PHP ceil returning a float - php

I've created a function to return the difference between two dates
class days {
function dateDiff($start, $end) {
$start_ts = strtotime($start);
$end_ts = strtotime($end);
$diff = $end_ts - $start_ts;
$diff1 = ceil($diff / 86400);
return $diff1;
I have this code in the view :
$a = new days();
$days = $a->dateDiff($v[17], date('Y/m/d'));
if ($days < 30) {
$ds = $days;
$tm = 'days';
} else {
if ($days < 365) {
$ds = $days / 30;
$tm = 'months';
} else {
$ds = $days / 365;
$tm = 'years';
$v[17] is the date returned from the database to the view.
When I enter for instance an article in august 2011... It will display :
2.9666666666667 months ago
I ask myself ... How this Ceil method could not return an int value as it's supposed to do?
if that's normal, then what's the solution?
Thank you in advance :)

The ceil funciton works just fine when it returns the number of days.
But the problem is here:
if ($days<365){
You didn't use ceil this time! You should try something like $ds = ceil($days / 30);.
Same thing for the number of years.
It would probably be more precise to use round instead of ceil, so that 32 days don't translate in 2 months:
$days = $a->dateDiff('10 oct 2011',date('Y/m/d'));
if ($days < 30) {
$ds = $days;
$tm = 'day';
else {
if ($days < 365){
$ds = round($days / 30);
$tm = 'month';
else {
$ds = round($days / 365);
$tm = 'year';
if ($ds > 1) {
$tm .= 's';
echo "$ds $tm"; # => 1 month; or 2 months using ceil function


PHP Convert from strtotime into time

I need to add multiple time values as in Hours:mins, so I use
strtotime($value1) + strtotime($value2)
to add all of them, how do I put them back as hours:mins ?
cant use
it only works if hours < 24.
I appreciate your help. Thanks
Here is an function that will sum all your time values in format HH:MM:
function sum_time() {
$i = 0;
foreach (func_get_args() as $time) {
sscanf($time, '%d:%d', $hour, $min);
$i += $hour * 60 + $min;
if ($h = floor($i / 60)) {
$i %= 60;
return sprintf('%02d:%02d', $h, $i);
// use example
echo sum_time('01:05', '00:02', '05:59'); # 07:06
Try this :
function time_convert($s) {
$m = 0; $hr = 0; $td = "now";
if ($s > 59) {
$m = (int)($s/60);
$s = $s-($m*60); // sec left over
$td = "$m min";
if ($m > 59) {
$hr = (int)($m / 60);
$m = $m - ($hr*60); // min left over
$td = "$hr hr";
if ($hr > 1) {
$td .= "s";
if ($m > 0) {
$td .= ", $m min";
return $td;
And use it:
$time = (int) strtotime($v1) + strtotime($v2);
echo time_convert($time);
May it helps
The function strtotime() returns the time in seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC. So adding the return value of this function might not do what you would expect.
Instead of using the date functions we can manipulate the string and perform some basic arithmetic operations:
$value1 = "12:44";
$value2 = "13:47";
$arr1 = explode(':', $value1);
$arr2 = explode(':', $value2);
$totalMinutes = (int)$arr1[0] * 60 + (int)$arr1[1] + (int)$arr2[0] * 60 + (int)$arr2[1];
$hours = (int) ($totalMinutes / 60);
$minutes = $totalMinutes % 60; // Modulus: remainder when dividing with 60
echo $hours . ':' . $minutes;
Another way with DateTime
$dt1 = new DateTime($value1);
$dt2 = new DateTime($value2);
$interval = $dt1->diff($dt2);
echo $interval->format('%a day(s) %h hour(s) %i minute(s)') . '<br />';
echo ($interval->format('%a') * 24 + $interval->format('%h')) . ' hour(s) ';
echo $interval->format('%i minute(s)');

Calculate what the date will be based on startdate and value using PHP skip weekends

