Create an A* search with PHP - php

i have a map stored as a multidimensional array ($map[row][col]) and i'd wish to create a path from point A to point B.
since i can have some obstacles with turns, corners etc etc, i'd wish to use the A* search to calculate the fastest path.
so the general function is
f(x) = g(x) + h(x)
and i have all of these values. g(x) is cost of the move (and it's saved on the map); h(x) is the linear distance between A and B.
so i have everything i need, but i have a question: how can i organize everything?
i have no need to test for alternative paths, since a square on the map can be passable or not, so when i reach the target it should be the shortest one.
how can i organize everything?
i tried with multidimensional array, but i get lost.. :(
i worked out some code, it's pretty a wall of text :)
//$start = array(28, 19), $end = array(14, 19)
//$this->map->map is a multidimensional array, everything has a cost of 1, except for
//blocking squares that cost 99
//$this->map->map == $this->radar
//blocking square at 23-17, 22-18, 22-19, 22-20, 23-21, 19-17, 20-18,20-19,20-20,19-21
//they are like 2 specular mustache :P
function createPath($start, $end)
$found = false;
$temp = $this->cost($start, $end);
foreach($temp as $t){
if($t['cost'] == $this->map->map[$end[0]][$end[1]]) $found = true;
$this->costStack[$t['cost']][] = array('grid' => $t['grid'], 'dir' => $t['dir']);
if(!$found) {
foreach($this->costStack as $k => $stack){
foreach($stack as $kn => $node){
$curNode = $node['grid'];
if(!count($this->costStack[$k])) unset($this->costStack[$k]);
$this->createPath($curNode, $end);
function cost($current, $target)
$return = array();
//$AIM = array('n' => array(-1, 0),'e' => array( 0, 1),'s' => array( 1, 0),'w' => array( 0, -1));
foreach($this->AIM as $direction => $offset){
$position[0] = $current[0] + $offset[0];
$position[1] = $current[1] + $offset[1];
//radar is a copy of the map
if ( $this->radar[$position[0]][$position[1]] == 'V') continue;
else $this->radar[$position[0]][$position[1]] = 'V';
$h = (int) $this->distance($position, $target);
$g = $this->map->map[$position[0]][$position[1]];
$return[] = array('grid' => $position,
'dir' => $direction,
'cost' => $h + $g);
return $return;
i hope you can understand everything, i tried to be clear as much as possible.
finally i can get to my destination, expanding only cheaper nodes, but now i have a problem.
how can i turn it into directions? i have to store a stack of orders (ie n, n, e etc etc), how can i identify a path inside these values?

My structure was:
Have a Grid-class for holding all possible nodes (propably your array
goes here)
Have a Node-class representing the nodes. Nodes will also calculated costs and store predecessor/g-values set by AStar
Have a AStar class, which will only get two nodes (e.g. startNode, endNode)
Have a PriorityQueue as your open-list
when a Node is asked (by AStar) about it's neighbors, delegated that call to Grid
I'll try to collect some code samples from a prior project, could take a while though.
(found my old project ;))
It's probably not exactly what you're looking for, but maybe it's a start.
So using the files below, and mazes defined like:
You'll get something like this:
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"');
// simple autoloader
function __autoload($className) {
$path = '/lib/' . str_replace('_', '/', $className) . '.php';
foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path()) as $prefix) {
if (file_exists($prefix . $path)) {
require_once $prefix . $path;
// init maze
$maze = new Maze_Reader('test/maze.txt');
$startNode = $maze->getByValue('S', true);
$endNode = $maze->getByValue('E', true);
$astar = new AStar;
if ($astar->getPath($startNode, $endNode)) {
do {
if (!in_array($endNode->value(), array('S', 'E'))) {
} while ($endNode = $endNode->predecessor());
echo $maze;
* A simple AStar implementation
class AStar
protected $openList;
protected $closedList;
* Constructs the astar object
public function __construct() {
$this->openList = new PriorityQueue;
$this->closedList = new SplObjectStorage;
public function getPath($startNode, $endNode) {
$this->openList->insert(0, $startNode);
while (!$this->openList->isEmpty()) {
$currentNode = $this->openList->extract();
if ($currentNode->equals($endNode)) {
return $currentNode;
$this->expandNode($currentNode, $endNode);
$this->closedList[$currentNode] = true;
return false;
protected function expandNode($currentNode, $endNode) {
foreach ($currentNode->successors() as $successor) {
if (isset($this->closedList[$successor])) {
$tentative_g = $currentNode->g() + $currentNode->distance($successor);
if ($this->openList->indexOf($successor) > -1 && $tentative_g >= $successor->g()) {
$f = $tentative_g + $successor->distance($endNode);
if ($this->openList->indexOf($successor) > -1) {
$this->openList->changeKey($successor, $f);
$this->openList->insert($f, $successor);
class PriorityQueue
protected $keys = array();
protected $values = array();
* Helper function to swap two <key>/<value> pairs
* #param Integer a
* #param Integer b
* #return Integer b
protected function swap($a, $b) {
// swap keys
$c = $this->keys[$a];
$this->keys[$a] = $this->keys[$b];
$this->keys[$b] = $c;
// swap values
$c = $this->values[$a];
$this->values[$a] = $this->values[$b];
$this->values[$b] = $c;
return $b;
* Heapify up
* #param Integer pos
* #return void
protected function upHeap($pos) {
while ($pos > 0) {
$parent = ($pos - 1) >> 2;
if ($this->compare($this->keys[$pos], $this->keys[$parent]) >= 0) {
$pos = $this->swap($pos, $parent);
* Heapify down
* #param Integer pos
* #return void
protected function downHeap($pos) {
$len = sizeof($this->keys);
$max = ($len - 1) / 2;
while ($pos < $max) {
$child = 2 * $pos + 1;
if ($child < $len - 1 && $this->compare($this->keys[$child], $this->keys[$child + 1]) > 0) {
$child += 1;
if ($this->compare($this->keys[$pos], $this->keys[$child]) <= 0) {
$pos = $this->swap($pos, $child);
* Insert an <key>/<value> pair into the queue
* #param Object key
* #param Object value
* #return this
public function insert($key, $value) {
$this->keys[] = $key;
$this->values[] = $value;
$this->upHeap(sizeof($this->keys) - 1);
return $this;
* Extract the top <value>
* #return Object
public function extract() {
$resultValue = $this->values[0];
$lastValue = array_pop($this->values);
$lastKey = array_pop($this->keys);
if (sizeof($this->keys) > 0) {
$this->values[0] = $lastValue;
$this->keys[0] = $lastKey;
return $resultValue;
* Changes the <key> of a <value>
* #param Object key
* #param Object value
* #return this
public function changeKey($key, $value) {
$pos = $this->indexOf($value);
if ($pos !== false) {
$this->keys[$pos] = $key;
return $this;
* Returns the index of <value> or false if <value> is not in the queue
* #return false|Int
public function indexOf($value) {
return array_search($value, $this->values, true);
* Used to campare two <key>s.
