Handle slash ('/') in a URL CodeIgniter - php

I am creating a site using CodeIgniter. I have an url like http://mysite.com/albums/MJ/Dangerous.html where MJ is the artist name and Dangerous is the name of the album. Both of these are dynamic and fetched from a database.
In the database there are some albums which have a slash ('/') character in them. So, such an URL becomes http://mysite.com/albums/50-cent/Get+Rich+or+Die+Tryin%27%2FThe+Massacre.html. On decoding, it turns out as http://ringtones/albums/50-cent/Get Rich or Die Tryin'/The Massacre.html. Here the artist is 50-cent and the album name is Get Rich or Die Tryin'/The Massacre
My question is, what do I do so that I get the entire album name, i.e. Get Rich or Die Tryin'/The Massacre.html as a single argument with the slash character? Currently CodeIgniter shows an error as "Page not found" when I click on such an URL. All other URL's which doesn't have the / works fine.

Try double URLencoding the album name (i.e. urlencode(urlencode($album))). I was trying to pass a URL once to a CodeIgniter controller and it constantly gave me troubles. So I just double encoded it, and then it popped through on the other side no problem. I then ran an urldecode() on the passed parameter.
Let me know if that helps you.

As per current SEO trend no need to bring the quote in url or to fetch on page.
instead during saving (in slag kind of field) and retrieving you can use this kind of option.
$base_url = "http://ringtones/";
$controller = "albums";
$artist = "50 cent";
$album = "Get Rich Or Die Tryin' / The Massacre";
$link1 = $base_url.$controller.'/'.url_title($artist,'-',TRUE).'/'.url_title($album,'-',TRUE);
echo $link1;

encode the value before passing
$value = str_replace('=', '-', str_replace('/', '_', base64_encode($album)));
decode the value after receiving
$value = base64_decode(str_replace('-', '=', str_replace('_', '/', $value)));

You will want to urlencode the album name when the data is retrieved from the model so that blackslash is escaped.

You need to use the HTML escaped version of the characters in your URL...
See below for a reference.
After HTML encoding, your URL should look something like:
http://ringtones/albums/50-cent/Get Rich or Die Tryin'/The Massacre.html
I hope this helps!

Extending the #MikeMurko answer to include how to work with Javascript and PHP.
Simply go for double encoding and decoding;
var id = encodeURIComponent( encodeURIComponent('mystring/&-34') );
$id = urldecode( urldecode('mystring/&-34') );


find parameters in url using php

I am searching for a way to find a url that contains a parameter to extract a dynamic value
example, anywhere on my website there is a button with a link that contains characters
i need the id from regUid to work with queries, the 78 is not static.
thx for any help.
$str = "http://example.com/somepage?tx_powermail_pi1[regUid]=78";
$uri = parse_url($str);
#if there is query string only....
parse_str($uri["query"], $test);
This will work on any url. If you are trying to catch your current url get param you can just use

How to format url for database query

I'm new here I and need your help.
I started playing with .htaccess and php and I came across a problem.
When doing url rewriting, I pass into the url a string which is the title of an article extracted from the database. The problem is that the string(title) has a lot of characters who in the url are misspelled. EG: localhost/news/php%5%is%out
Here % are the blank spaces. I tried to format every title with preg_replace and I replaced every space with '-' but there are a lot of characters and I wanted to know if there is any way of doing this without preg_replace so any string can be good for a query.
In news.php I get the string from the url and I use it for the query in the database from which I extract the body of the entire article.
RewriteRule ^news/([a-zA-Z0-9._]+)/?$ /news.php?news_title=$1
This is my .htaccess file so in the news.php i get the 'news_title' variable through $_GET and then query the database to find the articol with this title.
So my question is, am I doing this all wrong? Is there any other way of doing this? I started working with htaccess only 2 days ago and I want to make my urls more friendly.
I hope my question is clear.
Thank everyone who helps me.
Just for an example, this is what I use to transform the normal tile in a string that won't be change with symbols(;amp, %, ?, etc) in the url
function generateUrl($url) {
$v1 = preg_replace("/[\s\:\;\,\_\'\`\"\?\!\%\(\)\+\=\#\#\[\]\{\}\/]/", "-", $url );
$v2= preg_replace('/[-]{2,}/', '-', $v1);
$v3 = preg_replace('/^[-]/', '', $v2);
$final = preg_replace('/[-]$/', '', $v3);
return $final;
I think the answer for your problem is here URL Friendly Username in PHP?. When you add article to the table, use this function (Slug) to convert article title and store converted title in column "slug". When user enters the address (.....)/article.php?name=some-title, use $slug = $_GET['title'] and find article by a slug. Before you save article you should check whether the article with this slug exists. If exists add to slug some number and then save to db. You can't allow to exists two record with the same slug in the table.