I have a startdate, let's say this is $startDate = 2012-08-01; and I have a variable that stores an INT value, lets say this is $value = 10;
I would like to calculate what the date would be from startdate + 10 days and skip weekends.
Using the above values the result would be 2012-08-15
How would this be done?
This is far from efficient, but who cares about that right when it is readable? :)
function calculateNextDate($startDate, $days)
$dateTime = new DateTime($startDate);
while($days) {
$dateTime->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
if ($dateTime->format('N') < 6) {
return $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');
echo calculateNextDate('2012-08-01', 10); // return 2012-08-15
What happens should be pretty easy to follow. First we create a new DateTime object using the date provided by the user. After that we are looping through the days we want to add to the date. When we hit a day in the weekend we don't subtract a day from the days we want to add to the date.
you can use php's strtotime function to + n days/hours etc..,
and for excluding weekends have a look here:
32 hours ago excluding weekends with php
Try this
function businessdays($begin, $end) {
$rbegin = is_string($begin) ? strtotime(strval($begin)) : $begin;
$rend = is_string($end) ? strtotime(strval($end)) : $end;
if ($rbegin < 0 || $rend < 0)
return 0;
$begin = workday($rbegin, TRUE);
$end = workday($rend, FALSE);
if ($end < $begin) {
$end = $begin;
$begin = $end;
$difftime = $end - $begin;
$diffdays = floor($difftime / (24 * 60 * 60)) + 1;
if ($diffdays < 7) {
$abegin = getdate($rbegin);
$aend = getdate($rend);
if ($diffdays == 1 && ($astart['wday'] == 0 || $astart['wday'] == 6) && ($aend['wday'] == 0 || $aend['wday'] == 6))
return 0;
$abegin = getdate($begin);
$aend = getdate($end);
$weekends = ($aend['wday'] < $abegin['wday']) ? 1 : 0;
} else
$weekends = floor($diffdays / 7);
return $diffdays - ($weekends * 2);
function workday($date, $begindate = TRUE) {
$adate = getdate($date);
$day = 24 * 60 * 60;
if ($adate['wday'] == 0) // Sunday
$date += $begindate ? $day : -($day * 2);
return $date;
$def_date="";//define your date here
$addDay='5 days';//no of previous days
date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string($addDay));
echo businessdays($date, $def_date); //date prior to another date
Modified from
if you just want to add up a date +10, you may wanna consider this:
date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+10 days"));

Get Difference Between Two Times (Unix Epoch)

You know when it's late in the night and your brain is fried? I'm having one of those nights right now, and my function so far is not working as it should, so please take a look at it:
(I should note that I'm using the PHP 5.2.9, and the function / method DateTime:Diff() is not available until PHP 5.3.0.
function time_diff($ts1, $ts2) {
# Find The Bigger Number
if ($ts1 == $ts2) {
return '0 Seconds';
} else if ($ts1 > $ts2) {
$large = $ts1;
$small = $ts2;
} else {
$small = $ts1;
$large = $ts2;
# Get the Diffrence
$diff = $large - $small;
# Setup The Scope of Time
$s = 1; $ss = 0;
$m = $s * 60; $ms = 0;
$h = $m * 60; $hs = 0;
$d = $h * 24; $ds = 0;
$n = $d * 31; $ns = 0;
$y = $n * 365; $ys = 0;
# Find the Scope
while (($diff - $y) > 0) { $ys++; $diff -= $y; }
while (($diff - $n) > 0) { $ms++; $diff -= $n; }
while (($diff - $d) > 0) { $ds++; $diff -= $d; }
while (($diff - $h) > 0) { $hs++; $diff -= $h; }
while (($diff - $m) > 0) { $ms++; $diff -= $m; }
while (($diff - $s) > 0) { $ss++; $diff -= $s; }
# Print the Results
return "$ys Years, $ns Months, $ds Days, $hs Hours, $ms Minutes & $ss Seconds.";
// Test the Function:
ediff(strtotime('December 16, 1988'), time());
# Output Should be:
# 20 Years, 11 Months, 8 Days, X Hours, Y Minutes & Z Seconds.
This isn't an answer to your question, but I just wanted to point out...
while (($diff - $y) > 0) { $ys++; $diff -= $y; }
is a very inefficient way of writing
$ys = $diff / $y;
$diff = $diff % $y;
Also, this
else if ($ts1 > $ts2) {
$large = $ts1;
$small = $ts2;
} else {
$small = $ts1;
$large = $ts2;
# Get the Diffrence
$diff = $large - $small;
can easily be rewritten as
$diff = abs($ts1 - $ts2);
I have a feeling that the problem in your code would be more apparent if it was less verbose. :)
how about simplifying the first part with a simple
$diff = abs($ts2 - $ts1);
Then, when you do this:
$n = $d * 31; $ns = 0;
$y = $n * 365; $ys = 0;
you are actually saying that a year is composed of 365 31 day long months. which is actually about 36 year long years. Probably not what you want.
Finally, we are all grown ups here. Please use grown up variable names i.e. $YEAR_IN_SECONDS instead of $ys. As you can clearly see, you may write code once, but 20 other schmucks are going to have to read it a lot of times.
In the case of needed all months during the given times-stamp then we have use of the following coding in php :
function MonthsBetweenTimeStamp($t1, $t2) {
$monthsYear = array();
$lastYearMonth = strtotime(gmdate('F-Y', $t2));
$startYearMonth = strtotime(gmdate('F-Y', $t1));
while ($startYearMonth < $lastYearMonth) {
$monthsYear[] = gmdate("F-Y", $startYearMonth);
//Increment of one month directly
$startYearMonth = strtotime(gmdate("F-Y", $startYearMonth) . ' + 1 month');
if (empty($monthsYear)) {
$monthsYear = array($startYearMonth));
return $monthsYear;
How about this:
function time_diff($t1, $t2)
$totalSeconds = abs($t1-$t2);
$date = getdate($totalSeconds);
$firstYear = getdate(0);
$years = $date['year']-$firstYear['year'];
$months = $date['mon'];
$days = $date['mday'];
$hours = $date['hour'];
$minutes = $date['minutes'];
$seconds = $date['seconds'];
return "$years Years, $months Months, $days Days, $hours Hours, $minutes Minutes & $seconds Seconds.";
This uses the difference of the given times as a date. Then you can let the "getdate" do all the work for you. The only challenge is the number years - which is simply the getdate year (of the difference) minus the Unix epoch year (1970).
If you don't like using an actual month, you could also divide the "year" day by the number of days in 12 equal months
$months = $date['yday'] / (365/12);
Similarly days could be figured out the remaining days with modulus
$days = $date['yday'] % (365/12);

