I was coding an usual jquery+AJAX code, but it isn't working and i really don't gettinh why!
This is the part of my code that isn't working properly:
var data = $("#data_res").val();
var infoData = data.split("/");
var dataDb = infoData[2]+"-"+infoData[1]+"-"+infoData[0];
type: "POST",
url: "reserva_ajax.php",
data: {action: 1, data: dataDb},
success: function(retorno)
var qtd = parseInt(retorno, 10);
alert("Qtd: "+qtd);
if(qtd > 0) {
//for now, qtd is always 0
var id = $("#id_func").val();
var obs = $("#obs_res").val();
alert("id: "+id+" | obs: "+obs+" | dataDB: "+dataDb);
type: "POST",
url: "reserva_ajax.php",
data: {action: 1, data: dataDb},
succes: function(a)
alert("sucess! a="+a);
error: function(b)
alert("passed =/");
error: function()
alert("Erro! Try again.");
Maybe the fact of being an ajax request inside another ajax request do the error. But I think that it's not the problem, since the ajax only is executed after the first one has finished.
The first ajax run ok, then the "Qtd: 0" is shown. Then the code goes to the else condition (since qtd isn't greater than 0), the second alert is shown:
alert("id: "+id+" | obs: "+obs+" | dataDB: "+dataDb);
everything OK.
But then, I get the problem! The ajax is executed (I think) but it doesn't execute the success block neither the error block, so the alert printed is:
alert("passed =/");
I know that the ajax is asynchronous and the success and error alert probably will be executed after "passed" one, but they are never executed.
Please someone can help me?!
The php code is that:
include_once 'classes/reserva_class.php';
$action= (int) $_POST["action"];
case 1:
echo Reserva::getQtdReservasData($_POST["data"]);
case 2:
echo "=)";
You're missing a closing } on your error action callback, and your success callback is actually called succes. It should look like this:
type: "POST",
url: "reserva_ajax.php",
data: {action: 1, data: dataDb},
success: function(a)
alert("sucess! a="+a);
error: function(b)
By the way, you shouldn't 'think' that your ajax request is being executed... Pop open Opera Dragonfly or WebKit's Web Inspector or whatever developer tools of whatever browser you're using and hit the 'Network' tab, you will then be able to see every request that is made, and ensure that 2 are being sent.
It looks like you're missing a closing curly brace on your "error" event on the second AJAX call.
If that doesn't fix it, try adding the "Complete" event to see what your ajax page is returning, if you're getting nothing back from "Error" or "Success".
i think you misstyped one of your ajax options : type "Success" instead of "succes"
When I click and run my ajax script, I see this error in Chrome:
Status: cancelled
The json data returns to the page in the url bar. My sql table is updating but the error message I indicate above is displaying and the modal doesn't remain open. I suspect there could be a few problems here but I wonder if anybody notice something.
This ajax script is inside a PHP variable that is why you may see some escaped characters. Here the $row is a PHP array. Please don't get confused.
$("document").ready(function() {
$(".form-inline'.$row["userid"].'").submit(function(event) {
var formData = new FormData($(".form-inline'.$row["userid"].'")[0]);
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: "sponsorship.php",
data: formData,
success: function(response) {
if (response.success) {
else {
console.log("An error has ocurred: sentence: " + response.sentence + "error: " + response.error);
contentType: false,
processData: false,
error: function() {
alert("this error is getting displayed");
event.preventDefault is a function. You're referencing it, but not calling it.
The default action of the submit event will therefore happen, causing you to leave the page and terminate the JS.
Don't forget to put () when you are trying to call a function.
The problem is with String conctatination on your JS :
You have to either fix the concatination :
Or I'm assuming you are missing the php tags on $row
I have a confirmation dialog that leads to an update query when the user clicks a link.
<div class="ui-bar">
<a id="confirm" href="#" data-strid="<?php echo $str_info['str_id'] ?>">Confirm</a>
What I am looking to do is run an update query, then reload the previous page with the updated information on it.
I thought I accomplished this, but some sort of error keeps popping up in firebug and the ajax doesnt seem to be successful. The error only comes when I reload the page...and when I put a delay on it, there is no error, so I can't even read what it is.
$('#confirm').click(function (){
var str_id = $("#confirm").data("strid");
type: "POST",
async: true,
url: '../../ajax/add_land',
dataType: 'json',
data: { str_id: str_id },
success: function(){
}, 750);
return false;
Is there any good way of accomplishing this? Again, in summary, I am looking to perform an update query, then reload the last viewed page (not the dialog) so that the changed info is displayed. ../../ajax/add_land is in PHP.
