I'm storing an html in a php variable by using a $_GET method.
This is what I did.
My problem is if I try to echo this one, I'm not getting all the result. This is how I echo it.
$html = <<<EOD
echo $html;
This are only the results I have when I echoed this:
<div class="invoice-logo" style="float:left;margin-bottom:15px;"><img src="https://myurl/account/images/invoice_logo.gif" title="Test Title"></div><div style="clear:both"></div><h3 class="invoiceNum" style="padding:0px;font-size:25px;"><strong>Invoice
As you can see, it cuts off after the code <strong>Invoice
Any ideas why this is happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated and rewarded!
You are doing something wrong.
HTML is a part of the program code, and shouldn't be sent to and fro between server and client.
Instead of that, only raw data should be recieved from client, then formatted on the server side and then resulting HTML have to be sent to client.
See http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/misc/urllength.html and Is there a limit to the length of a GET request?
You're much better off using curl to get the contents of the URL in PHP (if you're trying to get the HTML from a standard website), or using POST (if you're passing the HTML into the PHP file directly).
If you need the html to be inside a GET request, use base64_encode(). After submitting it, you can decode the html by running base64_decode($_GET['html']).
I'm building a service backend that is being sent a "delivery report" after successfully sending a SMS to a user.
The report itself is XML POSTed to our "endpoint" with the content-type application/xml.
I'm using Postman to make sure that everything is working correctly. I've made a test using regular JSON and can return the data without issues, however, no matter what I try with XML I basically get no indication that anything is being sent to the server.
(Test with JSON)
(Test with XML)
Here's my simple PHP script:
header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true));
I feel like I've tried everything. Been looking at past issues posted to SO and other places, it simply won't work for me. I'm hoping for some answers that at least points me in the right direction here.
Your trying to json_decode XML data. You should use something like SimpleXML.
Instead of...
print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true));
You should use ...
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents("php://input"));
echo $xml->asXML();
You should be able to get the information by (for example)...
echo (string)$xml->id;
json_decode can't read XML, seems like you're trying to parse XML with json_decode. if you want to output the received XML, use echo (or if it's for debugging purposes, use var_dump, eg var_dump(file_get_contents("php://input"));), or if you want to parse the XML, use DOMDocument.
I have a problem with file_get_html(), i don't understand why it doesn't work can you help me? my code
$html = file_get_html('https://www.airbnb.fr/');
if ($html) {
echo "good";
Have a good day!
I think, server just blocks your request, you will not be able to fetch data from it, using simple HTTP requests.
You can try using curl, proxies, or both (there are ready to use solutions for this, like: AngryCurl, or RollingCurl)
It doesnt work because you have to include the simple_dom_html class to make it work. You can find the code on their official page:
Then you can simply get the HTML and output it like this:
// Dump contents (without tags) from HTML
echo file_get_html('http://www.google.com/')->outertext;
or if you want to save the result in a variable
// Dump contents (without tags) from HTML
$html = file_get_html('http://www.google.com/')->outertext;
More info: http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/
I have signed up to a synonym API.. see the details on this page
I am having trouble implementing this in my php code.
If I copy and paste the link into the web browser, I can see the results no problem.
Instead of typing the word in manually, I wish to have a variable in the link with the relevant word i.e. $variable_with_word_stored as shown below.
//format could be php (I would unserialize)..or json..I could decode it?
Any ideas guys? Thanks.
It sounds like you mean you want the result from calling that webpage and store it in a variable. What you should be looking to do is sending a http get request to that page within the code.
Check out using curl with php, you can send a http request to your requested url, capture the result back and parse it through json_decode
try it like this, maybe that you dont need curl:
$key = "xxxxxxxx";
$word = "love";
echo file_get_contents("http://words.bighugelabs.com/api/2/$key/$word/php");
I'm making a small CMS for practice. I am using CKEDITOR and is trying to make it avaliable to write something like %contactform% in the text, and then my PHP function will replace it with a contactform.
