Can I pass an associative array as an argument to ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs? - php

Is it possible to pass parameters as an associative array in ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs? This would allow me to pass the arguments in a different order than declared.
For example:
class A
public function someMethod($a, $b)
return sprintf("a - %s, b - %s", $a, $b);
$rm = new ReflectionMethod('A', 'someMethod');
echo $rm->invokeArgs(new A(), array('b' => 1, 'a' => 2));

You can do this by overwriting the invokeArgs method and implementing the functionality you need (in your case it looks like you want to use named arguments):
class ReflectionMethodA extends ReflectionMethod
public function invokeArgs($object, Array $args = array())
$parameters = $this->getParameters();
foreach($parameters as &$param)
$name = $param->getName();
$param = isset($args[$name]) ? $args[$name] : $param->getDefaultValue();
return parent::invokeArgs($object, $parameters);
$rm = new ReflectionMethodA('A', 'someMethod');
echo $rm->invokeArgs(new A(), array('b' => 1, 'a' => 2));
a - 2, b - 1
Edit: An improved (supporting both named and numbered arguments as well as passing by reference) and more flexible variant (to be used for any callback) is the following class, taking any valid callback as parameter in it's constructor.
$rc = new ReflectedCallback(array(new A(), 'someMethod'));
echo $rc->invokeArgs(array('b' => 1, 'a' => 2));

No, there's nothing in the manual page that suggests you can use an associative array to re-order arguments by name.


Passing parameter to a function by parameter name? [duplicate]

Is it possible in PHP to specify a named optional parameter when calling a function/method, skipping the ones you don't want to specify (like in python)?
Something like:
function foo($a, $b = '', $c = '') {
// whatever
foo("hello", $c="bar"); // we want $b as the default, but specify $c
No, it is not possible (before PHP 8.0): if you want to pass the third parameter, you have to pass the second one. And named parameters are not possible either.
A "solution" would be to use only one parameter, an array, and always pass it... But don't always define everything in it.
For instance :
function foo($params) {
And calling it this way : (Key / value array)
'a' => 'hello',
'a' => 'hello',
'c' => 'glop',
'a' => 'hello',
'test' => 'another one',
Will get you this output :
'a' => string 'hello' (length=5)
'a' => string 'hello' (length=5)
'c' => string 'glop' (length=4)
'a' => string 'hello' (length=5)
'test' => string 'another one' (length=11)
But I don't really like this solution :
You will lose the phpdoc
Your IDE will not be able to provide any hint anymore... Which is bad
So I'd go with this only in very specific cases -- for functions with lots of optional parameters, for instance...
PHP 8 was released on November 26, 2020 with a new feature called named arguments.
In this major version release, "named parameters" (aka "named arguments") afford developers some really cool new techniques when calling native and custom functions.
The custom function in this question can now be called with the first parameter (because there is no default for it) and then only the third parameter passed by using named parameters like this: (Demo)
function foo($a, $b = '', $c = '') {
echo $a . '&' . $b . '&' . $c;
foo("hello", c: "bar");
// output: hello&&bar
Notice that the second parameter did not need to be declared in the function call because it has a default value defined -- the default value is automatically used within the function body.
Part of the beauty of this new feature is that you don't need to be careful about the order of your named parameters -- the order of their declaration is irrelevant. foo(c: "bar", a: "hello"); works just the same. Having the ability to "skip" declarations and write declarative parameters will improve the readability of your scripts. The only downside of this new feature is that there will be a little bit more bloat in the function calls, but I (and many others) think the benefits outweigh this "cost".
Here is an example of a native function omitting the limit parameter, writing the parameters out of their normal order, and declaring a reference variable. (Demo)
echo preg_replace(
subject: 'Hello 7',
pattern: '/[a-z ]/',
count: $counted,
replacement: ''
. " & " . $counted;
// output: H7 & 5
There is more to tell about this new feature. You can even use an associative array to pass the named parameters to the function where the spread/splat operator can be used to unpack the data!
