If Statement inside or outside - php

I'm trying to figure out if I need to do this inside the for loop or outside the for loop but I want to check to see its empty or not first.
echo "<ul>";
for($x = 0; $x <= (count($quotesArray)-1); $x++)
echo "<li>".stripslashes($quotesArray[$x]->quote)."</li>";
echo "</ul>";

There is something simpler that checking during loop - it filters all the values and is called array_filter() function:
$quotesArray = array_filter($quotesArray);
echo "<ul>";
foreach($quotesArray as $quote){
echo "<li>".stripslashes($quote)."</li>";
echo "</ul>";
The above assumes that $quotesArray contains strings (or elements that work correctly in string context) and you do not want only the elements that are evaluated as false when converted to boolean (see more about converting to boolean).
Additionally you can simplify your code further:
$quotesArray = array_filter($quotesArray);
$quotesArray = array_map('stripslashes', $quotesArray);
echo '<ul><li>'.implode('</li><li>', $quotesArray).'</li></ul>';
if you know $quotesArray contains at least one element.
Short version, that also checks whether the list should be generated (in other words: whether array contains at least one element after processing):
$quotesArray = array_map('stripslashes', array_filter($quotesArray));
if (!empty($quotesArray)) {
echo '<ul><li>'.implode('</li><li>', $quotesArray).'</li></ul>';

It needs to be outside the loop because if it is empty, and you don't generate any list items, then you have no list, so you should not generate the ul start and end tags either (since a list with no list items is invalid).

well if you dont wan the list at all then you should do it before the echoing of the first <ul>
if(count($quotesArray) > 0){
//Do your echos and loops in here

You can just run both checks.
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($quotesArray as $quote) {
if ($quote) {
echo '<li>' . stripslashes($quote->quote) . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';

When you say you want to check if it's empty, do you mean the entire $quotesArray or one of the values within it?
If you mean you want to check if a value within the array is empty, you could consider this approach:
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($quotesArray as $quote) {
if ($quote) {
echo '<li>' . stripslashes($quote) . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';


Php count elements inside loop not outside

I know how to count elements inside a loop, but tried and can´t find a solution. Actually, I can count the elements in loop in this way:
$i = 0;
foreach ($Contents as $item)
echo $i;
But in my case, I have large function and I can do this, but need more time for count elements inside. I can´t put the string for showing number elements inside loop outside of the function. I must show inside loop all number of elements and show as this. Here's an example:
$i = 0;
foreach ($Contents as $item)
print "Number Elements it´s : $i";
print "Element ".$i."<br>";
The problem here is that the phrase "number elements it´s" always repeats, because inside loop, and all time $i show me 0,1,2,3,4,5 ...... and all time the same as number of elements inside loop.
My idea and question is if it´s possible inside loop to show the number of elements and after this show the elements as this structure when executing the script:
Númber elements it´s : 12
Element 1
Element 2
Element 3
This it´s my question. I hope you understand it all. Thanks in advance.
As mentioned in the comments, youu will need to use the count() function for that. If you insist on having it inside the loop, simply do it like this:
$i = 0;
foreach ($Contents as $item)
if($i == 0) {
print "Number of Elements is : " . count($Contents) . "<br><br>";
print "Element ".$i."<br>";

