quick question.
In my user database I have 5 separate tables all containing different information. 4 tables are connected by foreign key to the primary key of the first table.
I am wanting to trigger row inserts on the other 4 tables when I do an insert on the first (primary). I thought that with ON UPDATE CASCADE would do this for me but after trying it I realised it did not...I know clue is in the name ON UPDATE!!!!!
I also tried and failed at multiple triggers on the same table but found this was not possible either.
What I am planning on doing is putting a trigger on the first to INSERT on the second and then putting a trigger on the second to insert on the third......etc
Would just like to know if this is a wise thing to do or not or if I am missing a better and simpler way of doing this.
Any help/advice much appreciated.
Based on the given information, it "feels" as if there might be a flaw in the database design if each of the child tables requires a row for every single row in the parent table. There is a reason that "ON INSERT CASCADE" does not exist; it is typically not considered meaningful.
The first thought that comes to mind is that the child tables should actually be part of the parent table; it sounds as if there is a one-to-one relationship. It still may make sense to have separate tables from an organizational standpoint (and size of records), but it is something to think about.
If there is not a one-to-one relationship, then the ability to add meaningful data beyond default values to the child tables would imply there might be a bit more normalization of data required. If the only values to be added are NULLs, then one could maybe argue that there is no real point in having the record because a LEFT JOIN could produce the same results without that record.
Having said all that, if it is required, I would think that it would be better to have a single trigger on the parent table add all the records to the child tables rather than chain them in several triggers. That way the logic would be contained in a single location.
Not understanding your structure (the information you need in each of these tables is pertinent to correctly answer), I can only guess that a trigger might not be what you want to do this. If your tables have other fields beyond what is in table 1 and they do not have default values, how will you get the value for those other fields inthe trigger? Personally I would use a stored proc to insert to table1 and get the id value back from the insert and then insert to the other tables with the additonal information needed and put it all in a transaction so that if one insert fails all are rolled back.
How to change the Auto_Incriment value in MySQL db with PHP or SQL queries ?
Hi all , I am having a problem when am saving my php created form in MySQL db , as I had given Auto_Incriment to an ID in my database & its working great but problem exist when I delete a ROW let's say having ID = 3 & 4 and after when I again store value from my PHP form into my DB then it gives ID=5 instead of giving 3 !!
below is the Image
So is their any Query to correct it or any PHP coding so that I can get ID of last row from db and can increment it and then again store it in DB ??
It may not be what you want to hear, but as I mentioned in comments under question, there are reasons why you would want to leave it alone and have gaps.
One of the main reasons is unnecessary re-ordering (shrinking up numbers), all of which is unnecessary.
Another reason is the situation where you truly have child rows depending on id's that you have not established Foreign Key (FK) constraints with, but the id's match.
Trying to be clever and reshuffling numbers is asking for trouble. Your data integrity and ultimately sound FK constraints and non-orphaning are much more important than solving this fixation.
What is an orphan? An orphan is a child without a parent. If a child table row depends on a another (parent) table row with an id, and you leave the child without a parent, it becomes an orphan.
Perhaps as worse or more so is having the child row point to the wrong parent by doing that which you propose.
Mysql Manual Page on Foreign Key Constraints.
I have two tables in mysql. When I insert/delete values in the first table I want that the values get duplicated in table 2 to keep them "aligned".
id - username
1 - test_user
Same id as table1 and username as table1 (on insert/delete)
I want to keep the data between the tables aligned without doing multiple queries. I've read about triggers not sure if it's the correct road, i am a beninner.
I said two tables but i will need to do this in multiple tables.
You can use Mysql triggers. This way you can auto insert/update/delete datas from second table.
MySql Using Triggers
When you INSERT new records, given that you don't want to do two inserts for some reason, using a trigger to insert into the second table will work. For UPDATE and DELETE you might want to look at the CASCADE option with foreign keys. If all you are doing is keeping the data consistent between tables, that's exactly what cascade is for.
