I'm learning PHP from reading the php manual and studying different tutorials. I hit a snag with the mysql_query. I'm trying to insert user data into a database from a form using PHP. The mysql_query should return false because the username doesn't exist in the database yet but according to the result I am getting it is returning true and nothing is being entered into the database. Am I using mysql_query wrong or is using !result incorrect?
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='".$_POST["name"]."'";
$result = mysql_query($sql)
if (!$result) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO USERS (username, email, password) VALUES
('".$_POST["name"]."', '".$_POST["email"]."', '".$passwords[0]."')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if ($result) {
echo "It's entered!";
} else {
echo "There's been a problem: " . mysql_error();
} else {
echo "There's already a user with that name: <br />";
$sqlAll = "SELECT * FROM users";
$resultsAll = mysql_query($sqlAll);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($resultsAll);
while ($row) {
echo $row["username"]." -- ".$row["email"]."<br />";
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
Jason, you're checking to see if the query has failed or not - not whether it has returned the value 'false' or 'true'. You need to call mysql_fetch_row or similar, then compare the result.
Alternatively you could use the following:
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
/* User doesn't exist */
} else {
/* User exists */
This will detect if any users have been chosen by your query and - if they have - your user exists already.
Also, you should learn about input sanitisation and SQL Injection. It's a very critical security issue and your script is vulnerable to it. More info here.
A select query which has no result rows STILL returns a result handle. msyql_query() will ONLY return a 'false' value if the query fails due to a syntax error, constraint violation, etc...
Your code should be
$sql = "...";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if ($result === false) {
die("QUery failed: " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
... user does not exist ...
And please please please read up about SQL injection vulnerabilities. Your code has holes wide enough for a truck to drive through.
In this case, $result will be a resource. You should check the number of results with mysql_num_rows().
Never, really, NEVER, use $_POST or any direct user input in a query. Always escape the input, BEFORE using it in a query, with mysql_real_escape_string(), or you'll have opened a serious security issue with SQL Injection.
$safe_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["name"]);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$safe_name'";
It's not exact.
mysql_query() will also fail and return FALSE if the user does not
have permission to access the table(s) referenced by the query.
In your case you have the permission but the user doesn't exist. So it will return true but the result set returned is empty.
mysql_query will return an empty set if the query returns no data. The query will however not fail.
i solve my problem :
like this
$username = $_POST['username'];
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM persons WHERE username='$username'");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
echo $row['username'];
echo "</br>";
echo "</br>";
echo "<p><b>Secret Question</b></p>";
echo $row['secret'];
<form action="forgetaction.php" method="POST">
<p><b>Answer is :</b><p>
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="<?php echo $username; ?>">
<input type="text" name="answer">
<input type="Submit" value="Submit">
and forget action.php like this :
$username = $_POST['username'];
echo $username;
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM persons WHERE username='$username'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if($row['answer'] == $_POST['answer']) {
echo $row['password'];
} else {
echo 'wrong!';
thank you all for help .
I have created a HTML form where you can delete the staff just by putting the ID which is directly connected to the database.
When I put the ID first time it will delete it if its existing but even if it doesnt exist it will still say that it just got deleted even though it was never there.
Here's the PHP part of it
$error = "";
$employeeID = "";
$employeeID = $_POST['employeeID'];
// Empty Employee
$error .= "employeeID Cannot be Empty";
//echo "Your Firstname is : $firstname and last name is : $lastname";
if($error == "")
$sql = "DELETE FROM employees WHERE ID = $employeeID ";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
if(mysqli_affected_rows($result) > 1)
echo "Record Deleted";
echo "Error Deleting record:".mysqli_error($con);
echo $error;
And here's the HTML part of it, which is simple and working okay.
<div class="removeemployee">
<h3> Remove Employees </h3>
<p>Employee ID</p>
<form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="employeeID"><br>
<br><input type="submit" name="removeemployees" value="Submit Information">
I' m trying to make it work like this: if the ID is existing you can delete it, if it's not existing it should say that this ID is not existing in database or something like that. At first I thought I have to collect all the data from Mysql then compare it with input ID and go from there but I'm not sure.
No rows to delete is not an error.
