I have a PHP function using ADODB library. My query is simple, select distinct SessID from 'table'.
When I iterate, I keep getting the following error:
Notice: Undefined index: SessID in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\conference\AbstractSearchDAO.php on line 116
Here is the code:
public function searchAbstracts($name,$title){
/**,$dayArray,$sessionTypeArray, $abstractTypeArray,$groupBy*/
$sql_abstract_session_ids = "select distinct SessID from ABSTRACT where ";
if($name!=null && $title!=null){
$sql_abstract_session_ids .= "FALastName like "."'%".$name."%' or AbstractTitle like "."'%".$title."%'";
}elseif($name!=null && $title==null){
$sql_abstract_session_ids .= "FALastName like "."'%".$name."%'";
}elseif($name==null && $title!=null){
$sql_abstract_session_ids .= "AbstractTitle like "."'%".$title."%'";
}elseif($name==null && $title==null){
$sql_abstract_session_ids = "select distinct SessID from ABSTRACT";
$connect = new ATSDataSourceLocator();
$conn = $connect->connectConference2011();
echo $sql_abstract_session_ids;
//let's get the session ids from the abstract table.
//we can then match them with another search on the session table (where SessID in (...abstract_session_ids....)
$rs = $conn->Execute($sql_abstract_session_ids);
if($rs==false) die('failed');
$sql_session_data = "select * from SESSION where SessID in (";
$count = $rs->RecordCount();
$myCount = 0;
echo $sql_session_data;
Whenever I try to Iterate and get the field 'SessID' It fails.
Any ideas?
Check out how ADODB_ASSOC_CASE is defined and compare that value to the ADODB manual. If you're not setting it explicitly, it should be defaulted to 2, which means your capitalization in your script has to match exactly the capitalization in the table. Also, note that this must be define'd before you include adodb.inc.php. And lastly, double- and triple-check that the field is definitely SessID in your ABSTRACT table.
Have you tried $rs->fields('SessID') in your iteration - i.e. replace the square brackets with round? Or, for example, keep the square brackets and use $rs->fields[0] (if it's the first field)?
With MySQL this isn't an issue, but it will throw an error if you use round instead of square with a field index, as opposed to name. I don't have a SQL Server DB handy to test against.
Something in the back of my mind says this behaviour may also vary depending upon your ADODB_FETCH setting. This, at least, does indeed appear to be driver-specific:
"If no fetch mode is predefined, the fetch mode defaults to ADODB_FETCH_DEFAULT. The behaviour of this default mode varies from driver to driver, so do not rely on ADODB_FETCH_DEFAULT. For portability, we recommend sticking to ADODB_FETCH_NUM or ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC. Many drivers do not support ADODB_FETCH_BOTH."
I need to be able to check and see in a certain string is anywhere within my SQL table. The table I am using only has one column of char's. Right now it is saying that everything entered is already within the table, even when it actually is not.
Within SQL I am getting the rows that have the word using this:
However, in PHP the word is being entered by the user, and then I am storing it as a variable, and then trying to figure out a way to see if that variable is somewhere within the table.
$duplicate = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ADDRESSES WHERE STREET_NAME LIKE '%$streetName%'", $connect);
echo "Sorry, only one of each address allowed.<br /><hr>";
You need to do a little bit more than building the query, as mysql_query only returns the resource, which doesn't give you any information about the actual result. Using something like mysql_num_rows should work.
$duplicate = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ADDRESSES WHERE STREET_NAME LIKE '%$streetName%'", $connect);
echo "Sorry, only one comment per person.<br /><hr>";
Note: the mysql_* functions are deprecated and even removed in PHP 7. You should use PDO instead.
In the SQL you used
But in the query string below, you used
Change the correct one
$duplicate = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ADDRESSES WHERE STREET_NAME LIKE '%$streetName%'", $connect);
echo "Sorry, only one comment per person.<br /><hr>";
if($results->num_rows) is what you need to check if you have results back from your query. An example of connection and query, check, then print or error handle, the code is loose and not checked for errors. Best of luck...
//Typically your db connect will come from an includes and/or class User...
$db = new mysqli('localhost','user','pass','database');
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `addresses` WHERE `street_name` LIKE '%$streetName%'",$connect;
//test your queries in PHPMyAdmin SQL to make sure they are properly configured.
//store the results of your query in a variable
$results = $db->query($sql);
$stmt = '';//empty variable to hold the values of the query as it runs through the while loop
#check to see if you received results back from your query#
//loop through your results and echo or assign the values as needed
while($row = $results->fetch_assoc()){
echo "Street Name: ".$row['STREET_NAME'];
//define more variables from your DB query using the $row[] array.
