I'm planning to build a Web App that would do massive use of AJAX and JavaScript, and I want to use PHP as the Server-Side language, with MySQL for the DataBase.
I found Raxan, and it looked really good, mainly because it would save me a lot of time with it's very easy integration with jQuery and AJAX calls. However, the project do not seems very alive or stable, and the forum is almos desert.
So, I would like to know what is the best framework suitable for a Web App that will do everything in a single page through AJAX calls.
PS: If it matters, I will use jQuery Mobile, and that's why everything will be in the same page.
Honestly, there isn't much to "PHP + AJAX" integrations. It's the same as "PHP + HTML". I would recommend you find a good PHP framework and a good JavaScript framework instead of looking for one that does both because they are always a mess since they are built by people that don't understand separating concerns.
I would recommend you having a look at Contao, but more information on what other features you want from a CMS are more important.
From the perspective of what you've described, Contao uses Mootools but can be mixed in with jQuery.
The core part of ajax queries is handled by an PHP executable in the root of the web server called ajax.php . This allows modules/widgets for FE or BE to communicate via AJAX calls and all nicely built in.
Don't worry about the Mootools part, since you could make a request using jQuery and it'll work seemsly with Contao and Mootools.
Is there a way to implement the "pagelets" concept using PHP as Facebook does? From their blog post:
BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the dynamic web page serving system. The general idea is to decompose web pages into small chunks called pagelets, and pipeline them through several execution stages inside web servers and browsers. This is similar to the pipelining performed by most modern microprocessors: multiple instructions are pipelined through different execution units of the processor to achieve the best performance. Although BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the existing web serving process, it does not require changing existing web browsers or servers; it is implemented entirely in PHP and JavaScript.
Pagelets in Facebook home page; each rectangle corresponds to one pagelet:
Is there a way to implement pagelets concept using PHP
No. It barely has something to do strictly with the server-side (PHP).
That is done in Javascript on the client (browser).
It appears that FB is referring to what is called the widget problem in MVC design. So this certainly appears backend, but the question is extremely open ended and impossible to answer.
I'd say go checkout some HMVC frameworks that allow you to do this.
The concept of pagelets is totally unrelated to PHP, however as you can do as well 3D graphics in PHP, there sure is a way to implement such a concept in PHP.
While you're at it, I would also suggest to implement the user-agent in PHP as well, so you can develop a cross-client-server-platform-pagelet implementation in PHP totally.
You might be looking for so called EDGE Side Includes for which you can find a PHP implementation in the Symfony2 framework. This also needs a server component, like Varnish or Squid.
I'm currently creating a website using PHP and the Kohana framework. I want to site to be able to use real time (or near real time) data (e.g. for chat and real time feeds). I need it to be able to scale to thousands of concurrent users. I've done a lot of reading and still have no idea what the best method is for this.
Does anyone have any experience with StreamHub? Is it possible to use this with PHP?
Am I digging myself into a hole here and need to switch languages? I've looked at node js and nowjs, but I'm weary about coding a while site in Express (I wonder about security holes, code maintainability, lack of a good ORM). I've read about Twisted Python, but have no idea what web framework would work well on top of that, and I'd prefer not to use Nevow - maybe Django can be used well with Twisted Python? I'm just looking to be pointed in the right direction, so I don't go too far in PHP and realize I can't get the near real-time results that I need.
Thanks for the help.
I've looked at node js and nowjs, but
I'm weary about coding a while site in
Express (I wonder about security
holes, code maintainability, lack of a
good ORM).
I can personally vouch for code maintainability if you can do JavaScript. I personally find JavaScript more maintainable then PHP but that's probably due to lack of PHP experience.
ORM is not an issue as node.js favours document based databases. Document based databases and JSON go hand in hand, I find couch db and it's map/reduce system easy to use and it feels natural with json.
In terms of security holes, yes a node.js server is young and there may be holes. These are un avoidable. There are currently no known exploits and I would say it's not much more vulnerable
then IIS/apache/nginx until someone points a big flaw.
I want to site to be able to use real
time (or near real time) data (e.g.
for chat and real time feeds). I need
it to be able to scale to thousands of
concurrent users.
Scalability like that requires non-blocking IO. This requires a non-blocking IO server likes nginx or node.js (Yes blocking IO could work but you need so much more hardware).
Personally I would advice using node.js over PHP as it's easier to write non blocking IO in node. You can do it in PHP but you have to make all the right design and architecture decisions. I doubt there are any truly async non-blocking PHP frameworks.
Python's twisted / Ruby's EventMachine together with nginx, can work but I have no expertise with those. At least with node you can't accidentally call a blocking library or make use of the native blocking libraries since JavaScript has no native IO.
PHP is not the language you should be using for real-time updates of a website. PHP scripts load first before HTML (and HTML calls javascript files), so PHP cannot update your page for you. However, when used with AJAX (eg. using a jQuery function to call a PHP file to update your page in real-time), you can use PHP in this fashion.
Using jQuery and AJAX (all javascript), you can do quite a bit in terms of updating a page without reloading it. I've seen sites such as this one that demonstrate how to make a chat using jQuery.
Are there any frameworks for php that follow the style of vaadin?
In vaadin you can define web forms using java with touching javascript or any client scripting in swing style.
All Ajax calls are made through Javascript - it is an absolute necessity, no way around it. Every framework you see doing Ajax, whether its in Java, .NET, or whatever - they are using Javascript. It may be generating the Javascript for you but it is still happening.
The Prado framework handles all the Javascript lifting for you, so you can give that a shot. Its very .NET in style.
