PHP JSON Highcharts load database result - php

I'm stuck!
I need to create highchart with json result. I found some sources here but can't put this to work.
The closest I can get was doing this:
Chart options:
var options = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'tudo',
defaultSeriesType: 'column',
rightMargin: 80
title: {
text: 'Weekdays'
subtitle: {
text: 'Source: somewhere in a calendar'
xAxis: {
labels: {
enabled: false
yAxis: [
min: 0,
title: {
text: 'Amount'
linkedTo: 0,
opposite: true
series: []
ajax call:
$.getJSON('ajax/calc.ajax.php', function(data) {
var series = [];
$.each(data, function(key, value) { = key; = value;
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
highchart loads ok, and fills the series with Series 1, Series 2 ....
but no graphic is made, he keeps blank. ( something like this: Demo).
wanna know if I'm missing something or everything.
update: i change the sql, now i'm working with 2 fields, and with this, the grafic work perfect, now i just want to know if doing like this its ok.
header('Content-Type: application/json');
//$json = array("group" => "Web", "action" => "list");
$json[$res->fields["DESMAR"]] = array(intval($res->fields["QTD"]));
//$json["users"] = array(array("name" => "JulioGreff", "status" => "online"));
echo json_encode($json);

In your ajax call -
$.getJSON('ajax/calc.ajax.php', function(data) {
var series = []; // <---------------------- must be object not array
$.each(data, function(key, value) { = key; = value;
options.series.push(name); // <-------- it should be series not name
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
So, it would be as follows -
$.getJSON('ajax/calc.ajax.php', function(data) {
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
var series = {}; // <-------------------- moved and changed to object = key; = value;
options.series.push(series); // <-------- pushing series object
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
Also, considering the JSON you are receiving -
{"nome":"TRANSFORMADOR 250VA 0-230-380V / 0,24V-0-48V","modelo":"TRANSFORMADOR","marca":"SEIT","valor":"318.87|542.08","qtdade":"0"??}
what you are doing in the $.each - = value;
does not make sense. is an array. So, it could look like either as follows -
[y1, y2, y3, ....] // array of numbers (which are y values)
or as follows -
[[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], ....] // array of arrays of pair of numbers (x and y values)
or as follows -
// array of objects which can have x and y values as properties
name: 'Point 1',
color: '#00FF00',
y: 0
}, {
name: 'Point 2',
color: '#FF00FF',
y: 5
So, make sure that your PHP code produces a JSON that matches an array of one of the above, then = value inside your $.each will work.
Sorry, I do Java and have never done PHP so can't help you much with PHP. But, can you try with the following as your PHP, just to see if the chart shows up?
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$return_data = array(
array(array(10, 20), array(20, 30), array(56, 30), array(50, 20)),
array(array(10, 0), array(20, 10), array(56, 100), array(50, 40))
echo json_encode($return_data);
Update: To render pie while keeping the same PHP.
$.getJSON('ajax/calc.ajax.php', function(data) {
var series = { // <-------------------- create just one series object
type: 'pie',
data: [] //data array for new series
$.each(data, function(key, value) {[key, value[0]]);
options.series.push(series); // <-------- pushing series object
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
This should draw pie chart.

It looks like the problem lies in your PHP code. Highcharts expects a series to follow a particular format. In your case, things work out (partly) because name is one of the field it is looking for. The data, however, needs to be in one of three formats:
An array of y values (e.g. [0, 1, 2])
An array of arrays (x, y values; e.g. [[0,0], [1,1], [2,2]])
An array of objects meeting using point properties
You would want the last format, I think. For example:
var series = []; = "series1"; = {y: 10}; //very minimalistic example of the object format
To get your code to work, you might need to change the inside of your $.each function to something like this:
$.each(data, function(key, value) { = key; = {
y: value.property_you_are_interested_in
...of course, if you wanted to use one of the other forms, it would be pretty easy as well:
//First form (array of y values)
var series = {}; = [];
$.each(data, function(key, value) { = key;;
//Second form (array of x, y values)
var series = {}; = [];
$.each(data, function(key, value) { = key;[value.X_property_you_are_interested_in, value.Y_property_you_are_interested_in]);


how to this line chart update mysql data using php ajax [duplicate]

I created an basic bar chart using chartjs and it works fine. Now I want to update the values on a time based interval. My problem is that after I created the chart, I do not know how to update its values correctly...
My code:
var ctx = $("#myChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
var dts = [
fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
data: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
var data = {
labels: ["Core#1", "Core#2", "Core#3", "Core#4", "Total"],
datasets: dts
var chart = new Chart(ctx);
//test code
setInterval( function () {
data.datasets[0].data = [random(), random(), random(), random(), random()];
in the test code, I am updating the values with datasets[0].data- is this the right way to do it? The problem with this is that everytime I call chart.Bar(), the values are reset to 0 then animated to the random value (like I am recreating the chart). This way, all animations are always from 0 to value which looks strange. I would expect that if I update a value from 50 to 10 the bar would go down to 10 from 50 and not setted to 0 then animated to 10.
I did not found anything in the docs about this... am I doing something wrong or this is impossible with this library?
Update: Looks like chartjs has been updated (see comment below). There are some examples up that look very nice:
Here's an example of updating a line chart using new data:
Here's how we can update existing data on a line chart:
Original Post
As of Nov 2013, there seem to be very few options for updating charts.
There is a good example here (duplicated below) of adding new points to a line chart. Still kind of jumpy but not too bad. However, I think the effect probably depends on the chart you are using.