* #param Object a
* #param Object b
* #return Number
protected function compare($a, $b) {
return $a - $b;
* Returns true if the queue is empty
* #return Boolean
public function isEmpty() {
return sizeof($this->keys) === 0;
class Maze_Reader implements IteratorAggregate
* The initial maze
* #var string
protected $rawMaze;
* A tow dimensional array holding the parsed maze
* #var array
protected $map = array();
* A flat array holding all maze nodes
* #var array
protected $nodes = array();
* A value map for easier access
* #var array
protected $valueMap = array();
* Constructs a maze reader
* #param string $file A path to a maze file
public function __construct($file) {
$this->rawMaze = file_get_contents($file);
* Parses the raw maze into usable Maze_Nodes
* #param string $maze
protected function parseMaze($maze) {
foreach (explode("\n", $maze) as $y => $row) {
foreach (str_split(trim($row)) as $x => $cellValue) {
if (!isset($this->map[$x])) {
$this->map[$x] = array();
if (!isset($this->valueMap[$cellValue])) {
$this->valueMap[$cellValue] = array();
$this->nodes[] = new Maze_Node($x, $y, $cellValue, $this);;
$this->map[$x][$y] =& $this->nodes[sizeof($this->nodes) - 1];
$this->valueMap[$cellValue][] =& $this->nodes[sizeof($this->nodes) - 1];
* Returns the neighobrs of $node
* #return array
public function getNeighbors(Maze_Node $node) {
$result = array();
$top = $node->y() - 1;
$right = $node->x() + 1;
$bottom = $node->y() + 1;
$left = $node->x() - 1;
// top left
if (isset($this->map[$left], $this->map[$left][$top])) {
$result[] = $this->map[$left][$top];
// top center
if (isset($this->map[$node->x()], $this->map[$node->x()][$top])) {
$result[] = $this->map[$node->x()][$top];
// top right
if (isset($this->map[$right], $this->map[$right][$top])) {
$result[] = $this->map[$right][$top];
// right
if (isset($this->map[$right], $this->map[$right][$node->y()])) {
$result[] = $this->map[$right][$node->y()];
// bottom right
if (isset($this->map[$right], $this->map[$right][$bottom])) {
$result[] = $this->map[$right][$bottom];
// bottom center
if (isset($this->map[$node->x()], $this->map[$node->x()][$bottom])) {
$result[] = $this->map[$node->x()][$bottom];
// bottom left
if (isset($this->map[$left], $this->map[$left][$bottom])) {
$result[] = $this->map[$left][$bottom];
// left
if (isset($this->map[$left], $this->map[$left][$node->y()])) {
$result[] = $this->map[$left][$node->y()];
return $result;
* #IteratorAggregate
public function getIterator() {
return new ArrayIterator($this->nodes);
* Returns a node by value
* #param mixed $value
* #param boolean $returnOne
* #param mixed $fallback
* #return mixed
public function getByValue($value, $returnOne = false, $fallback = array()) {
$result = isset($this->valueMap[$value]) ? $this->valueMap[$value] : $fallback;
if ($returnOne && is_array($result)) {
$result = array_shift($result);
return $result;
* Simple output
public function __toString() {
$result = array();
foreach ($this->map as $x => $col) {
foreach ($col as $y => $node) {
$result[$y][$x] = (string)$node;
return implode("\n", array_map('implode', $result));
class Maze_Node
protected $x;
protected $y;
protected $value;
protected $maze;
protected $g;
protected $predecessor;
* #param Integer $x
* #param Integer $y
* #param mixed $value
* #param Maze_Reader $maze
public function __construct($x, $y, $value, $maze) {
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
$this->value = $value;
$this->maze = $maze;
* Getter for x
* #return Integer
public function x() {
return $this->x;
* Getter for y
* #return Integer
public function y() {
return $this->y;
* Setter/Getter for g
* #param mixed $g
* #return mixed
public function g($g = null) {
if ($g !== null) {
$this->g = $g;
return $this->g;
* Setter/Getter for value
* #param mixed $value
* #return mixed
public function value($value = null) {
if ($value !== null) {
$this->value = $value;
return $this->value;
* Setter/Getter for predecessor
* #param Maze_Node $predecessor
* #return Maze_Node|null
public function predecessor(Maze_Node $predecessor = null) {
if ($predecessor !== null) {
$this->predecessor = $predecessor;
return $this->predecessor;
* simple distance getter
* #param Maze_Node $that
* #return Float
public function distance(Maze_Node $that) {
if ($that->value() === 'W') {
return PHP_INT_MAX;
return sqrt(pow($that->x() - $this->x, 2) + pow($that->y() - $this->y, 2));
* Test for equality
* #param Maze_Node $that
* #return boolean
public function equals(Maze_Node $that) {
return $this == $that;
* Returns the successors of this node
* #return array
public function successors() {
return $this->maze->getNeighbors($this);
* For debugging
* #return string
public function __toString() {
return (string)$this->value;


How to disable _PHCR key pefixes used in Phalcon Redis backend

I'm using Phalcon Redis backend to store some data. I later try to access this data in Lua language embedded into nginx. What drives me crazy is that Phalcon adds some garbage prefixes to Redis keys and some terrible prefixes to values. So, if I store this pair in Redis - (abc, querty) - this is what is really stored:
(_PHCRabc, s:6:"querty")
Is it possible to disable all this garbage and continue working with Phalcon Redis backend?
According to the the source it is not possible to disable it with option:
public function get(string keyName, int lifetime = null) -> var | null
let lastKey = "_PHCR" . prefix . keyName;
public function save(keyName = null, content = null, lifetime = null, boolean stopBuffer = true) -> boolean
lastKey = "_PHCR" . prefixedKey,
Also quoting the docs:
This adapter uses the special redis key “_PHCR” to store all the keys
internally used by the adapter
I read somewhere that this is done in order to be able to flush Phalcon generated cache files.
Your best option would be to extend the \Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Redis class and overwrite the save/get methods. And after use your class in the service:
// Cache
$di->setShared('cache', function() use ($config) {
return new MyCustomRedis(
new \Phalcon\Cache\Frontend\Json(['lifetime' => 172800]), // 2d
You can override the redis adapter like this.
namespace App\Library\Cache\Backend;
use Phalcon\Cache\Exception;
class Redis extends \Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Redis
* #var \Redis
protected $_redis;
* {#inheritdoc}
* #param string $keyName
* #param integer $lifetime
* #return mixed|null
public function get($keyName, $lifetime = null)
$redis = $this->getRedis();
* #var \Phalcon\Cache\FrontendInterface $frontend
$frontend = $this->_frontend;
$lastKey = $this->getKeyName($keyName);
$this->_lastKey = $lastKey;
$content = $redis->get($lastKey);
if ($content === false) {
return null;
if (is_numeric($content)) {
return $content;
return $frontend->afterRetrieve($content);
* {#inheritdoc}
* #param string $keyName
* #param string $content
* #param int $lifetime
* #param bool $stopBuffer
* #return bool
* #throws Exception
public function save($keyName = null, $content = null, $lifetime = null, $stopBuffer = true)
if ($keyName === null) {
$lastKey = $this->_lastKey;
} else {
$lastKey = $this->getKeyName($keyName);
$this->_lastKey = $lastKey;
if (!$lastKey) {
throw new Exception('The cache must be started first');
$redis = $this->getRedis();
* #var \Phalcon\Cache\FrontendInterface $frontend
$frontend = $this->_frontend;
if ($content === null) {
$cachedContent = $frontend->getContent();
} else {
$cachedContent = $content;
* Prepare the content in the frontend
if (!is_numeric($cachedContent)) {
$preparedContent = $frontend->beforeStore($cachedContent);
} else {
$preparedContent = $cachedContent;
if ($lifetime === null) {
$tmp = $this->_lastLifetime;
$ttl = $tmp ? $tmp : $frontend->getLifetime();
} else {
$ttl = $lifetime;
$success = $redis->set($lastKey, $preparedContent);
if (!$success) {
throw new Exception('Failed storing the data in redis');
if ($ttl > 0) {
$redis->setTimeout($lastKey, $ttl);
$isBuffering = $frontend->isBuffering();
if ($stopBuffer === true) {
if ($isBuffering === true) {
echo $cachedContent;
$this->_started = false;
return $success;
* {#inheritdoc}
* #param string $keyName
* #return bool
public function delete($keyName)
$redis = $this->getRedis();
$lastKey = $this->getKeyName($keyName);
return (bool)$redis->delete($lastKey);
* {#inheritdoc}
* #param string $prefix
* #return array
public function queryKeys($prefix = null)
$redis = $this->getRedis();
$pattern = "{$this->_prefix}" . ($prefix ? $prefix : '') . '*';
return $redis->keys($pattern);
* {#inheritdoc}
* #param string $keyName
* #param string $lifetime
* #return bool
public function exists($keyName = null, $lifetime = null)
$redis = $this->getRedis();
if ($keyName === null) {
$lastKey = $this->_lastKey;
