How to check if a word exists in a sentence - php

For example, if my sentence is $sent = 'how are you'; and if I search for $key = 'ho' using strstr($sent, $key) it will return true because my sentence has ho in it.
What I'm looking for is a way to return true if I only search for how, are or you. How can I do this?

You can use the function preg-match that uses a regex with word boundaries:
if(preg_match('/\byou\b/', $input)) {
echo $input.' has the word you';

If you want to check for multiple words in the same string, and you're dealing with large strings, then this is faster:
$text = explode(' ',$text);
$text = array_flip($text);
Then you can check for words with:
if (isset($text[$word])) doSomething();
This method is lightning fast.
But for checking for a couple of words in short strings then use preg_match.
If you're actually going to use this I suggest you implement it like this to avoid problems:
$text = preg_replace('/[^a-z\s]/', '', strtolower($text));
$text = preg_split('/\s+/', $text, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$text = array_flip($text);
$word = strtolower($word);
if (isset($text[$word])) doSomething();
Then double spaces, linebreaks, punctuation and capitals won't produce false negatives.
This method is much faster in checking for multiple words in large strings (i.e. entire documents of text), but it is more efficient to use preg_match if all you want to do is find if a single word exists in a normal size string.

One thing you can do is breaking up your sentence by spaces into an array.
Firstly, you would need to remove any unwanted punctuation marks.
The following code removes anything that isn't a letter, number, or space:
$sent = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/", " ", $sent);
Now, all you have are the words, separated by spaces. To create an array that splits by space...
$sent_split = explode(" ", $sent);
Finally, you can do your check. Here are all the steps combined.
// The information you give
$sent = 'how are you';
$key = 'ho';
// Isolate only words and spaces
$sent = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/", " ", $sent);
$sent_split = explode(" ", $sent);
// Do the check
if (in_array($key, $sent))
echo "Word found";
echo "Word not found";
// Outputs: Word not found
// because 'ho' isn't a word in 'how are you'

#codaddict's answer is technically correct but if the word you are searching for is provided by the user, you need to escape any characters with special regular expression meaning in the search word. For example:
$searchWord = $_GET['search'];
$searchWord = preg_quote($searchWord);
if (preg_match("/\b$searchWord\b", $input) {
echo "$input has the word $searchWord";

With recognition to Abhi's answer, a couple of suggestions:
I added /i to the regex since sentence-words are probably treated case-insensitively
I added explicit === 1 to the comparison based on the documented preg_match return values
$needle = preg_quote($needle);
return preg_match("/\b$needle\b/i", $haystack) === 1;


Remove s or 's from all words in a string with PHP

I have a string in PHP
$string = "Dogs are Jonny's favorite pet";
I want to use regex or some method to remove s or 's from the end of all words in the string.
The desired output would be:
$revisedString = "Dog are Jonny favorite pet";
Here is my current approach:
$string = "Dogs are Jonny's favorite pet";
$stringWords = explode(" ", $string);
$counter = 0;
foreach($stringWords as $string) {
if(substr($string, -1) == s){
$stringWords[$counter] = trim($string, "s");
if(strpos($string, "'s") !== false){
$stringWords[$counter] = trim($string, "'s");
$counter = $counter + 1;
$newString = "";
foreach($stringWords as $string){
$newString = $newString . $string . " ";
echo $newString;
How would this be achieved with REGEX?
For general use, you must leverage much more sophisticated technique than an English-ignorant regex pattern. There may be fringe cases where the following pattern fails by removing an s that it shouldn't. It could be a name, an acronym, or something else.
As an unreliable solution, you can optionally match an apostrophe then match a literal s if it is not immediately preceded by another s. Adding a word boundary (\b) on the end improves the accuracy that you are matching the end of words.
Code: (Demo)
$string = "The bass can access the river's delta from the ocean. The fishermen, assassins, and their friends are happy on the banks";
var_export(preg_replace("~'?(?<!s)s\b~", '', $string));
'The bass can access the river delta from the ocean. The fishermen, assassin, and their friend are happy on the bank'
PHP Live Regex always helped me a lot in such moments. Even already knowing how REGEX works, I still use it just to be sure some times.
To make use of REGEX in your case, you can use preg_replace().
// Your string.
$string = "Dogs are Jonny's favorite pet";
// The vertical bar means "or" and the backslash
// before the apostrophe is needed so you don't end
// your pattern string since we're using single quotes
// to delimit it. "\s" means a single space.
$regex_pattern = '/\'s\s|s\s|s$/';
// Fill the preg_replace() with the pattern, the replacement
// (a single space in this case), your string, -1 (so preg_replace()
// will replace all the matches) and a variable of your desire
// to be the "counter" (preg_replace() will automatically
// fill it).
$newString = preg_replace($regex_pattern, ' ', $string, -1, $counter);
// Use the rtrim() to remove spaces at the right of the sentence.
$newString = rtrim($newString, " ");
echo "New string: " . $newString . ". ";
echo "Replacements: " . $counter . ".";
In this case, the function will identify any "'s" or "s" with spaces (\s) after them and then replace them with a single space.
The preg_replace() will also count all the replacements and register them automatically on $counter or any variable you place there instead.
Phil's comment is right and indeed my previous REGEX would lose a "s" at the end of the string. Adding "|s$" will solve it. Again, "|" means "or" and the "$" means that the "s" must be at the end of the string.
In attention to mickmackusa's comment, my solution is meant only to remove "s" characters at the end of words inside the string as this was Sparky Johnson' request here. Removing plurals would require a complex code since not only we need to remove "s" characters from plural only words but also change verbs and other stuff.