I have been searching for something similar to Vaadin. The only framework I have found is zk, which works with Java.
Anyway, you can develop in ZK using any languages supported by the JVM.
When constructing a website, say a Q&A site or a just a forum site for a community, is just knowing HTML,CSS,PHP, MySQL, and javascript enough to make the site dynamic?
I am saying this because when I talked with my teacher, he said that major sites use many languages combined. And he said that a site shouldn't be designed only in PHP.
So is it possible to create a good website, not e-commerce, with only html,css, and php?
yes. there is no reason you should use more than one language internally. it makes making it all work together much easier in a server environment, where the extra load of IPC over function calls can slow things down considerably.
Ofc! :)
Lots of large/enterprise portals use only HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP & MySQL.
But don't forget that there's always a right tool for the right job... A simple site (even an e-commerce) will run very well on PHP & MySQL.
Short answer: yes, it is possible.
Longer answer...
HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL are already many languages, but I guess he means that most major sites have a heterogeneous back-end. This is probably not out of choice though -- more often it is historical. As people change and new technologies emerge, new pieces are built with different languages and frameworks.
I have built a forum and Q&A sites with HTML+CSS+PHP+MySQL and many other people have done the same, so this set of tools is without a doubt adequate for building something like this. In fact, I would argue that you could build almost anything on the web with that combination.
A more interesting question (that will generate more heated response) is what framework you use on top of that. A CMS like Wordpress of Drupal, or an MVC framework like Zend, CakePHP or CodeIgniter.
Or whether you should be dropping PHP entirely and using something like Django or Ruby on Rails. Knowing more than PHP will definitely help you to be ready for newer approaches.
The dynamism of a website comes from a server side language that can create a HTML output on the fly, that's it. You can add a DB, simple JS or AJAX, but those are merely optionals.
Now, as for your teacher, languages like PHP, Python and ASP are, in the end, the same. It's ridiculous to have the includes files in ASP, the main files in PHP and the configuration files in Python, that makes absolutely no sense. Maybe, hopefully, he was talking about using JS in conjunction with PHP and SQL which is a natural recommendation.
The fact that your teacher is obsessed with another technology doesn't mean that you can't work with PHP only.
As the others said, it is perfectly reasonable and possible.
(I'm personally obsessed with ASP.NET, but still, I won't say that it is the only way to go for everyone. And PHP is just geat for beginners.)
Is he referring to the front-end or back-end?
The front-end of a website - the part that the user sees and interacts with - must be written in HTML.
(It may optionally include CSS and Javascript to enhance it.)
The back-end is what generates the front-end, and also determines the structure and control-flow of the application.
There's absolutely no need to use more than one language for the back-end, and it's often simpler to stick to one language.
However, for the front-end, you have no choice but to use HTML; otherwise it isn't a web application.
The front end must output HTML. These days it should use CSS for formatting. It will likely use Javascript to provide client side capability. Requiring javascript will likely create accessability issues for some users.
PHP is one of several languages used to handle requests. It is in interpreted language requiring the source be placed on the server. This opens up significant security risk if the someone gets access to the server. Several hosting sites have had major problems with PHP based sites over the last few weeks.
Java is run in a compiled form and code is not required to be on the server. This provides a layer of security as it is not simple to modify the code. Java runs in a container, and usually a framework. Developing using the Spring framework in a Tomcat container is an option. The learning curve is higher than with PHP. It also has strong support for accessing remote resources which allows it to integrate with legacy applications.
With any of the languages, there is a risk that developers will use available functionality when they shouldn't. The Java J2EE model is appropropriate for some sites, but was often implemented because it was the fashion, and there are a lot of tutorials on using it.
Can I use Struts as a backend and PHP as front end for a web application? If yes, what may be the implications.
The first thing to came to mind is Quercus (from the makers of the Resin servlet engine), as Jordi mentioned. It is a Java implementation of the PHP runtime and purportedly allows you to access Java objects directly from your PHP (part of me says "yay, at last").
On the other hand, while I have been itching to try a project this way, I would probably keep the separation between Java EE and PHP unless there was a real reason to integrate on the code-level.
Instead, why don't you try an SOA approach, where your PHP "front-end" calls into the Struts application over a defined REST or SOAP API (strong vote for REST here) over HTTP.
You can use Struts to build your entire "backend" model, dealing only with business logic and data, and completely ignoring presentation. As you expose the API with these URLs, and you are basically building a REST API (which may come in handy later if you ever need to provide greater access to your backend, perhaps by other client apps).
Your PHP application can be built separately (and rather thinly), calling into the REST API (perhaps using Curl) as if it would call into a database or some native PHP class library.
Anyway, that's what I'd do. But, if you do use Quercus, please post how it went.
I don't know much about Java, but I remember running into Quercus a while ago. It's a 100% Java interpreter for PHP code.
So yes, you could have PHP templates on your Java app. Update: see Quercus: PHP in Java for more info.
What do you mean by backend and and frontend?
If you mean using Java for the admin side of your site and PHP for the part that the public will see then there is nothing stopping you.
The implications are that you will have to maintain two applications in different languages.
I think what you mean is you want to use PHP as your templating language and structs as your middleware (actions etc).
I would imaging the answer would be no, not without some kind of bridge between the structs session and the PHP.
If you say change x to 3 in java in a structs action, you couldn't just go <?php echo x ?> or whatever to get the value out, you would need to transfer that information back and forth somehow.
Submitting would be OK though, I would imagine.
Not recommended though.