(*notice the slight difference in declaring the reference variable.) (Demo)
$params = [
'subject' => 'Hello 7', // normally third parameter
'pattern' => '/[a-z ]/', // normally first parameter
// 'limit' // normally fourth parameter, omitted for this demonstration; the default -1 will be used
'count' => &$counted, // normally fifth parameter
// ^-- don't forget to make it modifiable!
'replacement' => '', // normally second parameter
echo preg_replace(...$params) . " & " . $counted;
// same output as the previous snippet
For more information, here are a few leads that explain further about this feature and some common related errors: (I have no affiliation with the following sites)
No, PHP cannot pass arguments by name.
If you have a function that takes a lot of arguments and all of them have default values you can consider making the function accept an array of arguments instead:
function test (array $args) {
$defaults = array('a' => '', 'b' => '', 'c' => '');
$args = array_merge($defaults, array_intersect_key($args, $defaults));
list($a, $b, $c) = array_values($args);
// an alternative to list(): extract($args);
// you can now use $a, $b, $c
See it in action.
No, it isn't.
The only way you can somewhat do that is by using arrays with named keys and what not.
As of PHP 5.4 you have shorthand array syntax (not nessecary to specify arrays with cumbersome "array" and instead use "[]").
You can mimic named parameters in many ways, one good and simple way might be:
bar('one', ['a1' => 'two', 'bar' => 'three', 'foo' => 'four']);
// output: twothreefour
function bar ($a1, $kwargs = ['bar' => null, 'foo' => null]) {
echo $a1;
echo $bar;
echo $foo;
You can keep the phpdoc and the ability to set defaults by passing an object instead of an array, e.g.
class FooOptions {
$opt1 = 'x';
$opt2 = 'y';
/* etc */
That also lets you do strict type checking in your function call, if you want to:
function foo (FooOptions $opts) {
Of course, you might pay for that with extra verbosity setting up the FooOptions object. There's no totally-free ride, unfortunately.
It's not exactly pretty, but it does the trick, some might say.
class NamedArguments {
static function init($args) {
$assoc = reset($args);
if (is_array($assoc)) {
$diff = array_diff(array_keys($assoc), array_keys($args));
if (empty($diff)) return $assoc;
trigger_error('Invalid parameters: '.join(',',$diff), E_USER_ERROR);
return array();
class Test {
public static function foobar($required, $optional1 = '', $optional2 = '') {
printf("required: %s, optional1: %s, optional2: %s\n", $required, $optional1, $optional2);
Test::foobar("required", "optional1", "optional2");
'required' => 'required',
'optional1' => 'optional1',
'optional2' => 'optional2'
Normally you can't but I think there a lot of ways to pass named arguments to a PHP function. Personally I relay on the definition using arrays and just call what I need to pass:
class Test{
public $a = false;
private $b = false;
public $c = false;
public $d = false;
public $e = false;
public function _factory(){
$args = func_get_args();
$args = $args[0];
$this->a = array_key_exists("a",$args) ? $args["a"] : 0;
$this->b = array_key_exists("b",$args) ? $args["b"] : 0;
$this->c = array_key_exists("c",$args) ? $args["c"] : 0;
$this->d = array_key_exists("d",$args) ? $args["d"] : 0;
$this->e = array_key_exists("e",$args) ? $args["e"] : 0;
public function show(){
$test = new Test();
live example here:
If I have to pass 10 arguments, and 3 of them are the data I really need, is NOT EVEN SMART to pass into the function something like
return myfunction(false,false,10,false,false,"date",false,false,false,"desc");
With the approach I'm giving, you can setup any of the 10 arguments into an array:
return myfunction($arr);
I have a post in my blog explaining this process in more details.
With PHP, the order of arguments is what matters. You can't specify a particular argument out of place, but instead, you can skip arguments by passing a NULL, as long as you don't mind the value in your function having a NULL value.
foo("hello", NULL, "bar");
If you really really want, try the reflection.