It does look like this is somewhere in the development pipeline. I don't see any indication of a release date yet though: [Closed as of Jul 26, 2014]
var count = 10;
var data = {
labels : ["1","2","3","4","5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"],
datasets : [
fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : [65,59,90,81,56,45,30,20,3,37]
fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : [28,48,40,19,96,87,66,97,92,85]
// this is ugly, don't judge me
var updateData = function(oldData){
var labels = oldData["labels"];
var dataSetA = oldData["datasets"][0]["data"];
var dataSetB = oldData["datasets"][1]["data"];
var newDataA = dataSetA[9] + (20 - Math.floor(Math.random() * (41)));
var newDataB = dataSetB[9] + (20 - Math.floor(Math.random() * (41)));
dataSetB.shift(); };
var optionsAnimation = {
//Boolean - If we want to override with a hard coded scale
scaleOverride : true,
//** Required if scaleOverride is true **
//Number - The number of steps in a hard coded scale
scaleSteps : 10,
//Number - The value jump in the hard coded scale
scaleStepWidth : 10,
//Number - The scale starting value
scaleStartValue : 0
// Not sure why the scaleOverride isn't working...
var optionsNoAnimation = {
animation : false,
//Boolean - If we want to override with a hard coded scale
scaleOverride : true,
//** Required if scaleOverride is true **
//Number - The number of steps in a hard coded scale
scaleSteps : 20,
//Number - The value jump in the hard coded scale
scaleStepWidth : 10,
//Number - The scale starting value
scaleStartValue : 0
//Get the context of the canvas element we want to select
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
var optionsNoAnimation = {animation : false}
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx);
myNewChart.Line(data, optionsAnimation);
myNewChart.Line(data, optionsNoAnimation)
;}, 2000
// ChartJS
var Chart=function(s){function v(a,c,b){a=A((a-c.graphMin)/(c.steps*c.stepValue),1,0);return b*c.steps*a}function x(a,c,b,e){function h(){g+=f;var k=a.animation?A(d(g),null,0):1;e.clearRect(0,0,q,u);a.scaleOverlay?(b(k),c()):(c(),b(k));if(1>=g)D(h);else if("function"==typeof a.onAnimationComplete)a.onAnimationComplete()}var f=a.animation?1/A(a.animationSteps,Number.MAX_VALUE,1):1,d=B[a.animationEasing],g=a.animation?0:1;"function"!==typeof c&&(c=function(){});D(h)}function C(a,c,b,e,h,f){var d;a=
Math.floor(Math.log(e-h)/Math.LN10);h=Math.floor(h/(1*Math.pow(10,a)))*Math.pow(10,a);e=Math.ceil(e/(1*Math.pow(10,a)))*Math.pow(10,a)-h;a=Math.pow(10,a);for(d=Math.round(e/a);d<b||d>c;)a=d<b?a/2:2*a,d=Math.round(e/a);c=[];z(f,c,d,h,a);return{steps:d,stepValue:a,graphMin:h,labels:c}}function z(a,c,b,e,h){if(a)for(var f=1;f<b+1;f++)c.push(E(a,{value:(e+h*f).toFixed(0!=h%1?h.toString().split(".")[1].length:0)}))}function A(a,c,b){return!isNaN(parseFloat(c))&&isFinite(c)&&a>c?c:!isNaN(parseFloat(b))&&
isFinite(b)&&a<b?b:a}function y(a,c){var b={},e;for(e in a)b[e]=a[e];for(e in c)b[e]=c[e];return b}function E(a,c){var b=!/\W/.test(a)?F[a]=F[a]||E(document.getElementById(a).innerHTML):new Function("obj","var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};with(obj){p.push('"+a.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g," ").split("<%").join("\t").replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g,"$1\r").replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g,"',$1,'").split("\t").join("');").split("%>").join("p.push('").split("\r").join("\\'")+"');}return p.join('');");return c?
b(c):b}var r=this,B={linear:function(a){return a},easeInQuad:function(a){return a*a},easeOutQuad:function(a){return-1*a*(a-2)},easeInOutQuad:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*a*a:-0.5*(--a*(a-2)-1)},easeInCubic:function(a){return a*a*a},easeOutCubic:function(a){return 1*((a=a/1-1)*a*a+1)},easeInOutCubic:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*a*a*a:0.5*((a-=2)*a*a+2)},easeInQuart:function(a){return a*a*a*a},easeOutQuart:function(a){return-1*((a=a/1-1)*a*a*a-1)},easeInOutQuart:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?
0.5*a*a*a*a:-0.5*((a-=2)*a*a*a-2)},easeInQuint:function(a){return 1*(a/=1)*a*a*a*a},easeOutQuint:function(a){return 1*((a=a/1-1)*a*a*a*a+1)},easeInOutQuint:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*a*a*a*a*a:0.5*((a-=2)*a*a*a*a+2)},easeInSine:function(a){return-1*Math.cos(a/1*(Math.PI/2))+1},easeOutSine:function(a){return 1*Math.sin(a/1*(Math.PI/2))},easeInOutSine:function(a){return-0.5*(Math.cos(Math.PI*a/1)-1)},easeInExpo:function(a){return 0==a?1:1*Math.pow(2,10*(a/1-1))},easeOutExpo:function(a){return 1==
a?1:1*(-Math.pow(2,-10*a/1)+1)},easeInOutExpo:function(a){return 0==a?0:1==a?1:1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*Math.pow(2,10*(a-1)):0.5*(-Math.pow(2,-10*--a)+2)},easeInCirc:function(a){return 1<=a?a:-1*(Math.sqrt(1-(a/=1)*a)-1)},easeOutCirc:function(a){return 1*Math.sqrt(1-(a=a/1-1)*a)},easeInOutCirc:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?-0.5*(Math.sqrt(1-a*a)-1):0.5*(Math.sqrt(1-(a-=2)*a)+1)},easeInElastic:function(a){var c=1.70158,b=0,e=1;if(0==a)return 0;if(1==(a/=1))return 1;b||(b=0.3);e<Math.abs(1)?(e=1,c=b/4):c=b/(2*
