Form to search directory for .PHP files - php

I currently have this script that automatically searches my directory and displays the results in iframes within a div:
$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('work/');
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator) as $filename => $cur) {
$file_info = pathinfo($filename);
if($file_info['extension'] === 'php') {
echo "<iframe width=420 height=150 frameborder=0 src='$filename'></iframe>";
This works a treat, however if I want the user to actually use a 'search form' to search the directory for php files via key-words and display them in the same manner, how would I do that?
Thanks in advance for your help.

You will need to index the files (content/filename/keywords entered) into a database. You can use that database to lookup the various filenames for the search terms and then rank them.

I bet you can create search form..
So user posts search param:
$search = strtolower($_POST['search']);
Then in your foreach do:
if ( strpos($search, strtolower($filename)) === false ) {


search and delete unused images in articles with php

I have been working on some project and through time it got messed up with images which I tested it, so now I want to make a script which is going to search in articles img tags and find the img name (artiles are stored in mysql with attribute 'text') after scanning the folder where images are stored if they are not in any article included then to delete those images (unused images). Has anyone done this before so I could see an example or any good approach about this case?
Here's what you'll need to do what you want:
Loop through your directory of files (if they are on the filesystem):
if ($handle = opendir('/path/to/files')) {
echo "Directory handle: $handle\n";
echo "Entries:\n";
/* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
echo "$entry\n";
/* This is the WRONG way to loop over the directory. */
while ($entry = readdir($handle)) {
echo "$entry\n";
Loop through your files (if they are on the database):
Compare file names (obvious once you are looping through your resource).
Delete unused images like so
Approach is simple
Query database and get list of all image URLs - add to an array
Loop through each folder that contains images and make an array of every image on the site/
here is how to find all items that are in one array but not another (may be a better answer more specific to you - array_Intesect is what you need.
with the new array simply loop through the list and delete the files.
All of the above you can search individually and then string them together.
I would recommend backing everything up before trying!!!!
I recently came accross such thing where I wanted to remove unused files that users left behind / change the profile picture but they were stored on the webserver. To fix this I used this :
$images = scandir("uploads", 1);
foreach ($images as $itemlc)
$res=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM company WHERE c_logo='$itemlc'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($res);
$res2=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE u_logo='$itemlc'");
$count2 = mysql_num_rows($res2);
if($count == 1)
echo $itemlc; echo " exists <br><br>";
else if ($count2 == 1)
echo $itemlc; echo " exists <br><br>";
else{ $file_path = 'uploads/'; $src=$file_path.$itemlc; #unlink($src); }
Hope this helps if there is someone who needs this!

Get full path from filename in php

So I have a URL which contains &title=blabla
I know how to extract the title, and return it. But I've been searching my ass off to get the full path to the filename when I only have the filename.
So what I must have is an way to search in all directories for an html file called 'blabla' when the only thing it has is blabla. After finding it, it must return the full path.
Anyone who does have an solution for me?
$file = $_GET['title'];
if ($title = '') {
echo "information.html";
} else {
//here it must search for the filepath and echo it.
echo "$filepath";
You can use the solution provided here.
It allows you to recurse through a directory and list all files in the directory and sub-directories. You can then compare to see if it matches the files you are looking for.
$root = '/'; // directory from where to start search
$toSearch = 'file.blah'; // basename of the file you wish to search
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($root);
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file){
if($file->getBasename() === $toSearch){
printf("Found it! It's %s", $file->getRealPath());
// stop at the first match
Keep in mind that depending on the number of files you have, this can be slow as hell
For a start this line is at fault
if ($title = '') {

PHP help for a beginner. Scanning file structure to return folder names in an array

I am looking for some help with my code, I have looked elsewhere but am having difficulty to really understand what is going on with the code given elsewhere and I am hoping someone can help me.
I have one gallery page that uses $_POST to change the folder the gallery gets it images form based on the link clicked.
What I want now is to code a search function that looks through them all for a string (a jpg) when it finds it, it returns its img tags and displays the image.
I am having trouble making scandir work and display currently using this code
$dir = "/galleries/images/adult-cakes/images/";
$scan = scandir($dir);
echo $dir;
foreach ($scan as $output) {
echo "$output" . "<br />";
that returns the echo dir but nothing else ( please note print was something I tried it was echo before and neither is working.
Then I need to get the output of all the gallery types, adult, anniversary etc and put them into a loop like so
search criteria = cake 1(.jpg)
put scandir info into $folderarray
search this folder until found -
if found then echo img tags with link to pic
if not display not found
This will get an array of all the files in directory $dir
$dir = "/galleries/images/adult-cakes/images/";
$images = glob($dir . '*');
Do this to get all subdirectories of $Dir into array $DirArray:
$Dir = '/galleries/images/'; //
foreach ( $DirArray = array_filter(glob($Dir . '*'), 'is_dir') as $DirName ) {
$DirName = str_replace($Dir, '', $DirName); // Optionally, remove path from name to display
echo "Dir Name: $DirName <br />\n"; // Test
echo var_dump($DirArray); // Test
Modify accordingly

PHP readir results - trying to sort by date created and also get rid of "." and ".."

I have a double question. Part one: I've pulled a nice list of pdf files from a directory and have appended a file called download.php to the "href" link so the pdf files don't try to open as a web page (they do save/save as instead). Trouble is I need to order the pdf files/links by date created. I've tried lots of variations but nothing seems to work! Script below. I'd also like to get rid of the "." and ".." directory dots! Any ideas on how to achieve all of that. Individually, these problems have been solved before, but not with my appended download.php scenario :)
$dir="../uploads2"; // Directory where files are stored
if ($dir_list = opendir($dir))
while(($filename = readdir($dir_list)) !== false)
<p><a href="<?php echo $filename; ?>"><?php echo $filename;
While you can filter them out*, the . and .. handles always come first. So you could just cut them away. In particular if you use the simpler scandir() method:
foreach (array_slice(scandir($dir), 2) as $filename) {
One could also use glob("dir/*") which skips dotfiles implicitly. As it returns the full path sorting by ctime then becomes easier as well:
$files = glob("dir/*");
// make filename->ctime mapping
$files = array_combine($files, array_map("filectime", $files));
// sorts filename list
$files = array_keys($files);

PHP/Javascript/Jquery - Dynamic Website Diagram

I want to have an application that displays all of my website's external links and outputs a diagram. Like for example is linked to my homepage.
- Products
- Categories
Something like SlickMap, but not on CSS.
I have setup a table on my DB so this will be dynamic and more links to come. I'm using CakePHP in working on this. Any ideas/suggestions?
Thanks for your time.
You can see slickmap, is a css implementation for site diagrams
You can use PHP to retrieve the results from the database and you can use jQuery's treeView to display them.
Also, raphaƫl.js might be of interest, especially its diagram plugin, its fully customizable and should be something to check out.
If I am understanding you correctly, you want to parse the contents of an entire web site (HTML, JS, etc...), and create an array that contains all of your links, as well as the pages that they can be found on. If that is correct, this code will get the job done:
$path = "./path_to_your_files/";
$result = array();
if ( $handle = opendir($path) ) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$contents = file_get_contents($path . $file);
preg_match_all("/a[\s]+[^>]*?href[\s]?=[\s\"\']+"."(.*?)[\"\']+.*?>"."([^<]+|.*?)?<\/a>/", $contents, $parts);
foreach ( $parts[1] as $link ) {
$result[$file][] = $link;