PHP , htaccess: apply page title in URL

I want to apply the page HTML title in the URL
for example in here (stackoverflow) the url is something like that:
you can see the "get-the-title-of-a-page-url" part which is the page title
what i mean is when the user go to spowpost.php?post=1
the actual url that shows up when the pages load will be
how can i do that?
EDIT: i was thinking about htaccess , but i don't know this very well so tutorial would help for this CERTAIN case..
You can use .htaccess for this. For example:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^questions/(\d+)/([a-z-]+) index.php?id=$1&title=$2 [L]
Your PHP page (index.php) receives the id and title as parameters in $_GET[]:
echo $_GET['title'];
// get-the-title-of-a-page-url
You can then use that (or the id, which is easier) to retrieve the correct item from your data source:
// Assuming you didn't store the - in the database, replace them with spaces
$real_title = str_replace("-", " ", $_GET['title']);
$real_title = mysql_real_escape_string($real_title);
// Query it with something like
SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE LOWER(title) = '$real_title';
Assuming you do have an id parameter in the URL of some sort, it's easier to query based on that value. The title portion can be used really only to make a readable URL, without needing to act on it in PHP.
In reverse, to convert the title to the format-like-this-to-use-in-urls, do:
$url_title = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $original_title));
The above assumes your titles don't include any characters that are illegal in a URL...
$article_link = "http://example.com/spowpost.php?post=$postid&$title=$url_title";
Or to feed to .htaccess:
$article_link = "http://example.com/spowpost$postid/$url_title";
From what I understand, your title will be passed to the page as part of the URL. To show it in the title bar, put this in the section:
<?php $title=urldecode($_GET["title"]); echo "<title>$title</title>"; ?>
You might need to change parts of this, for instance dashes to spaces or something. If that is the case, use PHP's str_replace function: http://php.net/str_replace
Not sure about what's the problem you are facing but just according to what you say in your post the anwser would be:
1.You take the ID from the URL.
2.You search in your database for the original title
3. And then display it in the tag in the of your HTML.
Clarify if you have problem with any of the previous points.

How do I INSERT the character "&" into a MySQL database?

I think I have seen this question before but I don't think it's answered good enough yet because I can't get it to work.
The case:
I want to insert an URL into my MySQL database like so:
$url = $_POST["url"]; //$_POST["url"] = "http://example.com/?foo=1&bar=2& ...";
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table(url) values('$url')") or die ("Error: " . mysql_error());
Now, the URL is inserted into the database properly but when I look at it, it looks like this:
It's like the URL is cut right at the "&" character. I have tried: mysql_real_escape_string, htmlspecialchars, escaping by doing "\" etc. Nothing seems to work.
I have read that you might be able to do it with "SQL Plus" or something like that.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, VG
Chances are the problem here is nothing to do with the database query, and more to do with how the url is passed to the page. I suspect you'll find that the URL used to load the page is something like:
This will result in a $_GET that looks like this:
array (
'url' => 'http://example.com/?foo=1',
'bar' => '2'
What you need is to call page with a URL that looks more like this:
Note that the & has been encoded to %26. Now $_GET will look like this:
array (
'url' => 'http://example.com/?foo=1&bar=2'
...and the query will work as expected.
EDIT I've just noticed you're using $_POST, but the same rules apply to the body of the request and I still think this is your problem. If you are, as I suspect, using Javascript/AJAX to call the page, you need to pass the URL string through encodeURIComponent().
It is likely the querystring is not being passed. It looks like you are receiving it from a FORM post. Remember that form posts that use a method of GET append a querystring to pass all of the form variables, so any querystring in the action is typically ignored.
So, the first thing to do is echo the URL before you try to INSERT it to make sure you are getting the data you think you are.
If there are variables you need to pass with the URL, use hidden inputs for that, and a method of GET on the form tag, and they will get magically appended as querystring parameters.
Right !! The problem here is nothing to do with the database query has DaveRandom said.
Just use the javascript function "encodeURIComponent()".
Depending on what you want to do with the stored value, you also urlencode() the string: http://php.net/manual/de/function.urlencode.php
P.S.: SQL*Plus is for Oracle Databases.
maybe escape the url with urlencode then you can decode it if you want to pull it out of the db

How to encode # character in the url + php + Joomla

I am trying to fetch a variable address from my current URL using JRequest::getVar('address') method.
But if the address value has a (#) character, the part after the # character is not retrieved.
I understand that URI is a combination of query + fragment and the part after a hash symbol is treated as a fragment.
I have tried to use urlencode method but it still doesn't solve the problem.
Can anyone please tell me how to solve the issue?
What is the problem with using urlencode? It should replace # with %23 and all should be well. You can try JRequest::getVar(str_replace('#', '%23', 'address')) which should do the trick. Can you post an example URL that doesn't get properly urlencoded?
I guess you will have to replace the hash-symbol on your own. For example:
str_replace($the_url, '#', '-');
I don't know, where exactly you have to do that, because I don't know how the Joomla!-Framework handles links and urls. But I am sure, that someone else can help here any further...
Encode the Hash in the URL with a %23 replacement
"I believe in #love"
The part after # is never sent to Apache/PHP, and can therefore not be retrieved by a PHP script. What you need to do, is to url encode the ADDRESS parameter of the URL.
test.com/index.php?ADDRESS=<?= urlencode('101 Street #6 City') ?>
That code will generate the following url
Now on this URL, you can retrieve address with JRequest::getVar('ADDRESS')
Check this Joomla doc out. You can retrieve what Joomla call the 'fragment' by doing:
$uri = 'http://fredbloggs:itsasecret#www.example.com:8080/path/to/Joomla/index.php?task=view&id=32#anchorthis';
$u =& JURI::getInstance( $uri );
echo 'Fragment is ' . $u->getFragment();