} else {
$lastKey = $this->getKeyName($keyName);
return (bool)$redis->exists($lastKey);
* {#inheritdoc}
* #param string $keyName
* #param int $value
* #return int
public function increment($keyName = null, $value = 1)
$redis = $this->getRedis();
if ($keyName === null) {
$lastKey = $this->_lastKey;
} else {
$lastKey = $this->getKeyName($keyName);
return $redis->incrBy($lastKey, $value);
* {#inheritdoc}
* #param string $keyName
* #param int $value
* #return int
public function decrement($keyName = null, $value = 1)
$redis = $this->getRedis();
if ($keyName === null) {
$lastKey = $this->_lastKey;
} else {
$lastKey = $this->getKeyName($keyName);
return $redis->decrBy($lastKey, $value);
* {#inheritdoc}
* #return bool
public function flush()
* Get Prefix
* #return string
public function getPrefix()
return $this->_prefix;
* Get Redis Connection
* #return \Redis
public function getRedis()
$redis = $this->_redis;
if (!is_object($redis)) {
$redis = $this->_redis;
return $redis;
* Get Key Name
* #param $keyName
* #return string
protected function getKeyName($keyName)
return $this->_prefix . $keyName;

Setting EXIF data using PHP

I'm trying to overwrite/save JPEG file's EXIF data using library. Here is the code that has to save new EXIF data:
use lsolesen\pel\PelJpeg;
use lsolesen\pel\PelTag;
use lsolesen\pel\PelEntryAscii;
$pelJpeg = new PelJpeg(Yii::getAlias('#str-set') . "/$this->hash.jpg");
$pelExif = $pelJpeg->getExif();
if ($pelExif == null) {
$pelExif = new PelExif();
$pelTiff = $pelExif->getTiff();
if ($pelTiff == null) {
$pelTiff = new PelTiff();
$pelIfd0 = $pelTiff->getIfd();
if ($pelIfd0 == null) {
$pelIfd0 = new PelIfd(PelIfd::IFD0);
$pelIfd0->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(
PelTag::IMAGE_DESCRIPTION, $this->description
$pelIfd0->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(
PelTag::XP_TITLE, $this->title
$keywords = [];
foreach ($this->keywords as $keyword)
$keywords[] = $keyword->title;
$kw_string = implode(", ", $keywords);
$pelIfd0->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(
PelTag::XP_KEYWORDS, $kw_string
$pelJpeg->saveFile(Yii::getAlias('#str-set') . "/$this->hash.jpg");
Here is the photo for testing
Here is sample tags:
icon, vector, background
But I'm getting the file without any tags, description or title saved.
So the result has to be like this:
But getting this
What am I doing wrong?
Here is a stand-alone class to write EXIF data, extracted from the library Image_Iptc (original class by Bruno Agutoli).
class IPTC
const OBJECT_NAME = '005';
const EDIT_STATUS = '007';
const PRIORITY = '010';
const CATEGORY = '015';
const KEYWORDS = '025';
const RELEASE_DATE = '030';
const RELEASE_TIME = '035';
const REFERENCE_SERVICE = '045';
const REFERENCE_DATE = '047';
const REFERENCE_NUMBER = '050';
const CREATED_DATE = '055';
const CREATED_TIME = '060';
const PROGRAM_VERSION = '070';
const OBJECT_CYCLE = '075';
const BYLINE = '080';
const BYLINE_TITLE = '085';
const CITY = '090';
const PROVINCE_STATE = '095';
const COUNTRY_CODE = '100';
const COUNTRY = '101';
const HEADLINE = '105';
const CREDIT = '110';
const SOURCE = '115';
const COPYRIGHT_STRING = '116';
const CAPTION = '120';
const LOCAL_CAPTION = '121';
const CAPTION_WRITER = '122';
* variable that stores the IPTC tags
* #var array
private $_meta = array();
* This variable was checks whether any tag class setada
* #var boolean
private $_hasMeta = false;
* allowed extensions
* #var array
private $_allowedExt = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'pjpeg');
* Image name ex. /home/user/image.jpg
* #var String
private $_filename;
* Constructor class
* #param string $filename - Name of file
* #see - PHP GD
* #see iptcparse
* #see getimagesize
* #throws Exception
public function __construct($filename)
* Check PHP version
* #since 2.0.1
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.3', '<') === true) {
throw new Exception(
'ERROR: Your PHP version is ' . phpversion() .
'. Iptc class requires PHP 5.1.3 or newer.'
if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
throw new Exception(
'Since PHP 4.3 there is a bundled version of the GD lib.'
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
throw new Exception(
'Image not found!'
if (!is_writable($filename)) {
throw new Exception(
"File \"{$filename}\" is not writable!"
$parts = explode('.', strtolower($filename));
if (!in_array(end($parts), $this->_allowedExt)) {
throw new Exception(
'Support only for the following extensions: ' .
implode(',', $this->_allowedExt)
$size = getimagesize($filename, $imageinfo);
if (empty($size['mime']) || $size['mime'] != 'image/jpeg') {
throw new Exception(
'Support only JPEG images'
$this->_hasMeta = isset($imageinfo["APP13"]);
if ($this->_hasMeta) {
$this->_meta = iptcparse($imageinfo["APP13"]);
$this->_filename = $filename;
* Set parameters you want to record in a particular tag "IPTC"
* #param Integer|const $tag - Code or const of tag
* #param array|mixed $data - Value of tag
* #return Iptc object
* #access public
public function set($tag, $data)
$data = $this->_charset_decode($data);
$this->_meta["2#{$tag}"] = array($data);
$this->_hasMeta = true;
return $this;
* adds an item at the beginning of the array
* #param Integer|const $tag - Code or const of tag
* #param array|mixed $data - Value of tag
* #return Iptc object
* #access public
public function prepend($tag, $data)
$data = $this->_charset_decode($data);
if (!empty($this->_meta["2#{$tag}"])) {
array_unshift($this->_meta["2#{$tag}"], $data);
$data = $this->_meta["2#{$tag}"];
$this->_meta["2#{$tag}"] = array($data);
$this->_hasMeta = true;
return $this;
* adds an item at the end of the array
* #param Integer|const $tag - Code or const of tag
* #param array|mixed $data - Value of tag
* #return Iptc object
* #access public
public function append($tag, $data)
$data = $this->_charset_decode($data);
if (!empty($this->_meta["2#{$tag}"])) {
array_push($this->_meta["2#{$tag}"], $data);
$data = $this->_meta["2#{$tag}"];
$this->_meta["2#{$tag}"] = array($data);
$this->_hasMeta = true;
return $this;
* Return fisrt IPTC tag by tag name
* #param Integer|const $tag - Name of tag
* #example $iptc->fetch(Iptc::KEYWORDS);
* #access public
* #return mixed|false
public function fetch($tag)
if (isset($this->_meta["2#{$tag}"])) {
return $this->_charset_encode($this->_meta["2#{$tag}"][0]);
return false;
* Return all IPTC tags by tag name
* #param Integer|const $tag - Name of tag
* #example $iptc->fetchAll(Iptc::KEYWORDS);
* #access public
* #return mixed|false
public function fetchAll($tag)
if (isset($this->_meta["2#{$tag}"])) {
return $this->_charset_encode($this->_meta["2#{$tag}"]);
return false;
* debug that returns all the IPTC tags already in the image
* #access public
* #return string
public function dump()
return $this->_charset_encode(print_r($this->_meta, true));
* returns a string with the binary code
* #access public
* #return string
public function binary()
$iptc = '';
foreach (array_keys($this->_meta) as $key) {
$tag = str_replace("2#", "", $key);
foreach ($this->_meta[$key] as $value) {
$iptc .= $this->iptcMakeTag(2, $tag, $value);
return $iptc;
* Assemble the tags "IPTC" in character "ascii"
* #param Integer $rec - Type of tag ex. 2
* #param Integer $dat - code of tag ex. 025 or 000 etc
* #param mixed $val - any character
* #access public
* #return string binary source
public function iptcMakeTag($rec, $dat, $val)
//beginning of the binary string
$iptcTag = chr(0x1c) . chr($rec) . chr($dat);
if (is_array($val)) {
$src = '';
foreach ($val as $item) {
$len = strlen($item);
$src .= $iptcTag . $this->_testBitSize($len) . $item;
return $src;
$len = strlen($val);
$src = $iptcTag . $this->_testBitSize($len) . $val;
return $src;
* create the new image file already
* with the new "IPTC" recorded
* #access public
* #return string binary source
* #throws Exception
public function write()
$content = iptcembed($this->binary(), $this->_filename, 0);
if ($content === false) {
throw new Exception(
'Failed to save IPTC data into file'
if ($file = fopen($this->_filename, "w")) {
fwrite($file, $content);
//fwrite($file, pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf));
return true;
return false;
* completely remove all tags "IPTC" image
* #access public
* #return string binary source
public function removeAllTags()
$this->_hasMeta = false;
$this->_meta = Array();
$impl = implode(file($this->_filename));
$img = imagecreatefromstring($impl);
imagejpeg($img, $this->_filename, 100);
* It proper test to ensure that
* the size of the values are supported within the
* #param Integer $len - size of the character
* #access public
* #return string binary source
private function _testBitSize($len)
if ($len < 0x8000) {
chr($len >> 8) .
