Ajax results back to mysql - php

I am trying to send the results of the current drag drop state back to mysql using ajax/php.
The console .log works fine..
With some help the drag and drop jquery feature is all working perfectly however sadly jquery/ajax is really not in my bag of tricks ..
http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/FMKmj/ (Credit mu)
Tearing my hair out , any ideas ?

If you just want to submit the groups hash, do it like:
$('#submit').click(function() {
var groups = { };
$('.sort').each(function() {
var a = [ ];
$(this).find('li').each(function() {
groups[this.id] = a;
url: "yourscript.php",
data: groups,
success: function(){

Step 1: Catch the event
Notice that in the JQuery UI doc for sortable there is an event tab: here.
So you have to bind an event to an Ajax call inside the event handling function called when a block is dropped in a new box.
Step 2: The Ajax call
It means you have to write your Ajax call: see here.
Typically, you will do a post request since moving a block from a place to another place will change something on the server side.
What do you send to the server ?
Basically you want to send to the server which block has moved where. But it is up to you, you can send whatever you want, it depends on you server side application.
Step 3: The server side
The server based on this information can execute MySQL requests.


Why my AJAX function blocks the header of PHP that I have on my page?

I am doing a program in PHP (MVC) in which I need to delete a row from the database when I click on a link on the View side. So, when I click on the link, the following ajax function it is called.
var deleteCar = function(id)
type: "POST",
url: "http://localhost/project/car/deleteCar/" + id,
success: function(response){
but I do not want to send any data so it is the reason why I put it as above.
Then, in the Controller side I have the following method:
public function deleteCar($id)
//Here I call the function to delete the Car that I send by id. It works fine.
header('Location: http://localhost/project/car');
If I call directly the method deleteCar on the link without Ajax the header works properly but in the same moment I use Ajax to call it, I have to refresh the page to see the content that I have modified, I mean, that the Car have been deleted.
The code works fine, just I do not want to refresh the page after AJAX function had finished.
Thanks in advance!
I am guessing the use case is to allow the app to work when the user does not have JS enabled - so they just click the links and get a non-AJAX experience. In this case you probably want to redirect ONLY if the page was requested via GET, not POST. something like
header('Location: http://localhost/project/car');
is likely what you are looking for.
You will then have to actually remove the element representing the car from the DOM in your success handler, with something like:
var deleteCar = function(id)
type: "POST",
url: "http://localhost/project/car/deleteCar/" + id,
success: function(response){
$('#car-row-' + id).remove();
(that won't be it exactly, it depends how the HTML of your page is setup how exactly you will do this).
I believe the key thing to understand here is - when your PHP function has completed it has removed the car from the database, but the browser still has the same HTML it got from the page originally. Just sending an AJAX request won't change that. If you want the HTML in the browser to change to reflect the new state of the database, you will NEED to do one of two things:
Refresh the page, so the entire thing is rebuilt by PHP based on the current database state
Use javascript to change the HTML in the browser, to reflect the changes you have made to the database state.
It is wrong on so many levels but it's difficult to put in words. It's subtle.
Long story short - think about jquery.ajax as of another virtual tab of you browser.
When you make ajax-request to the server - you create new virtual tab.
You php header could affect this virtual tab and redirect it where that header defined.
But it will redirect that virtual tab, not your current tab - if that makes sense.
What are your options? On success - make redirect with pure javascript.
success: function(response){
location.href = "http://localhost/project/car";
This would be the basic way to solve your problem.

Dynamic jquery pages

I didn't really know what to call this so I couldn't find anything by searching. Pretty much I have the following:
$(document).on('click', 'a[data-ajax]', function(e) {
var box = $('#ajaxdata');
var r = $(this).attr('href');
type: 'post',
url: '/betasite/' + r,
success: function(data) {
Pretty much it loads the contents of a file (being some html) into a div so the page doesn't need to reload data as often. The problem is having is that I want to have some php inside that loaded file so I can access server side MySQL data and display it. Whenever I try to do this however, it comments the php out like <--php (stuff) -->. Does anyone know how I can work around that (like having the php generate the page before its loaded)?
Your php code will be rendered by server(WAMP/MAMP) automatically if you are on a local environment. If you are not running a server(WAMP/MAMP) you will have to select one depending on the O/S you use.
a good practice is to test the operation of the service in this case "php", before trying the operation in the front-end (jquery). If you have an Apache server up should see the result of their service by accessing the service route.

Running a PHP script via Ajax, through a link?

I'm making a fairly simple rating system, and I've got a small problem. When you +1 rate something, I'm trying to run a PHP script which will connect to the database, download the value from it, +1 to that value, and UPDATE the value in the database again.
I don't think reloading the page for a continious rating system would be a very good idea :S
I'm wondering how I can toggle a PHP script with Ajax, so that when you Click an image of a + sign, it runs the PHP add 1 script, and the + button turns in to a tick. I'm crap at ajax, and I'd go for trying jQuery + $.ajax({}); but I've failed 73 attempts. haha.
Anyone willing to give me a hand writing an Ajax script? :DDD
Thanks! :)
If you want someone to click a link which will access your page, let's assume you have this marup:
<a class = 'plusOne' id = 'someIDForYourSQLTable'>+1</a>
The ID is what you are going to pass to your server script so you can update the appropriate row, generally speaking this should be a primary identifier (i.e. Key) for the record that you want to +1.
Here is the jQuery that will send the ajax request to the file: plusOne.php in the same directory as the current page:
$(function() {
$(".plusOne").bind("click", function() {
type: "GET",
data: "v="+$(this).attr("id"),
url: "plusOne.php",
success: function(data) {
// Whatever you want to do after the PHP Script returns.
The request will send the a URL parameter 'v' which you can access in your PHP script from the $_GET super global array.
<img src="plusone.png" rel="some_unique_id" class="rate" />
$(".rate").click(function() {
var elem = $(this);
$.get('/rate.php?id=' + elem.attr('rel'), function() {
elem.attr('src', 'checked.png').unbind('click');
and in php
mysql_query('UPDATE database_name.table_name SET rating=rating+1 where id=' . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']));
Have a look at xAjax, a library to expose PHP functions/method to client-side JavaScript. xAjax makes things very simple.
For example, you are able to perform several changes in the browser in parallel:
$objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
$objResponse->script("var x = prompt("Enter Your Name");");
return $objResponse;

Simplest jQuery, PHP, AJAX, and sqlite example?

