Display URL variables in webpage using PHP - php

I have data being passed via HTTP post to another page. Essentially passing data from one server to another. On the target page, I cannot get the URL variable to be seen by php. Am I doning something wrong? Is there a better way to do this?
URL string:
PHP Code:
$ddState= $_GET['inf_custom_ddState'];
echo $_GET['ddState'];

You don't have ddState in the URI. You want: echo $ddState; (because that is the variable where you copied the data to) or rather (to avoid opening up an XSS security hole) you actually want:
echo htmlspecialchars($ddState);

When you use $_GET you are telling php that the variable is from the URL.
By doing this:
$ddState = $_GET['inf_custom_ddState'];
you are "creating" a local variable ($ddState) with the content of $_GET['inf_custom_ddState'], so you don't have to use $_GET variable anymore.
So your echo can be in 2 ways:
echo $_GET['inf_custom_ddState'];
echo $ddState;

$ddState= $_GET['inf_custom_ddState'];
echo $ddState;
// or
echo $_GET['inf_custom_ddState'];

you can use either this way
echo $_GET['inf_custom_ddState'];
echo $ddstate;

Your echo should just be echo $ddState;
You are assigning the value of the URL variable to a local variable. Once that's done, you are dealing with something that is locally scoped.

As the $_GET and $_POST are global array, you can use the following code to see the values:
echo "<pre>Get data</pre>";
echo "<pre>Post data</pre>";
Check whether these variables are set in the request. If not, try to use the post method, as it can hold more data than get method.

First of all, make sure that your page is getting request parameters. Try $_REQUEST['inf_custom_ddState'] or print all variables using print_r($_REQUEST).
$_REQUEST is an associative array that by default contains the contents of $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE. If anyting is passing to page then it should get printed.


PHP $_POSt array empty, even when manually typing the url

I'm, running the file post.php on my server:
print sizeof($_POST);
and the url is my.server/test/post.php?test=1
and it's printing 0
Parameters placed on the querystring in a url are passed to PHP in the $_GET array.
Also you may find print_r() a better way of seeing what's in an array
print sizeof($_GET);
Or if you want the PHP code to work for GET and POST use
print sizeof($_REQUEST);
You need to use $_GET for URL parameters. $_POST is for HTTP post requests. Look at $_POST documentation.
So just replace $_POST with $_GET and it will work as you expect.
print sizeof($_GET);

PHP if url contains xx add to vairable

So basically what I'm trying to do is if the url contents looks something like this:
then the server would pick this up and I could add it to a variable like:
$var = [variable];
echo '<tag>'.$var.'</tag>';
and that would produce;
Sorry for the lack of code I just don't know how to do this with PHP and my searches are turning up blank.
What you want to do is iterate through your $_GET variables and print them out.
$key is variable and $value is VAR . to print key value combo use this. to print just value remove the '$key is ' part.
foreach($_GET as $key=>$value)
echo "<tag>$key is $value</tag>";
These variables are called query parameters and in PHP they can be accessed using the $_GET superglobal.
To use your example, the URL www.some.com/dir/?variable=VAR&variable2=VAR2 will populate $_GET['variable'] with 'VAR' and $_GET['variable2'] with 'VAR2'.
You can access $_GET just like any other array from anywhere in your code so it should be straightforward to put its contents in your HTML code:
<tag><?php echo $_GET['variable'] ?></tag>
<tag><?php echo $_GET['variable2'] ?></tag>
Do keep in mind this presents an HTML injection vulnerability. For example, the user could access the URL www.some.com/dir/?variable=<script>doUnfortunateThings()</script> and your script would dutifully render
Which would be executed by the browser when the page loads. This might be fine since only the user messing with the URL will see it, but depending on the rest of your page it could pose a security risk, and could even be made permanent by other scripts running on the page or on the server. It could also bypass any content security policy settings your site is running under, depending on how that is configured if at all.
It is good practice to use the built-in PHP function htmlspecialchars on any user input before displaying it on the page to prevent any html tags from actually being rendered by the browser.
<tag><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['variable']) ?></tag>
<tag><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['variable2']) ?></tag>
If you already know variable name from url then you can use it as array index:
$variable = $_GET["var_name"];
In your case:
$variable = $_GET["variable"];
$variable2 = $_GET["variable2"];

HTML PHP Connecting

I was thinking if it's possible if - let's say - I have a link when clicked will go to the said page but it will actually send a value to the target page. Let's say the value is pageno.
Could i do it like
<a href="displaypage.html?pageno=1">
would that kind of thing work? I mean I want the php which would be something like this
<?php $pageno=$_POST['pageno']; ?>
and then some other process stuff. Going back, I want the php file to get the pageno that was set in the link. Is that possible?
It would be $_GET['var'], and yes, it is possible.
Click here
// ... process $var
// go to wherever
echo $var; // show the var
Use $_POST superglobal variable when you send something through POST method, usually forms. If you want to get parameters in URL, use $_GET superglobal array.
You can use $_REQUEST superglobal array either for POST or GET values.
Yes, it's possible to get this.
It sounds like you're talking about a GET request where the parameters are passed into the $_GET array as opposed to the $_POST array.
echo 'Link';

How to display URL parameters in PHP script?

I want to redirect my browser to a PHP page such that when the page loads, it will display to the user a substring of the current URL.
For example, let's say I have a page called substring.php.
My browser forwards me to:
Is it possible to write some PHP code that will then display to the user, "123456"?
If so, can anyone help me on how to do this?
All the query parameters in the URL will be inside the superglobal $_GET array, so you could simply do this:
echo $_GET['oauth_token'];
BE forewarned that if you're going to output anything that comes in from a URL (ie. user input), you should make sure to sanitize it properly for output. In this case, htmlspecialchars() would be prudent:
echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['oauth_token']);
echo $_GET['oauth_token'];
Can't you just use the $_GET superglobal? It stores the contents of the query string part of the URI as an associative array:
echo $_GET['oauth_token'];
You can retrieve the value of oauth_token via the $_GET superglobal array:
echo $_GET['oauth_token'];
Of course you should use caution when outputting data you get as input from a user, but that's how it works in short.

php command that returns entire url including get action

How do I return the entire url of a page including get.
$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] and php_self doesn't do it.
they return www.domain.com/example
instead of www.domain.com/example?user=2
If you don't wish to return the domain, but just the internal url and get variables you can omit $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].
One other thing, $_SERVER is an array, so are $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION and $_COOKIE
So if you're not sure if the data is contained within those variables, then try something like this.
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] contains the requested URL path and query.
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is probably what you are looking for, just remember that you will need to encode it if you wish to send that in a "GET".