Math.PI)*Math.asin(1/e);return-(e*Math.pow(2,10*(a-=1))*Math.sin((1*a-c)*2*Math.PI/b))},easeOutElastic:function(a){var c=1.70158,b=0,e=1;if(0==a)return 0;if(1==(a/=1))return 1;b||(b=0.3);e<Math.abs(1)?(e=1,c=b/4):c=b/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(1/e);return e*Math.pow(2,-10*a)*Math.sin((1*a-c)*2*Math.PI/b)+1},easeInOutElastic:function(a){var c=1.70158,b=0,e=1;if(0==a)return 0;if(2==(a/=0.5))return 1;b||(b=1*0.3*1.5);e<Math.abs(1)?(e=1,c=b/4):c=b/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(1/e);return 1>a?-0.5*e*Math.pow(2,10*
(a-=1))*Math.sin((1*a-c)*2*Math.PI/b):0.5*e*Math.pow(2,-10*(a-=1))*Math.sin((1*a-c)*2*Math.PI/b)+1},easeInBack:function(a){return 1*(a/=1)*a*(2.70158*a-1.70158)},easeOutBack:function(a){return 1*((a=a/1-1)*a*(2.70158*a+1.70158)+1)},easeInOutBack:function(a){var c=1.70158;return 1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*a*a*(((c*=1.525)+1)*a-c):0.5*((a-=2)*a*(((c*=1.525)+1)*a+c)+2)},easeInBounce:function(a){return 1-B.easeOutBounce(1-a)},easeOutBounce:function(a){return(a/=1)<1/2.75?1*7.5625*a*a:a<2/2.75?1*(7.5625*(a-=1.5/2.75)*
a+0.75):a<2.5/2.75?1*(7.5625*(a-=2.25/2.75)*a+0.9375):1*(7.5625*(a-=2.625/2.75)*a+0.984375)},easeInOutBounce:function(a){return 0.5>a?0.5*B.easeInBounce(2*a):0.5*B.easeOutBounce(2*a-1)+0.5}},q=s.canvas.width,u=s.canvas.height;window.devicePixelRatio&&("px","px",s.canvas.height=u*window.devicePixelRatio,s.canvas.width=q*window.devicePixelRatio,s.scale(window.devicePixelRatio,window.devicePixelRatio));this.PolarArea=function(a,c){r.PolarArea.defaults={scaleOverlay:!0,
animateRotate:!0,animateScale:!1,onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.PolarArea.defaults,c):r.PolarArea.defaults;return new G(a,b,s)};this.Radar=function(a,c){r.Radar.defaults={scaleOverlay:!1,scaleOverride:!1,scaleSteps:null,scaleStepWidth:null,scaleStartValue:null,scaleShowLine:!0,scaleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)",scaleLineWidth:1,scaleShowLabels:!1,scaleLabel:"<%=value%>",scaleFontFamily:"'Arial'",scaleFontSize:12,scaleFontStyle:"normal",scaleFontColor:"#666",scaleShowLabelBackdrop:!0,scaleBackdropColor:"rgba(255,255,255,0.75)",
scaleBackdropPaddingY:2,scaleBackdropPaddingX:2,angleShowLineOut:!0,angleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)",angleLineWidth:1,pointLabelFontFamily:"'Arial'",pointLabelFontStyle:"normal",pointLabelFontSize:12,pointLabelFontColor:"#666",pointDot:!0,pointDotRadius:3,pointDotStrokeWidth:1,datasetStroke:!0,datasetStrokeWidth:2,datasetFill:!0,animation:!0,animationSteps:60,animationEasing:"easeOutQuart",onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Radar.defaults,c):r.Radar.defaults;return new H(a,b,s)};this.Pie=function(a,
c){r.Pie.defaults={segmentShowStroke:!0,segmentStrokeColor:"#fff",segmentStrokeWidth:2,animation:!0,animationSteps:100,animationEasing:"easeOutBounce",animateRotate:!0,animateScale:!1,onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Pie.defaults,c):r.Pie.defaults;return new I(a,b,s)};this.Doughnut=function(a,c){r.Doughnut.defaults={segmentShowStroke:!0,segmentStrokeColor:"#fff",segmentStrokeWidth:2,percentageInnerCutout:50,animation:!0,animationSteps:100,animationEasing:"easeOutBounce",animateRotate:!0,animateScale:!1,
onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Doughnut.defaults,c):r.Doughnut.defaults;return new J(a,b,s)};this.Line=function(a,c){r.Line.defaults={scaleOverlay:!1,scaleOverride:!1,scaleSteps:null,scaleStepWidth:null,scaleStartValue:null,scaleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)",scaleLineWidth:1,scaleShowLabels:!0,scaleLabel:"<%=value%>",scaleFontFamily:"'Arial'",scaleFontSize:12,scaleFontStyle:"normal",scaleFontColor:"#666",scaleShowGridLines:!0,scaleGridLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.05)",scaleGridLineWidth:1,bezierCurve:!0,
pointDot:!0,pointDotRadius:4,pointDotStrokeWidth:2,datasetStroke:!0,datasetStrokeWidth:2,datasetFill:!0,animation:!0,animationSteps:60,animationEasing:"easeOutQuart",onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Line.defaults,c):r.Line.defaults;return new K(a,b,s)};this.Bar=function(a,c){r.Bar.defaults={scaleOverlay:!1,scaleOverride:!1,scaleSteps:null,scaleStepWidth:null,scaleStartValue:null,scaleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)",scaleLineWidth:1,scaleShowLabels:!0,scaleLabel:"<%=value%>",scaleFontFamily:"'Arial'",