When you create table2 you just add a foreign key like this:
FOREIGN KEY (id, username)
Then whenever you alter table1 the changes will automatically get pushed through to table2.
Couple prerequisites for this to work:
You have to use a storage engine that supports foreign keys, something like InnoDB and not MyISAM
You need to have an index on (id,username) in table1; the foriegn key needs to match a key in the parent table
You should read the doc page for foreign keys. There are a couple other ways you can tweak them, and you should figure out what works best for your purposes.
You can certainly put triggers on your table1 to make parallel changes to your other tables as your application changes table1.
See here for the documentation: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/trigger-syntax.html
But, you should think over your design. It will take multiple queries to do your inserts and updates; they'll just be done "behind your back" on the server. They'll still take time. Triggers can really slow things down.
Also, triggers are a little bit fragile. If you add a column to a table, you'll have to rework your triggers. Triggers are generally a pain in the neck to keep in a source-control system and a huge pain in the neck to test, so using them will make your application more troublesome to maintain.
Could you think of another approach to handling this need for duplication? Could you, for example, use a view or a join to present the data you need to your application program without actually duplicating tables and the rows in them? If you figure out how to do that you'll be much happier in the long run.
FROM table1;
will produce a "fake" table2 with the contents of table1.
Or if you're hoping to view only the test users in a second table, a view can do that for you too, for example:
FROM table1
WHERE usertype = 'test_user' ;
If you're using duplicate tables for "backup," that's a bad way to make sure your information is safe. Instead, you need to back up your MySQL server instance.
Formal relational database design principles teach us to duplicating data, but instead use view and joins to structure the data the way applications need to see it.
How can we re-use the deleted id from any MySQL-DB table?
If I want to rollback the deleted ID , can we do it anyhow?
It may be possible by finding the lowest unused ID and forcing it, but it's terribly bad practice, mainly because of referential integrity: It could be, for example, that relationships from other tables point to a deleted record, which would not be recognizable as "deleted" any more if IDs were reused.
Bottom line: Don't do it. It's a really bad idea.
Related reading: Using auto_increment in the mySQL manual
Re your update: Even if you have a legitimate reason to do this, I don't think there is an automatic way to re-use values in an auto_increment field. If at all, you would have to find the lowest unused value (maybe using a stored procedure or an external script) and force that as the ID (if that's even possible.).
You shouldn't do it.
Don't think of it as a number at all.
It is not a number. It's unique identifier. Think of this word - unique. No record should be identified with the same id.
As per your explanation provided "#Pekka, I am tracking the INsert Update and delete query..." I assume you just some how want to put your old data back to the same ID.
In that case you may consider using a delete-flag column in your table.
If the delete-flag is set for some row, you shall consider program to consider it deleted. Further you may make it available by setting the delete-flat(false).
Similar way is to move whole row to some temporary table and you can bring it back when required with the same data and ID.
Prev. idea is better though.
If this is not what you meant by your explanation; and you want to delete and still use all the values of ID(auto-generated); i have a few ideas you may implement:
- Create a table (IDSTORE) for storing Deleted IDs.
- Create a trigger activated on row delete which will note the ID and store it to the table.
- While inserting take minimum ID from IDSTORE and insert it with that value. If IDSTORE is empty you can pass NULL ID to generate Auto Incremented number.
Of course if you have references / relations (FK) implemented, you manually have to look after it, as your requirement is so.
Further Read:
Here is the my case for mysql DB:
I had menu table and the menu id was being used in content table as a foreign key. But there was no direct relation between tables (bad table design, i know but the project was done by other developer and later my client approached me to handle it). So, one day my client realised that some of the contents are not showing up. I looked at the problem and found that one of the menu is deleted from menu table, but luckily the menu id exist in cotent table. I found the menu id from content table that was deleted and run the normal insert query for menu table with same menu id along with other fields. (Id is primary key) and it worked.
insert into tbl_menu(id, col1, col2, ...) values(12, val1, val2, ...)