And skip with null.
function getDefaultValueByNull($fn, $inputs) {
$ref = new ReflectionFunction($fn);
$args = array_map(function($p) {
return [
$p->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $p->getDefaultValue() : NULL,
}, $ref->getParameters());
foreach($inputs as $i=>$val) { if ($val!==NULL) $args[$i][1] = $val; }
return array_column($args, 1, 0);
function sum($a=9, $b) {
extract(getDefaultValueByNull(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()));
return $a+$b;
echo sum(NULL, 1); // 10
Here's what I've been using. A function definition takes one optional array argument which specifies the optional named arguments:
function func($arg, $options = Array()) {
$defaults = Array('foo' => 1.0,
'bar' => FALSE);
$options = array_merge($default, $options);
// Normal function body here. Use $options['foo'] and
// $options['bar'] to fetch named parameter values.
You can normally call without any named arguments:
To specify an optional named argument, pass it in the optional array:
func("xyzzy", Array('foo' => 5.7))
No not really. There are a few alternatives to it you could use.
Or pass an array:
test(array('c' => "hello"));
Then, the function could be:
function test($array) {
$c = isset($array[c]) ? $array[c] : '';
Or add a function in between, but i would not suggest this:
function ctest($c) { test('','',$c); }
I dont think so...
If you need to call, for example, the substr function, that has 3 params, and want to set the $length without set the $start, you'll be forced to do so.
a nice way to override this is to always use arrays for parameters
In very short, sometimes yes, by using reflection and typed variables. However I think this is probably not what you are after.
A better solution to your problem is probably to pass in the 3 arguments as functions handle the missing one inside your function yourself
function test(array $params)
//Check for nulls etc etc
$a = $params['a'];
$b = $params['b'];
...etc etc
You can't do it the python way. Anway, you could pass an associative array and than use the array entries by their name:
function test ($args=array('a'=>'','b'=>'','c'=>''))
// do something
This doesn't reduce the typing, but at least it's more descriptive, having the arguments' names visible and readable in the call.
Here is a work around:
function set_param_defaults($params) {
foreach($params['default_values'] as $arg_name => $arg_value) {
if (!isset($params[$arg_name])) {
$params[$arg_name] = $arg_value;
return $params;
function foo($z, $x = null, $y = null) {
$default_values = ['x' => 'default value for x', 'y' => 'default value for y'];
$params = set_param_defaults(get_defined_vars());
print "$z\n";
print $params['x'] . "\n";
print $params['y'] . "\n";
foo('set z value', null, 'set y value');
print "\n";
foo('set z value', 'set x value');
Personally I would go with this method.
function foo($z, $x_y) {
$x_y += ['x' => 'default value for x', 'y' => 'default value for y'];
print "$z\n";
print $x_y['x'] . "\n";
print $x_y['y'] . "\n";
foo('set z value', ['y' => 'set y value']);
print "\n";
foo('set z value', ['x' => 'set x value']);
Print outs for both examples.
1st call:
set z value
default value for x
set y value
2nd call:
set z value
set x value
default value for y
Just use the associative array pattern Drupal uses. For optional defaulted arguments, just accept an $options argument which is an associative array. Then use the array + operator to set any missing keys in the array.
function foo ($a_required_parameter, $options = array()) {
$options += array(
'b' => '',
'c' => '',
// whatever
foo('a', array('c' => 'c’s value')); // No need to pass b when specifying c.

Dynamically call Class with variable number of parameters in the constructor

I know that it is possible to call a function with a variable number of parameters with call_user_func_array() found here -> . What I want to do is nearly identical, but instead of a function, I want to call a PHP class with a variable number of parameters in it's constructor.
It would work something like the below, but I won't know the number of parameters, so I won't know how to instantiate the class.
