we can apply a style on a range of cells like this
But I want to apply same style to a range of cells on their column and row reference like
Please help me on this. I am not a newbie on phpexcel but could not find any method to apply a style on range given in col & row index.
function duplicateStyleArrayByColumnAndRow( PHPExcel $objPHPExcel,
$styleArray = array(),
$fromRow = 1,
$fromCol = 0,
$toRow = 1,
$toCol = 0
if ($fromRow > $toRow) {
$r = $fromRow; $fromRow = $toRow; $toRow = $r;
if ($fromCol > $toCol) {
$c = $fromCol; $fromCol = $toCol; $toCol = $c;
$fromCell = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($fromCol) . $fromRow;
$toCell = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($toCol) . $toRow;
$cellRange = $fromCell . ':' . $toCell;
if ($fromCell === $toCell) {
$cellRange = $fromCell;
return $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->duplicateStyleArray($styleArray,$cellRange);
I've got an array with specifications. I want each specification to become a column. I am having trouble with working this out though.
$specifications = new Specifications();
$columnCounter = 1;
foreach ($specifications as $specificationId => $specification) {
$column = PHPExcel_Cell::getColumnByNumber($columnCounter);
->setCellValue($column.'1', $specification['value'])
The PHPExcel::getColumnByNumber() is of course an imaginary function. Though I am wondering how others do this and how best to address this.
$book = new PHPExcel();
$sheet = $book->getActiveSheet();
$xls_row = 5;
$xls_col = 3;
foreach($specifications as $specificationId => &$specification)
$adr = coord($xls_row, $xls_col);
$sheet->setCellValueExplicit($adr, $specification->title, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING);
// convert a 0-based coordinate value into EXCEL B1-format
function coord_x($x)
if($x<26) $x = chr(ord('A')+$x);
$x -= 26;
$c1 = $x % 26;
$c2 = intval(($x - $c1)/26);
$x = chr(ord('A')+$c2).chr(ord('A')+$c1);
return $x;
// convert X,Y 0-based cell address into EXCEL B1-format pair
function coord($y,$x)
return coord_x($x).($y+1);
I'm trying to A* pathfinding with Pacman problem using PHP.
$_fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
// Node
class Node {
var $x;
var $y;
var $fCost;
var $hCost;
var $gCost = 0;
var $parent;
function __construct($x=0,$y=0){
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
function getNeighbours($depth = 1) {
$neighbours = array();
$operand = array(
array ('x' => -1, 'y' => 0),
array ('x' => 0, 'y' => -1),
array ('x' => 0, 'y' => 1),
array ('x' => 1, 'y' => 0)
foreach ($operand as $key => $value) {
$checkX = $this->x + $value['x'];
$checkY = $this->y + $value['y'];
if( $checkX >= 0 && $checkY >= 0 )
array_push( $neighbours, $node = new Node( $checkX, $checkY ) );
return $neighbours;
function fCost(){
global $food;
return $this->gCost() + $this->hCost($food);
function gCost(){
global $pacman;
return abs($pacman->x - $this->x) + abs($pacman->y - $this->y);
function hCost($destination){
return abs($destination->x - $this->x) + abs($destination->y - $this->y);
function retracePath($start,$end) {
$current = $end;
while ( $current != $start ) {
echo $current->x . " " . $current->y."<br>";
$current = $current->parent;
$pacman = new Node();
$food = new Node();
// Input data
fscanf($_fp, "%d %d", $pacman->x, $pacman->y); // Pacman's position
fscanf($_fp, "%d %d", $food->x, $food->y); // Food's position
fscanf($_fp, "%d %d", $row_size, $col_size); // For map size row and col
// Input for map by row
for($row=0; $row<$row_size; $row++) {
$map[$row] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
// Astar
$arr_open = array(); // set of nodes to be evaluated
$arr_close = array(); // set of nodes already evaluated
array_push($arr_open, $pacman); // add the start node to $arr_open
$key_arr_open = 0;
while( count($arr_open) > 0 ) { // loop
$current = new Node();
$current = $arr_open[$key_arr_open];
array_push($arr_close, $current);
if($current->x == $food->x && $current->y == $food->y) {
echo "sukses<br>"
$neighbours = $current->getNeighbours();
foreach ($neighbours as $key => $data) {
if($map[$data->x][$data->y] == "%" or in_array($data, $arr_close))
//echo "not traversable<br>";
$new_cost_to_neighbour = $current->gCost() + $current->hCost($data);
if( $new_cost_to_neighbour < $data->gCost() or !in_array( $data, $arr_open ) ) {
$data->gCost = $new_cost_to_neighbour;
$data->hCost = $data->hCost($food);
$data->fCost = $new_cost_to_neighbour + $data->hCost($food);
$data->parent = $current;
if( !in_array($data, $arr_open) )
array_push($arr_open, $data);
$key_arr_open ++;
Input format : Position x and y pacman, position x and y food, count row and column of tile, then the grid. Grid format is "P" for pacman, "." for food, "-" for traversable path and "%" for wall.