I've got an application in php & mysql where the users writes and reads from a particular table. One of the write modes is in a batch, doing only one query with the multiple values. The table has an ID which auto-increments.
The idea is that for each row in the table that is inserted, a copy is inserted in a separate table, as a history log, including the ID that was generated.
The problem is that multiple users can do this at once, and I need to be sure that the ID loaded is the correct.
Can I be sure that if I do for example:
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES ('','test1'),('','test2')
that the ids generated are sequential?
How can I get the Id's that were just loaded, and be sure that those are the ones that were just loaded?
I've thinked of the LOCK TABLE, but the users shouldn't note this.
Hope I made myself clear...
Building an application that requires generated IDs to be sequential usually means you're taking a wrong approach - what happens when you have to delete a value some day, are you going to re-sequence the entire table? Much better to just let the values fall as they may, using a primary key to prevent duplication.
based on the current implementation of myisam and innodb, yes. however, this is not guaranteed to be so in the future, so i would not rely on it.
Please I don't have any idea. Although I've made some readings on the topic. All I know is it is used to make the data in the database more efficient and easy to handle. And It can also be used to save disk space. And lastly, if you used normalization. You will have to generate more tables.
Now I have a lot of questions to ask.
First, how will normalization help to save disk space or whatever space occupied by the database.
Second, Is it possible to add data on multiple tables using only 1 query.
Please help, I'm just a newbie wanting to learn from you. Thanks.
Ok, couple of things:
php has got nothing to do with this. normalization is about modelling data
normalization is not about saving disk space. It is about organizing data so that it is easily maintainable, which in turn is a way to maintain data-integrity.
normalization is typically described in a few stages or 'normal forms'. In practice, people that design relational databases often intuitively 'get it right' most of the time. But it is still good to be aware of the normal forms and what their characteristics are. There is a lot of documentation on that on the internet (fe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization), and you should certainly do you own research, but the most important stages are:
unormalized data: in this stage, data is not truly tabular ('relational'). There is a lot of discussion of what tabular really means, and experts disagree with one another. but most people agree that data is unnormalized in case there are multi-valued attributes (=columns that can for one row contain lists as value), or in case there are repeating groups (=multiple columns or multiple groups of columns for storing the same type of data)
Example of multi-valued column: person (first_name, last_name, phonenumbers)
Here, phonenumbers implies there could be more phonenumbers, stored in one column
Example of repeating group: person(first_name, last_name, child1_first_name, child1_birth_date, child2_first_name, child2_birth_date..., childN_first_name, childN_birth_date)
Here, the person table has a number of column pairs (child_first_name, child_birth_date) to store the person's children.
Note that something like order (shipping_address, billing_address) is not a repeating group: the addresses for billing and shipping may be similar pieces of data, but each has its own distinct role for an order, both just represent a different aspect of an order. child1 thru child10 do not - children do not have specific roles, and the list of children is variable (you never know how many groups you should reserve in advance)
In both cases, multi-valued columns and repeating groups, you basically have "nested table" structure - a table within a table. Data is said to be in 1NF (first normal form) if neither of these occur.
The 1NF is about structural characeristics: the tabular form of the data. All subsequenct normal forms have to do with eliminating redundancy. Redundancy occurs when the same information is independently stored multiple times. Redundancy is bad: if you want to change some fact, you have to change it in multiple places. If you forget to chance one of them, you have inconsistent data - the data is contradicting itself.
