Looking for some advice on the best way to accomplish this. I've tried Unions, Joins, and Alias examples from a few Stack Overflow questions - none seems to get me where I want to go to no fault of theirs. I think I've just been looking to solve this the wrong way.
I've got one table that logs all activity from our users. Each log contains a column with an ID and another with a TIMESTAMP. There is no column that states what the event type is.
What I'm looking to do is grab counts within a range and append a virtual column with the activation date (first access) regardless if it is in the range or not. The business case for this is that I'd like to have reports that show users active within a range, their activation date, and the amount of events in the range.
The HTML output of this would look like this:
User / Total Visits in the Range / First Visit (in the range or not) / Most Recent Visit (in the range)
How I've gotten this far is by doing this:
$result = mysql_query("
SELECT user, MIN(timestamp), MAX(timestamp), count(user)
AS tagCount FROM " . $table . "
WHERE date(timestamp) BETWEEN '" . $startdate . "' AND '" . $enddate . "'
ORDER BY " . $orderby . " " . $order) or die(mysql_error());
I then loop:
$i = 1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$user_name = str_replace("www.", "", $row['user']); // removing www from usernames
if( $i % 2 != 0) // used for alternating row colors
$iclass = "row";
$iclass = "row-bg";
echo "<div class=\"" . $iclass . "\"><div class=\"number\">" . $i . "</div><div class=\"number\">" . $row['tagCount'] . "</div><div class=\"name\">" . "" . $server_name . "" . "</div>" . "<div class=\"first\">" . $row['MIN(timestamp)'] . "</div><div class=\"recent\">" . $row['MAX(timestamp)'] . "</div></div>";
The MIN(timestamp) in the above grabs the first timestamp in the range - I want to grab the first timestamp regardless of range.
How can I do this?
The key is to create a virtual derived table that calculates their first access separately and then join to it from your query that returns records for the time period you specify.
The below is SQL Server code, but I think it's fine in mysql too. If not, let me know and i'll edit the syntax. The concept is sound either way though.
Just setup code for the sample
if object_id('tempdb..#eventlog') is not null
drop table #eventlog
create table #eventlog
userid int ,
eventtimestamp datetime
insert #eventlog
select 1,'2011-02-15'
select 1,'2011-02-16'
select 1,'2011-02-17'
select 2,'2011-04-18'
select 2,'2011-04-20'
select 2,'2011-04-21'
declare #StartDate datetime
declare #EndDate datetime
set #StartDate = '02-16-2011'
set #EndDate = '05-16-2011'
Here's the code that would solve your problem, you can replace #eventlog with your tablename
select e.userid,
min(eventtimestamp)as FirstVisitInRange,
max(eventtimestamp) as MostRecentVisitInRange,
min(e2.FirstAccess) as FirstAccessEver,
count(e.userid) as EventCountInRange
from #eventlog e
inner join
(select userid,min(eventtimestamp) as FirstAccess
from #eventlog
group by userid
) e2 on e.userid = e2.userid
e.eventtimestamp between #StartDate and #EndDate
group by e.userid
I have two SQL table, one contains "manual inserted datas" and the other one "automatic inserted data" by script.
In order to test if the script works well, the manual table and the auto table are the same.
So, I would like to "compare" both database, and then in another script, highlight the difference.
// $currentdate_today_midnight is a timestamp
$sql_getLive = "SELECT * FROM worksheets WHERE entry_date > $currentdate_today_midnight";
$req_getLive = $cnx->query($sql_getLive);
// countAll counts all rows for a table and a condition
$countLive = countAll("worksheets", "entry_date > $currentdate_today_midnight");
$sql_getCriter = "SELECT * FROM criter_live WHERE entry_date > $currentdate_today_midnight";
$req_getCriter = $cnx->query($sql_getCriter);
$countCriter = countAll("criter_live", "entry_date > $currentdate_today_midnight");
if($countLive == 0){
/* If there is no live (manual datas) inserted */
echo "EMPTY";
while ($check_criter = $req_getCriter->fetch()) {
while ($check_live = $req_getLive->fetch()) {
if ($check_live->train_id == $check_criter->train_id) {
/* check_live = worksheets */
/* check_criter = criter_live */
echo $check_live->train_id . "|" . $check_criter->entry_date . "|" . $check_live->entry_date . "|". $check_criter->left_date . "|". $check_live->entry_date . "|". $check_criter->train_type . "|". $check_live->train_type . "|". $check_criter->entry_number . "|". $check_live->entry_number . "|". $check_criter->left_number . "|". $check_live->left_number. "#";
So, I've tried to make "a while in a while" but it doesn't work, I get only one "echo"... instead of 17 (returned thanks to the countAll function).
