Moving the mysql query out of the loop - php

i have the following code
function cron_day_counts()
$subids = get_subids();
array_push($subids, '');
$from = '2011-10-19';
$to = '2011-10-20';
$days = days_interval($from, $to);
$result_array = array();
foreach ($subids as $subid)
for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++)
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($from . '+ ' . $i . ' day'));
$date_prev = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date . '- 1 day'));
$unique_id_query = mysql_query('SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `id`,`subid`) FROM `tb_stats` WHERE `date` <= \'' . $date . '\'' . (!empty($subid) && is_numeric($subid) ? ' AND `subid` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($subid) . '\'' : '') . ') - (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `id`,`subid`) FROM `tb_stats` WHERE `date` <= \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($date_prev) . '\'' . (!empty($subid) && is_numeric($subid) ? ' AND `subid` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($subid) . '\'' : '') . ') AS `unique_ids`');
$unique_id_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($unique_id_query);
$total_id_query = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `id`,`subid`) AS `total_ids` FROM `tb_stats` WHERE `date` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($date) . '\'' . (!empty($subid) && is_numeric($subid) ? ' AND `subid` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($subid) . '\'' : ''));
$total_id_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($total_id_query);
$unique_ip_query = mysql_query('SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `ip`,`subid`) FROM `tb_stats` WHERE `date` <= \'' . $date . '\'' . (!empty($subid) && is_numeric($subid) ? ' AND `subid` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($subid) . '\'' : '') . ') - (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `ip`,`subid`) FROM `tb_stats` WHERE `date` <= \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($date_prev) . '\'' . (!empty($subid) && is_numeric($subid) ? ' AND `subid` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($subid) . '\'' : '') . ') AS `unique_ips`');
$unique_ip_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($unique_ip_query);
$total_ip_query = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `ip`,`subid`) AS `total_ips` FROM `tb_stats` WHERE `date` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($date) . '\'' . (!empty($subid) && is_numeric($subid) ? ' AND `subid` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($subid) . '\'' : ''));
$total_ip_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($total_ip_query);
$global_query = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `global` FROM `tb_stats` WHERE `date` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($date) . '\'' . (!empty($subid) && is_numeric($subid) ? ' AND `subid` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($subid) . '\'' : ''));
$global_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($global_query);
$result = array();
$result['subid'] = $subid;
$result['date'] = $date;
$result['unique_ids'] = $unique_id_result['unique_ids'];
$result['total_ids'] = $total_id_result['total_ids'];
$result['unique_ips'] = $unique_ip_result['unique_ips'];
$result['total_ips'] = $total_ip_result['total_ips'];
$result['global'] = $global_result['global'];
$result_array[] = $result;
//db insert
return $result_array;
I want to move all the query out of the foreach and for loops, I believe it would work faster. I'm stuck o this, having no idea how to do this. Any help would be appreciated.

I would say at the very least you should combine the queries in the loop to just one for each day. So for a 5 day range you would have 5 queries.
Or you could have a single query for the whole date range and move it outside the loop (as described by ajreal). Then use PHP to sort it all out.
For large databases I would rather split up queries a little to balance out the load and risk of timeouts. Also helps keep the code maintainable.
You should also look at how your database is structured and indexed.
Is it noticeably slow?
and is the array_push function necessary? (not that it would save much, just wondered cause it looks redundant)
If its really slow then maybe think about restructuring the process completely depending on how you use it.
You could, for example, at 00:01 each day do something like this:
query the days log and count the unique/total IP/ID amounts
insert just the count numbers and date in to a separate table
archive the days log in to a separate archive table or even a separate db like mongoDB
This way you can perform simple querys to view the data and manipulate the numbers to your hearts content with good performance. And by archiving you're keeping the query table small by removing unecessary rows but maintaining a log if needed later.
Of course, this may not fit in with how your db is setup.

get all the subid
for each table,
build a single query to filter between the smallest date, and largest date,
and group by the date
select subid, `date`, count(*) ...
where subid IN($subids) and `date` between $smallest and $largest
group by subid, `date`
iterate the result, and stored the result into array, with subid, date as key
$mysql_results = array[$subid][$date] ...
lastly, iterate the $subids and date, like
foreach ($subids as $subid)
for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++)
// set $date
// check $mysql_results[$subid][$date] exists
with something like above, you only required 5 queries instead of
5 x total days x size of the subids

Take all of your subids, and do a fetch with an IN predicate to get all of the values at once. Stuff that in to an array, then loop the array.