scaleFontSize:12,scaleFontStyle:"normal",scaleFontColor:"#666",scaleShowGridLines:!0,scaleGridLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.05)",scaleGridLineWidth:1,barShowStroke:!0,barStrokeWidth:2,barValueSpacing:5,barDatasetSpacing:1,animation:!0,animationSteps:60,animationEasing:"easeOutQuart",onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Bar.defaults,c):r.Bar.defaults;return new L(a,b,s)};var G=function(a,c,b){var e,h,f,d,g,k,j,l,m;g=Math.min.apply(Math,[q,u])/2;g-=Math.max.apply(Math,[0.5*c.scaleFontSize,0.5*c.scaleLineWidth]);
m);k=g/j.steps;x(c,function(){for(var a=0;a<j.steps;a++)if(c.scaleShowLine&&(b.beginPath(),b.arc(q/2,u/2,k*(a+1),0,2*Math.PI,!0),b.strokeStyle=c.scaleLineColor,b.lineWidth=c.scaleLineWidth,b.stroke()),c.scaleShowLabels){b.textAlign="center";b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;var e=j.labels[a];if(c.scaleShowLabelBackdrop){var d=b.measureText(e).width;b.fillStyle=c.scaleBackdropColor;b.beginPath();b.rect(Math.round(q/2-d/2-c.scaleBackdropPaddingX),Math.round(u/2-k*(a+
1)-0.5*c.scaleFontSize-c.scaleBackdropPaddingY),Math.round(d+2*c.scaleBackdropPaddingX),Math.round(c.scaleFontSize+2*c.scaleBackdropPaddingY));b.fill()}b.textBaseline="middle";b.fillStyle=c.scaleFontColor;b.fillText(e,q/2,u/2-k*(a+1))}},function(e){var d=-Math.PI/2,g=2*Math.PI/a.length,f=1,h=1;c.animation&&(c.animateScale&&(f=e),c.animateRotate&&(h=e));for(e=0;e<a.length;e++)b.beginPath(),b.arc(q/2,u/2,f*v(a[e].value,j,k),d,d+h*g,!1),b.lineTo(q/2,u/2),b.closePath(),b.fillStyle=a[e].color,b.fill(),
c.segmentShowStroke&&(b.strokeStyle=c.segmentStrokeColor,b.lineWidth=c.segmentStrokeWidth,b.stroke()),d+=h*g},b)},H=function(a,c,b){var e,h,f,d,g,k,j,l,m;a.labels||(a.labels=[]);g=Math.min.apply(Math,[q,u])/2;d=2*c.scaleFontSize;for(e=l=0;e<a.labels.length;e++)b.font=c.pointLabelFontStyle+" "+c.pointLabelFontSize+"px "+c.pointLabelFontFamily,h=b.measureText(a.labels[e]).width,h>l&&(l=h);g-=Math.max.apply(Math,[l,1.5*(c.pointLabelFontSize/2)]);g-=c.pointLabelFontSize;l=g=A(g,null,0);d=d?d:5;e=Number.MIN_VALUE;
h=Number.MAX_VALUE;for(f=0;f<a.datasets.length;f++)for(m=0;m<a.datasets[f].data.length;m++)a.datasets[f].data[m]>e&&(e=a.datasets[f].data[m]),a.datasets[f].data[m]<h&&(h=a.datasets[f].data[m]);f=Math.floor(l/(0.66*d));d=Math.floor(0.5*(l/d));m=c.scaleShowLabels?c.scaleLabel:null;c.scaleOverride?(j={steps:c.scaleSteps,stepValue:c.scaleStepWidth,graphMin:c.scaleStartValue,labels:[]},z(m,j.labels,j.steps,c.scaleStartValue,c.scaleStepWidth)):j=C(l,f,d,e,h,m);k=g/j.steps;x(c,function(){var e=2*Math.PI/
a.datasets[0].data.length;;b.translate(q/2,u/2);if(c.angleShowLineOut){b.strokeStyle=c.angleLineColor;b.lineWidth=c.angleLineWidth;for(var d=0;d<a.datasets[0].data.length;d++)b.rotate(e),b.beginPath(),b.moveTo(0,0),b.lineTo(0,-g),b.stroke()}for(d=0;d<j.steps;d++){b.beginPath();if(c.scaleShowLine){b.strokeStyle=c.scaleLineColor;b.lineWidth=c.scaleLineWidth;b.moveTo(0,-k*(d+1));for(var f=0;f<a.datasets[0].data.length;f++)b.rotate(e),b.lineTo(0,-k*(d+1));b.closePath();b.stroke()}c.scaleShowLabels&&
(b.textAlign="center",b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily,b.textBaseline="middle",c.scaleShowLabelBackdrop&&(f=b.measureText(j.labels[d]).width,b.fillStyle=c.scaleBackdropColor,b.beginPath(),b.rect(Math.round(-f/2-c.scaleBackdropPaddingX),Math.round(-k*(d+1)-0.5*c.scaleFontSize-c.scaleBackdropPaddingY),Math.round(f+2*c.scaleBackdropPaddingX),Math.round(c.scaleFontSize+2*c.scaleBackdropPaddingY)),b.fill()),b.fillStyle=c.scaleFontColor,b.fillText(j.labels[d],0,-k*(d+
1)))}for(d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++){b.font=c.pointLabelFontStyle+" "+c.pointLabelFontSize+"px "+c.pointLabelFontFamily;b.fillStyle=c.pointLabelFontColor;var f=Math.sin(e*d)*(g+c.pointLabelFontSize),h=Math.cos(e*d)*(g+c.pointLabelFontSize);b.textAlign=e*d==Math.PI||0==e*d?"center":e*d>Math.PI?"right":"left";b.textBaseline="middle";b.fillText(a.labels[d],f,-h)}b.restore()},function(d){var e=2*Math.PI/a.datasets[0].data.length;;b.translate(q/2,u/2);for(var g=0;g<a.datasets.length;g++){b.beginPath();
b.moveTo(0,d*-1*v(a.datasets[g].data[0],j,k));for(var f=1;f<a.datasets[g].data.length;f++)b.rotate(e),b.lineTo(0,d*-1*v(a.datasets[g].data[f],j,k));b.closePath();b.fillStyle=a.datasets[g].fillColor;b.strokeStyle=a.datasets[g].strokeColor;b.lineWidth=c.datasetStrokeWidth;b.fill();b.stroke();if(c.pointDot){b.fillStyle=a.datasets[g].pointColor;b.strokeStyle=a.datasets[g].pointStrokeColor;b.lineWidth=c.pointDotStrokeWidth;for(f=0;f<a.datasets[g].data.length;f++)b.rotate(e),b.beginPath(),b.arc(0,d*-1*
v(a.datasets[g].data[f],j,k),c.pointDotRadius,2*Math.PI,!1),b.fill(),b.stroke()}b.rotate(e)}b.restore()},b)},I=function(a,c,b){for(var e=0,h=Math.min.apply(Math,[u/2,q/2])-5,f=0;f<a.length;f++)e+=a[f].value;x(c,null,function(d){var g=-Math.PI/2,f=1,j=1;c.animation&&(c.animateScale&&(f=d),c.animateRotate&&(j=d));for(d=0;d<a.length;d++){var l=j*a[d].value/e*2*Math.PI;b.beginPath();b.arc(q/2,u/2,f*h,g,g+l);b.lineTo(q/2,u/2);b.closePath();b.fillStyle=a[d].color;b.fill();c.segmentShowStroke&&(b.lineWidth=