chr($len & 0xff);
chr(0x1c) . chr(0x04) .
chr(($len >> 24) & 0xff) .
chr(($len >> 16) & 0xff) .
chr(($len >> 8) & 0xff) .
chr(($len) & 0xff);
* Decode charset utf8 before being saved
* #param String $data
* #access private
* #return string decoded string
private function _charset_decode($data)
$result = array();
if (is_array($data)) {
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($data));
foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
$result[] = utf8_decode($value);
} else {
return utf8_decode($data);
return $result;
* Encode charset to utf8 before being saved
* #param String $data
* #access private
* #return string encoded string
private function _charset_encode($data)
$result = array();
if (is_array($data)) {
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($data));
foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
$result[] = utf8_encode($value);
} else {
return utf8_encode($data);
return $result;
Most of these field belongs to IPTC block.
I recommend You to use iptc-jpeg package to comfortably update these fields.

Cakephp view error - using UploadPack to store images

I get the following error when I try to load views from controllers that use the 'UploadPack' - (source:-
Strict (2048): Declaration of UploadBehavior::setup() should be compatible with ModelBehavior::setup(Model $model, $config = Array) [APP\Plugin\upload_pack\Model\Behavior\UploadBehavior.php, line 15]
My 'UploadBehavior.php' and 'ModelBehavior.php' files are below, has anyone got any ideas of how to resolve this error?
App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');
* This file is a part of UploadPack - a plugin that makes file uploads in CakePHP as easy as possible.
* UploadBehavior
* UploadBehavior does all the job of saving files to disk while saving records to database. For more info read UploadPack documentation.
* joe bartlett's lovingly handcrafted tweaks add several resize modes. see "more on styles" in the documentation.
* #author Michał Szajbe ( and joe bartlett (
* #link
class UploadBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
private static $__settings = array();
private $toWrite = array();
private $toDelete = array();
private $maxWidthSize = false;
public function setup(&$model, $settings = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'path' => ':webroot/upload/:model/:id/:basename_:style.:extension',
'styles' => array(),
'resizeToMaxWidth' => false,
'quality' => 75
foreach ($settings as $field => $array) {
self::$__settings[$model->name][$field] = array_merge($defaults, $array);
public function beforeSave(&$model) {
foreach (self::$__settings[$model->name] as $field => $settings) {
if (!empty($model->data[$model->name][$field]) && is_array($model->data[$model->name][$field]) && file_exists($model->data[$model->name][$field]['tmp_name'])) {
if (!empty($model->id)) {
$this->_prepareToDeleteFiles($model, $field, true);
$this->_prepareToWriteFiles($model, $field);
$model->data[$model->name][$field.'_file_name'] = $this->toWrite[$field]['name'];
$model->data[$model->name][$field.'_file_size'] = $this->toWrite[$field]['size'];
$model->data[$model->name][$field.'_content_type'] = $this->toWrite[$field]['type'];
} elseif (array_key_exists($field, $model->data[$model->name]) && $model->data[$model->name][$field] === null) {
if (!empty($model->id)) {
$this->_prepareToDeleteFiles($model, $field, true);
$model->data[$model->name][$field.'_file_name'] = null;
$model->data[$model->name][$field.'_file_size'] = null;
$model->data[$model->name][$field.'_content_type'] = null;
return true;
public function afterSave(&$model, $create) {
if (!$create) {
public function beforeDelete(&$model) {
return true;
public function afterDelete(&$model) {
public function beforeValidate(&$model) {
foreach (self::$__settings[$model->name] as $field => $settings) {
if (isset($model->data[$model->name][$field])) {
$data = $model->data[$model->name][$field];
if ((empty($data) || is_array($data) && empty($data['tmp_name'])) && !empty($settings['urlField']) && !empty($model->data[$model->name][$settings['urlField']])) {
$data = $model->data[$model->name][$settings['urlField']];
if (!is_array($data)) {
$model->data[$model->name][$field] = $this->_fetchFromUrl($data);
return true;
private function _reset() {
$this->toWrite = null;
$this->toDelete = null;
private function _fetchFromUrl($url) {
$data = array('remote' => true);
$data['name'] = end(explode('/', $url));
$data['tmp_name'] = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $data['name']) . '.' . end(explode('.', $url));
$httpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$raw = $httpSocket->get($url);
$response = $httpSocket->response;
$data['size'] = strlen($raw);
$data['type'] = reset(explode(';', $response['header']['Content-Type']));
file_put_contents($data['tmp_name'], $raw);
return $data;
private function _prepareToWriteFiles(&$model, $field) {
$this->toWrite[$field] = $model->data[$model->name][$field];
// make filename URL friendly by using Cake's Inflector
$this->toWrite[$field]['name'] =
Inflector::slug(substr($this->toWrite[$field]['name'], 0, strrpos($this->toWrite[$field]['name'], '.'))). // filename
substr($this->toWrite[$field]['name'], strrpos($this->toWrite[$field]['name'], '.')); // extension
private function _writeFiles(&$model) {
if (!empty($this->toWrite)) {
foreach ($this->toWrite as $field => $toWrite) {
$settings = $this->_interpolate($model, $field, $toWrite['name'], 'original');
$destDir = dirname($settings['path']);
if (!file_exists($destDir)) {
#mkdir($destDir, 0777, true);
#chmod($destDir, 0777);
if (is_dir($destDir) && is_writable($destDir)) {
$move = !empty($toWrite['remote']) ? 'rename' : 'move_uploaded_file';
if (#$move($toWrite['tmp_name'], $settings['path'])) {
if($this->maxWidthSize) {
$this->_resize($settings['path'], $settings['path'], $this->maxWidthSize.'w', $settings['quality']);
foreach ($settings['styles'] as $style => $geometry) {
$newSettings = $this->_interpolate($model, $field, $toWrite['name'], $style);
$this->_resize($settings['path'], $newSettings['path'], $geometry, $settings['quality']);
private function _prepareToDeleteFiles(&$model, $field = null, $forceRead = false) {
$needToRead = true;
if ($field === null) {
$fields = array_keys(self::$__settings[$model->name]);
foreach ($fields as &$field) {
$field .= '_file_name';
} else {
$field .= '_file_name';
$fields = array($field);
if (!$forceRead && !empty($model->data[$model->alias])) {
$needToRead = false;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (!array_key_exists($field, $model->data[$model->alias])) {
$needToRead = true;
if ($needToRead) {
$data = $model->find('first', array('conditions' => array($model->alias.'.'.$model->primaryKey => $model->id), 'fields' => $fields, 'callbacks' => false));
} else {
$data = $model->data;
if (is_array($this->toDelete)) {
$this->toDelete = array_merge($this->toDelete, $data[$model->alias]);
} else {
$this->toDelete = $data[$model->alias];
$this->toDelete['id'] = $model->id;
private function _deleteFiles(&$model) {
foreach (self::$__settings[$model->name] as $field => $settings) {
if (!empty($this->toDelete[$field.'_file_name'])) {
$styles = array_keys($settings['styles']);
$styles[] = 'original';
foreach ($styles as $style) {
$settings = $this->_interpolate($model, $field, $this->toDelete[$field.'_file_name'], $style);
if (file_exists($settings['path'])) {
private function _interpolate(&$model, $field, $filename, $style) {
return self::interpolate($model->name, $model->id, $field, $filename, $style);
static public function interpolate($modelName, $modelId, $field, $filename, $style = 'original', $defaults = array()) {
$pathinfo = UploadBehavior::_pathinfo($filename);
$interpolations = array_merge(array(
'app' => preg_replace('/\/$/', '', APP),
'webroot' => preg_replace('/\/$/', '', WWW_ROOT),
'model' => Inflector::tableize($modelName),
'basename' => !empty($filename) ? $pathinfo['filename'] : null,
'extension' => !empty($filename) ? $pathinfo['extension'] : null,
'id' => $modelId,
'style' => $style,
'attachment' => Inflector::pluralize($field),
'hash' => md5((!empty($filename) ? $pathinfo['filename'] : "") . Configure::read('Security.salt'))
), $defaults);
$settings = self::$__settings[$modelName][$field];
$keys = array('path', 'url', 'default_url');
foreach ($interpolations as $k => $v) {
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (isset($settings[$key])) {
$settings[$key] = preg_replace('/\/{2,}/', '/', str_replace(":$k", $v, $settings[$key]));
return $settings;
static private function _pathinfo($filename) {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
// PHP < 5.2.0 doesn't include 'filename' key in pathinfo. Let's try to fix this.