The problem is when I give input with 6x6 tile like this :
The code is work. But, if I give input with 37x37 tile with complex maze, the node in the array of open always looped. (From HackerRank)
Your program is almost correct. The problem arises from using in_array() for looking up a node in $arr_close or $arr_open, because in_array() compares not only the position $x, $y, but also the other Node members $fCost, $hCost, $gCost ...; thus it doesn't recognize that a node is already in the closed set of nodes already evaluated if those other members differ, and gets to evaluate it repeatedly.
A quick fix is to use instead of in_array() a self-defined function that as needed only compares the $x, $y members:
function in($node, $arr)
foreach ($arr as &$member)
if ($member->x == $node->x && $member->y == $node->y) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Ok, I don't even know where to start with this one! I'll try and explain what I want to achieve, and we'll go from there....
I have a list of dates each with an associated number, say from 20-100. What I want to do is to output the date in a shade which represents the associated number. So 20 would display in a light blue and 100 in a dark blue. My code so far looks like this...
dateArray = Array('2001-01-01'=>30, '2001-02-01'=>40, '2001-03-01'=>50, '2001-04-01'=>60, '2001-05-01'=>70, '2001-06-01'=>80, '2001-07-01'=>90, '2001-08-01'=>90, '2001-09-01'=>80, '2001-10-01'=>70, '2001-11-01'=>60, '2001-12-01'=>50)
$maxNum = max($dateArray);
$minNum = min($dateArray);
foreach($dateArray AS $date => $num){
$lightest = 'rgb(204,204,255)';
$darkest = 'rgb(0, 0, 179)';
///magic that converts $num into $shade goes here///
echo "<span style='color:$shade'>$date</span><br>"
Any ideas? Thanks
I would do something like that :
$dateArray = Array('2001-01-01'=>30, '2001-02-01'=>40, '2001-03-01'=>50, '2001-04-01'=>60, '2001-05-01'=>70, '2001-06-01'=>80, '2001-07-01'=>90, '2001-08-01'=>90, '2001-09-01'=>80, '2001-10-01'=>70, '2001-11-01'=>60, '2001-12-01'=>50)
// get max and min values
$maxNum = max($dateArray);
$minNum = min($dateArray);
// set rgb values for max and min
$lightest = array(204, 204, 255);
$darkest = array(0, 0, 179);
foreach($dateArray AS $date => $num)
// get a "delta" where the current num value is
$delta = ($num / $maxNum) - $minNum;
// get a pro-rata values thanks to $delta
$shadesNum = array(
$delta * ($lightest[0] - $darkest[0]) + $darkest[0],
$delta * ($lightest[1] - $darkest[1]) + $darkest[1],
$delta * ($lightest[2] - $darkest[2]) + $darkest[2]
echo "<span style='rgb(".implode(',', $shadesNum).")'>$date</span><br>";
Some languages have a "lerp" function - linear interpolation. Quite useful.
