Sanitizing PHP/SQL $_POST, $_GET, etc...? - php

Ok, this subject is a hotbed I understand that. I also understand that this situation is dependent on what you are using as code. I have three situations that need to be resolved.
I have a form in where we need to allow people to make comments and statements that use commas, tildes, etc... but still remain safe from attacks.
I have people entering in dates like this: 10/13/11 mm/dd/yy in English, can this be sanitized?
How do I understand how to use htmlspecialchars(), htmlentities() and real_escape_string() correctly? I've read the site and some posts here but this seems to me to be a situation in where it all depends on the person reading the question what the right answer is.
I really can't accept that... there has to be an answer wherein text formats similar to that which I am posting here can be sanitized. I'd like to know if and how it is possible.
Thanks... because it seems to me that when asking this question in other places it tends to annoy... I am learning what I need to know but I think I have hit a plateau in what I can know without an example of what it is meant to do...
Thanks in advance.

It's a very important question and it actually has a simple answer in the form of encodings. The problem you are facing it that you use a lot of languages at the same time. First you are in HTML, then in PHP and a few seconds later in SQL. All these languages have their own syntax rules.
The thing to remember is: a string should at all times be in its proper encoding.
Lets take an example. You have a HTML form and the user enters the following string into it:
I really <3 dogs & cats ;')
Upon pressing the submit button, this string is being send to your PHP script. Lets assume this is done through GET. It gets appended to the URL, which has its own syntax (the & character has special meaning for instance) so we are changing languages. This means the string must be transformed into the proper URL-encoding. In this case the browser does it, but PHP also has an urlencode function for that.
In the PHP script, the string is stored in $_GET, encoded as a PHP string. As long as you are coding PHP, this is perfectly fine. But now lets put the string to use in a SQL query. We change languages and syntax rules, therefore the string must be encoded as SQL through the mysql_real_escape_string function.
At the other end, we might want to display the string back to the users again. We retrieve the string from the database and it is returned to us as a PHP string. When we want to embed it in HTML for output, we're changing languages again so we must encode our string to HTML through the htmlspecialchars function.
Throughout the way, the string has always been in the proper encoding, which means any character the user can come up with will be dealt with accordingly. Everything should be running smooth and safe.
A thing to avoid (sometimes this is even recommended by the ignorant) is prematurely encoding your string. For instance, you could apply htmlspecialchars to the string before putting it in the database. This way, when you retrieve the string later from the database you can stick it in the HTML no problem. Sound great? Yeah, really great until you start getting support tickets of people wondering why their PDF receipts are full of & > junk.
In code:
<form action="post.php" method="get">
<textarea name="comment">
I really <3 dogs & cats ;')
<input type="submit"/>
URL it generates:;')
// Connect to database, etc....
// Place the new comment in the database
$comment = $_GET['comment']; // Comment is encoded as PHP string
// Using $comment in a SQL query, need to encode the string to SQL first!
$query = "INSERT INTO posts SET comment='". mysql_real_escape_string($comment) ."'";
// Get list of comments from the database
$query = "SELECT comment FROM posts";
print '<html><body><h2>Posts</h2>';
print '<table>';
while($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
// Going from PHP string to HTML, need to encode!
print '<tr><td>'. htmlspecialchars($post['comment']) .'</td></tr>';
print '</table>';
print '</body></html>'

The crucial thing is to understand what each sanitising function available to you is for, and when it should be used. For example, database-escaping functions are designed to make data safe to insert into the database, and should be used as such; but HTML-escaping functions are designed to neutralise malicious HTML code (like JavaScripts) and make it safe to output data for your users to view. Sanitise the right thing at the right time.*
There are two different basic approaches you can take: you can sanitise HTML when you receive it, or you can store it exactly as you received it and sanitise it only when it is time to output it to the user. Each of these methods has its proponents, but the second one is probably the least prone to problems (with the first one, what do you do if a flaw is discovered in your sanitising procedure and you find you have insufficiently sanitised content stored in your database?)
Dates can be sanitised using a date parsing function. In PHP you might look at strtotime(). Your objective is typically to take a string representation of a date and output either an object representing a date, or another string that represents the same date in a canonical way (that is: in a specific format).