How to put to style two foreach statements output PHP

How do I put the first foreach statement's output in one column in a table and the other foreach statement's output in another column. I tried something but it put it all in one column for some reason. Here is my code:
<table border="0" align="center">
foreach($anchors as $a) {
$text = $a->nodeValue;
$href = $a->getAttribute('href');
if ($i > 16) {
if (strpos($text, "by owner") === false) {
if (strpos($text, "map") === false) {
echo "<tr><td><a href =' ".$href." '>".$text."</a><br/></td></tr>";
foreach($span as $s) {
echo "<tr><td>".$s->nodeValue."</td></tr>";
<tr></tr> marks a row. <td></td> marks a column. To make 2 columns, use just one set of <tr> tags per iteration, with two sets of <td></td>s between them.
That said, what exactly is $span? Does it contain the same number of elements as $anchors, and you want to display one item from each per row? If so you'll need to restructure your code a bit. There are several ways to do this—here's a simple way:
<table border="0" align="center">
$i = 0;
foreach($anchors as $a) {
echo "<tr>";
$text = $a->nodeValue;
$href = $a->getAttribute('href');
if ($i >= 16) {
if (strpos($text, "by owner") === false) {
if (strpos($text, "map") === false) {
echo "<td><a href =' ".$href." '>".$text."</a><br/></td>";
} else {
echo "<td></td>"; #output a blank cell in the first column
echo "<td>" . $span[$i]->nodeValue . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
EDIT: It looks like your $span is a DOMNodeList object, not an array. I don't have experience with this, but it looks like you can use the DOMNodelist::item function to get the current item in the list (see http://php.net/manual/en/domnodelist.item.php):
echo "<td>" . $span->item($i)->nodeValue . "</td>";
So try changing the respective line in my answer to that.
It is hard without an idea of the data, but something like this perhaps:
// start a table
echo '<table>';
// for as long as there are elements in both span and anchors
for ($i=0; $i < $anchors->length && $i < $span->length; $i++) {
// start a new table row
echo '<tr>';
// get the current span and anchor
$a = $anchors->item($i);
$s = $span->item($i);
// print them
$text = $a->nodeValue;
$href = $a->getAttribute('href');
// col 1, number
echo '<td>'.$i.'</td>';
// col 2, anchor
echo '<td>'.$text.'</td>';
// col 3, span
echo '<td>'.$s->nodeValue.'</td>';
// close the table row
echo '</tr>';
// close the table
echo '</table>';
(code not tested) It is difficult to be more specific without the actual data.
This uses the 'current' and 'next' built in to php.
A few hints/remarks/sidenotes that may help you on the way:
- Note that I used single quotes cause they are much better for
performance (double quotes will be interpreted by php).
- Try to use as little loops (for, while, foreach) as possible. They are a powerfull
tool, but can drain memory and performance quickly!
- Only nest loops if you are working with multiple dimensions (array inside array),
which is not the case here (I think)
- Try to limit the number of nested blocks (if inside if inside if inside loop). I try to go never deeper then 2 levels (which is not an absolute rule off course, just a good standard). If not possible create a function.
- Comment your code! I have difficulty understanding your code (and I write PHP daily for a living), and I can imagine you will to in a couple of weeks. Commenting may look like a waste of time, but it will ease debugging a lot, and is a blessing when updating your (or someone elses) code later on!
I just noticed you are not working with a DOMNodeList and not an array, so I updated my code. Should work fine, and a lot cleaner code imo. Like I said, hard without seeing the data...

unserialize() value insert with serialize() of database.?

i insert in database values (array) with use function serialize(), how can echo they with unserialize() in tag <ul><li>...?
i have in database this: a:6:{i:0;s:15:"Coffee";i:1;s:14:"Satellite";i:2;s:11:"Game Notes";i:3;s:14:"Internet";i:4;s:10:"Pool";i:5;s:0:"";}
Game Notes
You need to use unserialize(), as you said, with a foreach() loop, like this:
$arr = unserialize($dbString);
echo "<ul>";
foreach($arr as $key => $val)
echo "<li>$val</li>";
echo "</ul>";
This will echo a list containing value because foreach() iterates through the unserialize()d array, as you have specified in your question.
The $key => $part is the icing on the cake for foreach(); if you want the get the array key, simply reference $key. If you want the data for that key, use $val.
If you want to echo just one element (your example is Internet), just don't use a loop and reference it by key (integer):
$arr = unserialize($dbString);
echo $arr[2];
This echos the third element in the array on it's own.
Original question
Unserialize the data and loop over it printing it out. Notice that I have also added in checks to see that we are getting back an array and that it contains something before looping over it.
$data = unserialize($row['like']);
if(is_array($data) and count($data)) {
echo '<ul>';
foreach($like as $value) {
echo '<li>' . $value . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
I think this is what you are asking for. To only echo out the value if its Internet.
$data = unserialize($row['like']);
if(is_array($data) and count($data)) {
echo '<ul>';
foreach($like as $value) {
if('Internet' != $value) {
echo '<li>' . $value . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
If you can I would stop using serialize and use json_encode instead. It is easier to encode and decode in more programming languages and it is easier to edit by humans should you need to update the DB directly.