Did I made a mistake? Or is there any other solution?
Thank you!
perhaps you could try to find the differences directly in the sql like this:
select * from `worksheets` where `entry_date` > $currentdate_today_midnight
and `train_id` not in (
select `train_id` from `criter_live` where `entry_date` > $currentdate_today_midnight
A slightly modified version, testing entry_date
select * from `worksheets` where `entry_date` > $currentdate_today_midnight
and `entry_date` not in (
select `entry_date` from `criter_live` where `entry_date` > $currentdate_today_midnight
EDIT: I am assuming you have the same data in both tables.
Remove second while loop:
while ($check_criter = $req_getCriter->fetch()) {
$check_live = $req_getLive->fetch();
if ($check_live->train_id == $check_criter->train_id) {
echo $check_live->train_id . "|" . $check_criter->entry_date . "|" . $check_live->entry_date . "|". $check_criter->left_date . "|". $check_live->entry_date . "|". $check_criter->train_type . "|". $check_live->train_type . "|". $check_criter->entry_number . "|". $check_live->entry_number . "|". $check_criter->left_number . "|". $check_live->left_number. "#";
Basically, in the first iteration of your outer loop you've been fetching 1 row from $req_getCriter and comparing it to all other rows from $req_getLive. Second iteration wouldn't work, since all rows from $req_getLive were fetched.
After the first iteration of your outer loop, you will have fetched all items in the inner loop from the database result set so it will never run again.
You could of course fetch all items from both queries in arrays and use foreach loops or reset the database cursor for your inner loop, but you could probably do this in one database query as well.
The answer by akasummer will work fine if the sequence of train_id is same in both the tables. If the sequence is not same some rows may be missed.
and if there is no difference in the sequence of train_id in both the tables there is no need of if conditioned in akasummer's answer.
if ($check_live->train_id == $check_criter->train_id)
The easy way to do it my inner join in mysql fetching data from both table on the basis of train_id and there entry dates. As shown below(There can be some silly mistake in syntax, but logic is understandable)
CL.entry_date AS cl_entry_date,
CL.left_date AS cl_left_date,
CL.train_type AS cl_train_type,
CL.entry_number AS cl_entry_number,
CL.left_number AS cl_left_number
worksheets AS W,
criter_live AS CL
W.train_id = CL.train_id
W.entry_date > $currentdate_today_midnight
CL.entry_date > $currentdate_today_midnight
In one result you will get columns for both the table and then you can check it with a simple plain while loop.
I have two tables: Exam (ExamID, Date, Modality) and CT(ctdivol, ExamID(FK)) with the attributes in brackets.
Note: CT table has about 100 000 entries.
I want to calculate the average of ctdivol in a specific interval of dates.
I have this code that works but is too slow:
function get_CTDIvolAVG($min, $max) {
$values = 0;
$number = 0;
$query = "SELECT (unix_timestamp(date)*1000), examID
from exam use index(dates)
where modality = 'CT'
AND (unix_timestamp(date)*1000) between '" . $min . "' AND '" . $max . "';";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$avg = "SELECT SUM(ctdivol_mGy), count(ctdivol_mGy)
from ct use index(ctd)
where examID ='" . $line["examID"] ."'
AND ctdivol_mGy>0;";
$result1 = mysql_query($avg) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
while ($ct = mysql_fetch_array($result1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$values = $values + floatval($ct["SUM(ctdivol_mGy)"]);
$number = $number + floatval($ct["count(ctdivol_mGy)"]);
if ($number!=0) {
echo $values/$number;
How can I make it faster?