Regarding the sanitization of dates, PHP has some built-in functions that can be helpful. The strtotime() function will convert just about any imaginable date/time format into a Unix timestamp, which can then be passed to the date() function to convert it to whatever formatting you like.
For example:
$date_sql = date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( $_POST["date"] ) );


Convert special character from sql to normal character in php

1) I have a textarea in my html. Inside the textarea I wrote: <i>ABC Enterprise</i>. When saving into the sql database it saved as <i>XYZ Enterprise</i>
2) Does anyone know how to retain < and </> when saving into the database without converting? If this is not possible, does anyone know how to convert <i>XYZ Enterprise</i> to <i>ABC Enterprise</i> in php? I need the string to maintain this form <i>ABC Enterprise</i> in php not html.
I have tried preg_replace("/&([a-z])[a-z]+;/i", "$1", htmlentities($company)), iconv('utf-8', 'ascii//TRANSLIT', $company), htmlspecialchars($compnay), many other ways I happened to stumble upon on stackoverflow but nothing seemed to work. Any help?
To specifically answer your question:
How to retain <> and </> when inserting into the DB? [paraphrased, emphasis added]
Simple: don't modify your data. As discussed below, however, be smart about it and insert the data using a prepared statement.
Why is your data being changed? Most likely because your code is doing some form of modification of the data before putting it in the database. In PHP, this generally means one of:
The general advice for years was simply "escape all your data or suffer the XSS/CSRF/Sql Injection/other attack consequences!" The problem is that there are nuances of when and how to escape and in the zeal for security, many websites over do it. As you've described your situation, I would consider:
When inserting into the DB: use prepared statements, rather than manual escaping.
When pulling from the DB: be judicious when you apply escaping techniques.
A prepared statement is where you tell the database the format of what you're going to send, then send the data in a separate communication. If there's anything awry, the DB knows best how to find it. For example:
$pstmt = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO tab (html) VALUES (?)');
Note the lack of any sanitization, using the $_POST variable directly. What the user sent to you is what you put in the DB, with zero modification. Because the DB server was sent a format first, it will not allow any ulterior SQL injection shenanigans.
However, when pulling data out of the DB, you need to be careful of exactly what data goes where. For example, to allow < and > characters inside of the content might be foolhardy, depending on your context. I'll leave it to you to decide whether you want to escape the output inside of your <textarea>:
echo "<textarea>$textarea_content_as_retrieved_from_db</textarea>";
echo '<textarea>' . htmlentities( $textarea_content_as_retrieved_from_db ) . '</textarea>';

PHP & mySQL: When exactly to use htmlentities?

