Total value with JavaScript and PHP - php

I'm using this form script to automatically calculate totals. Now I need to get that total and add it to a database via PHP and MySQL.
I don't know how to 'name' the totalPrice div, so that I can pass its value to the database.
I'm still not getting results in the database. I'm now using $_POST[totalValue] for the field set and totalPrice for the field name.
<div id="totalPrice"></div></div>
<input type="hidden" name="totalValue" id="totalValue" />
var totalValue = document.getElementById('totalValue');
totalValue.value = vendorPrice; //the actual total value
function calculateTotal()
//Here we get the total price by calling our function
//Each function returns a number so by calling them we add the values they return together
var vendorPrice = getTentPrice() + getElecPrice() + getPropanePrice();
//display the result
var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPrice');'block';
divobj.innerHTML = "Total Price Vendor $"+vendorPrice;

The vendorPrice variable is not available outside the scope of the function calculateTotal. You could make vendorPrice a global variable, but that's a bit of an ugly hack.
Alternatively, you could do something like this:
function calculateTotal()
var vendorPrice = getTentPrice() + getElecPrice() + getPropanePrice();
var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPrice');'block';
divobj.innerHTML = "Total Price Vendor $"+vendorPrice;
return vendorPrice; // <-- ADDED
And this:
var totalValue = document.getElementById('totalValue');
totalValue.value = calculateTotal(); // <-- CHANGED
This way, you assign the value that is now returned by calculateTotal() to totalValue.value.
By the way: since it looks like you're already using jQuery, you can rewrite your code like this:
// [...]
var divobj = $('#totalPrice');
divobj.css('display', 'block');
divobj.text("Total Price Vendor $"+vendorPrice);
// [...]
var totalValue = $('#totalValue');
This makes it a bit more readable (although that's debatable) and a bit more cross-browser reliant. jQuery has great docs (e.g. the documentation on .val()). If you're going to use jQuery more often I can highly recommend bookmarking the docs and skimming through them.

Using jQuery:
var price = $("#totalPrice").text().replace(/[\s\S]+\$/,"")
$("#cakeForm").append('<input type="hidden" name="estimated_price" value="' + price + '" />')
But as #nick-rulez pointed out, is usually not a good idea to save calculated values in a database.

You can set the value to:
<input type="hidden" name="totalValue" id="totalValue" />
Which you have to put inside your <form>...</form>.
When you submit the form you're going to receive input's value.
You can set the value to the hidden field with this sniped:
var totalValue = document.getElementById('totalValue');
totalValue.value = myValue; //myValue is the total

function calculateTotal()
var Price = getTshirtPrice() + getTshirtType() + getTshirtColour() +
var divobj = document.getElementById('textbox');
divobj.value = "Total Price For the T-shirt: £"+Price;
return Price;
<div id="totalPrice"><input type="text" id="textbox"></div>
Do that. It works perfectly fine.


Fixing jQuery plugin to handle duplicating nested fields with unique ID's

I have a quick question for you guys here. I was handed a set of lead generation pages and asked to get them up and running. The forms are great, expect for one small issue... they use the jQuery below to allow users to submit multiple instances of a data set by clicking an "Add another item" button. The problem is that the duplicated items are duplicated EXACTLY. Same name, id, etc. Obviously, this doesn't work when attempting to process the data via PHP, as only the first set is used.
I'm still learning jQuery, so I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction for how to modify the plugin below to assign each duplicated field an incremental integer on the end of the ID and name assigned. So, the fields in each dataset are Role, Description, Age. Each additional dataset will use the ID & name syntax of fieldname#, where # represents numbers increasing by 1.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
/** */
$.duplicate = function(){
var body = $('body');'duplicate');
var templates = {};
var settings = {};
var init = function(){
var name = $(this).data('duplicate');
var template = $('<div>').html( $(this).clone(true) ).html();
var options = {};
var min = +$(this).data('duplicate-min');
options.minimum = isNaN(min) ? 1 : min;
options.maximum = +$(this).data('duplicate-max') || Infinity;
options.parent = $(this).parent();
settings[name] = options;
templates[name] = template;
body.on('click.duplicate', '[data-duplicate-add]', add);
body.on('click.duplicate', '[data-duplicate-remove]', remove);
function add(){
var targetName = $(this).data('duplicate-add');
var selector = $('[data-duplicate=' + targetName + ']');
var target = $(selector).last();
if(!target.length) target = $(settings[targetName].parent);
var newElement = $(templates[targetName]).clone(true);
if($(selector).length >= settings[targetName].maximum) {
function remove(){
var targetName = $(this).data('duplicate-remove');
var selector = '[data-duplicate=' + targetName + ']';
var target = $(this).closest(selector);
if(!target.length) target = $(this).siblings(selector).eq(0);
if(!target.length) target = $(selector).last();
if($(selector).length <= settings[targetName].minimum) {
Add [] to the end of the NAME attribute of the input field so for example:
<input type ="text" name="name[]"
This way your $POST['name'] will hold an array of strings. For that element. It will be an array with keys that are numbers from 0 to however many items it holds.

How to find which input field is modified?

