user_id | topic | liked
2 | 3 | 1
3 | 3 | 1
5 | 3 | -1
topic_id | likes
3 | count(liked field from liked_table where topic from liked_table is this row's topic_id)
Can I write a formula like this in MySQL like we do in Excel?
Rather than have a table with calculated values you can create a View and have calculated columns in the view. (Accessing data in the view is for the most part identical to a doing the same with an actual table).
MySQL View Documentation
I am running a project on MySQL 8 and PHP 7.2 on Laravel 6 framework
I have a EAV situation as this:
page table:
id | project_id | page
1 | 1 | about-us
2 | 1 | home
3 | 2 | home
page_attributes table:
id | page_id | attribute | type
1 | 1 | speed | float
2 | 1 | title | text
attribute_values table:
id | page_attribute_id | value
1 | 1 | 5.22
2 | 2 | page title is this
Now my question is that it's better in attribute_values table to have just one column for both float and text types like i did or to have two separated columns one for value_text and another value_float?
And if I had more types like int, boolean,... what about then? which way is beter?
#strawberry mentioned a way that I didn't thing of it's considered if it's better to have multiple tables for each data type
So it's now like this:
having one column for all data types
having multiple columns for each data types
having multiple tables for each data types
Note: I am dealing with about 50 Million records
I have issue getting results from two database table. here is what i have:
table A: 'courses'
math | history | geography | computer
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
and Table B
user_id | classroom_id | course
1 | 5 | 3
1 | 5 | 4
1 | 6 | 2
I returned the table A on a for each loop but I would like to check what courses the user 1 has to return true or false on any Table a columns.
Any help appreciated.
I need help not negative votes :(
You have your database set up wrong I believe. What you want is something like
PKEY | Course
1 | Math
2 | History
3 | Geography
4 | Computer
user_id | classroom_id | course
1 | 5 | 3
1 | 5 | 4
1 | 6 | 2
Then you could do something like
ON TableA.PKEY = TableB.course
^^This will return the data from BOTH tables.
you see this line
ON TableA.PKEY = TableB.course
^^This is called the foreign key.
BIG GOTCHA: Make SURE that the columns for both of those ^^^ are set up EXACTLY the same. For instance, IF TableA.PKEY is an UNSIGNED INT(10), then TableB.course MUST also be UNSIGNED INT(10). They have to be identical for the join to work correctly.
I have a table with three columns, id, name, and value, as shown below. I want to count the average where the id and value columns are the same, how can I do this?
| id | name | value |
| 2 | rahmat | 3 |
| 2 | olive | 5 |
| 3 | sari | 3 |
| 3 | ryan | 2 |
| 1 | zaki | 1 |
Try using this query:
FROM table
WHERE id = value
The output from the sample table you gave in your OP would be 1.5, since sari and zaki are the only 2 users whose records have id and value columns which are equal.
according to your question yes you need to use
FROM #table
WHERE id = value
I have created a sqlfiddle here!3/9eecb7/4105
from the nature of this question I feel you trying to calculate average of values of those rows having same ids. If that's the case I have created another fiddle!3/9eecb7/4110 where you need to use group by
select id, sum(value)/count(id) as average from #table group by id
Lemme know if it is something you are after or you need something else.
I want to calculate the standard deviation between page views on my site. I'd like to do this using pure MySQL - without querying the whole table to the webserver - and return a single number to the PHP code for further use. Each page view is stored as a visitor_id - page_id - visit_count trio as per the following schema:
| visitor_id | page_id | visit_count |
| 1 | 2 | 7 |
| 2 | 2 | 4 |
| 1 | 1 | 17 |
| 3 | 2 | 12 |
| 1 | 3 | 639478 |
| 2 | 1 | 6 |
page_id refers to a PRIMARY_KEY in the pages table, visitor_id refers to a PRIMARY_KEY in the visitors table. The above table's primary key is the visitor_id - page_id pair, since the same page seen by the same visitor is recorded by increasing the visit_count of the corresponding row, instead of creating a new one.
Before calculating standard deviation, the entries should be grouped together by page_id, their visit_count summed (visitor_id can be ignored here), so, effectively, I want to calculate the deviation of the following:
| page_id | visit_count |
| 2 | 23 |
| 1 | 23 |
| 3 | 639478 |
I'm aware of the possible PHP solutions, but I'm interested in a MySQL one.
If you want the standard deviation for each page (i.e., the visitors are the population):
select page_id, sum(visit_count) as visit_count, std(visit_count) as visit_std
from table1
group by page_id;
If you want the standard deviation over the pages:
select std(visit_count) as page_std
from (select page_id, sum(visit_count) as visit_count
from table1
group by page_id
) t;
You could create a new table that stores timestamp + current views so you can view a history of changes in views. You'd be able to check the last two timestamped entries and how much the difference is between the two as well as a whole bunch of other stuff you haven't even thought of yet. Like graphs. Or pie charts showing activity increases per week day. Mmmm pie.
I wish to update one table in my database, the data is from a php POST. (It is a page where multiple edits on rows can take place at once, then it processes them all at once after) and i want it so for each "row" or "loop", it builds a single query that can update all the rows at once.
What i want to do, is in the query, select data from two other tables.
Posted data:
- Task = "Check current Sponsors"
- User Assigned = "Dan"
- Start Meeting = "Mar 1st"
- Meetings Required = 2
And for User Assigned, i want it to basically do this query:
SELECT id FROM team WHERE fullname LIKE 'Dan'
And for the start meeting, i want it to do this query:
SELECT id FROM meetings WHERE starttime='".strtotime("Mar
-- strtotime() makes a unix timestamp from a string.
but i want it to do that for each "task" that gets submitted. (It is queued up via javascript and it sends them all into the same post request)
Anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
Thanks in advance
Table Structures:
id | startmid | length | task | uid | completed
1 | 2 | 1 | Check Sponsors | 1 | 0
Meetings: (Joined by startmid)
id | maintask | starttime | endtime
1 | Sponsors | 1330007400 | 1330012800
Team: (Joined by uid)
id | fullname | position | class | hidden
1 | Team | All Members | black | 0
2 | Dan S | Team Manager | green | 0
you can use the following construct:
UPDATE mytable( col1, col2 )
SELECT col1_val, col2_val
FROM someothertables
WHERE cond1 = cond1;