For my experimentation purposes, I have tried out few of the XSS injections myself on my own website. Consider this situation where I have my form textarea input. As this is a textarea, I am able to enter text and all sorts of (English) characters. Here are my observations:
A). If I apply only strip_tags and mysql_real_escape_string and do not use htmlentities on my input just before inserting the data into the database, the query is breaking and I am hit with an error that shows my table structure, due to the abnormal termination.
B). If I am applying strip_tags, mysql_real_escape_string and htmlentities on my input just before inserting the data into the database, the query is NOT breaking and I am able to successfully able to insert data from the textarea into my database.
So I do understand that htmentities must be used at all costs but unsure when exactly it should be used. With the above in mind, I would like to know:
When exactly htmlentities should be used? Should it be used just before inserting the data into DB or somehow get the data into DB and then apply htmlentities when I am trying to show the data from the DB?
If I follow the method described in point B) above (which I believe is the most obvious and efficient solution in my case), do I still need to apply htmlentities when I am trying to show the data from the DB? If so, why? If not, why not? I ask this because it's really confusing for me after I have gone through the post at:
Then there is this one more PHP function called: html_entity_decode. Can I use that to show my data from DB (after following my procedure as indicated in point B) as htmlentities was applied on my input? Which one should I prefer from: html_entity_decode and htmlentities and when?
I thought it might help to add some more specific details of a specific situation here. Consider that there is a 'Preview' page. Now when I submit the input from a textarea, the Preview page receives the input and shows it html and at the same time, a hidden input collects this input. When the submit button on the Preview button is hit, then the data from the hidden input is POST'ed to a new page and that page inserts the data contained in the hidden input, into the DB. If I do not apply htmlentities when the form is initially submitted (but apply only strip_tags and mysql_real_escape_string) and there's a malicious input in the textarea, the hidden input is broken and the last few characters of the hidden input visibly seen as " /> on the page, which is undesirable. So keeping this in mind, I need to do something to preserve the integrity of the hidden input properly on the Preview page and yet collect the data in the hidden input so that it does not break it. How do I go about this? Apologize for the delay in posting this info.
Thank you in advance.
Here's the general rule of thumb.
Escape variables at the last possible moment.
You want your variables to be clean representations of the data. That is, if you are trying to store the last name of someone named "O'Brien", then you definitely don't want these:
.. because, well, that's not his name: there's no ampersands or slashes in it. When you take that variable and output it in a particular context (eg: insert into an SQL query, or print to a HTML page), that is when you modify it.
$name = "O'Brien";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM people "
. "WHERE lastname = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . "'";
$html = "<div>Last Name: " . htmlentities($name, ENT_QUOTES) . "</div>";
You never want to have htmlentities-encoded strings stored in your database. What happens when you want to generate a CSV or PDF, or anything which isn't HTML?
Keep the data clean, and only escape for the specific context of the moment.
Only before you are printing value(no matter from DB or from $_GET/$_POST) into HTML. htmlentities have nothing to do with database.
B is overkill. You should mysql_real_escape_string before inserting to DB, and htmlentities before printing to HTML. You don't need to strip tags, after htmlentities tags will be displayed on screen as < b r / > e.t.c
Theoretically you may do htmlentities before inserting to DB, but this might make further data processing harder, if you would need original text.
3. See above
In essence, you should use mysql_real_escape_string prior to database insertion (to prevent SQL injection) and then htmlentities, etc. at the point of output.
You'll also want to apply sanity checking to all user input to ensure (for example) that numerical values are really numeric, etc. Functions such as is_int, is_float, etc. are useful at this point. (See the variable handling functions section of the PHP manual for more information on these functions and other similar ones.)
I've been through this before and learned two important things:
If you're getting values from $_POST/$_GET/$_REQUEST and plan to add to DB, use mysql_real_escape_string function to sanitize the values. Do not encode them with htmlentities.
Why not just encode them with htmlentities and put them in database? Well, here's the thing - the goal is to make data as meaningful and clean as possible and when you encode the data with htmlentities like Jeff's Dog becomes Jeff"s Dog ... that will cause the context of data to lose its meaning. And if you decide to implement REST servcies and you fetch that string from DB and put it in JSON - it'll come up like Jeff"s Dog which isn't pretty. You'd have to add another function to decode as well.
Suppose you want to search for "Jeff's Dog" using SQL "select * from table where field='Jeff\'s Dog'", you won't find it since "Jeff's Dog" does not match "Jeff"s Dog." Bad, eh?
To output alphanumeric strings (from CHAR type) to a webpage, use htmlentities - ALWAYS!

When to filter/sanitize data: before database insertion or before display?