There are few better ways of achieving this but that is beyond the point, in your case you should do this:
$('#confirm').click(function (){
var str_id = $("#confirm").data("strid");
type: "POST",
async: true,
url: '../../ajax/add_land',
dataType: 'json',
data: { str_id: str_id },
success: function(){
return false;
When ajax call is successfully executed it will call code inside a success callback. Ajax call is asynchronous action, that means rest of the code is not going to wait for it to finish. Because of this success callback is used. So there's need for the timeout.
One more thing, there's also an error callback, use it to debug ajax problems:
error: function (request,error) {
alert('Network error has occurred please try again!');
I've posted a question about it already, but I've figured out what is the exact problem. Now, I need a solution for that :)
Here's my code:
$('input[type="text"][name="appLink"]').unbind('keyup').unbind('ajax').keyup(function() {
var iTunesURL = $(this).val();
var iTunesAppID = $('input[name="iTunesAppID"]').val();
type: 'POST',
url: jsonURL,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
timeout: 20000,
data: { a: 'checkiTunesURL', iTunesURL: iTunesURL, iTunesAppID: iTunesAppID },
success: function(data) {
if (!data.error) {
//Modifying Submit Page
setTimeout(function() {
$('div.appimage > img').attr('src', data.artworkUrl512).attr('alt', data.trackName);
$('div.title > p:nth-child(1)').html(data.trackName);
$('div.title > p:nth-child(2)').html('by '+data.sellerName);
$('input[name="iTunesAppID"]').attr('value', data.trackId);
}, 600);
//Showing Submit Page
} else {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//$('.json-response').html('Probléma történt! Kérlek próbáld újra később! (HTTP Error: '+errorThrown+' | Error Message: '+textStatus+')').fadeIn('slow');
$('.json-response').html('Something went wrong! Please check your network connection!').fadeIn('slow');
The Problem and Explanation:
Every time a key is triggered up it loads this ajax. If my JSON file finds a keyword it returns with error = false flag. You see, if it happens, it loads the effects, changing, etc...
The problem is that when you start to type, for example asdasdasd and just after that I paste / write the keyword there'll be some ajax queries which ones are still processing. These ones are modifying and loading the fadeOut-In effects X times.
So I'd need a solution to stop the processing ajax requests, while an other key is pressed!
Thanks in advance,
Personally I would have the script wait so it didn't fire on each keyup. Actually I would probably use http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/
But you can just abort the ajax before trying again.
var iTunesAppID = $('input[name="iTunesAppID"]').val();
if (typeof req!='undefined' && req!=null) req.abort();
req = $.ajax({
try adding the option async: false to your ajax this will prevent any other calls until the current one is finished.
I have a PHP populated table from Mysql and I am using JQuery to listen if a button is clicked and if clicked it will grab notes on the associated name that they clicked. It all works wonderful, there is just one problem. Sometimes when you click it and the dialog(JQuery UI) window opens, there in the text area there is nothing. If you are to click it again it will pop back up. So it seems sometimes, maybe the value is getting thrown out? I am not to sure and could use a hand.
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".NotesAccessor").click(function () {
notes_name = $(this).parent().parent().find(".user_table");
function run(){
var url = '/pcg/popups/grabnotes.php';
function showUrlInDialog(url)
var tag = $("#dialog-container");
url: url,
success: function(data) {
width: '100%',
modal: true
function sendUserfNotes()
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: '/pcg/popups/getNotes.php',
'nameNotes': notes_name.text()
success: function(response) {
function getNewnotes(){
new_notes = $('#notes_msg').val();
// if user updates notes
function update(new_notes)
type: "POST",
//dataType: "json",
url: '/pcg/popups/updateNotes.php',
'nameNotes': notes_name.text(),
'newNotes': new_notes
success: function(response) {
alert("Notes Updated.");
var i;
$("#dialog-container").effect( 'fade', 500 );
i = setInterval(function(){
$("#dialog-container").dialog( 'close' );
}, 500);
/******is user closes notes ******/
function closeNotes()
var i;
$("#dialog-container").effect( 'fade', 500 );
i = setInterval(function(){
$("#dialog-container").dialog( 'close' );
}, 500);
Let me know if you need anything else!
The basic layout is
other stuff...
the table
Assuming that #notes_msg is located in #dialog-container, you would have to make sure that the actions happen in the correct order.
The best way to do that, is to wait for both ajax calls to finish and continue then. You can do that using the promises / jqXHR objects that the ajax calls return, see this section of the manual.