Use the PDO::MySQL extension instead of the MySQL or MySQLi extensions. This way, you can prepare the queries which will speed up considerably the execution time of the mysql calls.


PHP Oracle query select statement inside loop slow

I have this php function to check and insert data from text file to database.
//Get All Model
while($dModel = oci_fetch_array($qModel))
$qDtl = oci_parse($c1, "SELECT * FROM MEP_TBL_MODEL_CONFIGURATION WHERE MODELID_FK = '" . $dModel['MODELID'] . "'");
while($dDtl = oci_fetch_array($qDtl))
$modelIDAccept[] = $dDtl['CONFIGURATIONID'];
$dateCode = date($dDtl['DATE_CODE']);
$readRowAfter = date($dDtl['READ_ROW_AFTER']);
$createFromFormat = $dDtl['CREATE_FROM_FORMAT'];
$ipAddress = $dDtl['IP_ADDRESS'];
$status = $dDtl['STATUS'];
if($dDtl['SOURCE'] != "")
$source = "\\".$dDtl['SOURCE'];
$source = "";
$fileAccept = file_get_contents("\\\\\\Reports\\".$dModel['MODEL_NAME'].$source."\\Accept\\Accept_".$dDtl['MODEL_CODE']."_".$dateCode."_".$dDtl['TS_CODE'].".txt");
$linesAccept = explode("\n",$fileAccept);
$rowsintimespanAccept = 0;
for($i = $readRowAfter; $i < count($linesAccept); $i++)
$dateobjAccept = DateTime::createFromFormat($createFromFormat, $linesAccept[$i]);
if($dateobjAccept < $toDateTime && $dateobjAccept > $fromDateTime)
$logDate = $dateobjAccept->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//I put select query and insert here but it so slow.
$qChk = oci_parse($c1, "SELECT * FROM MEP_TBL_OUTPUT_DETAILS WHERE MODELID_FK = '" . $dModel['MODELID'] . "' AND RUNNING_DATE = TO_DATE('$logDate', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AND TS_CODE = '" . $dDtl['TS_CODE'] . "' AND SHIFT = 'Morning' AND QUANTITY_STATUS = 'OK' AND CONFIGURATIONID_FK = '" . $dDtl['CONFIGURATIONID'] . "'");
if(oci_fetch($qChk) > 0)
$qInsert = oci_parse($c1, "INSERT INTO MEP_TBL_OUTPUT_DETAILS(MODELID_FK, RUNNING_DATE, QUANTITY_STATUS, TS_CODE, SHIFT, CONFIGURATIONID_FK) VALUES('" . $dModel['MODELID'] . "', TO_DATE('$logDate', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss'), 'OK', '" . $dDtl['TS_CODE'] . "', 'Morning', '" . $dDtl['CONFIGURATIONID'] . "')");
$totalAccept[] = $rowsintimespanAccept;
When I tried to run the code, I got very slow loading the page and sometimes it show me time out execution.
My question, is there any way to make the query fast maybe inside or outside the loop? I knew it slow because when I remove the select and insert query, the load page is only 3-4 seconds.
If I've read your code correctly, what you're after is a single MERGE statement that you can run on the database. I don't know PHP, so I can't give you how it should be called, but I can give you the SQL statement to run:
MERGE INTO mep_tbl_output_details tgt
USING (SELECT mtm.modelid,
FROM mep_tbl_model mtm
INNER JOIN mep_tbl_model_configuration mtmc ON mtm.modelid = mtmc.modelid_fk
AND mtm.location = 'PCBA') src
ON (tgt.modelid_fk = src.modelid
AND tgt.ts_code = src.ts_code
AND tgt.configurationid_fk = src.configurationid
AND tgt.runningdate = :log_date
AND tgt.shift = 'Morning'
AND tgt.quantity_status = 'OK')
INSERT (tgt.modelid_fk, tgt.running_date, tgt.quantity_status, tgt.ts_code, tgt.shift, tgt.configuration_fk)
VALUES (src.modelid, :log_date, 'OK', src.ts_code, 'Morning', src.configurationid);
This does the join you were reinventing with your loops, links it back to the table you're trying to insert into, and only inserts a row if it doesn't already exist in the table.
You would need to write the PHP code to execute this, having passed the log_date in as a bind variable.
By binding the variable, you allow the database to skip the hard parse (i.e. finding out the best way to execute the query), which saves time.
By not fetching data and manually looping round before selecting more data and working out if you need to do the insert, you skip a whole lot of context switching and pulling/pushing data across the network. Let the database do the heavy lifting; it's what it's designed to do!