As I prepare to tackle the issue of input data filtering and sanitization, I'm curious whether there's a best (or most used) practice? Is it better to filter/sanitize the data (of HTML, JavaScript, etc.) before inserting the data into the database, or should it be done when the data is being prepared for display in HTML?
A few notes:
I'm doing this in PHP, but I suspect the answer to this is language agnostic. But if you have any recommendations specific to PHP, please share!
This is not an issue of escaping the data for database insertion. I already have PDO handling that quite well.
When it comes to displaying user submitted data, the generally accepted mantra is to "Filter input, escape output."
I would recommend against escaping things like html entities, etc, before going into the database, because you never know when HTML will not be your display medium. Also, different types of situations require different types of output escaping. For example, embedding a string in Javascript requires different escaping than in HTML. Doing this before may lull yourself into a false sense of security.
So, the basic rule of thumb is, sanitize before use and specifically for that use; not pre-emptively.
(Please note, I am not talking about escaping output for SQL, just for display. Please still do escape data bound for an SQL string).
i like to have/store the data in original form.
i only escape/filter the data depending on the location where i'm using it.
on a webpage - encode all html
on sql - kill quotes
on url - urlencoding
on printers - encode escape commands
on what ever - encode it for that job
There are at least two types of filtering/sanitization you should care about :
Obviously, the first one has to be taken care of before/when inserting the data to the database, to prevent SQL Injections.
But you already know that, as you said, so I won't talk about it more.
The second one, on the other hand, is a more interesting question :
if your users must be able to edit their data, it is interesting to return it to them the same way they entered it at first ; which means you have to store a "non-html-specialchars-escaped" version.
if you want to have some HTML displayed, you'll maybe use something like HTMLPurifier : very powerful... But might require a bit too much resources if you are running it on every data when it has to be displayed...
So :
If you want to display some HTML, using a heavy tool to validate/filter it, I'd say you need to store an already filtered/whatever version into the database, to not destroy the server, re-creating it each time the data is displayed
but you also need to store the "original" version (see what I said before)
In that case, I'd probably store both versions into database, even if it takes more place... Or at least use some good caching mecanism, to not-recreate the clean version over and over again.
If you don't want to display any HTML, you will use htmlspecialchars or an equivalent, which is probably not that much of a CPU-eater... So it probably doesn't matter much
you still need to store the "original" version
but escaping when you are outputing the data might be OK.
BTW, the first solution is also nice if users are using something like bbcode/markdown/wiki when inputting the data, and you are rendering it in HTML...
At least, as long as it's displayed more often than it's updated -- and especially if you don't use any cache to store the clean HTML version.
Sanitize it for the database before putting it in the database, if necessary (i.e. if you're not using a database interactivity layer that handles that for you). Sanitize it for display before display.
Storing things in a presently unnecessary quoted form just causes too many problems.
I always say escape things immediately before passing them to the place they need to be escaped. Your database doesn't care about HTML, so escaping HTML before storing in the database is unnecessary. If you ever want to output as something other than HTML, or change which tags are allowed/disallowed, you might have a bit of work ahead of you. Also, it's easier to remember to do the escaping right when it needs to be done, than at some much earlier stage in the process.
It's also worth noting that HTML-escaped strings can be much longer than the original input. If I put a Japanese username in a registration form, the original string might only be 4 Unicode characters, but HTML escaping may convert it to a long string of "〹𐤲䡈穩". Then my 4-character username is too long for your database field, and gets stored as two Japanese characters plus half an escape code, which also probably prevents me from logging in.
Beware that browsers tend to escape some things like non-English text in submitted forms themselves, and there will always be that smartass who uses a Japanese username everywhere. So you may want to actually unescape HTML before storing.
Mostly it depends on what you are planning to do with the input, as well as your development environment.
In most cases you want original input. This way you get the power to tweak your output to your heart's content without fear of losing the original. This also allows you to troubleshoot issues such as broken output. You can always see how your filters are buggy or customer's input is erroneous.
On the other hand some short semantic data could be filtered immediately. 1) You don't want messy phone numbers in database, so for such things it could be good to sanitize. 2) You don't want some other programmer to accidentally output data without escaping, and you work in multiprogrammer environment. However, for most cases raw data is better IMO.