Use EXPLAIN to see the query execution plan.
For that first query, MySQL can't make effective use of a index range scan operation. That expression in the WHERE clause has to be evaluated for every row in the table. We get better performance when we do the comparison to a bare column. Do the manipulation on the literal side... get those values converted to the datatype of the column you're comparing to.
WHERE e.date BETWEEN expr1 AND expr2
For expr1, you need an expression that converts your $min value into a datetime. Just be careful of timezone conversions. I think this might do what you need for expr1:
FROM_UNIXTIME( $min /1000)
Something like:
WHERE e.date BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME( $min /1000) AND FROM_UNIXTIME( $max /1000)
Then we should see MySQL able to make effective use of an index with leading column of date. The EXPLAIN output should show range for the access type.
If the number of columns being returned is a small subset, consider a covering index. Then the EXPLAIN will show "Using index", which means the query can be satisfied entirely from the index, with no lookups to pages in the underlying table.
Secondly, avoid running queries multiple times in a loop. It is usually more efficient to run a single query that returns a single resultset, because of the overhead of sending the SQL to the database, that database parsing the SQL text, for valid syntax (keywords in the right places), valid semantics (identifiers reference valid objects), considering possible access paths and determining which is lowest cost, then executing the query plan, obtaining metadata locks, generating the resultset, returning that to the client, and then cleaning up. It's not noticeable for a single statement, but when you start running a lot of statements in a tight loop, it starts to add up. Couple that with an inefficient query, and it starts to get really noticeable.
IF examID column in exam is unique and not null (or its the PRIMARY KEY of exam, then it looks like you could use a single query, like this:
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date)*1000 AS `date_ts`
, e.examID AS `examID`
, SUM(ct.ctdivol_mGy) AS `SUM(ctdivol_mGy)`
, COUNT(ct.ctdivol_mGy) AS `count(ctdivol_mGy)`
FROM exam e
ON ct.examid = e.examID
AND ct.ctdivol_mGy > 0
WHERE e.modality = 'CT'
AND e.date >= FROM_UNIXTIME( $min /1000)
AND e.date <= FROM_UNIXTIME( $max /1000)
BY e.modality
, e.date
, e.examID
BY e.modality
, e.date
, e.examID
For best performance of that, you'd want covering indexes:
... ON exam (modality, date, examID)
... ON ct (examID, ctdivol_mGy)
We'd want to see the EXPLAIN output; we'd expect that MySQL could make use of the index on exam to do the GROUP BY (and avoiding a "Using filesort" operation), and also make use of a ref operation on the index to ct.
To reiterate... that query requires that examID be the PRIMARY KEY of the exam table (or at least be guaranteed to be unique and non-null). Otherwise, the result from that can be different than the original code. Absent that gurantee, we could use either an inline view, or subqueries in the SELECT list. But in terms of performance, we don't want to go there without good reason to.
That's just some general ideas, not a hard and fast "this will be faster".
You can write a join on the first table to a subquery table by exam_id:
$query = "SELECT (unix_timestamp(date)*1000) as time_calculation, ed.examID, inner_ct.inner_sum, inner_ct.inner_count "
" FROM exam ed,"
. " ( SELECT SUM(ctdivol_mGy) as inner_sum, count(ctdivol_mGy) as inner_count, examID"
. " FROM ct"
. " WHERE ctdivol_mGy>0 ) inner_ct"
. " WHERE ed.modality = 'CT' AND time_calculation between"
. " '$min' and '$max'"
. " AND ed.examId = inner_ct.examID";
The ( SELECT . . .) inner_ct creates an in memory table you can join from. Useful if you're selecting composed data (sums in your case) across a join.
Conversely, you can use the following syntax:
$query = "SELECT (unix_timestamp(date)*1000) as time_calculation, ed.examID, inner_ct.inner_sum, inner_ct.inner_count "
" FROM exam ed,"
. " LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM(ctdivol_mGy) as inner_sum, count(ctdivol_mGy) as inner_count, examID"
. " FROM ct"
. " WHERE ctdivol_mGy>0 ) inner_ct"
. " ON ed.examID = inner_ct.examID"
. " WHERE ed.modality = 'CT' AND time_calculation between"
. " '$min' and '$max'";
You have not provided sample data in the question so we resort to assumptions in an attempt to answer. If there is only one exam row for many rows in ct - but an exam row can exist that has no ct rows at all - then this single query should provide the results required.