If there's an error, mysqli_execute() returns false, not a result object.
mysqli_execute() only returns a result object when the query is SELECT (or some other type that returns a result set); for modification queries it just returns true or false. The argument to mysqli_affected_rows() must be the connection, not the return value.
$sql = "DELETE FROM employees WHERE ID = ?";
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $sql);
$stmt->bind_param("i", $employeeID);
if(mysqli_affected_rows($con) > 1)
echo "Record Deleted";
echo "Employee ID does not exist";
I've also shown how to recode using a prepared statement to prevent SQL injection.
This block of codes is supposed to retrieve data from my database using password already stored in the table. For some passwords, entered via a web form, it behaves properly. For others, it doesn't. I spent a good time trying to fix it, but could not.
$login = $_POST['login'];
$query = mysql_query("select * from secure_table where myPass = $login");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query));
if( $_POST['login'] = $row['myPass'])
echo"<div align ='center'>";
echo "Your Details are:";
echo $row['surName'];
echo $row['firstName'];
echo $row['myDepartment'];
echo "<div align = 'center'>;
<h2>Error in Password</h2>
and you need to change this line as well
if( $_POST['login'] = $row['myPass'])
To this
if( $_POST['login'] == $row['myPass'])
//use double equal for comparison. single equal is assignment operator.
$query = mysql_query("select * from secure_table where myPass = $login");
your query is wrong if $login is not and integer
change to this
$query = mysql_query("select * from secure_table where myPass = '$login'");
check this link
you have extra ) remove this in this line
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query));
to this
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
as it written and The One and Only ChemistryBlob pointed it out remove the semicolumn ; in the
else statement from this line
echo"<div align = 'center'>;
one more think mysql_ function are depricited.
use mysqli_ Function or PDO
For mysqli_ function check this link http://php.net/manual/en/book.mysqli.php
FOR PDO check this link http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php
I've got a php file fetching some data from a MYSQL database. This is my code so far:
include 'DB.php';
$sql="select * from lookup where id = ".$_GET['id'];
$res=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
echo $row['message'];
What would I have to add so that if there was no data, there'd be an error message? I'm guessing an If/else statement but I'm not sure how to fit it in with the while syntax.. any help?
$res = mysql_query(...) ...;
if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
die("Hey, nothing here!");
Beyond that:
a) you're utterly vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Stop your coding project and learn about them before you go any further.
b) stop using the mysql_*() functions. They're deprecated.
You can use $count = mysql_num_rows($res); to get the number of rows returend. Then you can use an if statement to display whatever error.
I did it like mentioned above:
$query = "select * from lookup where id = ".$_GET['id'];
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query " . mysql_error());
$num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($num_results == 0){
echo "nothing here</br>";
echo "<b> $num_results </b> result(s) match your query</br>";
echo $row['message'];
You can of course leave the "echo $num_results..." out, but there you can give the number of results, which is sometimes quite useful.
I'm trying to do a simple logon script. That is, accept form content through a POST action. Check the database for a matching record. Pull other information from that row such as Full Name.
The code I have is;
if ( !isset($_POST['loginsubmit']) ) {
//Show login form
<form action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="post">
Account ID:
<input name="AccountID" type="text" />
<input name="userEmail" type="text" />
<input name="userPassword" type="password" />
<input name="loginsubmit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
else {
//Form has been submitted, check for logon details
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE 'accountID'=". $_POST['AccountID']. " AND 'userEmail'=". $_POST['userEmail'] . " AND 'userPassword'=". $_POST['userPassword']. " LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($count == 1){
echo"Correct Username/Password";
else {
echo "Wrong Username or Password";
I have two issues. Firstly with the above code, I keep getting the following error.
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in ...
Second, how do I get the other details fields out of the databse. I presume
contains an array for the MySQL row, so could I do something like;
echo $result['fullName'];
First sanitize the fields to prevent SQL injection.
$sanitize_fields = array('AccountID','userEmail','userPassword');
foreach( $sanitize_fields as $k => $v )
if( isset( $_POST[ $v ] ) )
$_POST[ $v ] = mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST[ $v ] );
Then quote the string fields in your query. Initially there was an error in your query. That's why you were getting a boolean value of false.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE accountID='". $_POST['AccountID']. "' AND userEmail='". $_POST['userEmail'] . "' AND userPassword='". $_POST['userPassword']. "' LIMIT 1";
I suggest you do the following after running the query to see the error generated by MySQL, if there is one.