You code would look something like (you'd have to test it...):
function run(){
var url = '/pcg/popups/grabnotes.php';
var tag = $("#dialog-container");
var promise1 = showUrlInDialog(url);
var promise2 = sendUserfNotes();
$.when(promise1, promise2).done(function(data1, data2) {
// do something with the data returned from both functions:
// check to see what data1 and data2 contain, possibly the content is found
// in data1[2].responseText and data2[2].responseText
// stuff from first ajax call
width: '100%',
modal: true
// stuff from second ajax call, will not fail because we just added the correct html
The functions you are calling, should just return the result of the ajax call and do not do anything else:
function showUrlInDialog(url)
return $.ajax({
url: url
function sendUserfNotes()
return $.ajax({
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: '/pcg/popups/getNotes.php',
data: {
'nameNotes': notes_name.text()
It's hard to tell from this, especially without the mark up, but both showUrlInDialog and sendUserfNotes are asynchronous actions. If showUrlInDialog finished after sendUserfNotes, then showUrlInDialog overwrites the contents of the dialog container with the data returned. This may or may not overwrite what sendUserfNotes put inside #notes_msg - depending on how the markup is laid out. If that is the case, then it would explains why the notes sometimes do not appear, seemingly randomly. It's a race condition.
There are several ways you can chain your ajax calls to keep sendUserOfNotes() from completing before ShowUrlInDialog(). Try using .ajaxComplete()
Another ajax chaining technique you can use is to put the next call in the return of the first. The following snippet should get you on track:
function ShowUrlInDialog(url){
tag.html(data).dialog({width: '100%',modal: true}).dialog('open');
function sendUserOfNotes(){
$.post('/pcg/popups/getNotes.php',{'nameNotes': notes_name.text()},function(response){
James has it right. ShowUrlInDialog() sets the dialog's html and sendUserOfNotes() changes an element's content within the dialog. Everytime sendUserOfNotes() comes back first ShowUrlInDialog() wipes out the notes. The promise example by jeroen should work too.
I'm making a site where a user spams a button and increases their score in doing so.
I don't want the page to refresh when the button is clicked, so I wanna use AJAX to send the data to the server. Here's what I have so far:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#update").click(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "update.php",
data: "increase",
dataType: "Boolean",
success: function(update) {}
<button id="update" type="button">Button</button>
<div id="counter"></div>
It's not much at all, I know, but I'm very new to this stuff. The main problem I'm having is with the syntax that you're supposed to use. I want the server to return a Boolean variable if the request is successful, so would I have Boolean in the 'Data Type' in inverted commas, apostrophes or what?
Also, I'm struggling with grasping how the ajax script knows whether it's successful. Is there gonna be something in the 'update.php' script that will return a 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' value?
Finally, the data that's gonna be sent to the php file is supposed to tell the php to update the mysql table with the new score. How should I go about telling the php to update the mysql if it receives the data that the ajax is sending?
Thanks a lot
Something along the lines of this should work:
type: "POST",
url: "update.php",
data: {"action":"increase"},
success: function(response) {
if(response.error) {
if(response === 'true') {
//do something
} else {
//do something else
On the PHP end, your code would likely look like this:
if(!isset($_POST['action'])) {
echo '{"error": "You must provide a action"}';
$action = $_POST['action'];
if(!in_array($action, array('increase', 'decrease')) die('{"error":"invalid parameters"}');
$action = ($action == 'increase') ? ' + 1' : ' - 1';
//$db is assumed to be a live mysqli object from here on out...
$result = $db->query("UPDATE someTable SET fieldname = fieldname {$action} LIMIT 1;");
echo ($result->affected_rows > 0) ? 'true' : 'false';
The dataType attribute is one of json, xml, html, jsonp, text, or script. Boolean isn't one of the expected types. In this case, you don't want to pay attention to those expected types. jQuery makes an intelligent guess about the type if you pass nothing in based on the MIME type returned by your server.
What you want to do is create a function that will be called by the success callback.
type: "POST",
url: "http://www.server/path/to/update.php",
data: "increase",
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
functionToProcess(new Boolean(data));
The function that is given as an argument to success (an anonymous function, in this case) is called when the Ajax call is complete with a 200 value. Because Ajax is asynchronous (that's what the A is), returning things will do you no good. What you want to do is call another function that will process your boolean value. This I've called functionToProcess in my sample code. For more information, check out the jQuery docs on .ajax().
You can learn about what String values in Javascript produce true versus false boolean values here.
This syntax should work
$.ajax({type: "POST",
url: "update.php",
data: "increase",
success: function(update) {
$("#anyelement").html("Try again !");
You can ignore the datatype, because you can parse from any direction
how the ajax script knows whether it's successful
If I understand your point, as far as there is a return to the ajax function the process is success, it is upto you to parse the return and implement the logic.
from you php you do like this:
if(you logic is correct){
//update you database and ... other login goes here
return true;
return false;