Input text and special characters and MySQL

I have a simple textbox in a form and I want to safely store special characters in the database after POST or GET and I use the code below.
When I read the text from the database and put it in the text value I use the code above.
<input type="text" value="<?=$text?>" />
I am trying to save in the database with no special characters (meaning I don't want to write in database field " or ')
Actually when writing to the database do htmlspecialchars_decode to the text.
When writing to the form text box do htmlspecialchars to the text.
Is this the best approach for safe writing special chars to the database?
You have the right idea of keeping the text in the database as raw. Not sure what all the HTML entity stuff is for; you shouldn't need to be doing that for a database insertion.
[The only reason I can think of why you might try to entity-decode incoming input for the database would be if you find you are getting character references like Š in your form submission input. If that's happening, it's because the user is inputting characters that don't exist in the encoding used by the page with the form. This form of encoding is totally bogus because you then can't distinguish between the user typing Š and literally typing Š! You should avoid this by using the UTF-8 encoding for all your pages and content, as every possible character fits in this encoding.]
Strings in your script should always be raw text with no escaping. That means you don't do anything to them until the time you output them into a context that isn't plain-text. So for putting them into an SQL string:
$category= trim($_POST['category']);
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM things WHERE category='".mysql_real_escape_string($category)."'");
(or use parameterised queries to avoid having to manually escape it.) When putting content into HTML:
<input type="text" name="category" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($category); ?>" />
(you can define a helper function with a shorter name like function h($s) { echo htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_QUOTES); } if you want to cut down on the amount of typing you have to do in templates.)
And... that's pretty much it. You don't need to process strings that come out of the database, as they're already raw strings. You don't need to process input strings(*), other than any application-specific field validation you want to do.
*: well, except if magic_quotes_gpc is turned on, in which case you do either need to stripslashes() everything that comes in from get/post/cookie, or, my favoured option, just immediately fail:
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
'Magic quotes are turned on. They are utterly bogus and no-one should use them. '.
'Turn them off, you idiot, or I refuse to run. So there!'
When you write to db, use htmlentities but when you read back, use html_entity_decode function.
As a sidenote, if you are looking for some security, then for strings use mysql_real_escape_string and for numbers use intval.
I'd like to point out a couple of things:
there is nothing wrong in saving characters like ' and " in a database, SQL injections are just a matter of string manipulation, they actually have nothing to do with SQL or databases -- the problem only relies in how the query string is built. If you want to write your own queries (not recommended) you don't have to encode every apostrophe or double quote: just escape them once to build a safe string, and save them in the database. A better approach is using PDO as mentioned, or using the mysqli extension which allows queries with prepared statements
htmlentities() and similar functions should be used when sending data as output to the browser, not for encoding data to be stored in a database for at least two reasons: first of all it's useless, the DB doesn't care about html entities, it just contains data; secondly you should always treat data coming from the database as potentially insecure, so you should save it in "raw" format and encode it when using it.
The best approach to safe write to a DB is to use the PDO abstraction layer and make use of prepared statements.
A good tutorial (I learned from this one) is
However, you might have to rewrite alot of your site just to implement this. But this is no doubt the most elegant method than having to make use of all those functions. Plus, prepared statements are becoming the de facto now. Another benefit of this is that you do not have to rewrite your queries if you switch to a different database (such as from MySQL to PostgreSQL). But I would say consider this if you plan to scale your site.

How do I HTML Encode all the output in a web application?