PHP query on loop slowly [duplicate]

I have this php function to check and insert data from text file to database.
//Get All Model
while($dModel = oci_fetch_array($qModel))
$qDtl = oci_parse($c1, "SELECT * FROM MEP_TBL_MODEL_CONFIGURATION WHERE MODELID_FK = '" . $dModel['MODELID'] . "'");
while($dDtl = oci_fetch_array($qDtl))
$modelIDAccept[] = $dDtl['CONFIGURATIONID'];
$dateCode = date($dDtl['DATE_CODE']);
$readRowAfter = date($dDtl['READ_ROW_AFTER']);
$createFromFormat = $dDtl['CREATE_FROM_FORMAT'];
$ipAddress = $dDtl['IP_ADDRESS'];
$status = $dDtl['STATUS'];
if($dDtl['SOURCE'] != "")
$source = "\\".$dDtl['SOURCE'];
$source = "";
$fileAccept = file_get_contents("\\\\\\Reports\\".$dModel['MODEL_NAME'].$source."\\Accept\\Accept_".$dDtl['MODEL_CODE']."_".$dateCode."_".$dDtl['TS_CODE'].".txt");
$linesAccept = explode("\n",$fileAccept);
$rowsintimespanAccept = 0;
for($i = $readRowAfter; $i < count($linesAccept); $i++)
$dateobjAccept = DateTime::createFromFormat($createFromFormat, $linesAccept[$i]);
if($dateobjAccept < $toDateTime && $dateobjAccept > $fromDateTime)
$logDate = $dateobjAccept->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//I put select query and insert here but it so slow.
$qChk = oci_parse($c1, "SELECT * FROM MEP_TBL_OUTPUT_DETAILS WHERE MODELID_FK = '" . $dModel['MODELID'] . "' AND RUNNING_DATE = TO_DATE('$logDate', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') AND TS_CODE = '" . $dDtl['TS_CODE'] . "' AND SHIFT = 'Morning' AND QUANTITY_STATUS = 'OK' AND CONFIGURATIONID_FK = '" . $dDtl['CONFIGURATIONID'] . "'");
if(oci_fetch($qChk) > 0)
$qInsert = oci_parse($c1, "INSERT INTO MEP_TBL_OUTPUT_DETAILS(MODELID_FK, RUNNING_DATE, QUANTITY_STATUS, TS_CODE, SHIFT, CONFIGURATIONID_FK) VALUES('" . $dModel['MODELID'] . "', TO_DATE('$logDate', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss'), 'OK', '" . $dDtl['TS_CODE'] . "', 'Morning', '" . $dDtl['CONFIGURATIONID'] . "')");
$totalAccept[] = $rowsintimespanAccept;
When I tried to run the code, I got very slow loading the page and sometimes it show me time out execution.
My question, is there any way to make the query fast maybe inside or outside the loop? I knew it slow because when I remove the select and insert query, the load page is only 3-4 seconds.
If I've read your code correctly, what you're after is a single MERGE statement that you can run on the database. I don't know PHP, so I can't give you how it should be called, but I can give you the SQL statement to run:
MERGE INTO mep_tbl_output_details tgt
USING (SELECT mtm.modelid,
FROM mep_tbl_model mtm
INNER JOIN mep_tbl_model_configuration mtmc ON mtm.modelid = mtmc.modelid_fk
AND mtm.location = 'PCBA') src
ON (tgt.modelid_fk = src.modelid
AND tgt.ts_code = src.ts_code
AND tgt.configurationid_fk = src.configurationid
AND tgt.runningdate = :log_date
AND tgt.shift = 'Morning'
AND tgt.quantity_status = 'OK')
INSERT (tgt.modelid_fk, tgt.running_date, tgt.quantity_status, tgt.ts_code, tgt.shift, tgt.configuration_fk)
VALUES (src.modelid, :log_date, 'OK', src.ts_code, 'Morning', src.configurationid);
This does the join you were reinventing with your loops, links it back to the table you're trying to insert into, and only inserts a row if it doesn't already exist in the table.
You would need to write the PHP code to execute this, having passed the log_date in as a bind variable.
By binding the variable, you allow the database to skip the hard parse (i.e. finding out the best way to execute the query), which saves time.
By not fetching data and manually looping round before selecting more data and working out if you need to do the insert, you skip a whole lot of context switching and pulling/pushing data across the network. Let the database do the heavy lifting; it's what it's designed to do!