How to reference a item in an array numerically when it has been created as an associative array

I am using PHP 5.3.6
I have the following code below. Everything works fine except for the last line which attempts to to return a value based on the position in the array as opposed to the associative name. Can anyone explain why this takes place and how I can build the array so that I can reference an item either by the associative name or position number?
class myObject {
var $Property;
function myObject($property) {
$this->Property = $property;
$ListOfObjects['form_a'] = new myObject(1);
$ListOfObjects['form_b'] = new myObject(2);
$ListOfObjects['form_c'] = new myObject(3);
$ListOfObjects['form_d'] = new myObject(4);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<hr />";
foreach ($ListOfObjects as $key => $val) {
echo "<li>" . $ListOfObjects[$key]->Property . "</li>";
echo "<hr />";
echo "<li>" . $ListOfObjects['form_a']->Property . "</li>"; // Works ok.
//Edit: ------------------------------------------------------------
//Edit: Everything above is for context only
//Edit: I'm only interested in the line below and why it does not work
//Edit: ------------------------------------------------------------
echo "<li>" . $ListOfObjects[0]->Property . "</li>"; //Does not work.
function value_from_index($a,$k){
return array_slice($a,$k,1);
If you just want the first/last element of an array, try end($array) for the last item without destroying it and reset($array) to get the first.
Don't use reset and end if you're looping through an array as Flambino notes, this indeed results in some unexpected behaviour.
For anything inbetween you'll need to use array_slice()
Not the nicest way of doing it, but effektive and readable:
$i = 0;
$last = count($ListOfObjects);
foreach($ListOfObjects as $obj) {
if($i == 0) {
//do something with first object
else if ($i == ($last-1)) {
//do something with last object
PHP arrays aren't like arrays you know from most other programming languages, they are more like ordered hash tables / ordered dictionaries - they allow for access by named index and retain order when new items are added. If you want to allow access with numeric indices to such an array you have to define it that way or use one of roundabout ways given in other answers.
In your case you can use a single line of code to allow access by index:
$ListOfObjects += array_values($ListOfObjects);
This will extend your array with the same one but with numeric indices. As objects are always passed by reference, you can access the same object by writing $ListOfObjects['form_b'] and $ListOfObjects[1].

PHP : how to use foreach loop inside an echo statement?

i am tring to put a loop to echo a number inside an echo ;
and i tried as bellow :
$array = array();
$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM `st_db_1`");
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result) ){
$result_tb = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $row[0] LIMIT 1");
$array[] = $row[0];
$array2[] = $row_tb[0];
//checking for availbility of result_tb
/* if (!$result_tb) {
echo "DB Error, could not list tablesn";
echo 'MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error();
} */
foreach ($array as $item[0] ) {
echo "<a href=show_cls_db.php?id= foreach ($array2 as $item2[0]){echo \"$item2[0]\"}>{$item[0]}<br/><a/>" ;
but php is not considering foreach loop inside that echo ;
please suggest me something
As mentioned by others, you cannot do loops inside a string. What you are trying to do can be achieved like this:
foreach ($array as $element) {
echo "<a href='show_cls_db.php?id=" . implode('', $array2) . "'>{$element}</a><br/>";
implode(...) concatenates all values of the array, with a separator, which can be an empty string too.
I think you want <br /> outside of <a>...</a>
I don't see why you would want to used $item[0] as a temporary storage for traverser array elements (hence renamed to $element)
Just use implode instead of trying to loop the array,
foreach ($array as $item)
echo implode("",$array2);
other wise if you need to do other logic for each variable then you can do something like so:
foreach ($array as $item)
echo '<a href="show_details.php?';
foreach($something as $something_else)
echo $something_else;
echo '">Value</a>';
we would have to see the contents of the variables to understand what your trying to do.
As a wild guess I would think your array look's like:
id => value
And as you was trying to access [0] within the value produced by the initial foreach, you might be trying to get the key and value separate, try something like this:
foreach($array as $id => $value)
echo $id; //This should be the index
echo $value; //This should be the value
foreach ($array as $item ) {
echo "<a href=\"show_cls_db.php?id=";
foreach ($array2 as $item2) { echo $item2[0]; }
echo "\">{$item[0]}<br/><a/>" ;
No offense but this code is... rough. Post it on codereview.stackexchange.com for some help re-factoring it. A quick tip for now would be to use PDO, and at the least, escape your inputs.
Anyway, as the answers have pointed out, you have simply echoed out a string with the "foreach" code inside it. Take it out of the string. I would probably use implode as RobertPitt suggested. Consider sorting and selecting your data from your database more efficiently by having mysql do the sorting. Don't use as $item[0] as that makes absolutely no sense at all. Name your variables clearly. Additionally, your href tag is malformed - you may not see the correct results even when you pull the foreach loop out of the echo, as your browser may render it all away. Make sure to put those quotes where they should be.