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
The MySQL extension is being phased out and there are newer better extensions such as MySQLi and PDO, have a look at those.
In your SQL statement:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE 'accountID'=". $_POST['AccountID']. " AND 'userEmail'=". $_POST['userEmail'] . " AND 'userPassword'=". $_POST['userPassword']. " LIMIT 1";
if in the table, the userEmail and userPassword are strings, please add single qoutes:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE accountID=". $_POST['AccountID']. " AND userEmail='". $_POST['userEmail'] . "' AND userPassword='". $_POST['userPassword']. "' LIMIT 1";
To get the results:
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
echo $row['COLUMN_NAME'];
Your codes are very insecure:
Please use MySQLi or PDO to interact with the database
Escape all input data before sending to the database
Try this:
else {
//Form has been submitted, check for logon details
$conn = mysql_connect("db-host-here","db-user-here","db-pass-here");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE accountID=". mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['AccountID']). " AND userEmail='". $_POST['userEmail']=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['userEmail']); . "' AND userPassword='". $_POST['userPassword']=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['userPassword']);. "' LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
if($count == 1){
echo"Correct Username/Password";
else {
echo "Wrong Username or Password";
// Get other information:
$dbInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc(); //If more than one row can be selected, use a while loop.
//Now play with $dbInfo:
echo $dbInfo['some_other_column'];
You have single quotes in your query where you don't need them, and you're missing them where you do. Try the code above.
Replace db-host-here,db-user-here and db-password-here with the correct database information.
I have done some escaping in your code, to prevent injection attacks. But you should really look into using prepared statements.
The problem here is that Your query fails to select any row therefore a boolean FALSE is returned from mysql_query call.
You should repair Your query and always check if the $result = mysql_query($query); returns false or not, like so:
// ...
$result = mysql_query($query);
if($result !== false) {
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
// ...
But I recommend using PDO or at least mysqli http://php.net/mysqli.
I have an a href which looks like that: Delete
And file delete-news.php is as follow:
$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM 'news' WHERE id='$id'");
echo mysql_error();
echo "succces";
else { echo "GET NOT SET"; }
But it is returning GET NOT SET. What I'm doing wrong?
Use this, and for god's sake escape your inputs.
if(isset($_GET['deleteID'])) {
$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `news` WHERE id='".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['deleteID']). "'");
echo mysql_error();
echo "succces";
} else {
echo 'GET NOT SET';
$_GET will have each element of the GET variables already broken down, so no need to include the URL data. So, in your example, the link ?deleteID=123 would produce $_GET['deleteID'].
Try using that, but also remember to sanitize the values you receive in from URLs. If it's going to be a numeric value, I suggest casting it:
$deleteID = (int)$_GET['deleteID'];
Please also note that changes to the system should only happen via POST, and never GET. Otherwise (for example), you might get a spidering bot that deletes your whole site. See this post for more references:
You need to check $_GET for just deleteID. Later, reference it as $_GET['deleteID']. Also, call mysql_real_escape_string() on $_GET['deleteID'] to retrieve your query parameter $id.
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['deleteID']);
$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `news` WHERE id='$id'");
echo mysql_error();
echo "succces";
else { echo "GET NOT SET"; }
Try this instead:
$id = intval($_GET['deleteID']);
$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `news` WHERE id='$id'");
echo mysql_error();
if($result) echo "succces";
} else {
echo "GET NOT SET";
Note that I'm making the given deleteID into an int, meaning that values other than some form of number will become 0.
Also, you can't wrap a table- and/or column name with ' - backticks are the way to go!
$id = ($_GET['deleteID']);
$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM news WHERE id='".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."'");
echo mysql_error();
echo "succces";
else { echo "GET NOT SET"; }
is correct one
You obtain GET NO SET, because the $_GET associative array does not contain ?deleteID='.$id.
In order for you to obtain the id, you need to so something like this:
$id = $_GET['deleteID'];
$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM 'news' WHERE id='$id'");
That is very unsafe as it allows SQL injections. Instead, do:
$query = sprintf("DELETE * FROM news WHERE id=%d",
$result = mysql_query($query);
I hope this helped.