//The class name will be pulled dynamically from another source
$myClass = '\Some\Dynamically\Generated\Class';
//The parameters will also be pulled from another source, for simplicity I
//have used two parameters. There could be 0, 1, 2, N, ... parameters
$myParameters = array ('dynamicparam1', 'dynamicparam2');
//The instantiated class needs to be called with 0, 1, 2, N, ... parameters
//not just two parameters.
$myClassInstance = new $myClass($myParameters[0], $myParameters[1]);
You can do the following using ReflectionClass
$myClass = '\Some\Dynamically\Generated\a';
$myParameters = array ('dynamicparam1', 'dynamicparam2');
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($myClass);
$myClassInstance = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($myParameters);
PHP manual:
In php 5.6 you can achieve this with Argument unpacking.
$myClass = '\Some\Dynamically\Generated\a';
$myParameters = ['dynamicparam1', 'dynamicparam2'];
$myClassInstance = new $myClass(...$myParameters);
I implement this approach a lot when function args are > 2, rather then end up with an Christmas list of arguments which must be in a specific order, I simply pass in an associative array. By passing in an associative array, I can check for necessary and optional args and handle missing values as needed. Something like:
class MyClass
protected $requiredArg1;
protected $optionalArg1;
public function __construct(array $options = array())
// Check for a necessary arg
if (!isset($options['requiredArg1'])) {
throw new Exception('Missing requiredArg1');
// Now I can just localize
$requiredArg1 = $options['requiredArg1'];
$optionalArg1 = (isset($options['optionalArg1'])) ? $options['optionalArg1'] : null;
// Now that you have localized args, do what you want
$this->requiredArg1 = $requiredArg1;
$this->optionalArg1 = $optionalArg1;
// Example call
$class = 'MyClass';
$array = array('requiredArg1' => 'Foo!', 'optionalArg1' => 'Bar!');
$instance = new $class($array);
I highly recommend using an associative array, however it is possible to use a 0-index array. You will have to be extremely careful when constructing the array and account for indices that have meaning, otherwise you will pass in an array with offset args and wreck havoc with your function.
You can do that using func_get_args().
class my_class {
function __construct( $first = NULL ) {
$params = func_get_args();
if( is_array( $first ) )
$params = $first;
// the $params array will contain the
// arguments passed to the child function
foreach( $params as $p )
echo "Param: $p\n";
function my_function() {
$instance = new my_class( func_get_args() );
echo "you can still create my_class instances like normal:";
$instance = new my_class( "one", "two", "three" );
echo "\n\n\n";
echo "but also through my_function:";
my_function( "one", "two", "three" );
Basically, you simply pass the result of func_get_args to the constructor of your class, and let it decide whether it is being called with an array of arguments from that function, or whether it is being called normally.
This code outputs
you can still create my_class instances like normal:
Param: one
Param: two
Param: three
but also through my_function:
Param: one
Param: two
Param: three
Hope that helps.
I've found here
Is there a call_user_func() equivalent to create a new class instance?
the example:
function createInstance($className, array $arguments = array())
if(class_exists($className)) {
return call_user_func_array(array(
new ReflectionClass($className), 'newInstance'),
return false;
But can somebody tell me if there is an example for classes with protected constructors?

How to validate a field of Zend_Form based on the value of another field?

I'm trying to add a custom validator to a field. It should take into account the value of another field. E.g. field A should be at most B+50%.
I've made a class implementing Zend_Validate_Interface, but apparently Zend Form only sends in the value of the current field to the validator. How do I make the validator receive everything?
When you call isValid on a Zend_Form it will pass the all the data you passed to the method
$form->isValid(array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2));
Your custom validator will receive that whole array of raw values.