PHP Countdown to Date

How could set a date and get a countdown in PHP? For example if I set the date as 3 December 2PM it would tell me how many days and hours are remaining.
No need for user inputs for the date as it will be hard coded.
You can use the strtotime function to get the time of the date specified, then use time to get the difference.
$date = strtotime("December 3, 2009 2:00 PM");
$remaining = $date - time();
$remaining will be the number of seconds remaining. Then you can divide that number to get the number of days, hours, minutes, etc.
$days_remaining = floor($remaining / 86400);
$hours_remaining = floor(($remaining % 86400) / 3600);
echo "There are $days_remaining days and $hours_remaining hours left";
Let me play around like this:
$rem = strtotime('2012-08-01 14:00:00') - time();
$day = floor($rem / 86400);
$hr = floor(($rem % 86400) / 3600);
$min = floor(($rem % 3600) / 60);
$sec = ($rem % 60);
if($day) echo "$day Days ";
if($hr) echo "$hr Hours ";
if($min) echo "$min Minutes ";
if($sec) echo "$sec Seconds ";
echo "Remaining...";
Try this at your leisure... :-)
NOTE: There is no if() test for echo "Remaining...", just coz you wont process this in case when $rem <= 0. Isn't it?
PHP 5.3 allows this:
$dt_end = new DateTime('December 3, 2009 2:00 PM');
$remain = $dt_end->diff(new DateTime());
echo $remain->d . ' days and ' . $remain->h . ' hours';
It's not as trivial as subtracting strtotime() results, since there are daylight savings and time would be mathematically correct, but not physically. Anyway, for these purposes you should use gmdate() function, which has no daylight savings:
$date = gmdate('U', strtotime('2009-12-03 14:00'));
// Get difference between both dates without DST
$diff = $date - gmdate('U');
// Days (in last day it will be zero)
$diff_days = floor($remaining / (24 * 60 * 60));
// Hours (in the last hour will be zero)
$diff_hours = floor($remaining % (24 * 60 * 60) / 3600);
Using #Izhar Aazmi solution, you could set this up nicely for display, as such:
public function countdown($time, $h = true, $m = true, $s = true) {
$rem = $time - time();
$day = floor($rem / 86400);
$hr = floor(($rem % 86400) / 3600);
$min = floor(($rem % 3600) / 60);
$sec = ($rem % 60);
if ( $day && !$h ) {
if ( $hr > 12 ) $day++; // round up if not displaying hours
$ret = Array();
if ( $day && $h ) $ret[] = ($day ? $day ." day".($day==1?"":"s") : "");
if ( $day && !$h ) $ret[] = ($day ? $day . " day" . ($day == 1 ? "" : "s") : "");
if ( $hr && $h ) $ret[] = ($hr ? $hr ." hour" . ($hr==1?"":"s") : "");
if ( $min && $m && $h ) $ret[] = ($min ? $min ." minute". ($min==1?"":"s") : "");
if ( $sec && $s && $m && $h ) $ret[] = ($sec ? $sec ." second".($sec==1?"":"s") : "");
$last = end($ret);
$string = join(", ", $ret)." and {$last}";
return $string;
I hope this helps! It's a nice clean way or displaying the countdown.
Did this countdown until the end of the semester:
$endOfSemester = mktime(15,30,0,5,21,2015);
$now = time();
$secondsRemaining = $endOfSemester - $now;
define('SECONDS_PER_MINUTE', 60);
define('SECONDS_PER_HOUR', 3600);
define('SECONDS_PER_DAY', 86400);
$daysRemaining = floor($secondsRemaining / SECONDS_PER_DAY); //days until end