I want to prevent XSS attacks in my web application. I found that HTML Encoding the output can really prevent XSS attacks. Now the problem is that how do I HTML encode every single output in my application? I there a way to automate this?
I appreciate answers for JSP, and PHP.
One thing that you shouldn't do is filter the input data as it comes in. People often suggest this, since it's the easiest solution, but it leads to problems.
Input data can be sent to multiple places, besides being output as HTML. It might be stored in a database, for example. The rules for filtering data sent to a database are very different from the rules for filtering HTML output. If you HTML-encode everything on input, you'll end up with HTML in your database. (This is also why PHP's "magic quotes" feature is a bad idea.)
You can't anticipate all the places your input data will travel. The safe approach is to prepare the data just before it's sent somewhere. If you're sending it to a database, escape the single quotes. If you're outputting HTML, escape the HTML entities. And once it's sent somewhere, if you still need to work with the data, use the original un-escaped version.
This is more work, but you can reduce it by using template engines or libraries.
You don't want to encode all HTML, you only want to HTML-encode any user input that you're outputting.
For PHP: htmlentities and htmlspecialchars
For JSPs, you can have your cake and eat it too, with the c:out tag, which escapes XML by default. This means you can bind to your properties as raw elements:
<input name="someName.someProperty" value="<c:out value='${someName.someProperty}' />" />
When bound to a string, someName.someProperty will contain the XML input, but when being output to the page, it will be automatically escaped to provide the XML entities. This is particularly useful for links for page validation.
A nice way I used to escape all user input is by writing a modifier for smarty wich escapes all variables passed to the template; except for the ones that have |unescape attached to it. That way you only give HTML access to the elements you explicitly give access to.
I don't have that modifier any more; but about the same version can be found here:
In the new Django 1.0 release this works exactly the same way, jay :)
My personal preference is to diligently encode anything that's coming from the database, business layer or from the user.
In ASP.Net this is done by using Server.HtmlEncode(string) .
The reason so encode anything is that even properties which you might assume to be boolean or numeric could contain malicious code (For example, checkbox values, if they're done improperly could be coming back as strings. If you're not encoding them before sending the output to the user, then you've got a vulnerability).
You could wrap echo / print etc. in your own methods which you can then use to escape output. i.e. instead of
echo "blah";
you could even have a second param that turns off escaping if you need it.
In one project we had a debug mode in our output functions which made all the output text going through our method invisible. Then we knew that anything left on the screen HADN'T been escaped! Was very useful tracking down those naughty unescaped bits :)
If you do actually HTML encode every single output, the user will see plain text of <html> instead of a functioning web app.
EDIT: If you HTML encode every single input, you'll have problem accepting external password containing < etc..
The only way to truly protect yourself against this sort of attack is to rigorously filter all of the input that you accept, specifically (although not exclusively) from the public areas of your application. I would recommend that you take a look at Daniel Morris's PHP Filtering Class (a complete solution) and also the Zend_Filter package (a collection of classes you can use to build your own filter).
PHP is my language of choice when it comes to web development, so apologies for the bias in my answer.
OWASP has a nice API to encode HTML output, either to use as HTML text (e.g. paragraph or <textarea> content) or as an attribute's value (e.g. for <input> tags after rejecting a form):
encodeForHTML($input) // Encode data for use in HTML using HTML entity encoding
encodeForHTMLAttribute($input) // Encode data for use in HTML attributes.
The project (the PHP version) is hosted under and is also available for some other languages, e.g. .NET.
Remember that you should encode everything (not only user input), and as late as possible (not when storing in DB but when outputting the HTTP response).
Output encoding is by far the best defense. Validating input is great for many reasons, but not 100% defense. If a database becomes infected with XSS via attack (i.e. ASPROX), mistake, or maliciousness input validation does nothing. Output encoding will still work.
there was a good essay from Joel on software (making wrong code look wrong I think, I'm on my phone otherwise I'd have a URL for you) that covered the correct use of Hungarian notation. The short version would be something like:
Var dsFirstName, uhsFirstName : String;
uhsFirstName := request.queryfields.value['firstname'];
dsFirstName := dsHtmlToDB(uhsFirstName);
Basically prefix your variables with something like "us" for unsafe string, "ds" for database safe, "hs" for HTML safe. You only want to encode and decode where you actually need it, not everything. But by using they prefixes that infer a useful meaning looking at your code you'll see real quick if something isn't right. And you're going to need different encode/decode functions anyways.