Example Validator
class My_Validator_TwoVals implements Zend_Validate_Interface
public function getMessages()
return array();
public function isValid($value)
Example Form
$f = new Zend_Form;
$a = $f->createElement('Text', 'a');
$b = $f->createElement('Text', 'b');
$b->addPrefixPath('My_Validator', '.', 'validate');
$f->addElements(array($a, $b));
$f->isValid(array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2));
[0] => 2
[1] => Array
[a] => 1
[b] => 2
As you can see there was also a second argument passed to isValid, which is $context. And that contains the remaining values.
An alternative would be to pass the second element to match against as an option to the Validator, e.g.
class My_Validator_TwoVals implements Zend_Validate_Interface
protected $a;
public function getMessages()
return array();
public function isValid($value)
public function __construct(Zend_Form_Element $a)
$this->a = $a;
$f = new Zend_Form;
$a = $f->createElement('Text', 'a');
$b = $f->createElement('Text', 'b');
$b->addPrefixPath('My_Validator', '.', 'validate');
$b->addValidator('TwoVals', false, array($a));
$f->addElements(array($a, $b));
$f->isValid(array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2));
Will then print int(1). As you can see, we fetched that value through the form element's API so anything you configured for validators and filters would be applied, e.g. it's not the raw value. And you can also set it to another value, etc.
Also have a look at Zend_Validate_Identical to learn how ZF implements checking of other form elements:

Passing named parameters to a php function through call_user_func_array

When trying to call a function in a child class with an arbitrary set of parameters, I'm having the following problem:
class Base{
function callDerived($method,$params){
class Derived extends Base{
function test($foo,$bar){
print "foo=$foo, bar=$bar\n";
$d = new Derived();
foo=2, bar=1
Which... is not exactly what I wanted - is there a way to achieve this beyond re-composing the array with the index order of func_get_args? And yes, of course, I could simply pass the whole array and deal with it in the function... but that's not what I want to do.
No. PHP does not support named parameters. Only the order of parameters is taken into account. You could probably take the code itself apart using the ReflectionClass to inspect the function parameter names, but in the end you'd need to use this to reorder the array anyway.
The stock PHP class ReflectionMethod is your friend.
class MyClass {
function myFunc($param1, $param2, $param3='myDefault') {
print "test";
$refm = new ReflectionMethod('MyClass', 'myFunc');
foreach ($refm->getParameters() as $p)
print "$p\n";
And the result:
Parameter #0 [ <required> $param1 ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $param2 ]
Parameter #2 [ <optional> $param3 = 'myDefault' ]
At this point you know the names of the parameters of the target function. With this information you can modify your method 'callDerived', and you can re-order the array to call_user_func_array according to the parameter names.
Good news, I had the same concern (I was looking for named arguments in PHP, like Python does), and found this useful tool :
This uses the reflection API to feed a callable with some arguments from an array and also use optional arguments defaults for other parameters that are not defined in the array.
$invoker = new Invoker\Invoker;
$result = $invoker->call(array($object, 'method'), array(
"strName" => "Lorem",
"strValue" => "ipsum",
"readOnly" => true,
"size" => 55,
Have fun
UPDATE: PHP 8 Now supports named parameters. And it works with call_user_func_array if you pass an associative array. So you can simply do this:
function myFunc($foo, $bar) {
echo "foo=$foo, bar=$bar\n";
call_user_func_array('myFunc', ['bar' => 2, 'foo' => 1]);
// Outputs: foo=1, bar=2
In your code, you'll be happy to know that you don't have to change a thing. Just upgrade to PHP 8 and it'll work as you expected
You can simply pass an array and extract:
function add($arr){
extract($arr, EXTR_REFS);
return $one+$two;
$one = 1;
$two = 2;
echo add(compact('one', 'two')); // 3
This will extract as references, so there is close to no overhead.