My suggestion:
for ($x1=20; $x1<=100; $x1+=10)
echo $x1 . ": " . getshade($x1) . "<br />\n";
function getshade($num) {
$rlight = 204;
$glight = 204;
$blight = 255;
$rdark = 0;
$gdark = 0;
$bdark = 179;
$lightnum = 20;
$darknum = 100;
$k01 = ($num-$lightnum)/($darknum-$lightnum); // 0 to 1
$rshade = ilerp($rlight, $rdark, $k01);
$gshade = ilerp($glight, $gdark, $k01);
$bshade = ilerp($blight, $bdark, $k01);
return "rgb($rshade,$gshade,$bshade)"; }
function lerp($start, $end, $k01) { // linear interpolation
return $k01*$end + (1.0-$k01)*$start; }
function ilerp($start, $end, $k01) { // integer lerp
return intval($k01*$end + (1.0-$k01)*$start); }
EDIT: Same thing but better:
$rgblight = [204,204,255];
$rgbdark = [0,0,179];
$numlight = 20;
$numdark = 100;
for ($x1=20; $x1<=100; $x1+=10)
echo $x1 . ": " . getshade2($x1, $numlight, $numdark, $rgblight, $rgbdark) . "<br />\n";
function getshade2($num, $numlight, $numdark, $rgblight, $rgbdark) {
$k01 = ($num-$numlight)/($numdark-$numlight);
for ($i1=0; $i1<3; $i1+=1)
$rgb[$i1] = ilerp($rgblight[$i1], $rgbdark[$i1], $k01);
return "rgb({$rgb[0]},{$rgb[1]},{$rgb[2]})"; }
I am trying to use TCPDF library to have a PDF file that supports Arabic letters. I have created a table and get the data from MYSQL database.
// Include the main TCPDF library (search for installation path).
class PDF extends TCPDF{
var $tablewidths;
var $headerset;
var $footerset;
function morepagestable($lineheight=8) {
// some things to set and 'remember'
$l = $this->lMargin*2;
$startheight = $h = $this->GetY();
$startpage = $currpage = $this->page;
// calculate the whole width
foreach($this->tablewidths as $width) {
$fullwidth += $width;
// Now let's start to write the table
$row = 0;
while($data=mysql_fetch_row($this->results)) {
$this->page = $currpage;
// write the horizontal borders
// write the content and remember the height of the highest col
foreach($data as $col => $txt) {
$this->page = $currpage;
$l += $this->tablewidths[$col];
if($tmpheight[$row.'-'.$this->page] < $this->GetY()) {
$tmpheight[$row.'-'.$this->page] = $this->GetY();
if($this->page > $maxpage)
$maxpage = $this->page;
// get the height we were in the last used page
$h = $tmpheight[$row.'-'.$maxpage];
// set the "pointer" to the left margin
$l = $this->lMargin*2;
// set the $currpage to the last page
$currpage = $maxpage;
$row++ ;
// draw the borders
// we start adding a horizontal line on the last page
$this->page = $maxpage;
// now we start at the top of the document and walk down
for($i = $startpage; $i <= $maxpage; $i++) {
$this->page = $i;
$l = $this->lMargin*2;
$t = ($i == $startpage) ? $startheight : $this->tMargin;
$lh = ($i == $maxpage) ? $h : $this->h-$this->bMargin;
foreach($this->tablewidths as $width) {
$l += $width;
// set it to the last page, if not it'll cause some problems
$this->page = $maxpage;
$this->conn = mysql_connect($host,$username,$passwd) or die( mysql_error() );
mysql_select_db($db,$this->conn) or die( mysql_error() );
return true;
function query($query){
$this->results = mysql_query($query,$this->conn);
$this->numFields = mysql_num_fields($this->results);
function mysql_report($query,$dump=false,$attr=array()){
foreach($attr as $key=>$val){
$this->$key = $val ;
// if column widths not set
// starting col width
$this->sColWidth = (($this->w-$this->lMargin*2-$this->rMargin))/$this->numFields;
// loop through results header and set initial col widths/ titles/ alignment
// if a col title is less than the starting col width / reduce that column size