$secondsRemaining -= ($daysRemaining * SECONDS_PER_DAY); //update variable
$hoursRemaining = floor($secondsRemaining / SECONDS_PER_HOUR); //hours until end
$secondsRemaining -= ($hoursRemaining * SECONDS_PER_HOUR); //update variable
$minutesRemaining = floor($secondsRemaining / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); //minutes until end
$secondsRemaining -= ($minutesRemaining * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE); //update variable
echo("<h3>There are $daysRemaining days, $hoursRemaining hours, $minutesRemaining minutes, $secondsRemaining seconds until the end of the semester</h3>"); //print message
For those looking for a function capable of handling larger and smaller time span (php >5.3) :
* Return a textual representation of the time left until specified date
function timeleft(DateTime $date){
$now = new DateTime();
if($now > $date){
return '0 second';
$interval = $date->diff($now);
return $interval->format("%y year").($interval->y > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->m){
return $interval->format("%m month").($interval->m > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->d){
return $interval->format("%d day").($interval->d > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->h){
return $interval->format("%h hour").($interval->h > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->i){
return $interval->format("%i minute").($interval->i > 1 ? 's':'');
} else if($interval->s) {
return $interval->format("%s second").($interval->s > 1 ? 's':'');
} else {
return 'milliseconds';

PHP Convert HTML Formatted Date

Published Date returned from Twitter Search API Atom Feed as 2008-11-03T21:30:06Z which needs to be converted to "X seconds/minutes/hours/days ago" for showing how long ago twitter messages were posted.
Think this can be done with php date() function using DATE_ATOM value?
function time_since($your_timestamp) {
$unix_timestamp = strtotime($your_timestamp);
$seconds = time() - $unix_timestamp;
$minutes = 0;
$hours = 0;
$days = 0;
$weeks = 0;
$months = 0;
$years = 0;
if ( $seconds == 0 ) $seconds = 1;
if ( $seconds> 60 ) {
$minutes = $seconds/60;
} else {
return add_s($seconds,'second');
if ( $minutes >= 60 ) {
$hours = $minutes/60;
} else {
return add_s($minutes,'minute');
if ( $hours >= 24) {
$days = $hours/24;
} else {
return add_s($hours,'hour');
if ( $days >= 7 ) {
$weeks = $days/7;
} else {
return add_s($days,'day');
if ( $weeks >= 4 ) {
$months = $weeks/4;
} else {
return add_s($weeks,'week');
if ( $months>= 12 ) {
$years = $months/12;
return add_s($years,'year');
} else {
return add_s($months,'month');
function add_s($num,$word) {
$num = floor($num);
if ( $num == 1 ) {
return $num.' '.$word.' ago';
} else {
return $num.' '.$word.'s ago';
echo time_since('2008-11-03T21:30:06Z');
strtotime will handle that date format, giving you a unix timestamp. You can then follow the algorithms on How do I calculate relative time? to get your result.
This is easy using the DateTime functionality introduced in PHP 5.2:
$posted = new DateTime('2008-11-03T21:30:06Z');
$now = new DateTime();
$interval = $posted->diff($now);
echo $interval->format('%a days'); // You can change this to be whatever format you like