I use a bitmask instead of boolean parameters:
// Ingredients
define ('TOMATO', 0b0000001);
define ('CHEESE', 0b0000010);
define ('OREGANO', 0b0000100);
define ('MUSHROOMS', 0b0001000);
define ('SALAMI', 0b0010000);
define ('PEPERONI', 0b0100000);
define ('ONIONS', 0b1000000);
function pizza ($ingredients) {
$serving = 'Pizza with';
$serving .= ($ingredients&TOMATO)?' Tomato':'';
$serving .= ($ingredients&CHEESE)?' Cheese':'';
$serving .= ($ingredients&OREGANO)?' Oregano':'';
$serving .= ($ingredients&MUSHROOMS)?' Mushrooms':'';
$serving .= ($ingredients&SALAMI)?' Salami':'';
$serving .= ($ingredients&ONIONS)?' Onions':'';
return trim($serving)."\n" ;
// Now order your pizzas!
echo pizza(TOMATO | CHEESE | SALAMI);
echo pizza(ONIONS | TOMATO | MUSHROOMS | CHEESE); // "Params" are not positional
For those who still might stumble on the question (like I did), here is my approach:
since PHP 5.6 you can use ... as mentioned here:
In this case you could use something like this:
class Base{
function callDerived($method,...$params){
class Derived extends Base{
function test(...$params){
foreach ($params as $arr) {
print "foo=$foo, bar=$bar\n";
$d = new Derived();
//print: foo=1, bar=2
There is a way to do it and is using arrays (the most easy way):
class Test{
public $a = false;
private $b = false;
public $c = false;
public $d = false;
public $e = false;
public function _factory(){
$args = func_get_args();
$args = $args[0];
$this->a = array_key_exists("a",$args) ? $args["a"] : 0;
$this->b = array_key_exists("b",$args) ? $args["b"] : 0;
$this->c = array_key_exists("c",$args) ? $args["c"] : 0;
$this->d = array_key_exists("d",$args) ? $args["d"] : 0;
$this->e = array_key_exists("e",$args) ? $args["e"] : 0;
public function show(){
$test = new Test();
a full explanation can be found in my blog:

Does PHP allow named parameters so that optional arguments can be omitted from function calls?

Is it possible in PHP to specify a named optional parameter when calling a function/method, skipping the ones you don't want to specify (like in python)?
Something like:
function foo($a, $b = '', $c = '') {
// whatever
foo("hello", $c="bar"); // we want $b as the default, but specify $c
No, it is not possible (before PHP 8.0): if you want to pass the third parameter, you have to pass the second one. And named parameters are not possible either.
A "solution" would be to use only one parameter, an array, and always pass it... But don't always define everything in it.
For instance :
function foo($params) {
And calling it this way : (Key / value array)
'a' => 'hello',
'a' => 'hello',
'c' => 'glop',
'a' => 'hello',
'test' => 'another one',
Will get you this output :
'a' => string 'hello' (length=5)
'a' => string 'hello' (length=5)
'c' => string 'glop' (length=4)
'a' => string 'hello' (length=5)
'test' => string 'another one' (length=11)
But I don't really like this solution :
You will lose the phpdoc
Your IDE will not be able to provide any hint anymore... Which is bad
So I'd go with this only in very specific cases -- for functions with lots of optional parameters, for instance...
PHP 8 was released on November 26, 2020 with a new feature called named arguments.
In this major version release, "named parameters" (aka "named arguments") afford developers some really cool new techniques when calling native and custom functions.
The custom function in this question can now be called with the first parameter (because there is no default for it) and then only the third parameter passed by using named parameters like this: (Demo)
function foo($a, $b = '', $c = '') {
echo $a . '&' . $b . '&' . $c;
foo("hello", c: "bar");
// output: hello&&bar
Notice that the second parameter did not need to be declared in the function call because it has a default value defined -- the default value is automatically used within the function body.
Part of the beauty of this new feature is that you don't need to be careful about the order of your named parameters -- the order of their declaration is irrelevant. foo(c: "bar", a: "hello"); works just the same. Having the ability to "skip" declarations and write declarative parameters will improve the readability of your scripts. The only downside of this new feature is that there will be a little bit more bloat in the function calls, but I (and many others) think the benefits outweigh this "cost".