if (empty($pathinfo['filename'])) {
$suffix = !empty($pathinfo['extension']) ? '.'.$pathinfo['extension'] : '';
$pathinfo['filename'] = basename($pathinfo['basename'], $suffix);
return $pathinfo;
private function _resize($srcFile, $destFile, $geometry, $quality = 75) {
copy($srcFile, $destFile);
#chmod($destFile, 0777);
$pathinfo = UploadBehavior::_pathinfo($srcFile);
$src = null;
$createHandler = null;
$outputHandler = null;
switch (strtolower($pathinfo['extension'])) {
case 'gif':
$createHandler = 'imagecreatefromgif';
$outputHandler = 'imagegif';
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
$createHandler = 'imagecreatefromjpeg';
$outputHandler = 'imagejpeg';
case 'png':
$createHandler = 'imagecreatefrompng';
$outputHandler = 'imagepng';
$quality = null;
return false;
if ($src = $createHandler($destFile)) {
$srcW = imagesx($src);
$srcH = imagesy($src);
// determine destination dimensions and resize mode from provided geometry
if (preg_match('/^\\[[\\d]+x[\\d]+\\]$/', $geometry)) {
// resize with banding
list($destW, $destH) = explode('x', substr($geometry, 1, strlen($geometry)-2));
$resizeMode = 'band';
} elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+x[\\d]+$/', $geometry)) {
// cropped resize (best fit)
list($destW, $destH) = explode('x', $geometry);
$resizeMode = 'best';
} elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+w$/', $geometry)) {
// calculate heigh according to aspect ratio
$destW = (int)$geometry-1;
$resizeMode = false;
} elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+h$/', $geometry)) {
// calculate width according to aspect ratio
$destH = (int)$geometry-1;
$resizeMode = false;
} elseif (preg_match('/^[\\d]+l$/', $geometry)) {
// calculate shortest side according to aspect ratio
if ($srcW > $srcH) $destW = (int)$geometry-1;
else $destH = (int)$geometry-1;
$resizeMode = false;
if (!isset($destW)) $destW = ($destH/$srcH) * $srcW;
if (!isset($destH)) $destH = ($destW/$srcW) * $srcH;
// determine resize dimensions from appropriate resize mode and ratio
if ($resizeMode == 'best') {
// "best fit" mode
if ($srcW > $srcH) {
if ($srcH/$destH > $srcW/$destW) $ratio = $destW/$srcW;
else $ratio = $destH/$srcH;
} else {
if ($srcH/$destH < $srcW/$destW) $ratio = $destH/$srcH;
else $ratio = $destW/$srcW;
$resizeW = $srcW*$ratio;
$resizeH = $srcH*$ratio;
elseif ($resizeMode == 'band') {
// "banding" mode
if ($srcW > $srcH) $ratio = $destW/$srcW;
else $ratio = $destH/$srcH;
$resizeW = $srcW*$ratio;
$resizeH = $srcH*$ratio;
else {
// no resize ratio
$resizeW = $destW;
$resizeH = $destH;
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($destW, $destH);
imagefill($img, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255));
imagecopyresampled($img, $src, ($destW-$resizeW)/2, ($destH-$resizeH)/2, 0, 0, $resizeW, $resizeH, $srcW, $srcH);
$outputHandler($img, $destFile, $quality);
return true;
return false;
public function attachmentMinSize(&$model, $value, $min) {
$value = array_shift($value);
if (!empty($value['tmp_name'])) {
return (int)$min <= (int)$value['size'];
return true;
public function attachmentMaxSize(&$model, $value, $max) {
$value = array_shift($value);
if (!empty($value['tmp_name'])) {
return (int)$value['size'] <= (int)$max;
return true;
public function attachmentContentType(&$model, $value, $contentTypes) {
$value = array_shift($value);
if (!is_array($contentTypes)) {
$contentTypes = array($contentTypes);
if (!empty($value['tmp_name'])) {
foreach ($contentTypes as $contentType) {
if (substr($contentType, 0, 1) == '/') {
if (preg_match($contentType, $value['type'])) {
return true;
} elseif ($contentType == $value['type']) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
public function attachmentPresence(&$model, $value) {
$keys = array_keys($value);
$field = $keys[0];
$value = array_shift($value);
if (!empty($value['tmp_name'])) {
return true;
if (!empty($model->id)) {
if (!empty($model->data[$model->alias][$field.'_file_name'])) {
return true;
} elseif (!isset($model->data[$model->alias][$field.'_file_name'])) {
$existingFile = $model->field($field.'_file_name', array($model->primaryKey => $model->id));
if (!empty($existingFile)) {
return true;
return false;
public function minWidth(&$model, $value, $minWidth) {
return $this->_validateDimension($value, 'min', 'x', $minWidth);
public function minHeight(&$model, $value, $minHeight) {
return $this->_validateDimension($value, 'min', 'y', $minHeight);
public function maxWidth(&$model, $value, $maxWidth) {
$keys = array_keys($value);
$field = $keys[0];
$settings = self::$__settings[$model->name][$field];
if($settings['resizeToMaxWidth'] && !$this->_validateDimension($value, 'max', 'x', $maxWidth)) {
$this->maxWidthSize = $maxWidth;
return true;
} else {
return $this->_validateDimension($value, 'max', 'x', $maxWidth);
public function maxHeight(&$model, $value, $maxHeight) {
return $this->_validateDimension($value, 'max', 'y', $maxHeight);
private function _validateDimension($upload, $mode, $axis, $value) {
$upload = array_shift($upload);
$func = 'images'.$axis;
if(!empty($upload['tmp_name'])) {
$createHandler = null;
if($upload['type'] == 'image/jpeg') {
$createHandler = 'imagecreatefromjpeg';
} else if($upload['type'] == 'image/gif') {
$createHandler = 'imagecreatefromgif';
} else if($upload['type'] == 'image/png') {
$createHandler = 'imagecreatefrompng';
} else {
return false;
if($img = $createHandler($upload['tmp_name'])) {
switch ($mode) {
case 'min':
return $func($img) >= $value;
case 'max':
return $func($img) <= $value;
return false;
//My 'ModelBehavior' file:-
* Model behaviors base class.
