How do I fetch Campaign Monitor webhook payload with PHP? - php

I'm using PHP to create a system that will fetch webhook payload when someone is unsubscribing newsletters, but I can figure out how to fetch the actual payload information in PHP.
Is there any POST data to fetch? How does PHP look for this POST data?
UPDATE: I may be on to something. Seems like the function http_get_request_body() will do the trick?

$http_get_request_body solves it :)

I recently ran into this issue and used the following PHP code for handling Campaign Monitor Web Hooks:
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode( $json, TRUE ); //convert JSON into array
foreach ($data['Events'] as $event)
// Process each entry in the request
The JSON data, once converted to an array will give you data in this format:
array (
'ListID' => 'LIST_ID_KEY',
'Events' => array (
0 =>
array (
'Type' => 'Subscribe',
'Date' => '2014-01-01 16:00:00',
'EmailAddress' => '',
'Name' => 'John Smith',
'CustomFields' => array (),
'SignupIPAddress' => 'API',


PHP POST'ing JSON encoded array data

I am trying to POST JSON encoded data to a webhook endpoint that resides in one of our companies Microsoft Teams channels. It accepts basic JSON encoded payloads.
I started off in PostMan on my local machine and POST'd the following to my Teams Channel connector webhook URL:
"#context": ""
"#type": "MessageCard",
"themeColor": "0072C6",
"title": "Test From PostMan",
"text": "This is the text body of the notification card",
"potentialAction": [
"#type": "OpenUri",
"name": "View in Browser...",
"targets": [
{ "os": "default", "uri": "https://<REDACTED>" }
This works fine, it posts the card into the Teams Channel, with the action button below it.
So I moved to PHP, and I made the code below:
//api endpoint
$url = 'https://<REDACTED>';
//new curl connection
$ch = curl_init($url);
//build json data array
$postdata = array(
'#context' => '',
'#type' => 'MessageCard',
'themeColor' => '0072C6',
'title' => 'Test from curl in PHP',
'text' => 'test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string..',
'potentialAction' => array (
'#type' => 'OpenUri',
'name' => 'View in Browser...',
'targets' => array (
'os' => 'default',
'uri' => 'https://<REDACTED>'
//encode json data array
$encodeddata = json_encode($postdata);
//set curl options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $encodeddata);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;
When I run the above, the API errors and responds saying it was an invalid payload. So I stripped my code down so that my $postdata array was a lot simpler, as below:
//build json data array
$postdata = array(
'#context' => '',
'#type' => 'MessageCard',
'themeColor' => '0072C6',
'title' => 'Test from curl in PHP',
'text' => 'test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string..'
And this works fine, my PHP script is able to post a card into the Teams Channel, just with no action button underneath it. So my issue here lies in how I'm encoding the additional arrays inside of $postdata ?
I'll be honest, my knowledge of arrays in PHP is limited, I think I'm doing this correctly, but clearly I'm having problems, lol. Is there a different/better/more correct way to encode multiple arrays inside of an array into JSON data to POST?
potentialAction in your original JSON is an array of objects, but you made it a single level array only in your PHP data structure.
You need to wrap this into an additional level:
$postdata = array(
'#context' => '',
'#type' => 'MessageCard',
'themeColor' => '0072C6',
'title' => 'Test from curl in PHP',
'text' => 'test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string.. test string..',
'potentialAction' => array (
array (
'#type' => 'OpenUri',
'name' => 'View in Browser...',
'targets' => array (
array (
'os' => 'default',
'uri' => 'https://<REDACTED>'
This will give you an array of objects in that place, when you encode it as JSON. (The outer array has a zero-based numeric index, so it stays an array when converted to JSON; the inner array has associative keys, so it automatically becomes an object.)
Edit: As mentioned in comments, same thing for the targets property inside. Edited the code, to insert an additional level there as well.