c.segmentStrokeWidth,b.strokeStyle=c.segmentStrokeColor,b.stroke());g+=l}},b)},J=function(a,c,b){for(var e=0,h=Math.min.apply(Math,[u/2,q/2])-5,f=h*(c.percentageInnerCutout/100),d=0;d<a.length;d++)e+=a[d].value;x(c,null,function(d){var k=-Math.PI/2,j=1,l=1;c.animation&&(c.animateScale&&(j=d),c.animateRotate&&(l=d));for(d=0;d<a.length;d++){var m=l*a[d].value/e*2*Math.PI;b.beginPath();b.arc(q/2,u/2,j*h,k,k+m,!1);b.arc(q/2,u/2,j*f,k+m,k,!0);b.closePath();b.fillStyle=a[d].color;b.fill();c.segmentShowStroke&&
(b.lineWidth=c.segmentStrokeWidth,b.strokeStyle=c.segmentStrokeColor,b.stroke());k+=m}},b)},K=function(a,c,b){var e,h,f,d,g,k,j,l,m,t,r,n,p,s=0;g=u;b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;t=1;for(d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++)e=b.measureText(a.labels[d]).width,t=e>t?e:t;q/a.labels.length<t?(s=45,q/a.labels.length<Math.cos(s)*t?(s=90,g-=t):g-=Math.sin(s)*t):g-=c.scaleFontSize;d=c.scaleFontSize;g=g-5-d;e=Number.MIN_VALUE;h=Number.MAX_VALUE;for(f=0;f<a.datasets.length;f++)for(l=
0;l<a.datasets[f].data.length;l++)a.datasets[f].data[l]>e&&(e=a.datasets[f].data[l]),a.datasets[f].data[l]<h&&(h=a.datasets[f].data[l]);f=Math.floor(g/(0.66*d));d=Math.floor(0.5*(g/d));l=c.scaleShowLabels?c.scaleLabel:"";c.scaleOverride?(j={steps:c.scaleSteps,stepValue:c.scaleStepWidth,graphMin:c.scaleStartValue,labels:[]},z(l,j.labels,j.steps,c.scaleStartValue,c.scaleStepWidth)):j=C(g,f,d,e,h,l);k=Math.floor(g/j.steps);d=1;if(c.scaleShowLabels){b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;
for(e=0;e<j.labels.length;e++)h=b.measureText(j.labels[e]).width,d=h>d?h:d;d+=10}r=q-d-t;m=Math.floor(r/(a.labels.length-1));n=q-t/2-r;p=g+c.scaleFontSize/2;x(c,function(){b.lineWidth=c.scaleLineWidth;b.strokeStyle=c.scaleLineColor;b.beginPath();b.moveTo(q-t/2+5,p);b.lineTo(q-t/2-r-5,p);b.stroke();0<s?(,b.textAlign="right"):b.textAlign="center";b.fillStyle=c.scaleFontColor;for(var d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++),0<s?(b.translate(n+d*m,p+c.scaleFontSize),b.rotate(-(s*(Math.PI/180))),b.fillText(a.labels[d],
b.strokeStyle=c.scaleGridLineColor,b.lineTo(n+r+5,p-(d+1)*k)):b.lineTo(n-0.5,p-(d+1)*k),b.stroke(),c.scaleShowLabels&&b.fillText(j.labels[d],n-8,p-(d+1)*k)},function(d){function e(b,c){return p-d*v(a.datasets[b].data[c],j,k)}for(var f=0;f<a.datasets.length;f++){b.strokeStyle=a.datasets[f].strokeColor;b.lineWidth=c.datasetStrokeWidth;b.beginPath();b.moveTo(n,p-d*v(a.datasets[f].data[0],j,k));for(var g=1;g<a.datasets[f].data.length;g++)c.bezierCurve?b.bezierCurveTo(n+m*(g-0.5),e(f,g-1),n+m*(g-0.5),
c,b){var e,h,f,d,g,k,j,l,m,t,r,n,p,s,w=0;g=u;b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;t=1;for(d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++)e=b.measureText(a.labels[d]).width,t=e>t?e:t;q/a.labels.length<t?(w=45,q/a.labels.length<Math.cos(w)*t?(w=90,g-=t):g-=Math.sin(w)*t):g-=c.scaleFontSize;d=c.scaleFontSize;g=g-5-d;e=Number.MIN_VALUE;h=Number.MAX_VALUE;for(f=0;f<a.datasets.length;f++)for(l=0;l<a.datasets[f].data.length;l++)a.datasets[f].data[l]>e&&(e=a.datasets[f].data[l]),a.datasets[f].data[l]<
h&&(h=a.datasets[f].data[l]);f=Math.floor(g/(0.66*d));d=Math.floor(0.5*(g/d));l=c.scaleShowLabels?c.scaleLabel:"";c.scaleOverride?(j={steps:c.scaleSteps,stepValue:c.scaleStepWidth,graphMin:c.scaleStartValue,labels:[]},z(l,j.labels,j.steps,c.scaleStartValue,c.scaleStepWidth)):j=C(g,f,d,e,h,l);k=Math.floor(g/j.steps);d=1;if(c.scaleShowLabels){b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;for(e=0;e<j.labels.length;e++)h=b.measureText(j.labels[e]).width,d=h>d?h:d;d+=10}r=q-d-t;m=
Math.floor(r/a.labels.length);s=(m-2*c.scaleGridLineWidth-2*c.barValueSpacing-(c.barDatasetSpacing*a.datasets.length-1)-(c.barStrokeWidth/2*a.datasets.length-1))/a.datasets.length;n=q-t/2-r;p=g+c.scaleFontSize/2;x(c,function(){b.lineWidth=c.scaleLineWidth;b.strokeStyle=c.scaleLineColor;b.beginPath();b.moveTo(q-t/2+5,p);b.lineTo(q-t/2-r-5,p);b.stroke();0<w?(,b.textAlign="right"):b.textAlign="center";b.fillStyle=c.scaleFontColor;for(var d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++),0<w?(b.translate(n+
k),c.scaleShowGridLines?(b.lineWidth=c.scaleGridLineWidth,b.strokeStyle=c.scaleGridLineColor,b.lineTo(n+r+5,p-(d+1)*k)):b.lineTo(n-0.5,p-(d+1)*k),b.stroke(),c.scaleShowLabels&&b.fillText(j.labels[d],n-8,p-(d+1)*k)},function(d){b.lineWidth=c.barStrokeWidth;for(var e=0;e<a.datasets.length;e++){b.fillStyle=a.datasets[e].fillColor;b.strokeStyle=a.datasets[e].strokeColor;for(var f=0;f<a.datasets[e].data.length;f++){var g=n+c.barValueSpacing+m*f+s*e+c.barDatasetSpacing*e+c.barStrokeWidth*e;b.beginPath();
<script src="//"></script>
<h1>Live Updating Chart.js</h1>
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="150"></canvas>
The update() triggers an update of the chart.
chart.update( )
Triggers an update of the chart. This can be safely called after updating the data object. This will update all scales, legends, and then re-render the chart. A config object can be provided with additional configuration for the update process.