* Adds methods and automagic functionality to Cake Models.
* PHP 5
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* #copyright Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* #link CakePHP(tm) Project
* #package Cake.Model
* #since CakePHP(tm) v
* #license MIT License (
* Model behavior base class.
* Defines the Behavior interface, and contains common model interaction functionality. Behaviors
* allow you to simulate mixins, and create reusable blocks of application logic, that can be reused across
* several models. Behaviors also provide a way to hook into model callbacks and augment their behavior.
* ### Mixin methods
* Behaviors can provide mixin like features by declaring public methods. These methods should expect
* the model instance to be shifted onto the parameter list.
* {{{
* function doSomething(Model $model, $arg1, $arg2) {
* //do something
* }
* }}}
* Would be called like `$this->Model->doSomething($arg1, $arg2);`.
* ### Mapped methods
* Behaviors can also define mapped methods. Mapped methods use pattern matching for method invocation. This
* allows you to create methods similar to Model::findAllByXXX methods on your behaviors. Mapped methods need to
* be declared in your behaviors `$mapMethods` array. The method signature for a mapped method is slightly different
* than a normal behavior mixin method.
* {{{
* public $mapMethods = array('/do(\w+)/' => 'doSomething');
* function doSomething(Model $model, $method, $arg1, $arg2) {
* //do something
* }
* }}}
* The above will map every doXXX() method call to the behavior. As you can see, the model is
* still the first parameter, but the called method name will be the 2nd parameter. This allows
* you to munge the method name for additional information, much like Model::findAllByXX.
* #package Cake.Model
* #see Model::$actsAs
* #see BehaviorCollection::load()
class ModelBehavior extends Object {
* Contains configuration settings for use with individual model objects. This
* is used because if multiple models use this Behavior, each will use the same
* object instance. Individual model settings should be stored as an
* associative array, keyed off of the model name.
* #var array
* #see Model::$alias
public $settings = array();
* Allows the mapping of preg-compatible regular expressions to public or
* private methods in this class, where the array key is a /-delimited regular
* expression, and the value is a class method. Similar to the functionality of
* the findBy* / findAllBy* magic methods.
* #var array
public $mapMethods = array();
* Setup this behavior with the specified configuration settings.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #param array $config Configuration settings for $model
* #return void
public function setup(Model $model, $config = array()) {
* Clean up any initialization this behavior has done on a model. Called when a behavior is dynamically
* detached from a model using Model::detach().
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #return void
* #see BehaviorCollection::detach()
public function cleanup(Model $model) {
if (isset($this->settings[$model->alias])) {
* beforeFind can be used to cancel find operations, or modify the query that will be executed.
* By returning null/false you can abort a find. By returning an array you can modify/replace the query
* that is going to be run.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #param array $query Data used to execute this query, i.e. conditions, order, etc.
* #return boolean|array False or null will abort the operation. You can return an array to replace the
* $query that will be eventually run.
public function beforeFind(Model $model, $query) {
return true;
* After find callback. Can be used to modify any results returned by find.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #param mixed $results The results of the find operation
* #param boolean $primary Whether this model is being queried directly (vs. being queried as an association)
* #return mixed An array value will replace the value of $results - any other value will be ignored.
public function afterFind(Model $model, $results, $primary) {
* beforeValidate is called before a model is validated, you can use this callback to
* add behavior validation rules into a models validate array. Returning false
* will allow you to make the validation fail.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #return mixed False or null will abort the operation. Any other result will continue.
public function beforeValidate(Model $model) {
return true;
* afterValidate is called just after model data was validated, you can use this callback
* to perform any data cleanup or preparation if needed
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #return mixed False will stop this event from being passed to other behaviors
public function afterValidate(Model $model) {
return true;
* beforeSave is called before a model is saved. Returning false from a beforeSave callback
* will abort the save operation.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #return mixed False if the operation should abort. Any other result will continue.
public function beforeSave(Model $model) {
return true;
* afterSave is called after a model is saved.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #param boolean $created True if this save created a new record
* #return boolean
public function afterSave(Model $model, $created) {
return true;
* Before delete is called before any delete occurs on the attached model, but after the model's
* beforeDelete is called. Returning false from a beforeDelete will abort the delete.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #param boolean $cascade If true records that depend on this record will also be deleted
* #return mixed False if the operation should abort. Any other result will continue.
public function beforeDelete(Model $model, $cascade = true) {
return true;
* After delete is called after any delete occurs on the attached model.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #return void
public function afterDelete(Model $model) {
* DataSource error callback
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #param string $error Error generated in DataSource
* #return void
public function onError(Model $model, $error) {
* If $model's whitelist property is non-empty, $field will be added to it.
* Note: this method should *only* be used in beforeValidate or beforeSave to ensure
* that it only modifies the whitelist for the current save operation. Also make sure
* you explicitly set the value of the field which you are allowing.
* #param Model $model Model using this behavior
* #param string $field Field to be added to $model's whitelist
* #return void
protected function _addToWhitelist(Model $model, $field) {
if (is_array($field)) {
foreach ($field as $f) {
$this->_addToWhitelist($model, $f);
if (!empty($model->whitelist) && !in_array($field, $model->whitelist)) {
$model->whitelist[] = $field;
The signature of the setup() method of the UploadBehavior should be the same as the signature of the setup() method in the parent class. This means you have to change: public function setup(&$model, $settings = array()) in your UploadBehavior to public function setup(Model $model, $settings = array()) and the error should go away.

Binary Search Tree post-order Iterator

I'm implementing an AVL Tree (a self-balancing Binary Search Tree) in PHP and have things working pretty normally. I have in-order, pre-order, and level-order iterators working, but I can't figure out how to do a post-order iterator for a BST. Google searches turn up how to do an iterative post-order traversal, but not an iterator.
So far my only success has been to use a post-order traversal to build an array and then return an array iterator. This is bad because it iterates the tree twice and adds more space complexity.
What is the general algorithm for building a post-order iterator?
The only reason the php tag is here is that iterators in PHP are different from the ones in Java or C++. It might affect your advice.
Also, if PHP had generators, this would be a breeze because the post-order traversal could simply yield values, turning it into an iterator . . .
Edit: here is the in-order iterator implementation. Maybe it can help you understand what I want from a post-order iterator:
class InOrderIterator implements Iterator {
* #var ArrayStack
protected $stack;
* #var BinaryNode
protected $root;
* #var BinaryNode
protected $value;
public function __construct(BinaryNode $root) {
$this->stack = new ArrayStack;
$this->root = $root;
* #link
* #return mixed
public function current() {
return $this->value->getValue();
* #link
* #return void
public function next() {
* #var BinaryNode $node
$node = $this->stack->pop();
$right = $node->getRight();
if ($right !== NULL) {
// left-most branch of the right side
for ($left = $right; $left !== NULL; $left = $left->getLeft()) {
if ($this->stack->isEmpty()) {
$this->value = NULL;
$this->value = $this->stack->peek();
* #link
* #return NULL
public function key() {
return NULL; //no keys in a tree . . .