, (unix_timestamp(exam.date) * 1000
, SUM(ct.ctdivol_mGy)
, COUNT(ct.ctdivol_mGy)
FROM exam
LEFT OUTER JOIN ct on exam.examID = ct.examID AND ct.ctdivol_mGy > 0
WHERE exam.modality = 'CT'
AND exam.date >= #min AND exam.date < #max
, (unix_timestamp(exam.date) * 1000)
Note I am not attempting the PHP code, just concentrating on the SQL. I have used #min and #max to indicate the 2 dates required in the where clause. These should be of the same data type as the column exam.date so do those calculations in PHP before adding into the query string.
I want to calculate the average of ctdivol in a specific interval of
If you are trying to return a single figure, then this should help:
FROM exam
INNER JOIN ct on exam.examID = ct.examID AND ct.ctdivol_mGy > 0
WHERE exam.modality = 'CT'
AND exam.date >= #min AND exam.date < #max
Note for this variant we probably don't need a left join (but again due to a lack of sample data and expected result that is an assumption).
We're having a tough time debugging because our retired predecessor has a query statement that puts pulled data into a series of temporary tables before uploading to the database. It's not working now (we added items to TestPatterns table, and running for tp7 instead of tp21 so data may differ) and we're having a tough time debugging it. If we could somehow print or access the data put in the temporary tables, maybe we could debug it better. Any ideas on how to debug this better, and maybe see the data? We can print our first select/where statement, but not the data it pulls when the qry is executed. Plus there's the Source/Target sql merges we do. We know everything seems to work until we execute the $qry1d.
I looked online for how to view this info, and see the sql profiler, but I'm worried the statements are too complex to decipher the profiler output. When I tried to profile withhttp://youtu.be/mJ8Dyv4Uk6E, for a simple select top 1000 rows, it said:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT
clmns.name AS [Name]
sys.tables AS tbl
INNER JOIN sys.all_columns AS clmns ON clmns.object_id=tbl.object_id
(CAST(clmns.is_sparse AS bit)=#_msparam_0)and((tbl.name=#_msparam_1 and SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id)=#_msparam_2))
clmns.column_id ASC',N'#_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000),#_msparam_1 nvarchar(4000),#_msparam_2 nvarchar(4000)',#_msparam_0=N'0',#_msparam_1=N'Measurements',#_msparam_2=N'dbo'
It's failing with
The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more
than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source
row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target
table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row
matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group
the source rows.
This is a couple of the php sql merge statements:
$qry = 'SELECT "PrintSamples"."PrintSampleID", "PrintSamples"."TestPatternName", "PrintSamples"."PrintCopyID",
"DigitalImages"."CaptureTime", "PrintSampleAnalyses"."psaTicket", "Measurements"."MeasurementID", "Measurements"."MeasurementUuid",
SUBSTRING("OperatorLastName",1,1) AS "lastInitial", SUBSTRING("OperatorFirstName",1,1) AS "firstInitial",
"ParameterValues"."ParameterID", "ParameterName", "TargetName", "ParameterValues"."ParameterValue"
FROM "ParameterValues"
LEFT JOIN "Measurements" ON "ParameterValues"."MeasurementID"="Measurements"."MeasurementID"
LEFT JOIN "PrintSampleAnalyses" ON "PrintSampleAnalyses"."psaID"="Measurements"."psaID"
LEFT JOIN "DigitalImages" ON "DigitalImages"."ImageID"="PrintSampleAnalyses"."ImageID"
LEFT JOIN "PrintSamples" ON "DigitalImages"."PrintSampleID"="PrintSamples"."PrintSampleID"
LEFT JOIN "Sessions" ON "Sessions"."SessionID"="PrintSampleAnalyses"."SessionID"
LEFT JOIN "Operators" ON "Operators"."OperatorID"="Sessions"."OperatorID"
LEFT JOIN "ParameterNames" ON "ParameterNames"."ParameterID"="ParameterValues"."ParameterID"
LEFT JOIN "Targets" ON "Targets"."TargetID"="Measurements"."TargetID"
// The two statements where added to make AvgGhostValAsSir77 and MaxNegGhostingValAsSir77 work.