update() can be safely called after updating values of one or more existing points within the the data object, rendering the changes in one animated render loop.
// update the first dataset's value of 'March' to be 50[0].bars[2].value = 50;
// animate update of 'March' from 90 to 50.
Here is how to do it in the last version of ChartJs:
setInterval(function(){[0].data[5] = 80;[5] = "Newly Added";
Look at this clear video
or test it in jsfiddle
You also can use destroy() function. Like this
if( window.myBar!==undefined)
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
window.myBar = new Chart(ctx).Bar(barChartData, {
responsive : true,
You just need to change the value and call update() like this: = newData.datasets; = newData.labels;
Remove the canvas dom and add in again.
function renderChart(label,data){
$("#canvas-wrapper").html("").html('<canvas id="storeSends"></canvas>');
var lineChartData = {
labels : label,
datasets : [
fillColor : "rgba(49, 195, 166, 0.2)",
strokeColor : "rgba(49, 195, 166, 1)",
pointColor : "rgba(49, 195, 166, 1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : data
var canvas = document.getElementById("storeSends");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
myLine = new Chart(ctx).Line(lineChartData, {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false
I think the easiest way is to write a function to update your chart including the chart.update()method. Check out this simple example I wrote in jsfiddle for a Bar Chart.
//value for x-axis
var emotions = ["calm", "happy", "angry", "disgust"];
//colours for each bar
var colouarray = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue'];
//Let's initialData[] be the initial data set
var initialData = [0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.6];
//Let's updatedDataSet[] be the array to hold the upadted data set with every update call
var updatedDataSet;
/*Creating the bar chart*/
var ctx = document.getElementById("barChart");
var barChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: emotions,
datasets: [{
backgroundColor: colouarray,
label: 'Prediction',
data: initialData
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true,
min: 0,
max: 1,
stepSize: 0.5,
/*Function to update the bar chart*/
function updateBarGraph(chart, label, color, data) {;{
label: label,
backgroundColor: color,
data: data
/*Updating the bar chart with updated data in every second. */
setInterval(function() {
updatedDataSet = [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()];
updateBarGraph(barChart, 'Prediction', colouarray, updatedDataSet);
}, 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Update Bar Chart</h1>
<canvas id="barChart" width="800" height="450"></canvas>
<script src="barchart.js"></script>
Hope this helps.
If destroy() and clear() is not working (just like what i had experience) you can use jquery to remove the canvas and append it again.
$('#chartBar').append('<canvas id="chartAmazon"></canvas>');
var ctxAmazon = $("#chartAmazon").get(0).getContext("2d");
var AmazonChart = new Chart(ctxAmazon, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: dataAmazon,
options: optionsA
I don't think it's possible right now.
However that's a feature which should come soon, as the author hinted here:
This is an example with ChartJs - 2.9.4
var maximumPoints = 5;// with this variable you can decide how many points are display on the chart
function addData(chart, label, data) {; => {
var d = data[0];;
var canRemoveData = false; => {
if ( > maximumPoints) {
if (!canRemoveData) {
canRemoveData = true;;
window.onload = function () {
var canvas = document.getElementById('elm-chart'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: [],
datasets: [
data: [],
label: 'Dataset-1',
backgroundColor: "#36a2eb88",
borderColor: "#36a2eb",
data: [],
label: 'Dataset-2',
backgroundColor: "#ff638488",
borderColor: "#ff6384",
options: {
responsive: false,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
var index = 0;
setInterval(function () {
var data = []; => {
data.push(Math.random() * 100);
addData(myLineChart, index, data);
}, 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="elm-chart" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
There are 2 ways to solve it:
Delete existing chart using chart.destroy() and create new chart object.
The simplest way is to replace the canvas element and then call new Chart() again:
function reloadMyChart() {
$('myChart').replaceWith('<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>');
new Chart(document.getElementById("myChart"), {
data: yourChartData,
type: yourChartType,
options: yourChartOptions
Of course, you must replace yourChartData, yourChartType and yourChartOptions with the correct values required to initialize Chart.js. See Chart.js Docs.