Here is an example of a native function omitting the limit parameter, writing the parameters out of their normal order, and declaring a reference variable. (Demo)
echo preg_replace(
subject: 'Hello 7',
pattern: '/[a-z ]/',
count: $counted,
replacement: ''
. " & " . $counted;
// output: H7 & 5
There is more to tell about this new feature. You can even use an associative array to pass the named parameters to the function where the spread/splat operator can be used to unpack the data!
(*notice the slight difference in declaring the reference variable.) (Demo)
$params = [
'subject' => 'Hello 7', // normally third parameter
'pattern' => '/[a-z ]/', // normally first parameter
// 'limit' // normally fourth parameter, omitted for this demonstration; the default -1 will be used
'count' => &$counted, // normally fifth parameter
// ^-- don't forget to make it modifiable!
'replacement' => '', // normally second parameter
echo preg_replace(...$params) . " & " . $counted;
// same output as the previous snippet
For more information, here are a few leads that explain further about this feature and some common related errors: (I have no affiliation with the following sites)
No, PHP cannot pass arguments by name.
If you have a function that takes a lot of arguments and all of them have default values you can consider making the function accept an array of arguments instead:
function test (array $args) {
$defaults = array('a' => '', 'b' => '', 'c' => '');
$args = array_merge($defaults, array_intersect_key($args, $defaults));
list($a, $b, $c) = array_values($args);
// an alternative to list(): extract($args);
// you can now use $a, $b, $c
See it in action.
No, it isn't.
The only way you can somewhat do that is by using arrays with named keys and what not.
As of PHP 5.4 you have shorthand array syntax (not nessecary to specify arrays with cumbersome "array" and instead use "[]").
You can mimic named parameters in many ways, one good and simple way might be:
bar('one', ['a1' => 'two', 'bar' => 'three', 'foo' => 'four']);
// output: twothreefour
function bar ($a1, $kwargs = ['bar' => null, 'foo' => null]) {
echo $a1;
echo $bar;
echo $foo;
You can keep the phpdoc and the ability to set defaults by passing an object instead of an array, e.g.
class FooOptions {
$opt1 = 'x';
$opt2 = 'y';
/* etc */
That also lets you do strict type checking in your function call, if you want to:
function foo (FooOptions $opts) {
Of course, you might pay for that with extra verbosity setting up the FooOptions object. There's no totally-free ride, unfortunately.
It's not exactly pretty, but it does the trick, some might say.
class NamedArguments {
static function init($args) {
$assoc = reset($args);
if (is_array($assoc)) {
$diff = array_diff(array_keys($assoc), array_keys($args));
if (empty($diff)) return $assoc;
trigger_error('Invalid parameters: '.join(',',$diff), E_USER_ERROR);
return array();
class Test {
public static function foobar($required, $optional1 = '', $optional2 = '') {
printf("required: %s, optional1: %s, optional2: %s\n", $required, $optional1, $optional2);
Test::foobar("required", "optional1", "optional2");
'required' => 'required',
'optional1' => 'optional1',
'optional2' => 'optional2'
Normally you can't but I think there a lot of ways to pass named arguments to a PHP function. Personally I relay on the definition using arrays and just call what I need to pass:
class Test{
public $a = false;
private $b = false;
public $c = false;
public $d = false;
public $e = false;
public function _factory(){
$args = func_get_args();
$args = $args[0];
$this->a = array_key_exists("a",$args) ? $args["a"] : 0;
$this->b = array_key_exists("b",$args) ? $args["b"] : 0;
$this->c = array_key_exists("c",$args) ? $args["c"] : 0;
$this->d = array_key_exists("d",$args) ? $args["d"] : 0;
$this->e = array_key_exists("e",$args) ? $args["e"] : 0;
public function show(){
$test = new Test();
live example here:
If I have to pass 10 arguments, and 3 of them are the data I really need, is NOT EVEN SMART to pass into the function something like
return myfunction(false,false,10,false,false,"date",false,false,false,"desc");
With the approach I'm giving, you can setup any of the 10 arguments into an array:
return myfunction($arr);
I have a post in my blog explaining this process in more details.