I've accomplished to replace the text with a form. But now I need the PHP code for the form to send a mail. I'm using file_get_contents(); but it's stripping the php-code.
I've used include(); to get the php-code from another file then and that works for now. I would like to do it with one file tho.
So - can I get all content from a file INCLUDING the php-code?
I'll try to explain in another way.
I can create a page in my CMS where I can write a header and some content. In the content I am able to write %contactform%.
When I get the content from the database I am replacing %contactform% with the content from /inserts/contactform.php, using file_get_contents(); where I have the form in HTML and my php code:
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
echo 'Now my form is submitted!';
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="email">
<input type="submit" name="submit">
Now I was expecting to retrieve the form AND the php code active. But If I press my submit button in the form it's not firing the php code.
I do not wan't to show the php code I want to be able to use it.
I still have to guess, but from your update, I think you ultimatly end up with a variable, which contains the content from the database with %contactform% replaced by file_get_contents('/inserts/contactform.php').
Something like:
$contentToOutput = str_replace(
If you echo out that variable, it will just send it's content as is. No php will get executed.
Though it's risky in many cases, if you know what you're doing you can use eval to parse the php code. With mixed code like this, you maybe want to do it like the following.
eval('; ?>' . $contentToOutput);
$parsedContent = ob_get_clean();
$parsedContent should now contain the results after executing the code. You can now send it to the user or handle it whatever way you want to.
Of course you'll have to make sure that whatever is in $contentToOutput is valid php code (or a valid mixture of php with php-tags and text).
Here is a link to the symfony Templating/PhpEngine class. Have a look at the evaluate method to see the above example in real code.
$content = file_get_contents( 'path to your file' );
for printing try
echo htmlspecialchars( $content );
From reading the revised question, I think the answer is "You can't get there from here." Let me try to explain what I think you will encounter.
First, consider the nature of HTTP and the client/server model. Clients make requests and servers make responses. Each request is atomic, complete and stateless, and each response is complete and usually instantaneous. And that is the end of it. The server disconnects and goes back to "sleep" until the client makes a new request.
Let's say I make a request for a web page. A PHP script runs and it prepares a response document (HTML, probably) and the server sends the document to my browser. If the document contains an HTML form, I can submit the form to the URL of the action= script. But when I submit the form, I am making a new request that goes back to the server.
As I understand your design, the plan is to put both the HTML form and the PHP action script into the textarea of the CKeditor at the location of the %contactform% string. This would be presented to the client who would submit the form back to your server, where it would run the PHP script. I just don't think that will work, and if you find a way to make it work, you're basically saying, "I will accept external input and run it in PHP." That would represent an unacceptable security exposure for me.
If you can step back from the technical details and just tell us in plain language what you're trying to achieve, we may be able to offer a suggestion about the design pattern.
Hi im currently using PHP on a linux server to receive response from a WebService hosted on a Windows server.
I am using the following PHP to read the response :-
while (!feof($socket)) {
$result .= fgets($socket, 4096);
if ($debug) echo '<pre>',$result,'</pre>';
Apparently when i received the the response it is out of format, with break lines between tags such as the following :-
insetead of like these :-
</ResponseHdr><ResGetCustAreaSnapshot><cmc:GetCustAreaSnapshot xmlns:cmc="http://tnb.com.my/CGIS/D/cmc_customermgnt"><cmc:MAP_IMAGE_ZOOM1000>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
apparently even from here i cannot display the tags without using the code block which formats it properly.
would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction on what to look for to fix this problem.
Thank You.
'ow do you look at your debug output: inside a browser or inside a terminal ? Could it be that you simply have the xml like tags ("<...>") in the reply swallowed by visualizing it as html in a browser ?
If that is not the case then I would check the content of the reply on a lower level. Use 'tcpdump' or 'wireshark' to dump the actual content without having to rely on a higher level output.
Try var_dump(htmlspecialchars($result)) instead of echo.