You can call reloadMyChart function on a button click or any other event you need. Probably you'll add parameters to this function and use these to make a REST call to dynamically update your chart, like this:
function reloadMyChart(param1, param2) {
$('myChart').replaceWith('<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>');
$.get("restUrl?param1=" + param1 + "&param2=" + param2 + ",
function(data) {
// call new Chart() here and use returned data
Hope it helps! =)
Showing realtime update chartJS
function add_data(chart, label, data)
var today = new Date();
var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();[0].data.push(Math.random() * 100);[1].data.push(Math.random() * 100);
setInterval(add_data, 10000); //milisecond
full code , you can download in description link
As of 2022 and using ChartJS v3.7.1 you can use the code below.
Note that it is based on the JSBin snippets in doub1ejack's answer but these were not up to date and wouldn't work with the latest ChartJS version, mainly because the path to charts' data changed (now being yourChart._metasets[0]
var canvas = document.getElementById('updating-chart'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
startingData = {
labels: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
datasets: [
fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.2)",
strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40]
fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.2)",
strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
data: [28, 48, 40, 19, 86, 27, 90]
// Reduce the animation steps for demo clarity.
const myLiveChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: startingData,
options: {
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true
maintainAspectRatio: false,
// Get a random index point
var indexToUpdate = Math.round(Math.random() * startingData.labels.length);
// Update one of the points in the second dataset
myLiveChart._metasets[0][indexToUpdate] = Math.random() * 100;
}, 5000);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Updating chart example</title>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="updating-chart" width="500" height="300"></canvas>
You can check instance of Chart by using Chart.instances.
This will give you all the charts instances.
Now you can iterate on that instances and and change the data, which is present inside config.
suppose you have only one chart in your page.
for (var _chartjsindex in Chart.instances) {
* Here in the config your actual data and options which you have given at the
time of creating chart so no need for changing option only you can change data
Chart.instances[_chartjsindex] = [];
// here you can give add your data
// update will rewrite your whole chart with new value
My solve was to actually store the charts outside of the state of Vue. Store the charts in a const variable in like a utility.js file. Then I was able to simply do this:
const PVR_CANVASES = {}
//This was my vue method for building the charts
build_metrics() {
this.votingResults.metrics.forEach(metric => {
const el = document.getElementById(metric.metric_data.canvas);
const n_chart = new Chart(el, {
type: 'line',
options: {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: true,
layout: {
autoPadding: false
plugins: {
legend: {
display: false,
scales: {
x: {
display: false
y: {
display: false
elements: {
line: {
tension: 0.4
point: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'
PVR_CANVASES[] = n_chart;
this.votingResults.metrics.forEach(metric => {
const n_chart = PVR_CANVASES[]; =;
So simple, Just replace the chart canvas element.
$('#canvas').replaceWith(' id="canvas" height="200px"

How to populate Jvector Map with countries from database?

(I am new to Javascript and jQuery..) I have a dashboard and I want to display a map that shows the countries where participants of a particular event are coming from. With this, I opted with Jvector Map. I am having a hard time displaying the countries in the map, coming from my database.
var mapData = {};
map: 'world_mill_en',
backgroundColor: "transparent",
regionStyle: {
initial: {
fill: '#e4e4e4',
"fill-opacity": 0.9,
stroke: 'none',
"stroke-width": 0,
"stroke-opacity": 0
series: {
regions: [{
values: function() {
success: function(data){
mapData = data;
scale: ["#1ab394", "#22d6b1"],
normalizeFunction: 'polynomial'
require '../auth/';
$id = $_SESSION['ntc_id'];
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(participants.p_country) FROM ntc_participants
INNER JOIN participants ON participants.p_id=ntc_participants.p_id_fk
WHERE ntc_participants.ntc_id_fk=?");
$data = array();
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "i", $id);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
if($result->num_rows === 0);
if($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$data[] = [
$row['p_country'] => 0 ]; //the value 0 is just a placeholder.. The jvector map feeds on this format: "US":298, "SA": 200
echo json_encode($data);
Could anyone be gracious enough to walk me through all the wrong things I'm doing in my code? Appreciate all the help! :)
Ajax is asynchronous, so You are creating the map before the data has been downloaded.
Initialize the map with empty values for Your region:
values: {}
Then, whenever You need to show the data, set it dynamically:
$.get("includes/sql/fetchcountries.php", function(data) {
var mapObj = $("#world-map").vectorMap("get", "mapObject");
During the ajax invocation and data download maybe You can show a spinner (please look at beforeSend inside the jQuery full ajax documentation:
Here is the reference for setValues:
This link will give you up-to-date stats for most common indicators via json - and then you can pluck whatever data that you like. I don't have all the code yet, as I am working on this today too.
This answers the question above whenever your database can also present JSON
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
function fetchCountryData () {
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(data => {
let = data[1]
let = data[1]
function create-GDP-Data(,{
let gdpData = ?
map: 'world_mill',
series: {
regions: [{
values: gdpData,
scale: ['#C8EEFF', '#0071A4'],
normalizeFunction: 'polynomial'
onRegionTipShow: function(e, el, code){
el.html(el.html()+' (GDP - '+gdpData[code]+')');

Creating c3 graphs with dynamic values

Below is the code I'm using to generate a line graph using c3.js. In the variable 'value' I'll get the values to be plotted as comma separated values. I've hard coded the values now. With this code, the graph generated has only one value - '0'.
This code doesn't work :
var name = "Graph Values";
var value = "120,150,120,120,120";
var obj = {
"data1": [value]
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chart1',
data: {
columns: [
This code works :
var name = "Graph Values";
var value = "120,150,120,120,120";
var obj = {
"data1": [120,150,120,120,120]
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chart1',
data: {
columns: [
The problem was the value you declared was not in the proper way Try this
var value = [120,150,120,120,120];
var obj = {
"data1": value
} ;
you can put your data in an array.
var Array=[]; //Store your dynamic values here
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chart1',
data: {
type : 'bar',

From PHP array to jQuery array sent via ajax

Now this is a pretty simple question, but due to my lack of jQuery knowledge I have to ask this..