With PHP, the order of arguments is what matters. You can't specify a particular argument out of place, but instead, you can skip arguments by passing a NULL, as long as you don't mind the value in your function having a NULL value.
foo("hello", NULL, "bar");
If you really really want, try the reflection.
And skip with null.
function getDefaultValueByNull($fn, $inputs) {
$ref = new ReflectionFunction($fn);
$args = array_map(function($p) {
return [
$p->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $p->getDefaultValue() : NULL,
}, $ref->getParameters());
foreach($inputs as $i=>$val) { if ($val!==NULL) $args[$i][1] = $val; }
return array_column($args, 1, 0);
function sum($a=9, $b) {
extract(getDefaultValueByNull(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args()));
return $a+$b;
echo sum(NULL, 1); // 10
Here's what I've been using. A function definition takes one optional array argument which specifies the optional named arguments:
function func($arg, $options = Array()) {
$defaults = Array('foo' => 1.0,
'bar' => FALSE);
$options = array_merge($default, $options);
// Normal function body here. Use $options['foo'] and
// $options['bar'] to fetch named parameter values.
You can normally call without any named arguments:
To specify an optional named argument, pass it in the optional array:
func("xyzzy", Array('foo' => 5.7))
No not really. There are a few alternatives to it you could use.
Or pass an array:
test(array('c' => "hello"));
Then, the function could be:
function test($array) {
$c = isset($array[c]) ? $array[c] : '';
Or add a function in between, but i would not suggest this:
function ctest($c) { test('','',$c); }
I dont think so...
If you need to call, for example, the substr function, that has 3 params, and want to set the $length without set the $start, you'll be forced to do so.
a nice way to override this is to always use arrays for parameters
In very short, sometimes yes, by using reflection and typed variables. However I think this is probably not what you are after.
A better solution to your problem is probably to pass in the 3 arguments as functions handle the missing one inside your function yourself
function test(array $params)
//Check for nulls etc etc
$a = $params['a'];
$b = $params['b'];
...etc etc
You can't do it the python way. Anway, you could pass an associative array and than use the array entries by their name:
function test ($args=array('a'=>'','b'=>'','c'=>''))
// do something
This doesn't reduce the typing, but at least it's more descriptive, having the arguments' names visible and readable in the call.
Here is a work around:
function set_param_defaults($params) {
foreach($params['default_values'] as $arg_name => $arg_value) {
if (!isset($params[$arg_name])) {
$params[$arg_name] = $arg_value;
return $params;
function foo($z, $x = null, $y = null) {
$default_values = ['x' => 'default value for x', 'y' => 'default value for y'];
$params = set_param_defaults(get_defined_vars());
print "$z\n";
print $params['x'] . "\n";
print $params['y'] . "\n";
foo('set z value', null, 'set y value');
print "\n";
foo('set z value', 'set x value');
Personally I would go with this method.
function foo($z, $x_y) {
$x_y += ['x' => 'default value for x', 'y' => 'default value for y'];
print "$z\n";
print $x_y['x'] . "\n";
print $x_y['y'] . "\n";
foo('set z value', ['y' => 'set y value']);
print "\n";
foo('set z value', ['x' => 'set x value']);
Print outs for both examples.
1st call:
set z value
default value for x
set y value
2nd call:
set z value
set x value
default value for y
Just use the associative array pattern Drupal uses. For optional defaulted arguments, just accept an $options argument which is an associative array. Then use the array + operator to set any missing keys in the array.
function foo ($a_required_parameter, $options = array()) {
$options += array(
'b' => '',
'c' => '',
// whatever
foo('a', array('c' => 'c’s value')); // No need to pass b when specifying c.