* #link
* #return boolean
public function valid() {
return $this->value !== NULL;
* #link
* #return void
public function rewind() {
for ($current = $this->root; $current !== NULL; $current = $current->getLeft()) {
$this->value = $this->stack->peek();
I was able to ALMOST convert an example of an iterative traversal in C++ into an iterator. Latest on github. Still need to figure out a few cases.
class PostOrderIterator implements Iterator {
* #var ArrayStack
protected $stack;
* #var BinaryNode
protected $root;
* #var BinaryNode
protected $value;
protected $current;
public function __construct(BinaryNode $root) {
$this->stack = new ArrayStack;
$this->root = $root;
* #link
* #return mixed
public function current() {
return $this->current->getValue();
* #link
* #return void
public function next() {
* #var BinaryNode $node
if ($this->value !== NULL) {
$right = $this->value->getRight();
if ($right !== NULL) {
$this->value = $this->value->getLeft();
if ($this->stack->isEmpty()) {
$this->current = $this->value;
$this->value = NULL;
$this->value = $this->stack->pop();
$right = $this->value->getRight();
if ($right !== NULL && !$this->stack->isEmpty() && ($right === $this->stack->peek())) {
$this->value = $this->value->getRight();
$this->current = $this->value;
} else {
if ($this->current === $this->value) {
$this->value = NULL;
} else {
$this->current = $this->value;
$this->value = NULL;
* #link
* #return NULL
public function key() {
return NULL; //no keys in a tree . . .
* #link
* #return boolean
public function valid() {
return $this->current !== NULL;
* #link
* #return void
public function rewind() {
$this->value = $this->root;
I'm not able to describe the algorithm or justify what it is doing, but hopefully over time it will make sense.

PHP: How to read "Title" of font from .ttf file?

I really need to be able to extract the metadata from a .ttf true type font file.
I'm building a central database of all the fonts all our designers use (they're forever swapping fonts via email to take over design elements, etc). I want to get all the fonts, some have silly names like 00001.ttf, so file name is no help, but I know the fonts have metadata, I need some way to extract that in PHP.
Then I can create a loop to look through the directories I've specified, get this data (and any other data I can get at the same time, and add it to a database.
I just really need help with the reading of this metadata part.
I came across this link. It will do what you want (I've tested it and posted results). Just pass the class the path of the TTF file you want to parse the data out of. then use $fontinfo[1].' '.$fontinfo[2] for the name.
In case you don't want to register, here is the class
Resulting Data
[1] => Almonte Snow
[2] => Regular
[3] => RayLarabie: Almonte Snow: 2000
[4] => Almonte Snow
[5] => Version 2.000 2004
[6] => AlmonteSnow
[8] => Ray Larabie
[9] => Ray Larabie
[10] => Larabie Fonts is able to offer unique free fonts through the generous support of visitors to the site. Making fonts is my full-time job and every donation, in any amount, enables me to continue running the site and creating new fonts. If you would like to support Larabie Fonts visit for details.
[11] =>
[12] =>
include 'ttfInfo.class.php';
$fontinfo = getFontInfo('c:\windows\fonts\_LDS_almosnow.ttf');
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
* ttfInfo class
* Retrieve data stored in a TTF files 'name' table
* #original author Unknown
* found at
* #ported for used on
* #author Jason Arencibia
* #version 0.2
* #copyright (c) 2006 GrayTap Media
* #website
* #license GPL 2.0
* #access public
* #todo: Make it Retrieve additional information from other tables
class ttfInfo {
* variable $_dirRestriction
* Restrict the resource pointer to this directory and above.
* Change to 1 for to allow the class to look outside of it current directory
* #protected
* #var int
protected $_dirRestriction = 1;
* variable $_dirRestriction
* Restrict the resource pointer to this directory and above.
* Change to 1 for nested directories
* #protected
* #var int
protected $_recursive = 0;
* variable $fontsdir
* This is to declare this variable as protected
* don't edit this!!!
* #protected
protected $fontsdir;
* variable $filename
* This is to declare this varable as protected
* don't edit this!!!
* #protected
protected $filename;
* function setFontFile()
* set the filename
* #public
* #param string $data the new value
* #return object reference to this
public function setFontFile($data)
if ($this->_dirRestriction && preg_match('[\.\/|\.\.\/]', $data))
$this->exitClass('Error: Directory restriction is enforced!');
$this->filename = $data;
return $this;
} // public function setFontFile
* function setFontsDir()
* set the Font Directory
* #public
* #param string $data the new value
* #return object referrence to this
public function setFontsDir($data)
if ($this->_dirRestriction && preg_match('[\.\/|\.\.\/]', $data))
$this->exitClass('Error: Directory restriction is enforced!');
$this->fontsdir = $data;
return $this;
} // public function setFontsDir
* function readFontsDir()
* #public
* #return information contained in the TTF 'name' table of all fonts in a directory.
public function readFontsDir()
if (empty($this->fontsdir)) { $this->exitClass('Error: Fonts Directory has not been set with setFontsDir().'); }
if (empty($this->backupDir)){ $this->backupDir = $this->fontsdir; }
$this->array = array();
$d = dir($this->fontsdir);
while (false !== ($e = $d->read()))
if($e != '.' && $e != '..')
$e = $this->fontsdir . $e;
if($this->_recursive && is_dir($e))
$this->array = array_merge($this->array, readFontsDir());
else if ($this->is_ttf($e) === true)
$this->array[$e] = $this->getFontInfo();
if (!empty($this->backupDir)){ $this->fontsdir = $this->backupDir; }
return $this;
} // public function readFontsDir
* function setProtectedVar()
* #public
* #param string $var the new variable
* #param string $data the new value
* #return object reference to this
public function setProtectedVar($var, $data)
if ($var == 'filename')
} else {
//if (isset($var) && !empty($data))
$this->$var = $data;
return $this;
* function getFontInfo()
* #public
* #return information contained in the TTF 'name' table.
public function getFontInfo()
$fd = fopen ($this->filename, "r");
$this->text = fread ($fd, filesize($this->filename));
fclose ($fd);
$number_of_tables = hexdec($this->dec2ord($this->text[4]).$this->dec2ord($this->text[5]));
for ($i=0;$i<$number_of_tables;$i++)
$tag = $this->text[12+$i*16].$this->text[12+$i*16+1].$this->text[12+$i*16+2].$this->text[12+$i*16+3];
if ($tag == 'name')
$this->ntOffset = hexdec(
$offset_storage_dec = hexdec($this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+4]).$this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+5]));
$number_name_records_dec = hexdec($this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+2]).$this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+3]));
$storage_dec = $offset_storage_dec + $this->ntOffset;
$storage_hex = strtoupper(dechex($storage_dec));
for ($j=0;$j<$number_name_records_dec;$j++)
$platform_id_dec = hexdec($this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+6+$j*12+0]).$this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+6+$j*12+1]));
$name_id_dec = hexdec($this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+6+$j*12+6]).$this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+6+$j*12+7]));
$string_length_dec = hexdec($this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+6+$j*12+8]).$this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+6+$j*12+9]));
$string_offset_dec = hexdec($this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+6+$j*12+10]).$this->dec2ord($this->text[$this->ntOffset+6+$j*12+11]));
if (!empty($name_id_dec) and empty($font_tags[$name_id_dec]))
if (ord($this->text[$storage_dec+$string_offset_dec+$l]) == '0') { continue; }
else { $font_tags[$name_id_dec] .= ($this->text[$storage_dec+$string_offset_dec+$l]); }
return $font_tags;
} // public function getFontInfo
* function getCopyright()
* #public
* #return 'Copyright notice' contained in the TTF 'name' table at index 0
public function getCopyright()
$this->info = $this->getFontInfo();
return $this->info[0];
} // public function getCopyright
* function getFontFamily()
* #public
* #return 'Font Family name' contained in the TTF 'name' table at index 1
public function getFontFamily()
$this->info = $this->getFontInfo();
return $this->info[1];
} // public function getFontFamily
* function getFontSubFamily()
* #public
* #return 'Font Subfamily name' contained in the TTF 'name' table at index 2
public function getFontSubFamily()
$this->info = $this->getFontInfo();
return $this->info[2];
} // public function getFontSubFamily
* function getFontId()
* #public
* #return 'Unique font identifier' contained in the TTF 'name' table at index 3
public function getFontId()
$this->info = $this->getFontInfo();
return $this->info[3];
} // public function getFontId
* function getFullFontName()
* #public
* #return 'Full font name' contained in the TTF 'name' table at index 4
public function getFullFontName()
$this->info = $this->getFontInfo();
return $this->info[4];
} // public function getFullFontName
* function dec2ord()
* Used to lessen redundant calls to multiple functions.