In JS I have this variable, which is an array of marker data for Google Maps:
var Locations = {
1: {
info: '1. New Random info and new position',
lat: -37,
lng: 124.9634
2: {
info: '2. New Random info and new position',
lat: 70,
lng: 14.5144
3: {
info: '3. New Random info',
lat: 30,
lng: 24.5144
4: {
info: '4. New Random info',
lat: 34,
lng: 26.5144
5: {
info: '5. 55555. Added',
lat: -37,
lng: 0
I then have an ajax call to retrieve a new array of locations with PHP.
The PHP looks like this example (note that I echo 3 pieces of data delimited by | ):
$arrayccordinates = array();
$countercords = 0;
echo 'Data1 |';
echo 'Data2 |';
foreach ($results as $result) {
$countercords = $countercords + 1;
$arrayccordinates[] = array( $countercords => array( 'info' => $infos, 'lat' => $latdata, 'lng' => $lngdata )
echo json_encode($arrayccordinates);
Here is the ajax call. Here I split the 3 data pieces up and the locations array is found in arr[2].:
//Ajax code
var interval = 5000; // 5000 ms = 5 secs
function doAjax() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/codes/LiveVisitsStats/postlivecounter.php',
dataType : 'html',
success: function (data) {
var arr = data.split('|');
var newlocations = arr[2];
complete: function (data) {
// Schedule the next
setTimeout(doAjax, interval);
Now, I have tested this and it doesn´t seem to work. The array from PHP stored in "newlocations" variable does not seem to work as the original "Locations" variable.
I have really no clue what I´m doing wrong, though I suspect my use of json_encode is completely wack..
You're setting the datatype to html, but sending JSON. If you set datatype: json, then jquery will decode the json into a native JS array for you.
And besides, since you ARE outputting JSON from PHP, there almost certainly won't be ANY | characters in the string to split on.
As i mentioned in my comments: if you change dataType from html to json you can use the argument inside the success function like you would an array object in javascript.
Your "array" looks like this:
var Locations = {
1: {
info: '1. New Random info and new position',
lat: -37,
lng: 124.9634
2: {
info: '2. New Random info and new position',
lat: 70,
lng: 14.5144
3: {
info: '3. New Random info',
lat: 30,
which is not an array, but an object with properties 1, 2, 3 etc. pointing to an object
Your php json_encode will return:
{ "1": {
info: '1. New Random info and new position',
lat: -37,
lng: 124.9634
{ "2": {
info: '1. New Random info and new position',
lat: -37,
lng: 124.9634
which is a valid array of objects having a property "1", "2", etc pointing to a nested object - quite a difference.
Either change the layout of your initial object (and the code accessing) or don't use json_encode
Thanks to Axel Amthor I figured it all out.
I just needed to change 2 minor things.
Firstly I needed to change the PHP code to this:
$arrayccordinates = array();
$countercords = 0;
foreach ($results as $result) {
$countercords = $countercords + 1;
$arrayccordinates[$countercords] = array( 'info' => $result->info, 'lat' => $result->lat, 'lng' => $result->lng);
echo json_encode($arrayccordinates);
Then I needed to modify my Ajax call slightly into this:
//Ajax code
var interval = 5000; // 1000 = 1 second, 3000 = 3 seconds
function doAjax() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/codes/LiveVisitsStats/postlivecounter.php',
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
var NewLocation = data;
complete: function (data) {
// Schedule the next
setTimeout(doAjax, interval);
setTimeout(doAjax, interval);
Of course I then need to make seperate ajax calls for other kind of ajax updates..

Getting key => value from json array passed from php

I am trying to get an array from PHP and to manipulate it further using jQuery. In my PHP file i do echo json_encode($data) and when i put an alert in my response in jQuery i get:
"CustomerID": "C43242421",
"UserID": "432421421",
"Customer": "rqewrqwreeqwr",
"Add1": "rqwerqwreqwrqwrqwr",
"Add2": " ",
"Add3": " ",
"Phone": "4131231",
"Fax": "532442141",
"Contact": "reqwrqwrw",
"Email": "gfdgdsg",
"PaymentTerm": null,
"Country": "3231",
"City": "111",
"Zip": " "
, wich is a valid json array. Now what i try to do further is get the pairs as key => value as i would in an associative array in php.
{data: query,
cond: $(this).text(),
action: 'select'
function(res) {
alert(res) //outputs what i pasted above
$.each($.parseJSON(res), function(key, value) {
alert(key + value);
//this outputs: 0[object Object]
Removing the $.parseJSON in the above function gives me a invalid 'in' operand e on jquery.min.js(line 3) in Firebug error log.Can you assist me with my troubles?
var r = $.parseJSON(res);
$.each(r[0], function(key, value) {
alert(key + value);
The result of $.parseJSON(res) is an array, containing a single element (an object). When you iterate over that array (using $.each), value represents the entire object that's stored at the current index of the array. You'll need to iterate over that object to output its properties:
$.each($.parseJSON(res)[0], function(key, value) {
alert(key + ' = ' + value);
If you have an array with multiple objects inside it, this more general code should output the key-value pairs for all of them:
$.each($.parseJSON(res), function(index, arrayObject) {
$.each(arrayObject, function(key, value) {
alert(key + ' = ' + value);
res = $.parseJSON(res);
for (var i = 0; l = res.length; i < l; i++) {
data = res[i];
customer = data.Customer;
You have there an Array of Objects. You can iterate through the array of objects just like the code above.
You can get some kind of object from json:
function parse_json(res)
return eval('(' + response + ')');
// invalid json
Try this:
$.getJSON('your-json-string-file.php', function (data) {
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
alert(key +'=>'+ val)
Hope this will help you