I'm having a really difficult time understanding how this all works together. I've fiddled for a few days with this and have been unable to come up with any results. I'm trying to fill in a text field in a form, and when the form is submitted, I want to add the text to my sqlite db using ajax.
I understand that you need a $.get call in jquery which is triggered on the form's submit. That seems to work fine as I can trigger js alert boxes from there. However, when I pass the address of the php script which has lines to add to the sqlite db using PDO, nothing is added to the db. However, when I run this php script from using php cli, something will get added to the db.
I seem to be missing an essential step here. I would really appreciate it if someone could bridge this gap for me!
As requested by Martin here's some code:
My php generates some list like this with a form in the middle:
<li id="formItem">
<form action="" method="post">
<input type=text name="content"/>
Then my jquery code looks to add whatever is in the textbox right above it on the list does an ajax call. This is inside a $(document).ready(function(){.
$("form").submit(function() {
var inputText = $("input").val();
type: "POST",
url: "add.php",
data: inputText,
success: function() {
"<li>" + inputText + "</li>"
My add.php file looks like this and it will insert something into my db if I execute the php script on the cli:
$base = new PDO('sqlite:todo.db');
$sql = $base->prepare("INSERT INTO ThisTable (content, priority) VALUES ('lolololol', 1);");
$base = null;
Do not forget that HTTP is a stateless protocol. Each HTTP request you make to your webserver is treated the same. This stands for whether the HTTP request was made using AJAX or not.
What I'm trying to say is that AJAX is a client side implementation. All AJAX means is that you can interact with your webserver without having to reload your page. Implementing an AJAX request for the first time in JavaScript is often a brain bender, because the requirement of callbacks and the general asynchronous nature of the interaction makes it difficult to grasp.
On the server however, there should be nothing to worry about. An AJAX request is still an HTTP request, so whether you navigate to http://www.yourwebsite.com/ajax/interact.php?a=1&b=2 in your browser, or make a HTTP GET request using AJAX, your PHP script will still behave exactly the same. If you var_dump($_GET); in either situation, you will get an array whose a and b members equal 1 and 2 respectively.
If you can emulate the AJAX request in your browser successfully by navigating to the URL manually, that's the server work done.
Having established that, your JavaScript should look something like this:
$('#yourForm').bind('submit', function (event) {
jQuery.get('/ajax/interact.php', 'a=1&b=2', function (response) {
alert("AJAX request succeeded, response from the server was: " + response);
Once you're confident using jQuery's AJAX methods, you might want to look at methods such as serialize() to help you out, and you can develop your jQuery code to something as follows:
$('form.ajax').live('submit', function (event) {
var self = $(this);
jQuery[(self.attr('method') || 'get').toLowerCase()](self.attr('action'), self.serialize(), function (response) {
alert("AJAX request succeeded, response from the server was: " + response);
Hope this helps :)
Your submit function should return false;

JQuery MySql update

im trying to adapt this little snippet:
I have a series of checkboxes that are dynamically generated and their id's are always like "hug3443" were "hug" is the column in the DB and "3443" is the unique id for each row.
My objective would be that every time the checkbox changes state to update it own state in the DB.
Can it be accomplished with jQuery?
Thank you.
I just found a script for this stuff and thought to post it here as I was checking this page a while ago until I finally came across to this script. Tested it and worked like a charm and I have inserted it in my coding library. Enjoy, folks.
Yes. Use live events to attach the change event handler to your checkboxes (so that dynamically added checkboxes will be handled also). Then simply do a AJAX request inside the event handler passing your script the new state and the name/id of the checkbox (you can then "parse" the id and column name in the script).
Not without a server side script that would deal with the data changes.
jQuery is a client side javascript framework and doesn't have direct access to mysql, which is a server side daemon.
Have a look into pairing jQuery with php and mysql.
Code in javascript you write with the use of jQuery is executed on the client-side in a browser. A solution is from your script to make a call to a server page that will execute a MySQL update . For example like this.
type: "POST",
url: "/page-that/makes/update.php",
data: {param1:value1}
You should write some server-side code for managing database (php, ruby, whatever).
You should create something like API, which means, that server-side script needs to get some variables, which sended to it from clients (id's of rows, name and value of columns for example).
And after that you should write your jQuery frontend script, which will request server-side script for managing database tables. For requests you can use AJAX technology, something like this:
url: 'http://somesite.com/path/to/server/side/script',
type : 'POST',
success: function (data, textStatus) {
alert('yahoo! we get some data from server!' + data);
You can get the value of the id of the checkbox using javascript you can then split the name into the field name and id value. For this example I've added a - into id to give a seperator
(I think you may need to use the click event rather than change, think change may only work for drop down menus)
var checkbox_id = $(this).attr("id");
var id_bits = checkbox_id.split("-");
// this would split hug-3443 into hug and 3443 setting id_bits[0] = hug and id_bits[1] = 3443
row: id_bits[0],
id: id_bits[1]