PHP/Mysql: optimize query

I have the following script that retrieve numbers from 2 tables, make a sum, and the value is updated into a 3th table.
$query = "SELECT (SELECT SUM(net_amount) FROM fin_costos WHERE month='1' AND group_of_costos='general' AND year_analysis='2014' ) +
(SELECT SUM(net_amount) FROM em2_fin_costs WHERE month='1' AND group_of_costos='general' AND year_analysis='2014') AS total";
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){$valor_final = $row['total']; }
$query_update="UPDATE fusion_analysis SET jan='$valor_final' WHERE year_for_analysis='2014' AND item_for_analysis='general' AND category='general'";
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$query_update);
I need to run the same script for each month of the year. Everything is exaclty the same except the variable 'month' that changes from 1 to 12 and the SET in UPDATE where the value is uploaded for each month ('jan','feb', 'mar'...etc)
I'm currently just copying and pasting the same script changing this few parameters but I believe there is a smarter way to do this in less lines of code I have
See date function of PHP:
$query = "SELECT (SELECT SUM(net_amount)"
. " FROM fin_costos"
. " WHERE month='".date('n')."'"
." AND group_of_costos='general' AND year_analysis='".date("Y")."' ) +"
."(SELECT SUM(net_amount) FROM em2_fin_costs WHERE month='".date('n')."'"
. " AND group_of_costos='general' AND year_analysis='".date("Y")."') AS total";
$query_update="UPDATE fusion_analysis"
. " SET `". strtolower(date('M'))."`='$valor_final'"
. " WHERE year_for_analysis='".date("Y")."'"
. " AND item_for_analysis='general'"
. " AND category='general'";
Y - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits like 2014
n - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 - 12
M - A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec
For month as short textual I've used the strtolower function to make it lowercase.
Based on OP comment:
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
$query = "SELECT (SELECT SUM(net_amount)"
. " FROM fin_costos"
. " WHERE month='" . $i . "'"
. " AND group_of_costos='general' AND year_analysis='" . date("Y") . "' ) +"
. "(SELECT SUM(net_amount) FROM em2_fin_costs WHERE month='" . $i . "'"
. " AND group_of_costos='general' AND year_analysis='" . date("Y") . "') AS total";
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$valor_final = $row['total'];
$monthName = strtolower(date('M', strtotime(date("Y") . "-" . str_pad($month,2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-" . date("01") )));
$query_update = "UPDATE fusion_analysis"
. " SET `" . $monthName . "`=' " . $valor_final . "'"
. " WHERE year_for_analysis='" . date("Y") . "'"
. " AND item_for_analysis='general'"
. " AND category='general'";
mysqli_query($mysqli, $query_update);