Getting JSON data

Im working with an api which stores data into a JSON file. This data is gathered from a form that the users fill in my website. The way its inserted goes as follow:
$pers_payload = array(
'gender' => 'Unknown', //or Male / Female
'first_name' => $_POST['billing_first_name'],
'family_name' => $_POST ['billing_last_name'],
'email' => $_POST['billing_email'],
'linked_as_contact_to_organization' => array(
'organization_id' => $organization_id, // add the person as a contact to the newly created organization
'work_email' => $_POST['billing_email'],
'work_phone' => $_POST['billing_phone']
'visiting_address' => array(
'country_code' => 'NL'
), // can be extented with other address data
'postal_address' => array(
'country_code' => $_POST['billing_country']
) // can be extented with other address data
And then:
$person = $SimplicateApi->makeApiCall('POST','/crm/person',json_encode($pers_payload));
Now instead of post i want to get the data. I tried getting data like this:
$SimplicateApi->makeApiCall('GET','/crm/organization?q[name]=*my name*');
I dont know if this is the right way, well it didn't work so obviously its not.
Anyways what im trying to achieve is with PHP i want to gather the name value of an existing person. this data is stored in /api/v2/crm/person.json
Api documentation (which i read but didn't understand to well)
It's been a while but i'm trying to answer all my open questions without an answer which i ended up solving on my own.
So for this.
You have to create a variable which makes the get request like this:
$test = $SimplicateApi->makeApiCall('GET','/crm/organization?q[name]=My name');
Now you can for example do a var_dump($test);
And as output you will get all the data inside
/crm/organization?q[name]=My name

Translate value before sending information

is there a away to translate values in php using either google api translate or any other api...
// 1.- Query to get information
// 2.- build array with that query
// Example array from query
$data = array(
'0' => array (
'name' => 'Zapatos',
'color' => 'Verde'
'1' => array (
'name' => 'Casa',
'color' => 'Rosa'
// Now that the array has been build, lets make a translation
// Which I have no idea how to do that but the final array should be
$final = array(
'0' => array (
'name' => 'Zapatos',
'color' => 'Verde',
'name_en' => 'Shoes',
'color_en' => 'Green'
'1' => array (
'name' => 'Casa',
'color' => 'Rosa',
'name_en' => 'House',
'color_en' => 'Pink'
is this process possible or am I just dreaming?
I have very little knowledge on how exactly Goolge API works since I only use the Google Translate widget and the translation is after you present the information but in this case we need to make a translation before presenting the information...
Google translate API is a paid service. You need to get a api key from google api services :
google translate API
After that, you can make a curl to google api after getting your results from query :
sample url for curl :
You will get the results as JSON object,do json_decode and add results to your array.

Multiple elements of same name in PHP SOAP Call

I know this type of question has been asked a number of times. I have spent several hours reading and trying the offered solutions - but none appear to work for my situation.
I need to send a SOAP request to an API that can contain an element that repeats like so:
I did read that perhaps I could do this:
$buildRequest = Array(
'myheader' => Array(
'date' => MY_DATE,
'id' => Array(
'client' => CLIENT,
'clientRef' => MYREF
'operationNumbers' => Array (
Array('operationNumber' => '1234'),
Array('operationNumber' => '1235')
$request = $client->__soapCall( 'getMultiOpDets', array($buildRequest) );
Sadly this does not work and results in 'invalid request', if I send in a single operation number eg:
'operationNumbers' => Array (
'operationNumber' => '1234'
The request is successful. I've tried soapVars/soapParams but cannot get it working using this approach. Any hints/tips/help appreciated.
So, I solved it.
$operationNumbersArray = array('1234','1235');
'operationNumbers' => array(
'operationNumber' => $operationNumbersArray
During my testing and fiddling about, I had inadvertently removed another value that was mandatory. The API did not give warning of it's omission (sadly).
Here is the code I use:
$wsdl = 'https://your.api/path?wsdl';
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl);
$multipleSearchValues = [1, 2, 3, 4];
$queryData = ['yourFieldName' => $multipleSearchValues];
$results = $client->YourApiMethod($queryData);

PHP Mongodb - POST array insert

I am trying to convert post data into a format that would allow me to pass it right into my collection. For example: When I print_r on the $_POST I get this form data:
[Name] => Steve
[Email] =>
[submit] => Submit
I am wondering how i can convert this to an acceptable object to insert into mongodb collection using php similar to:
$Record = array(
'Name' => 'Steve',
'Email' => '',
'submit' => 'Submit'
I am thinking a loop of the above array with some additional formatting but I can't seem to figure it out. I have also tried json_encode but keep getting the same error "Call to a member function insert() on a non-object in..." saying that its not a proper object. Thank you for any help.
No need to encode anything, it's just PHP native and expects an array. Let the driver do the work for you:
$Collection->insert( $_POST );
As it is the two should be equivalant:
$rec = array(
'Name' => 'Steve',
'Email' => '',
'submit' => 'Submit'
print_r ($rec);
