I need assistance with my wordpress theme - php

$i = 0;
$page = get_the_content();
$doc=new DOMDocument();
foreach ($images as $img) {
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($img['src']);
if ($height > 149 ) {
echo '<img src="' . $img['src'] . '" alt=" ' . $img['alt'] . ' - funny and hot pictures" title=" ' . $img['title'] . ' - funny fail picture dump" onerror=\'this.style.display="none" \'><br>';
if ($i == 3 ) { break;}
// don't display
I replaced the "<?php the_content(); ?>" piece of code with the one above. It's supposed to strip out all of the text in my post and just leave the images which it does nicely. But when I embed a video the php breaks. How would I allow posts to show youtube videos?

You should look into using custom fields:
There is a great plugin that creates good admin control panels for them too:
You could use a custom field to specifically put a video into the page.
Is there a particular reason you want to strip the text out of the post? - e.g. could you just not put text in the post at all? - or could the text be put into the excerpt instead, or into a custom field so that you don't have to over complicate the output code?


Is there some way though PHP which will display a picture detail on click out of list of a pictures?

I'm doing a PHP assignment having a very basic knowledge of PHP.
I'm looping through a list of pictures from S3, but after looping through I want a selected picture to be opened on click. I'm clueless on how it will proceed further.
I have a product.php page which has to redirect to single .php.
PHP is server side language that send html tags to render in browser side, so you can use client side languages (exp: javascript) to handle it.
You can do it with HTML: Anchors aka Links:
$images = [
echo '<ul>';
foreach($images as $image) {
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="single.php?image=' . $image . '">';
// small preview-images could be prefixed with 'thumb_' . $image
echo '<img src="' . $image . '" width='100'/>';
echo '</a>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
In single.php you will get the clicked Image with $_GET['image']

Why is <img src> written in php dependent upon an img src written in html?

When I take out the HTML code below the <?php ?> the webpage does not load anymore. Why is there a dependency on that code below? I am sorry for the specificity of this question, but it is really frustrating me and I cannot seem to independently find an answer.
/*Write a function to return an HTML <img /> tag. The function should accept a
mandatory argument of the image URL and optional arguments for alt text,
height , and width
function html_img ($img_url = "\"https://img.purch.com/h/1400/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzA5OS8zMjkvb3JpZ2luYWwvY2hpbXBzLWVhdC1tb25rZXktYnJhaW5zLTAx\"", $alt_text = "\"ronald\"", $height = 400, $width = 1200){
$the_format = "<img src=" . $img_url . "alt=" . $alt_text . " height" . $height . " width=" . $width;
return $the_format;
print html_img();
<!--When the code below is removed, the image is not displayed.-->
<!-- <img src="https://img.purch.com/h/1400/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzA5OS8zMjkvb3JpZ2luYWwvY2hpbXBzLWVhdC1tb25rZXktYnJhaW5zLTAx" -->
The image tag in $the_format is unclosed, so it is probably appearing in the markup (view the page source) but it will not be rendered in HTML without the closing > or />

Display images based of tags in wordpress blog posts

What I want to do is have images display on each blogposts, the images that will be displayed will be what the post was tagged with, for example I will tag 1 post with 2 tags, design and print, I would like 2 small images to appear on that posts page.
This is the code that I have managed to scrape together, the else statement is displaying so a post will have the same amount of default-author.jpg showing as there are tags.
This makes me think that something in the foreach is not working but I'm still trying to learn and this is puzzling me, any help would be much appreciated.
<div class="image_wrap">
$posttags = get_the_tags(); // Get articles tags
$home = get_bloginfo('url'); // Get homepage URL
// Check if tag-slug.png exists and display it.
if ($posttags) {
foreach($posttags as $tag) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$image_relative_path = "/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/" . $tag->slug .".png";
$image_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . $image_relative_path;
$image_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . $image_relative_path;
if (file_exists($image_path)) {
echo '<a href="' . $home . '/' . $tag->slug . '" /><img title="' . $tag->name . '" alt="' . $tag->name . '" src="' . $image_url . '" /></a>';
// If no image found, output something else.
} else { ?>
<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/img/default-author.jpg" title="image missing"/>
<?php }
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can achieve the effect I want, images to be displayed on a blogpost [in wordpress] depending on what tag it has?