$stringWidth = $this->getstringwidth(mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)) + 8 ;
if( ($stringWidth) < $this->sColWidth){
$colFits[$i] = $stringWidth ;
// set any column titles less than the start width to the column title width
$this->colTitles[$i] = mysql_field_name($this->results,$i) ;
switch (mysql_field_type($this->results,$i)){
case 'int':
$this->colAlign[$i] = 'L';
$this->colAlign[$i] = 'L';
// loop through the data, any column whose contents is bigger that the col size is
// resized
foreach($colFits as $key=>$val){
$stringWidth = $this->getstringwidth($row[$key]) + 6 ;
if( ($stringWidth) > $this->sColWidth ){
// any col where row is bigger than the start width is now discarded
// if text is not bigger than the current column width setting enlarge the column
if( ($stringWidth) > $val ){
$colFits[$key] = ($stringWidth) ;
foreach($colFits as $key=>$val){
// set fitted columns to smallest size
$this->tablewidths[$key] = $val;
// to work out how much (if any) space has been freed up
$totAlreadyFitted += $val;
$surplus = (sizeof($colFits)*$this->sColWidth) - ($totAlreadyFitted);
$this->tablewidths[$i] = $this->sColWidth + ($surplus/(($this->numFields)-sizeof($colFits)));
Header('Content-type: text/plain');
$flength = strlen(mysql_field_name($this->results,$i));
case 72/25.4:
$unit = 'millimeters';
case 72/2.54:
$unit = 'centimeters';
case 72:
$unit = 'inches';
$unit = 'points';
print "All measurements in $unit\n\n";
printf("%-{$flength}s : %-10s : %10f\n",
$this->tablewidths[$i] );
print "\n\n";
print "\$pdf->tablewidths=\n\tarray(\n\t\t";
($i<($this->numFields-1)) ?
print $this->tablewidths[$i].", /* ".mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)." */ \n\t\t":
print $this->tablewidths[$i]." /* ".mysql_field_name($this->results,$i)." */\n\t\t";
print "\n\t);\n";
} else { // end of if tablewidths not defined
$this->colTitles[$i] = mysql_field_name($this->results,$i) ;
switch (mysql_field_type($this->results,$i)){
case 'int':
$this->colAlign[$i] = 'R';
$this->colAlign[$i] = 'L';
$pdf->SetFont('aealarabiya', '', 14, '', false);
$attr=array('titleFontSize'=>24,'titleText'=>'THIS IS MY PDF FILE');
$pdf->mysql_report("SELECT * FROM Student_Table",false,$attr);
I am OK with the table that is created with my code. The Arabic data retrieved is as the following?how can I solve it ?
Your problem is very simple bro, you need to choose the correct database encoding and do the query with it , but before going for that , I think this is my duty to tell you YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE "mysql" YOU HAVE TO USE "mysqli" ,now let us solve the problem :
set your database encoding to (utf8_general_ci). take a backup don't forget all the old stuff will be destroyed if you change the charset of the database do this if it's new or empty
after mysqli connect do this $db->set_charset("utf8"); or if you still
want to work with mysql use this mysql_set_charset("utf8");
Here is the edited code:
$this->conn = mysql_connect($host,$username,$passwd) or die( mysql_error() );
mysql_select_db($db,$this->conn) or die( mysql_error() );
return true;
But, like what i told you , you did it in wrong way , use mysqli and do it with full OOP not some time and in other Not !
I'm currently experiencing issues where array_push() is not working. I have ensured the arrays are directly accessible and declared correctly. Yet I'm still receiving these warnings and the values are not being pushed onto the array.