PHP convert uppercase words to lowercase, but keep ucfirst on lowercase words

An example:
THIS IS A Sentence that should be TAKEN Care of
The output should be:
This is a Sentence that should be taken Care of
Convert UPPERCASE words to lowercase
Keep the lowercase words with an uppercase first character intact
Set the first character in the sentence to uppercase.
$string = ucfirst(strtolower($string));
It fails because the ucfirst words are not being kept.
This is a sentence that should be taken care of
You can test each word for those rules:
$str = 'THIS IS A Sentence that should be TAKEN Care of';
$words = explode(' ', $str);
foreach($words as $k => $word){
if(strtoupper($word) === $word || // first rule
ucfirst($word) !== $word){ // second rule
$words[$k] = strtolower($word);
$sentence = ucfirst(implode(' ', $words)); // third rule
This is a Sentence that should be taken Care of
A little bit of explanation:
Since you have overlapping rules, you need to individually compare them, so...
Break down the sentence into separate words and check each of them based on the rules;
If the word is UPPERCASE, turn it into lowercase; (THIS, IS, A, TAKEN)
If the word is ucfirst, leave it alone; (Sentence, Care)
If the word is NOT ucfirst, turn it into lowercase, (that, should, be, of)
You can break the sentence down into individual words, then apply a formatting function to each of them:
$sentence = 'THIS IS A Sentence that should be TAKEN Care of';
$words = array_map(function ($word) {
// If the word only has its first letter capitalised, leave it alone
if ($word === ucfirst(strtolower($word)) && $word != strtoupper($word)) {
return $word;
// Otherwise set to all lower case
return strtolower($word);
}, explode(' ', $sentence));
// Re-combine the sentence, and capitalise the first character
echo ucfirst(implode(' ', $words));
$str = "THIS IS A Sentence that should be TAKEN Care of";
$str_array = explode(" ", $str);
foreach ($str_array as $testcase =>$str1) {
//Check the first word
if ($testcase ==0 && ctype_upper($str1)) {
echo ucfirst(strtolower($str1))." ";
//Convert every other upercase to lowercase
elseif( ctype_upper($str1)) {
echo strtolower($str1)." ";
//Do nothing with lowercase
else {
echo $str1." ";
This is a Sentence that should be taken Care of
I find preg_replace_callback() to be a direct tool for this task. Create a pattern that will capture the two required strings:
The leading word
Any non-leading, ALL-CAPS word
Code: (Demo)
echo preg_replace_callback(
function($m) {
return $m[1]
? mb_convert_case($m[1], MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8')
: mb_strtolower($m[2], 'UTF-8');
'THIS IS A Sentence that should be TAKEN Care of'
// This is a Sentence that should be taken Care of
I did not test this with multibyte input strings, but I have tried to build it with multibyte characters in mind.
The custom function works like this:
There will always be either two or three elements in $m. If the first capture group matches the first word of the string, then there will be no $m[2]. When a non-first word is matched, then $m[2] will be populated and $m[1] will be an empty string. There is a modern flag that can be used to force that empty string to be null, but it is not advantageous in this case.
\pL+ means one or more of any letter (single or multi-byte)
\p{Lu}+ means one or more uppercase letters
\b is a word boundary. It is a zero-width character -- it doesn't match a character, it checks that the two consecutive characters change from a word to a non-word or vice versa.
My answer makes just 3 matches/replacement on the sample input string.
$string='THIS IS A Sentence that should be TAKEN Care of';
$arr=explode(" ", $string);
foreach($arr as $v)
$v = ucfirst(strtolower($v));
$stry = $stry . ' ' . $v;
echo $stry;