I have couple of input field and values in them. This is projected to the user.
The user can modify these values and submit them.
When submitted, I need to check which input field is modified.
I can compare the previous fields and current fields and check. But I am trying to find more optimized way to do this.
I can use javascript, php, jquery and html tricks
<input id="input1" value="someValue" type="text">
<input id="input2" value="someValue" type="text">
var id = $(this).attr('id');
alert("input field is modified : ID = " + id);
You can create 2 different input, 1 hidden with a class like originalVal and 1 visible for every input.
Then on submit you do something like that :
var currentVal = $(this).val();
var originalVal = $(this).closest('.originalVal').val()
if(currentVal != originalVal){
//This input has changed
Since no code was given, you could compare what was in the input compared to what is now in it.
HTML Input:
<input type="text" id="testInput" value="DB Value"/>
var modifiedInputs = [];
var oldVal = "";
$("#testInput").focus(function() {
oldVal = this.value;
}).blur(function() {
console.log("Old value: " + oldVal + ". New value: " + this.value);
//If different value, add to array:
if (this.value != oldVal) {
Edit: Took it a step further, on modification of an input, if the changed value is different from the original, it pushes the elements ID to the array.
I would say your best bet would be to get the initial values from the input fields, and then compare them later on. Then, just do a comparison once the submit button is clicked. For instance, put this somewhere in your $(document).ready() that way it will retrieve the initial value.
var oldValue=[];
Then you can compare later on when you hit the submit.
you could compare with default value like this
for(var i in formObj)
if('value' in formObj[i] && formObj[i].value!=formObj[i].defaultValue){
//do what ever here ...

run js function on dynamically created select menu

i have this code:
This is the addOptions function
var values = <?php
$sql="SELECT * FROM billing_sagenominalcodes order by code ASC";
$rs=mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error());
$nominalcodes = array();
$nominalcodes[] = $result['code'];
echo json_encode($nominalcodes);
var names = <?php
$sql="SELECT * FROM billing_sagenominalcodes order by code ASC";
$rs=mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error());
$nominalcodesname = array();
$nominalcodesname[] = $result['code'] . ' - ' . $result['name'];
echo json_encode($nominalcodesname);
function addOptions(select, values)
for (var i=0, iLen=values.length; i<iLen; i++)
select.appendChild(new Option(names[i],values[i]));
then the add row function
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var i=1;
function addRow()
var tbl = document.getElementById('table1');
var lastRow = tbl.rows.length;
var iteration = lastRow - 1;
var row = tbl.insertRow(lastRow);
var sagenominalcodeCell = row.insertCell(3);
var elSageNominalCode = document.createElement('select');
elSageNominalCode.type = 'select'; = 'sagenominalcode' + i; = 'sagenominalcode' + i;
and then the HTML
<select name="sagenominalcode" id="sagenominalcode">
<script>addOptions(document.getElementById('sagenominalcode'), values);</script>
<input type="button" value="Add" onclick="addRow();" />
it adds the new rows ok but its no populating the select menu with the addOptions function.
is there any way to make it run that function once the new row/select menu has been dynamically created and then the same for all the others created when the addRow function is called?
So, reading your code a little bit more, I see you have
new Option(names[i],values[i])
My question to you is what does new Option return? I don't see code for it anywhere in your question.
Take a look at the spec for appendChild :
It needs an element passed in. What you want to do is make a new element using the createElement() function like so:
var option = document.createElement("option");
And then edit the inner html to be what ever you need like this:
option.innerHTML = "your option content here";
Then pass the element in to the append child function:
Use jQuery here instead of straight js. My bet is that your listener for click is only bound to the items that are present on the page when it is created. If you set up a listener through jQuery, then it will fire even on components that are dynamically added.
Also from a code structuring stand point, be very careful about writing js with php. Although it sounds fun (like doing drugs in highschool) it is dangerous, frustrating and leads to untestable code (like doing drugs in highschool does).

Php variable to JavaScript

How to add the value of php variabele to jquery variable and adds them,i have a form that will take a value and post to second page where second page contains a div panel where the form checkboxes values are adding and subtracting,basically i want to add the submitted value from page1 to page2.Here is the code.I have 3 form values which will be redirected one by one.Whenever user submits the respective button
function refreshPrices() {
var currentTotalValue = 0;
var beg=?????
$("#results div").each(function() {
if (!isNaN(parseInt($(this).find("span").text().substring(1)))) {
currentTotalValue += parseInt($(this).find("span").text().substring(1));
$("#totalValue").text("$" + currentTotalValue)
var beg=<?php echo $beg; ?>
Try this:
var beg = '<?php echo $beg ;?>';
if you want to add to the total value you can do this:
currentTotalValue = currentTotalValue + parseInt(beg);
its better to do it this way :
var js_var = '<?=json_encode($php_var);?>';
This way you will be able to transfer any type of data to js (arrays, objects, strings, etc.) and access it easily like this:
var beg = '<?php echo $beg ;?>';
But this can be only one once during the load of the page. After that we cant assign a server side script to js.
Retrieve value by input class or id like dat
var beg = $("#basic").val();

Finding the attr values of input or span after they are loaded via .load()

I have a form that does a lookup on a database the lookup is done using load(). This is fine.
What I've like to do is to read the value of an input which is returned via the php.
I was thinking that I needed to use the .live() method but I'm not certain how.
My current code is:
var recordCount = $("input[name=noOfCusts]").val();
console.log("Number is " + recordCount)
So input[name=noOfCusts] is loaded from PHP so I can't get at it. I just get a value of undefined.
How do I roll live() into var recordCount = $("input[name=noOfCusts]").val();
My load code is
var key = $(this).val();
var type = 1;
$("div#CustomerResults").html("<img src='../images/loading.gif' alt='loading'/>").delay('500').load("../../ajax/customerFinder.php",{"key":key,"type":type}).fadeIn(300);
// Extra bit to make the search form work with a return
var recordCount = $("input[name=noOfCusts]").val();
console.log("Number is " + recordCount)
//var recordCount = $("input[name=noOfCusts]").find("input[name=noOfCusts]").val();
//console.log("Number is " + data)
Instead of returning an HTML input tag, return just the value for that input that is already present within HTML DOM.
Then in load call on success set the obtained value to that input:
// success