There are a lot of processes that can eliminate redundancy, each leading to a higher normal form, all the way from 1nf up to 6nf. However, typically most databases are adequately normalized at 3nf (or a lsight variation of that called boyce-codd normal form, BCNF) You should study 2nf and 3nf, but the principle is very simple: a table is adequately normalized, if:
the table is in 1nf
the table has a key (a column or column combination whose values are required, and which uniquely identifies a row - ie. there can be only one row having that combination of values in the key columns)
there are no functional dependencies between the non-key columns
non-key columns are not functionally dependent upon part of the key (but are completely functionally dependent upon the entire key).
functional dependency means that a column's value can be derived from another column. simple example:
order_item (order_id, item_number, customer_id, product_code, product_description, amount)
let's assume (order_id, item_number) is key. product_code and product description are functionally dependent upon each other: for one particular product_code, you will always find the same product description (as if product description is a function of product_code). The problem is now: suppose a product description changes for a particualr product code, you have to change all orders that us that product_code. forget only one and you have an inconsistent database.
The way to solve it is to create a new product table with (product_code, product_description), having (product_code) as key, and then instead of storing all product fields in order, only store a reference to a row in the product table in the order_item records (in this case, order_item should only keep product_code, which is sufficient to look up a row in the product table and find the product_description)
So as you u can see, with this solution you do actually save space (by not storing all these product descriptions in each order_item that happens to order the product) and you do get more tables (split off product from order_item) But just remember that it is not because of saving diskspace: it is because you eliminate redundancy, thus making it easier to maintain the data. because now you only have to change one row in the product table to change the description
There are a lot of similar questions on StackOverflow already, for example, Can someone please give an example of 1NF, 2NF and 3NF in plain english?
Look in the Related sidebar to the right for a bunch of them. That'll get you started.
As for your specific questions:
Normalization saves disk space by reducing redundant data storage. This has another benefit: if you have multiple copies of a given entity attribute in your database, they can get out of sync, while if you have a normalized database and use referential integrity, this cannot happen.
The INSERT statement references only one table. A TRIGGER on the insert statement can add rows to other tables, but there's no way to supply data to the trigger other than those columns in the table that spawned it.
When you need to insert dependent rows after inserting a row to the parent table, use the LAST_INSERT_ID() function to retrieve the auto-generated primary key value of the last INSERT statement in your session.
I think you will learn this when you start creating the schema for your database.
Please think reverse when you add a field that exists somewhere else in your database.
By reverse I mean, ask yourself: if I have to modify the field, how many queries do I have to run?
Probably you end up, with the answer, that you will have to run 2 or X times the query to modify the content of your column.
Keep it simple, that means assign an ID to each content you have duplicated in your database.
For example taking column address
this is not good
update clients set address = 'new address' where clientid=500;
update orders set address = 'new address' where orderid=300;
good approach would be
create a addresses table
//and run a single query
update addresses set address = 'new address' where addressid=100;
And use the address id 100 everywhere in your database table as a foreign key reference (clients+orders), this way you achieve that the id 100 is not changed, but if you update the content of the address all linked tables will pick up the change.
Level 3 of normalization is enough this time for you.
Normalization is a set of rules. The more you follow, the higher a "level" of normalisation your database has. In general, level 3 is the highest level sought after.
Normalised data is theoretically "purer" than non-normalised data. This makes it easier to rationalise about it, and it removes redundancy, which is reduces the chance of data getting out of sync.
From a pratical viewpoint however, normalised data isn't always the best design, even if it is in theory. If you don't really know the finer points, aiming for normalised data isn't such a bad idea though.
in phpmyadmin > 4.3.0, in structure -> Table structure, we got above the table:
"Print" "Propose table structure" "Track table" "Move columns" "Improve table structure" , in "Improve table structure" you got a wizard which says :
Improve table structure (Normalization):
Select up to what step you want to normalize
First step of normalization (1NF)
Second step of normalization (1NF+2NF)
Third step of normalization (1NF+2NF+3NF)
To question 2: No it is not possible to insert data into multiple tables with one query.
See the INSERT syntax.
In addition to other answers, you can also search here on SO for normalization and find e.g. the question: Normalization in MySQL