array(2) {
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps1"
string(2) "25"
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps1"
string(2) "25"
array(1) {
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps0"
string(4) "25.5"
array(1) {
array(2) {
string(12) "joint_temps4"
string(4) "23.5"
You could loop through your array, and populate a new array using the string as a key, so something like:
foreach ($array as $working_array) {
$new_array[$working_array[0]][] = $working_array[1]; }
Which would give you an array something like :
$new_array["joint_temps5"]=> array(2) {
[0]=> "23.5"
[1]=> "23.5"}
If you needed to you could then parse that into an array in the format you desire quite easily.
I've been trying to merge this array ONLY WHERE $array[4] exists more than one time, example: $array[4] == 'red' exactly twice. How can I merge only those arrays while keeping the others? I have made several attempts at this and I am willing to include my efforts if asked.
Consider this array:
array(3) {
array(5) {
string(3) "UID"
string(3) "532"
string(1) "2"
string(9) "Domain(s)"
string(20) "red"
array(5) {
string(3) "UID"
string(3) "532"
string(7) "License"
string(3) "Fee"
string(20) "red"
array(5) {
string(3) "UID"
string(3) "536"
string(7) "License"
string(3) "Fee"
string(16) " University Test"
array(3) {
array(5) {
string(3) "UID"
string(3) "532"
string(1) "2"
string(9) "Domain(s)"
string(20) " red"
string(3) "Fee"
string(7) "License"
array(5) {
string(3) "UID"
string(3) "536"
string(7) "License"
string(3) "Fee"
string(16) " University Test"
foreach ($test as $item) {
if (!isset($merged[$item[4]])) {
// add the item to the merged array using key=$item[4]
$merged[$item[4]] = $item;
} else {
// merge the item with the item that is already in the array at key=$item[4]
$merged[$item[4]] = array_unique(array_merge($merged[$item[4]], $item));
// array_unique is necessary because array_merge will not overwrite numeric keys
// convert the keys back to numeric (if you care to)
$merged = array_values($merged);
I am making a mailing system, and my input is array of arrays, i need to combine them to one, i already aggregated based on the email.
input example:
array(2) {
array(15) {
string(1) "1"
string(6) "200122"
string(21) ""
string(34) "{"Notice":827,"co":3241,"Co":1555}"
array(15) {
string(1) "1"
string(6) "592024"
string(21) ""
string(97) "{"Co":388,"co":5564,"xml":2982,"CO":6,"Warning":1957,"warning":42,"Notice":13,"cO":9,"Connect":6}"
array(1) {
array(15) {
string(1) "1"
string(5) "19116"
string(22) ""
string(8) "{"co":1}"
input array to the mail function should look like:
array(1) {
array(15) {
string(1) "1"
string(6) "200122"
string(21) ""
string(34) "{"Notice":827,"co":3241,"Co":1555}"
string(1) "1"
string(6) "592024"
string(21) ""
string(97) " {"Co":388,"co":5564,"xml":2982,"CO":6,"Warning":1957,"warning":42,"Notice":13,"cO":9,"Conne ct":6}"
array(1) {
array(15) {
string(1) "1"
string(5) "19116"
string(22) ""
string(8) "{"co":1}"
its basically spouse to combine the two arrays that are in the same array.
how can i do that? thanks :)
The required outcome is not possible since you have duplicate keys in the array which won't be possible in PHP.
["content"] => string(34) "{"Notice":827,"co":3241,"Co":1555}"
will be replaced by
["content"] => string(97) "{"Co":388,"co":5564,"xml":2982,"CO":6,"Warning":1957,"warning":42,"Notice":13,"cO":9,"Connect":6}"
You can do this simply using the array_merge function.
In their answer, Maarten suggests this is not possible because duplicate keys would be overwritten. However this only occurs when the keys aren't numeric. In your example above the keys of the first array are 0 and 1 and the second just 0. All numeric.
So all you need to do is:
I'm trying to make a multidimensional array that should print out like this (without formatting):
array(3) {
[0]=> array(5) {
[0]=> int(0)
[1]=> string(5) "Arena"
[2]=> string(18) "2012-05-3017:00:00"
[3]=> string(18) "2012-05-3000:00:00"
[4]=> string(33) "Masquerade Checkin (Participants)"
[1]=> array(5) {
[0]=> int(0)
[1]=> string(10) "Workshop 1"
[2]=> string(18) "2012-05-3017:00:00"
[3]=> string(18) "2012-05-3000:00:00"
[4]=> string(15) "Death Note (Live)"
[2]=> array(5) {
[0]=> int(0)
[1]=> string(7) "Video 6"
[2]=> string(18) "2012-05-3017:00:00"
[3]=> string(18) "2012-05-3000:00:00"
[4]=> string(26) "Takeuchi Fan Panel"
Notice from the above code that the inner array() length is always 5.
Here is my code below:
$loopsArray = array();
// graphing info come in here.
foreach ($events as $key => $event) {
$el=$event['event_location'] ;
array_push($loopsArray,$el,$eln, $ed.$es,$ed.$ee,$en);
Here the print out
array(27) {
[0]=> array(5) {
[0]=> int(0)
[1]=> string(5) "Arena"
[2]=> string(18) "2012-05-3017:00:00"
[3]=> string(18) "2012-05-3000:00:00"
[4]=> string(33) "Masquerade Checkin (Participants)"
[1]=> array(10) {
[0]=> int(0)
[1]=> string(5) "Arena"
[2]=> string(18) "2012-05-3017:00:00"
[3]=> string(18) "2012-05-3000:00:00"
[4]=> string(33) "Masquerade Checkin (Participants)"
[5]=> int(13)
[6]=> string(11) "Autograph 1"
[7]=> string(18) "2012-06-2419:00:00"
[8]=> string(18) "2012-06-2422:00:00"
[9]=> string(17) "Parents and Anime"
//... continues
Notice that the inner arrays length double each iteration. array(5) array(10) array(15)array(20).
It doubles up to 60 elements in the last inner array. Each inner array should only have 5 elements in them. I don't understand why it is doubling or how to fix it.
Can you look over my loop and let me know how to fix it?
I have to use this multidimensional array for this code to work in JpGraph.
TIP : write $loopsArray = array(); inside foreach
better approach
instead of
array_push($loopsArray,$el,$eln, $ed.$es,$ed.$ee,$en);
try this
$temp = array ($el,$eln, $ed.$es,$ed.$ee,$en);
$data[] = $temp;