Wordpress / PHP - want to stop link / lightbox

Basically, trying to modify a theme to suit. I've got a PHP function that I can't seem to modify appropriately to stop it from creating a hand cursor when hovering as well as stopping it from opening the image as a lightbox style gallery when clicked. I am trying to basically make it do absolutely nothing, but have the viewer scroll through the images.
$project1Images = explode( ',', $project1Images );
$project1ImagesLinks = explode( ',', $project1ImagesLinks );
for ($i=0; $i < count($project1Images); $i++) {
$thumb_id = CoSy_getImageId($project1Images[$i]);
$thumb_obj = wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumb_id, 'full');
$thumb_width = $thumb_obj[1];
$thumb_height = $thumb_obj[2];
echo '<a href="'. esc_url($project1ImagesLinks[$i]) .'" rel="gallery">';
echo '<img class="lazy" data-original="'. esc_url($project1Images[$i]) .'" alt="" data-width="'. esc_attr($thumb_width) .'" data-height="'. esc_attr($thumb_height) .'" >';
echo '</a>';
Thanks in advance!!
P.s. - I have a good understanding of reading code, but am not a coder by any means.
To remove hand cursor when hovering and stopping it from opening the image as a lightbox you need to remove
echo '<a href="'. esc_url($project1ImagesLinks[$i]) .'" rel="gallery">';
echo '</a>';

Fetch rss with php - Conditional for Enclosured image and not Enclosured

I'm working on a project and it's something new for me. I'll need to fetch rss content from websites, and display Descripion, Title and Images (Thumbnails). Right now i've noticed that some feeds show thumbnails as Enclosure tag and some others dont. right now i have the code for both, but i need to understand how i can create a conditional like:
If the rss returns enclosure image { Do something }
Else { get the common thumb }
Here follow the code that grab the images:
if ($enclosure = $block->get_enclosure())
echo "<img src=\"" . $enclosure->get_link() . "\">";
if ($enclosure = $block->get_enclosure())
echo '<img src="'.$enclosure->get_thumbnail().'" title="'.$block->get_title().'" width="200" height="200">';
PS: If we look at both codes they're almost the same, the difference are get_thumbnail and get_link.
Is there a way i can create a conditional to use the correct code and always shows the thumbnail?
Thanks everyone in advance!
Here is the full code i have right now:
include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php');
if(function_exists('fetch_feed')) {
$feed = fetch_feed('http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/africa/rss.xml'); // this is the external website's RSS feed URL
if (!is_wp_error($feed)) : $feed->init();
$feed->set_output_encoding('UTF-8'); // this is the encoding parameter, and can be left unchanged in almost every case
$feed->handle_content_type(); // this double-checks the encoding type
$feed->set_cache_duration(21600); // 21,600 seconds is six hours
$limit = $feed->get_item_quantity(18); // fetches the 18 most recent RSS feed stories
$items = $feed->get_items(0, $limit); // this sets the limit and array for parsing the feed
$blocks = array_slice($items, 0, 3); // Items zero through six will be displayed here
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
//echo $block->get_date("m d Y");
echo '<div class="single">';
if ($enclosure = $block->get_enclosure())
echo '<img class="image_post" src="'.$enclosure->get_link().'" title="'.$block->get_title().'" width="150" height="100">';
echo '<div class="description">';
echo '<h3>'. $block->get_title() .'</h3>';
echo '<p>'.$block->get_description().'</p>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>';
And here are the XML pieces with 2 different tags for images:
Using Thumbnails: view-source:http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/africa/rss.xml
Using Enclosure: http://feeds.news24.com/articles/news24/SouthAfrica/rss
Is there a way i can create a conditional to use the correct code and always shows the thumbnail?
Sure there is. You've not said in your question what blocks you so I have to assume the reason, but I can imagine multiple.
Is the reason a decisions with more than two alternations?
You handle the scenario of a feed item having no image or an image already:
if ($enclosure = $block->get_enclosure())
echo '<img class="image_post" src="'.$enclosure->get_link().'" title="'.$block->get_title().'" width="150" height="100">';
With your current scenario there is only one additional alternation which makes it three: if the enclosure is a thumbnail and not a link:
No image (no enclosure)
Image from link (enclosure with link)
Image from thumbnail (enclosure with thumbnail)
And you then don't know how to create a decision of that. This is what basically else-if is for:
if (!$enclosure = $block->get_enclosure())
echo "no enclosure: ", "-/-", "\n";
} elseif ($enclosure->get_link()) {
echo "enclosure link: ", $enclosure->get_link(), "\n";
} elseif ($enclosure->get_thumbnail()) {
echo "enclosure thumbnail: ", $enclosure->get_thumbnail(), "\n";
This is basically then doing the output based on that. However if you assign the image URL to a variable, you can decide on the output later on:
$image = NULL;
if (!$enclosure = $block->get_enclosure())
// nothing to do
} elseif ($enclosure->get_link()) {
$image = $enclosure->get_link();
} elseif ($enclosure->get_thumbnail()) {
$image = $enclosure->get_thumbnail();
if (isset($image)) {
// display image
And if you then move this more or less complex decision into a function of it's own, it will become even better to read:
$image = feed_item_get_image($block);
if (isset($image)) {
// display image
This works quite well until the decision becomes even more complex, but this would go out of scope for an answer on Stackoverflow.