//concatenate values to a variable for printing in your choice further down the document.
$address .= $row['STREET_NAME'].' '.$row['CITY'].' '$row['STATE'].' '$row['ZIP'];
First of all, I know mysql is deprecated. Will change to mysqli as soon as I figure out the issue at hand. My query continues to update all my rows even if the data is not set in the 'stripetoken' column. Why is this happening?
Code snippet:
$token_query = 'SELECT * FROM jobsubmission';
$token_res = mysql_query($token_query);
$token_row = mysql_fetch_array($token_res);
if(isset($token_row['stripetoken'])) {
$updqry = 'UPDATE jobsubmission SET assigned=1 WHERE ID="'.$book_ids[$jcount].'"';
$update = mysql_query($updqry);
$bookdate = date("d-m-Y");
Because $token_row['stripetoken'] is always set because it is a column in your database and it will be available in $token_row as a result. Now whether it has a value or not is a different story. You should be using empty() instead (assuming you don't want it to be true for falsy values).
if(!empty($token_row['stripetoken'])) {
So while #JohnConde was absolutely correct in saying I needed to use the empty function over the isset, my solution layed elsewhere. Here is how I managed to get the query to work to my specifications:
instead of searching for empty, I made the 'stripetoken' column NULL
by default.
This allowed me to use the following code:
$token_query = 'SELECT * FROM jobsubmission WHERE ID="'.$book_ids
[$jcount].'" and stripetoken is not null';
$token_res = mysql_query($token_query);
$token_row = mysql_fetch_object($token_res);
if(!$token_row->stripetoken == NULL) {
I'm trying to create an update function in PHP but the records don't seem to be changing as per the update. I've created a JSON object to hold the values being passed over to this file and according to the Firebug Lite console I've running these values are outputted just fine so it's prob something wrong with the sql side. Can anyone spot a problem? I'd appreciate the help!
$var1 = $_REQUEST['action']; // We dont need action for this tutorial, but in a complex code you need a way to determine ajax action nature
$jsonObject = json_decode($_REQUEST['outputJSON']); // Decode JSON object into readable PHP object
$name = $jsonObject->{'name'}; // Get name from object
$desc = $jsonObject->{'desc'}; // Get desc from object
$did = $jsonObject->{'did'};// Get id object
mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); // Conect to mysql, first parameter is location, second is mysql username and a third one is a mysql password
#mysql_select_db("findadeal") or die( "Unable to select database"); // Connect to database called test
$query = "UPDATE deal SET dname = {'$name'}, desc={'$desc'} WHERE dealid = {'$did'}";
$add = mysql_query($query);
$num = mysql_num_rows($add);
if($num != 0) {
echo "true";
} else {
echo "false";
I believe you are misusing the curly braces. The single quote should go on the outside of them.:
"UPDATE deal SET dname = {'$name'}, desc={'$desc'} WHERE dealid = {'$did'}"
"UPDATE deal SET dname = '{$name}', desc='{$desc}' WHERE dealid = '{$did}'"
On a side note, using any mysql_* functions isn't really good security-wise. I would recommend looking into php's mysqli or pdo extensions.
You need to escape reserved words in MySQL like desc with backticks
SET dname = {'$name'}, `desc`= {'$desc'} ....
you need to use mysql_affected_rows() after update not mysql_num_rows
I'm trying to write a simple, full text search with PHP and PDO. I'm not quite sure what the best method is to search a DB via SQL and PDO. I found this this script, but it's old MySQL extension. I wrote this function witch should count the search matches, but the SQL is not working. The incoming search string look like this: 23+more+people
function checkSearchResult ($searchterm) {
global $lang; global $dbh_pdo; global $db_prefix;
$searchterm = trim($searchterm);
$searchterm = explode('+', $searchterm);
foreach ($searchterm as $value) {
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*), MATCH (article_title_".$lang.", article_text_".$lang.") AGINST (':queryString') AS score FROM ".$db_prefix."_base WHERE MATCH (article_title_".$lang.", article_text_".$lang.") AGAINST ('+:queryString')";
$sth = $dbh_pdo->prepare($sql);
$sql_data = array('queryString' => $value);
echo $sth->queryString;
$row = $sth->fetchColumn();
if ($row < 1) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM article_title_".$lang." LIKE :queryString OR aricle_text_".$lang." LIKE :queryString";
$sth = $dbh_pdo->prepare($sql);
$sql_data = array('queryString' => $value);
$row = $sth->fetchColumn();
//$row stays empty - no idea what is wrong
if ($row > 1) {
return true;
else {
return false;
When you prepare the $sql_data array, you need to prefix the parameter name with a colon:
array('queryString' => $value);
should be:
array(':queryString' => $value);
In your first SELECT, you have AGINST instead of AGAINST.