// After much testing it was found that the query did not recognize these to ParameterNames in the
// Postgres database. It was never discovered why when testing the ParameterName to be equal to
// AvgGhostValAsSir77 or MaxNegGhostingValAsSir77 the query fails but using the LIKE statement
// corrected the problem. It is possible that the names contain a hidden character or space that
// caused the proble. More investigation will need to be done to find a better resolution to this
// strange problem. On 8/1/13 - It was found that the two Parameters AvgGhostValAsSir77 and MaxNegGhostingValAsSir77
// have a trailing space to thier names in the Postgres database and that's why these two parameters
// were NOT working. It was decided instead of having IQAF people modify the database that the two
// statements using the LIKE will remain in place. The file was modified on this date 8/1/13.
// only take values that actually get reported on the dashboard
// this list comes from the "MeasurementNames" table
foreach ($measurementIDs as $mid){
if($mid[0] == "AvgGhostValAsSir77") $qry .= '(("ParameterName" LIKE ' . "'%AvgGhostValAsSir77%'" . ') AND ("TargetName"=' . "'" . $mid[1] . "')) OR ";
else if($mid[0] == "MaxNegGhostingValAsSir77") $qry .= '(("ParameterName" LIKE ' . "'%MaxNegGhostingValAsSir77%'" . ') AND ("TargetName"=' . "'" . $mid[1] . "')) OR ";
else $qry .= '(("ParameterName"=' . "'" . $mid[0] . "'" . ') AND ("TargetName"=' . "'" . $mid[1] . "')) OR ";
$qry = substr ($qry, 0, -4);
$qry .= ") ";
if (isset($captureTime)){ // used for incremental updates
$qry .= ' AND ("CaptureTime">' . "'" . $captureTime . "')";
// steve invalid reading code is -99999.
$qry .= ' AND ("ParameterValues"."ParameterValue" != -99999) ORDER BY "PrintSampleID", "MeasurementID"';
$actionString = '$action';
$qryCreate = "CREATE TABLE #tmpMeasurementTable (TestGUID uniqueidentifier,
IQAFid uniqueidentifier, pqID int, MeasurementID int,
EvaluationDate datetime, EvaluatorID int,
TestUnitID int, TestUnitCountID int,
TestPatternID int, ColorID int,
TargetID int, ParameterID int,
ParameterValue real)
CREATE TABLE #MergeOutput (ActionType nvarchar(10))";
//start putting data into measurement tables
$qry1a= "INSERT INTO #tmpMeasurementTable VALUES ";
//put 1a data in MeasurementData
$qry1b = "
MERGE INTO MeasurementData AS Target
USING #tmpMeasurementTable AS Source
ON Target.pqID=Source.pqID
AND Target.MeasurementID=Source.MeasurementID
AND Target.TargetID=Source.TargetID
AND Target.ParameterID=Source.ParameterID
AND Target.TestPatternID=Source.TestPatternID
AND Target.IQAFMeasurementID=Source.IQAFid
UPDATE SET Target.ParameterValue = Source.ParameterValue,
INSERT (TestGUID, IQAFMeasurementID, pqID,
MeasurementID, EvaluationDate, EvaluatorID,
TestUnitID, TestUnitCountID, TestPatternID, ColorID,
TargetID, ParameterID, ParameterValue)
VALUES (Source.TestGUID, Source.IQAFid, Source.pqID,
Source.MeasurementID, Source.EvaluationDate, Source.EvaluatorID,
Source.TestUnitID, Source.TestUnitCountID,
Source.TestPatternID, Source.ColorID,
Source.TargetID, Source.ParameterID, Source.ParameterValue)
$actionString INTO #MergeOutput;
DROP TABLE #tmpMeasurementTable";
$qryOutput = "SELECT ActionType, COUNT(ActionType)AS [count] FROM #MergeOutput GROUP BY ActionType";
$qryCleanup = "DROP TABLE #MergeOutput";
$qry1c = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE ID = OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#MergeOutput') AND xtype='U')
DROP TABLE #MergeOutput
CREATE TABLE #MergeOutput (ActionType nvarchar(10))
SELECT TestIndex AS TestID, TestID AS TestNumber, MeasurementData.TestGUID, pqID, TestUnitID, TestUnitCountID, TestPatternID,