* #protected
* #return object
protected function dec2ord($dec)
return $this->dec2hex(ord($dec));
} // protected function dec2ord
* function dec2hex()
* private function to perform Hexadecimal to decimal with proper padding.
* #protected
* #return object
protected function dec2hex($dec)
return str_repeat('0', 2-strlen(($hex=strtoupper(dechex($dec))))) . $hex;
} // protected function dec2hex
* function dec2hex()
* private function to perform Hexadecimal to decimal with proper padding.
* #protected
* #return object
protected function exitClass($message)
echo $message;
} // protected function dec2hex
* function dec2hex()
* private helper function to test in the file in question is a ttf.
* #protected
* #return object
protected function is_ttf($file)
$ext = explode('.', $file);
$ext = $ext[count($ext)-1];
return preg_match("/ttf$/i",$ext) ? true : false;
} // protected function is_ttf
} // class ttfInfo
function getFontInfo($resource)
$ttfInfo = new ttfInfo;
return $ttfInfo->getFontInfo();
Update 2021
Here is an updated version of the class with some fixes
Very similar to the previously posted answer... I've been using this class for a long time now.
class fontAttributes extends baseClass
// --- ATTRIBUTES ---
* #access private
* #var string
private $_fileName = NULL ; // Name of the truetype font file
* #access private
* #var string
private $_copyright = NULL ; // Copyright
* #access private
* #var string
private $_fontFamily = NULL ; // Font Family
* #access private
* #var string
private $_fontSubFamily = NULL ; // Font SubFamily
* #access private
* #var string
private $_fontIdentifier = NULL ; // Font Unique Identifier
* #access private
* #var string
private $_fontName = NULL ; // Font Name
* #access private
* #var string
private $_fontVersion = NULL ; // Font Version
* #access private
* #var string
private $_postscriptName = NULL ; // Postscript Name
* #access private
* #var string
private $_trademark = NULL ; // Trademark
// --- OPERATIONS ---
private function _returnValue($inString)
if (ord($inString) == 0) {
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
return mb_convert_encoding($inString,"UTF-8","UTF-16");
} else {
return str_replace(chr(00),'',$inString);
} else {
return $inString;
} // function _returnValue()
* #access public
* #return integer
public function getCopyright()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_copyright);
} // function getCopyright()
* #access public
* #return integer
public function getFontFamily()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontFamily);
} // function getFontFamily()
* #access public
* #return integer
public function getFontSubFamily()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontSubFamily);
} // function getFontSubFamily()
* #access public
* #return integer
public function getFontIdentifier()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontIdentifier);
} // function getFontIdentifier()
* #access public
* #return integer
public function getFontName()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontName);
} // function getFontName()
* #access public
* #return integer
public function getFontVersion()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_fontVersion);
} // function getFontVersion()
* #access public
* #return integer
public function getPostscriptName()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_postscriptName);
} // function getPostscriptName()
* #access public
* #return integer
public function getTrademark()
return $this->_returnValue($this->_trademark);
} // function getTrademark()
* Convert a big-endian word or longword value to an integer
* #access private
* #return integer
private function _UConvert($bytesValue,$byteCount)
$retVal = 0;
$bytesLength = strlen($bytesValue);
for ($i=0; $i < $bytesLength; $i++) {
$tmpVal = ord($bytesValue{$i});
$t = pow(256,($byteCount-$i-1));
$retVal += $tmpVal*$t;
return $retVal;
} // function UConvert()
* Convert a big-endian word value to an integer
* #access private
* #return integer
private function _USHORT($stringValue) {
return $this->_UConvert($stringValue,2);
* Convert a big-endian word value to an integer
* #access private
* #return integer
private function _ULONG($stringValue) {
return $this->_UConvert($stringValue,4);
* Read the Font Attributes
* #access private
* #return integer
private function readFontAttributes() {
$fontHandle = fopen($this->_fileName, "rb");
// Read the file header
$TT_OFFSET_TABLE = fread($fontHandle, 12);
$uMajorVersion = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,0,2));
$uMinorVersion = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,2,2));
$uNumOfTables = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,4,2));
// $uSearchRange = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,6,2));
// $uEntrySelector = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,8,2));
// $uRangeShift = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_OFFSET_TABLE,10,2));
// Check is this is a true type font and the version is 1.0
if ($uMajorVersion != 1 || $uMinorVersion != 0) {
throw new Exception($this->_fileName.' is not a Truetype font file') ;
// Look for details of the name table
$nameTableFound = false;
for ($t=0; $t < $uNumOfTables; $t++) {
$TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY = fread($fontHandle, 16);
$szTag = substr($TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY,0,4);
if (strtolower($szTag) == 'name') {
// $uCheckSum = $this->_ULONG(substr($TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY,4,4));
$uOffset = $this->_ULONG(substr($TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY,8,4));
// $uLength = $this->_ULONG(substr($TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY,12,4));
$nameTableFound = true;
if (!$nameTableFound) {
throw new Exception('Can\'t find name table in '.$this->_fileName) ;
// Set offset to the start of the name table
$TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER = fread($fontHandle, 6);
// $uFSelector = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER,0,2));
$uNRCount = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER,2,2));
$uStorageOffset = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER,4,2));
$attributeCount = 0;
for ($a=0; $a < $uNRCount; $a++) {
$TT_NAME_RECORD = fread($fontHandle, 12);
$uNameID = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,6,2));
if ($uNameID <= 7) {
// $uPlatformID = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,0,2));
$uEncodingID = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,2,2));
// $uLanguageID = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,4,2));
$uStringLength = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,8,2));
$uStringOffset = $this->_USHORT(substr($TT_NAME_RECORD,10,2));
if ($uStringLength > 0) {
$nPos = ftell($fontHandle);
fseek($fontHandle,$uOffset + $uStringOffset + $uStorageOffset,SEEK_SET);
$testValue = fread($fontHandle, $uStringLength);
if (trim($testValue) > '') {
switch ($uNameID) {
case 0 : if ($this->_copyright == NULL) {
$this->_copyright = $testValue;
case 1 : if ($this->_fontFamily == NULL) {
$this->_fontFamily = $testValue;
case 2 : if ($this->_fontSubFamily == NULL) {
$this->_fontSubFamily = $testValue;
case 3 : if ($this->_fontIdentifier == NULL) {
$this->_fontIdentifier = $testValue;
case 4 : if ($this->_fontName == NULL) {
$this->_fontName = $testValue;
case 5 : if ($this->_fontVersion == NULL) {
$this->_fontVersion = $testValue;
case 6 : if ($this->_postscriptName == NULL) {
$this->_postscriptName = $testValue;
case 7 : if ($this->_trademark == NULL) {
$this->_trademark = $testValue;
if ($attributeCount > 7) {
return true;
* #access constructor
* #return void
function __construct($fileName='') {
if ($fileName == '') {
throw new Exception('Font File has not been specified') ;
$this->_fileName = $fileName;
if (!file_exists($this->_fileName)) {
throw new Exception($this->_fileName.' does not exist') ;
} elseif (!is_readable($this->_fileName)) {
throw new Exception($this->_fileName.' is not a readable file') ;
return $this->readFontAttributes();
} // function constructor()
} /* end of class fontAttributes */
Why reinvent the wheel when the fine people at DOMPDF project has already done the work for you? Take a look at php-font-lib # This has all the features that you have asked for and supports other font formats as well. Look at the demo UI # to get an idea about what kind of information you can get from this library.