Your second SELECT appears to be missing a table name after FROM, and a WHERE clause. The LIKE parameters are also not correctly formatted. It should be something like:
sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."_base WHERE article_title_".$lang." LIKE '%:queryString%' OR aricle_text_".$lang." LIKE '%:queryString%'";
Update 1 >>
For both SELECT statements, you need unique identifiers for each parameter, and the LIKE wildcards should be placed in the value, not the statement. So your second statement should look like this:
sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."_base WHERE article_title_".$lang." LIKE :queryString OR aricle_text_".$lang." LIKE :queryString2";
Note queryString1 and queryString2, without quotes or % wildcards. You then need to update your array too:
$sql_data = array(':queryString1' => "%$value%", ':queryString2' => "%$value%");
See the Parameters section of PDOStatement->execute for details on using multiple parameters with the same value. Because of this, I tend to use question marks as placeholders, instead of named parameters. I find it simpler and neater, but it's a matter of choice. For example:
sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."_base WHERE article_title_".$lang." LIKE ? OR aricle_text_".$lang." LIKE ?";
$sql_data = array("%$value%", "%$value%");
<< End of Update 1
I'm not sure what the second SELECT is for, as I would have thought that if the first SELECT didn't find the query value, the second wouldn't find it either. But I've not done much with MySQL full text searches, so I might be missing something.
Anyway, you really need to check the SQL, and any errors, carefully. You can get error information by printing the results of PDOStatement->errorCode:
$arr = $sth->errorInfo();
Update 2 >>
Another point worth mentioning: make sure that when you interpolate variables into your SQL statement, that you only use trusted data. That is, don't allow user supplied data to be used for table or column names. It's great that you are using prepared statements, but these only protect parameters, not SQL keywords, table names and column names. So:
"SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."_base"
...is using a variable as part of the table name. Make very sure that this variable contains trusted data. If it comes from user input, check it against a whitelist first.
<< End of Update 1
You should read the MySQL Full-Text Search Functions, and the String Comparison Functions. You need to learn how to construct basic SQL statements, or else writing even a simple search engine will prove extremely difficult.
There are plenty of PDO examples on the PHP site too. You could start with the documentation for PDOStatement->execute, which contains some examples of how to use the function.
If you have access to the MySQL CLI, or even PHPMyAdmin, you can try out your SQL without all the PHP confusing things. If you are going to be doing any database development work as part of your PHP application, you will find being able to test SQL independently of PHP a great help.
Can't figure this out for the life of me. Trying to return the column names from the clients securities table, then return the result as an array. Can anybody point out where I'm getting off track?
mysql_select_db("HandlerProject", $con); //Selects database
$selectcols = "SELECT * FROM ".$clientname."securitiestable"; //selects all columns from clients security table
$tempcols = mysql_query($selectcols) or die(mysql_error());
$returnedcols = $mysql_fetch_array($tempcols);
$tempsymbol = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM".$clientname."securitiestable");
$symbol = $mysql_fetch_array($tempsymbol);
You've got $ signs prefixing the mysql_fetch_array() calls so you'd need to have assigned a value (function name you want to call) to $mysql_fetch_array (this is probably why you're seeing the error you mention in your comment).
Also you have a missing space after FROM in the second query
// v
$tempsymbol = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$clientname."securitiestable");
Last thing to check - is $clientname set?
Having said that - take Bill Karwin's advice!
I would use mysql_fetch_assoc() for the SELECT query, and then call array_keys() on any row of the result.
$selectcols = "SELECT * FROM ".$clientname."securitiestable";
$tempcols = mysql_query($selectcols) or die(mysql_error());
$returnedcols = mysql_fetch_assoc($tempcols);
$colnames = array_keys($returnedcols);
Your fatal error is because of a separate issue: you have a $ symbol at the start of your function call. This is legal PHP syntax, because you can put the name of a function in a variable and call it indirectly:
function foo($arg)
echo $arg . "!\n";
$bar = "foo";
$bar("hello world");
But in your case, it's probably not what you intended. If you want to call a function by its literal name, don't put a $ in front of it. If you have a string variable that contains the name of a function, then you can use the variable as I show above.