ColorID, MeasurementData.MeasurementID, TargetID, ParameterID,
CAST(ROUND(AVG(ParameterValue*Multiplier), 2)AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS Value
INTO #tmpTable
FROM MeasurementData
LEFT JOIN Measurements ON Measurements.MeasurementID=MeasurementData.MeasurementID
LEFT JOIN Tests ON Tests.TestGUID=MeasurementData.TestGUID AND Tests.PiggybackID IS NULL
WHERE MeasurementData.TestGUID='" . $TestGUID . "' AND pqID>=" . $startPQid . " AND pqID<=" .$endPQid;
if (isset($captureTime)) // used for incremental updates
$qry1c .= " AND EvaluationDate>'" . makeDateTime($captureTime) . "'";
$qry1c .= " GROUP BY TestIndex, TestID, MeasurementData.TestGUID, pqID, TestUnitID, TestUnitCountID, TestPatternID,
ColorID, MeasurementData.MeasurementID, TargetID, ParameterID
ORDER BY ColorID, TestPatternID, TestUnitCountID, MeasurementData.MeasurementID, TargetID, ParameterID;
SELECT ##ROWCOUNT AS rows INTO #DashboardRows;";
//put temporary table in dashboard table
$qry1d = ";
MERGE INTO DashboardData AS Target
USING #tmpTable AS Source
ON Target.pqID=Source.pqID
AND Target.MeasurementID=Source.MeasurementID
AND Target.TargetID=Source.TargetID
AND Target.ParameterID=Source.ParameterID
AND Target.TestPatternID=Source.TestPatternID
UPDATE SET Target.ParameterValue=Source.Value,
TestUnitID, TestUnitCountID, TestPatternID, ColorID,
TargetID, ParameterID, ParameterValue,
TestNumber, TestIndex)
VALUES (Source.TestGUID, Source.pqID,
Source.TestUnitID, Source.TestUnitCountID,
Source.TestPatternID, Source.ColorID,
Source.TargetID, Source.ParameterID, Source.Value,
Source.TestNumber, Source.TestID)
$actionString INTO #MergeOutput;
DROP TABLE #tmpTable";
The queries get executed like this:
$result = $ms_conn->query($qry1c); $recordCount = $ms_conn->fetchOne
("SELECT rows FROM #DashboardRows"); //dataLog ("OLAP database " .
$recordCount . " records to process", true); $result =
$ms_conn->query($qry1d); dataLog ("end dashboard query");
To look at the intermediate tables, remove the first character # from the table names. This will make the tables non temporary, as SQL Server ha the convention that a table is temporary if its name starts with this character. You might also want to remove the drop table statements from the code. Then you can just look into these intermediate tables like into any other table.
Of course, to be able to re-run the code, you would have to drop the tables manually.
$tablae = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM order_history where (type!='rent_referral' AND type!='rental_balance') AND date>'" . strtotime($time1) . "' AND date<'" . strtotime($time2) . "' GROUP BY user_id");
while ($order = mysql_fetch_array($tablae)) {
$tablaes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members where id='$order[user_id]'");
$user = mysql_fetch_array($tablaes);
$rPaid=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`price`) AS total FROM order_history WHERE (type!='rent_referral' AND type!='rental_balance') AND date>'" . strtotime($time1) . "' AND date<'" . strtotime($time2) . "'");
$hdPaid = mysql_fetch_array($rPaid);
$sPaid=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`price`) AS total FROM order_history WHERE user_id='$idsd' AND (type!='rent_referral' AND type!='rental_balance') AND date>'" . strtotime($time1) . "' AND date<'" . strtotime($time2) . "'");
while ($hPaid = mysql_fetch_array($sPaid)) {
<? } ?>
This gets me this result http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14384295/test.jpeg
I want to order the price totals by DESC.