Displaying Expenses under each expense type using MySQL PDO

I have two tables that I am creating a list that shows all the expenses under each expense type. I have been able to get it to work except when I add the
AND WHERE = " . $pid
it cases a Syntax error and I can't figure out way.
The biggest thing is I need to limet the Expense Type to only show the ones that have some data to go below them
$pid = 6;
$sql = "SELECT expensetype.typeid, expensetype.exptype
FROM `expensetype` WHERE = $pid
ORDER BY expensetype.typeid DESC";
$expensetype = $db->query($sql);
foreach($expensetype as $type) {
echo '<li>' . $type['exptype'] . '<ul>';
$sql2 = "SELECT expenses.expid, expenses.expdate, expenses.checktype, expenses.payee, expenses.details, expenses.amount
FROM `expenses` WHERE `expenses`.typeid = " . $type['typeid'] . "AND WHERE = " . $pid ;
$expenses = $db->query($sql2);
foreach($expenses as $exp) {
echo '<li>' . $exp['expdate'] . ' ' . $exp['checktype'] . ' ' . $exp['expdate'] . ' ' . $exp['payee'] . ' ' . $exp['details'] .' ' . $exp['amount'] .'</li>';
echo '</ul></li>';
Try this SQL statement instead of making two of them :
SELECT `expensetype`.`typeid`, `expensetype.exptype`, `expenses`.`expid`,
`expenses`.`expdate`, `expenses`.`checktype`, `expenses`.`payee`,
`expenses`.`details`, `expenses`.`amount`
FROM `expensetype` INNER JOIN `expenses` ON
`expensetype`.`typeid` = `expense`.`typeid`
WHERE (...)
Also, you cannot use two WHERE in a SQL statement, only use AND.

Count records from multiple tables in real-time

I want to count a record by current date from different tables and return as one row with different column in the new table. The code will update a record every three hours and insert new record if current date changes. I've current date and time data (2013-05-20 14:12:12) in "created_at" column. Here my current code:
$dbcon = new db;
//test to see if a specific field value is already in the DB
public function in_table($table,$where) {
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE ' . $where;
$result = mysqli_query($this->dbh,$query);
return mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0;
//running in background
while (true) {
$select= "SELECT (SELECT CURDATE()) AS time," .
"(SELECT COUNT(tweet_id) FROM tweets WHERE created_at= 'CURDATE() %') AS total_count," .
"(SELECT COUNT(fid) FROM fun WHERE ftime= 'CURDATE() %') AS f_count," .
"(SELECT COUNT(sid) FROM sad WHERE stime= 'CURDATE() %') AS s_count";
$results = mysqli_query( $dbcon, $select );
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$time = $row['time'];
$total = $row['total_count'];
$fcount = $row['f_count'];
$scount = $row['s_count'];
$field_values = 'time = "' . $time . '", ' . 'total_count = ' . $total . ', ' . 'fun_count = ' . $fcount . ', ' . 'sad_count = ' . $scount;
if ($dbcon->in_table('count','time= "' . $time . '"')) {
$update = "UPDATE count SET $field_values WHEN time= '$time'";
mysqli_query( $dbcon, $update );
else {
$insert = "INSERT INTO count SET $field_values";
mysqli_query( $dbcon, $insert );
//update record every 3 hour
With this code I can't get a count record. The result return | 2013-05-18 | 0 | 0 | 0 |. How can I correct this?
I not familiar with PHP, but you can retrieve the count of all records dated any time today using:
SELECT COUNT(tweet_id)
FROM tweets
WHERE created_at >= curDate()
AND created_at < date_add(curDate(), interval 1 day)
It is equivalent to saying
WHERE created_at >= (today at midnight *incusive*)
AND created_at < (tomorrow at midnight *exclusive*)
The advantage of this method is it is index friendly. While using WHERE DATE(Column) = currDate() works, it can prevent the database from using indexes on that column, making the query slower.
Replace the parts where you have this:
WHERE created_at= 'CURDATE() %'
with this:
WHERE DATE(created_at) = CURDATE()
Your existing WHERE clause is comparing created_at to the string constant CURDATE() %, and they'll never match.
You are comparing against created_at= 'CURDATE() %', which is looking for that exact string, not for the result of a function. If the field created_at is a date, it will never match.
And, you are doing that for all counts.