Here is my code:
$xml = simplexml_load_file("{$path}/{$email_safe}/{$datafile}.xml");
// Retreive data details for specified activity
$lapCount = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap->count();
// Lap Variables
$totalTime = array(); $distance = array(); $maxSpeed = array();
$calories = array(); $intensity = array(); $trigMethod = array();
$avgSpeed = array();
// Convert filename to DateTime format
$datafile = convertID($datafile);
$datafile = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($datafile));
// Variables for accurate distance calculations
$polarDistance = true;
$firstPoint = array();
$secondPoint = array();
// Collect details for each lap
for($x = 0; $x < $lapCount; $x++) {
$totalLapDistance = 0;
$lapNumber = $x+1;
$totalTime[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->TotalTimeSeconds;
$distance[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->DistanceMeters;
$maxSpeed[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->MaximumSpeed;
$calories[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Calories;
$intensity[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Intensity;
$trigMethod[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->TriggerMethod;
$avgSpeed[$x] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Extensions->LX->AvgSpeed;
// Store activity details into the 'detail' table
$sqlLap = "INSERT INTO lap (lapDate,lapNumber,TotalTime,distance,maxSpeed,avgSpeed,calories,intensity,trigMethod) VALUES (\"$datafile\",\"$lapNumber\",\"$totalTime[$x]\",\"$distance[$x]\",\"$maxSpeed[$x]\",\"$avgSpeed[$x]\",\"$calories[$x]\",\"$intensity[$x]\",\"$trigMethod[$x]\")";
$runLap = mysql_query($sqlLap) or die("unable to complete INSERT action:$sql:".mysql_error());
// Trackpoint variables
$altitude = array(); $tDistance = array(); $latitude = array();
$longitude = array(); $speed = array(); $pointTime = array();
// Retreive lapID
$lapID = getLapID();
// Find how many tracks exist for specified lap
$trackCount = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track->count();
$trackpointTotalCount = 1;
for($t = 0; $t < $trackCount; $t++) {
// Find out how many trackpoints exist for each track
$trackpointCount = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint->count();
// Collect details for each specificied track point
for($tp = 0; $tp < $trackpointCount; $tp++) {
$altitude[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->AltitudeMeters;
$tDistance[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->DistanceMeters;
$pointTime[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->Time;
$latitude[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->Position->LatitudeDegrees;
$longitude[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->Position->LongitudeDegrees;
$speed[$tp] = $xml->Activities->Activity->Lap[$x]->Track[$t]->Trackpoint[$tp]->Extensions->TPX->Speed;
// Check Track point
if(checkTP($altitude[$tp], $tDistance[$tp], $latitude[$tp], $longitude[$tp], $speed[$tp])) {
// Check if accurate distance should be calculated
if($polarDistance) {
$aa = $latitude[$tp];
$bb = $longitude[$tp];
$cc = $altitude[$tp];
if($tp == 0) {
array_push($firstPoint, $aa, $bb, $cc);
} else if($tp != 0) {
array_push($secondPoint, $aa, $bb, $cc);
// Add distance between trackpoints to total lap distance
$totalLapDistance += calcDistance($firstPoint, $secondPoint);
// Insert current trackpoint data into 'trackpoint' table
$sqlTC = "INSERT INTO trackpoint (tpDate,tpNumber,altitude,distance,latitude,longitude,speed,pointTime) VALUES (\"$datafile\",\"$trackpointTotalCount\",\"$altitude[$tp]\",\"$tDistance[$tp]\",\"$latitude[$tp]\",\"$longitude[$tp]\",\"$speed[$tp]\",\"$pointTime[$tp]\")";
$runTC = mysql_query($sqlTC) or die("unable to complete INSERT action:$sql:".mysql_error());
if($polarDistance) {
if($tp != 0) {
$firstPoint = &$secondPoint;
if($polarDistance) {
if($tp != 0) {
// Update lap with more accurate distance
echo $totalLapDistance . '<br />';
$sqlUlap = "UPDATE lap SET accDistance='$totalLapDistance' WHERE lapID = '$lapID' ";
$runUlap = mysql_query($sqlUlap) or die("unable to complete UPDATE action:$sql:".mysql_error());
I didn't include all of the code below as there is quite a lot and I very much doubt it's relevant.
The warnings themselves only appear when trying to push a variable onto $secondPoint:
array_push($secondPoint, $aa, $bb, $cc);
However values are not being pushed onto either of the variables ($firstPoint, $secondPoint)
As a test I did echo $aa,bb and $cc and they did contain correct values.
Anybody have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: I have showed more of the code as I do use these arrays later, however this should not affect how the values are initially pushed? Below is some code which may affect it, namely the assign by reference?
if($polarDistance) {
if($tp != 0) {
$firstPoint = &$secondPoint;
That unset($secondPoint) will probably do it.
Try this instead:
if($polarDistance) {
if($tp != 0) {
$firstPoint = $secondPoint;
$secondPoint = array();