I would need
$sPaid=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`price`) AS total FROM order_history WHERE user_id='$idsd' AND (type!='rent_referral' AND type!='rental_balance') AND date>'" . strtotime($time1) . "' AND date<'" . strtotime($time2) . "'");
the total on that to be ordered by DESC.
Be really carefull with GROUP BY instructions in your SQL query. All columns which are in the result and which are not aggregate expressions (expressions would be the count, SUM, max, etc working on the group and not on the rows) should be in your group by expression;
Here you use a select *, you should try to list the real columns instead, and get this list in your group by, or use only SELECT user_id.
Most database would prevent you of running such not-very-well-formted group by query, but MySQl is not bailing you, tthat does not mean he won't gives you completly wrong results if you do not rexpect this rule (all columns which are not aggregates must be in the group by).
Then you should be able to order by an agregate expression by reusing this expression and not his alias in the order clause.
You could either use client side sorting with javascript, there are some nice jQuery addons that can do that.
Or you have to totaly rewrite your code to have a single sql using joins and group by.
But I cannot realy follow the logic with $rPaid, $hPaid and $sPaid so I cannot help you there.
I have a 3 sql tables:
qotwQuestion1a(QuestionId [primarykey], Question, MemberId, PostDate);
qotwVote1a (QuestionId [primarykey], MemberId [primarykey], Vote1a);
qotwMember (MemberId [primarykey], Name, Password, emailId);
I want to write a sql query to find the QuetionId and MemberId of the Question that has the highest vote in the last week. I have written this query in php, but it gives me a wrong result:
$result6 = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(Vote1a) AS highestVote, * FROM qotwMember, qotwQuestion1a , qotwVote1a
WHERE qotwMember.MemberId=qotwQuestion1a.MemberId
AND qotwQuestion1a.QuestionId=qotwVote1a.QuestionId
AND qotwQuestion1a.MemberId=qotwVote1a.MemberId
AND PostDate>='".$startofweek."' AND PostDate<='".$endofweek."'
ORDER BY qotwQuestion1a.QuestionId DESC ");
while($row6 = mysql_fetch_array($result6))
echo "The highest voted question of the last week is: "; echo $row6['highestVote']; echo $row6['MemberId'] . " " . $row6['Name'] . " " . $row6['Password'] . " " . $row6['PostDate'] . " " . $row6['Question']." ".$row6['QuestionId']." ".$row6['Vote1a'];
echo "<br />";
The $startofweek and $endofweek give the date of the beginning of the last week and end of the last week.
Can someone help me with this, please.
SELECT q.QuestionId, q.MemberID
FROM qotwQuestion1a q
JOIN qotwVote1a v
ON v.QuestionID = q.QuestionID
WHERE PostDate BETWEEN $startdate AND $enddate
) qo
JOIN qotwMember m
ON m.MemberID = q.MemberID
Well, first of all, using MAX() without groupping is .. useless, you don't need it in this case. Second, if you want your results ordered from highest voted down to lowest voted, why don't you order by Vote1a and just take the first result with a LIMIT clause.
Hope you're dealing with ties somewhere ;)
And questions with no answers, for that matter.
Other than that...it looks like you're matching the member to the question, which might not make sense if your tables are set up the way they appear to be.
Try this:
SELECT Vote1a AS highestVote, *
FROM qotwMember, qotwQuestion1a , qotwVote1a
WHERE qotwMember.MemberId=qotwQuestion1a.MemberId
AND qotwQuestion1a.QuestionId=qotwVote1a.QuestionId
AND qotwQuestion1a.MemberId=qotwVote1a.MemberId
AND PostDate>='".$startofweek."'
AND PostDate<='".$endofweek."'
GROUP BY Votela, *
ORDER BY qotwQuestion1a.QuestionId DESC");
Not too sure on the syntax of this one but the basic idea is to have a query that can get all records, and then at the last minute, isolate it to just those records having the MAX(Votela).
I would also recommend not using * unless you absolutely need it. I know it can be a pain if you want most of the columns in the tables, but it is always best practice to only select the columns you need.