Unicode (UTF8) string word count in PHP

I need to have the word count of the following unicode string. Using str_word_count:
$input = 'Hello, chào buổi sáng';
$count = str_word_count($input);
echo $count;
the result is
which is aparentley wrong.
How to get the desired result (4)?
$tags = 'Hello, chào buổi sáng';
$word = explode(' ', $tags);
echo count($word);
Here's a demo:
Here is a quick and dirty regex-based (using Unicode) word counting function:
function mb_count_words($string) {
preg_match_all('/[\pL\pN\pPd]+/u', $string, $matches);
return count($matches[0]);
A "word" is anything that contains one or more of:
Any alphabetic letter
Any digit
Any hyphen/dash
This would mean that the following contains 5 "words" (4 normal, 1 hyphenated):
echo mb_count_words('Hello, chào buổi sáng, chào-sáng');
Now, this function is not well suited for very large texts; though it should be able to handle most of what counts as a block of text on the internet. This is because preg_match_all needs to build and populate a big array only to throw it away once counted (it is very inefficient). A more efficient way of counting would be to go through the text character by character, identifying unicode whitespace sequences, and incrementing an auxiliary variable. It would not be that difficult, but it is tedious and takes time.
You may use this function to count unicode words in given string:
function count_unicode_words( $unicode_string ){
// First remove all the punctuation marks & digits
$unicode_string = preg_replace('/[[:punct:][:digit:]]/', '', $unicode_string);
// Now replace all the whitespaces (tabs, new lines, multiple spaces) by single space
$unicode_string = preg_replace('/[[:space:]]/', ' ', $unicode_string);
// The words are now separated by single spaces and can be splitted to an array
// I have included \n\r\t here as well, but only space will also suffice
$words_array = preg_split( "/[\n\r\t ]+/", $unicode_string, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
// Now we can get the word count by counting array elments
return count($words_array);
All credits go to the author.
I'm using this code to count word. You can try this
$s = 'Hello, chào buổi sáng';
$s1 = array_map('trim', explode(' ', $s));
$s2 = array_filter($s1, function($value) { return $value !== ''; });
echo count($s2);

Get first word from a string, but different dividers

I found this solution on stackoverflow for getting the first word from a sentence.
$myvalue = 'Test me more';
$arr = explode(' ',trim($myvalue));
echo $arr[0]; // will print Test
However, this case takes ' ' (a space) as the divider. Does anyone know how to get the first word from a string if you do not know what the divider is? It can be ' ' (space), '.' (full stop), '.' (or comma). Basically, how do you take anything that is a letter from a string up to the point where there is no letter?
'House, rest of sentence here' would give 'House'
'House.' would also give 'House'
'House thing' would also give 'House'
There is a string function (strtok) which can be used to split a string into smaller strings (tokens) based on some separator(s). For the purposes of this thread, the first word (defined as anything before the first space character) of Test me more can be obtained by tokenizing the string on the space character.
$value = "Test me more";
echo strtok($value, " "); // Test
For more details and examples, see the strtok PHP manual page.
preg_split is what you're looking for.
$str = "bla1 bla2,bla3";
$words = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $str);
This snippet splits the $str by space, \t, comma, \n.
Use the preg_match() function with a regular expression:
if (preg_match('/^\w*/', 'Your text here', $matches) > 0) {
echo $matches[0]; // $matches[0] will contain the first word of your sentence
} else {
// no match found

Masking all but first letter of a word using Regex

I'm attempting to create a bad word filter in PHP that will analyze the word and match against an array of known bad words, but keep the first letter of the word and replace the rest with asterisks. Example:
fook would become f***
shoot would become s**
The only part I don't know is how to keep the first letter in the string, and how to replace the remaining letters with something else while keeping the same string length.
$string = preg_replace("/\b(". $word .")\b/i", "***", $string);
$string = 'fook would become';
$word = 'fook';
$string = preg_replace("~\b". preg_quote($word, '~') ."\b~i", $word[0] . str_repeat('*', strlen($word) - 1), $string);
$string = preg_replace("/\b".$word[0].'('.substr($word, 1).")\b/i", "***", $string);
This can be done in many ways, with very weird auto-generated regexps...
But I believe using preg_replace_callback() would end up being more robust
# as already pointed out, your words *may* need sanitization
foreach($words as $k=>$v)
# and to be collapsed into a **big regexpy goodness**
# after that, a single preg_replace_callback() would do
$string = preg_replace_callback('/\b('. $words .')\b/i', "my_beloved_callback", $string);
function my_beloved_callback($m)
return $m[1][0].str_repeat('*',$len);
Here is unicode-friendly regular expression for PHP:
function lowercase_except_first_letter($s) {
// the following line SKIP the first word and pass it to callback func...
// \W it allows to keep the first letter even in words in quotes and brackets
return preg_replace_callback('/(?<!^|\s|\W)(\w)/u', function($m) {
return mb_strtolower($m[1]);
}, $s);
