I am working on a pretty large PHP class that does a lot of stuff with Image Optimization from the Command line, you basically pass the program an Image path or a Folder path that has multiple images inside of it. It then runs the files through up to 5 other command line programs that optimize images.
Below is part of a loop that gathers the images paths, if the path is a Folder instead of an image path, it will iterate over all the images in the folder and add them to the image array.
So far I have everything working for single images and images in 1 folder. I would like to modify this section below so it could recursively go deeper then 1 folder to get the image paths.
Could someone possibly show me how I could modify this below to accomplish this?
// Get files
if (is_dir($path))
echo 'the path is a directory, grab images in this directory';
$handle = opendir($path);
// FIXME : need to run recursively
while(FALSE !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if( ! self::is_image($path.self::DS.$file))
$files[] = $path.self::DS.$file;
echo 'the path is an Image and NOT a directory';
echo 'assign image Paths to our image array to process = '. $path. '<br><br>';
$files[] = $path;
if (!count($files))
throw new NoImageFoundException("Image not found : $path");
#Chris's answer got me looking at the Docs and I found an example that I modified to this that seems to work
public static function find_recursive_images($path) {
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path),
foreach ($iterator as $path) {
if ($path->isDir()) {
//skip directories
} else {
$files[] = $path->__toString();
return $files;
$files = self::find_recursive_images($path);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
The output is JUST the filenames and there path like this which is my ultimate goal, so far this works perfect but as always if there is a better way I am all for improving
[0] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\css3-generator.png
[1] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\css3-please.png
[2] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\css3-tools-10.png
[3] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\fb.jpg
[4] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\mysql.gif
[5] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\OriginalImages\css3-generator.png
[6] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\OriginalImages\css3-please.png
[7] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\OriginalImages\css3-tools-10.png
[8] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\OriginalImages\fb.jpg
[9] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\OriginalImages\mysql.gif
[10] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\OriginalImages\support-browsers.png
[11] => E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\img\testfiles\support-browsers.png
While andreas' answer probably works, you can also let PHP 5's RecursiveDirectoryIterator do that work for you and use a more OOP approach.
Here's a simple example:
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
while ($it->valid())
if ($it->isDot())
$file = $it->current();
if (self::is_image($file->pathName))
$files[] = $file->pathName;
Alternatively, you could try this (copied from Zend_Translate_Adapter):
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveRegexIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME),
'/^(?!.*(\.svn|\.cvs)).*$/', RecursiveRegexIterator::MATCH
foreach ($it as $dir => $info)
Create a recursive function to read a directory, then read further if a directory is found during the loop.
Something along the line of:
function r_readdir($path) {
static $files = array();
if(!is_dir($path)) {
echo 'the path is an Image and NOT a directory';
echo 'assign image Paths to our image array to process = '. $path. '<br><br>';
$files[] = $path;
} else {
while(FALSE !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if( ! self::is_image($path.self::DS.$file))
return $files;
I'm trying to get the svg files from a folder.
Tried the following ways but none of them seems to work:
$directory = get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/myImages/';
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory));
while ($it->valid()) { //Check the file exist
if (!$it->isDot()) { //if not parent ".." or current "."
if (strpos($it->key(), '.php') !== false
|| strpos($it->key(), '.css') !== false
|| strpos($it->key(), '.js') !== false
) {
echo $it->key() . '<br>';
global $wp_filesystem;
$path = get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/myImages/';
$filelist = $wp_filesystem->dirlist( $path );
echo $filelist;
$path = get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/myImages/';
$images = scandir( $path, 'svg', $depth = 0);
echo $images;
$dir = get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/myImages/';
$files = scandir($dir);
$directory = get_bloginfo('template_directory')."/images/myImages/";
$images = glob($directory . "*.svg");
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo $directory.'abnamro.svg">';
foreach($images as $image)
echo $image;
I'm kinda lost. I might think that there is something else wrong.
Also checked the privileges for the user but all is okay.
I run Wordpress on a local machine with MAMP.
Any thoughts?
Try the function below, I have notated for clarity. Some highlights are:
You can skip dots on outset in the directory iterator
You can trigger a fatal error if path doesn't exist (which is the issue in this case, you are using a domain-root path instead of the server root path [ABSPATH])
You can choose the extension type to filter files
function getPathsByKind($path,$ext,$err_type = false)
# Assign the error type, default is fatal error
if($err_type === false)
$err_type = E_USER_ERROR;
# Check if the path is valid
if(!is_dir($path)) {
# Throw fatal error if folder doesn't exist
trigger_error('Folder does not exist. No file paths can be returned.',$err_type);
# Return false incase user error is just notice...
return false;
# Set a storage array
$file = array();
# Get path list of files
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path,RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS)
# Loop and assign paths
foreach($it as $filename => $val) {
if(strtolower(pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == strtolower($ext)) {
$file[] = $filename;
# Return the path list
return $file;
To use:
# Assign directory path
$directory = str_replace('//','/',ABSPATH.'/'.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/myImages/');
# Get files
$files = getPathsByKind($directory,'svg');
# Check there are files
if(!empty($files)) {
If the path doesn't exist, it will now tell you by way of system error that the path doesn't exist. If it doesn't throw a fatal error and comes up empty, then you actually do have some strange issue going on.
If all goes well, you should get something like:
[0] => /data/19/2/133/150/3412/user/12321/htdocs/domain/images/myImages/img1.svg
[1] => /data/19/2/133/150/3412/user/12321/htdocs/domain/images/myImages/img2.svg
[2] => /data/19/2/133/150/3412/user/12321/htdocs/domain/images/myImages/img3.svg
[3] => /data/19/2/133/150/3412/user/12321/htdocs/domain/images/myImages/img4.svg
If path invalid, will throw:
Fatal error: Folder does not exist. No file paths can be returned. in /data/19/2/133/150/3412/user/12321/htdocs/domain/index.php on line 123
I have a zip file containing one folder, that contains more folders and files, like this:
Now, I want to extract this file using PHPs ZipArchive, but without the "firstlevel" folder. At the moment, the results look like this:
The result I'd like to have would look like this:
I've tried extractTo, which produces the first mentioned result, and copy(), as suggested here, but this doesn't seem to work at all.
My current code is here:
if($zip->open('myfile.zip') === true) {
$firstlevel = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
for($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
$entry = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
$pos = strpos($entry, $firstlevel);
if ($pos !== false) {
$file = substr($entry, strlen($firstlevel));
if(strlen($file) > 0){
$files[] = $file;
//attempt 1 (extractTo):
//$zip->extractTo('./test', $files);
//attempt 2 (copy):
foreach($files as $filename){
copy('zip://'.$firstlevel.'/'.$filename, 'test/'.$filename);
How can I achieve the result I'm aiming for?
Take a look at my Quick Unzipper script. I wrote this for personal use a while back when uploading large zip files to a server. It was a backup, and 1,000s of files take forever with FTP so using a zip file was faster. I use Git and everything, but there wasn't another option for me. I place this php file in the directory I want the files to go, and put the zip file in the same directory. For my script, they all have to operate in the same directory. It was an easy way to secure it for my needs, as everything I needed was in the same dir.
Quick Unzipper: https://github.com/incomepitbull/QuickUnzipper/blob/master/unzip.php
I linked the file because I am not showcasing the repo, just the code that makes the unzip tick. With modern versions of PHP, there should't be anything that isn't included on your setup. So you shouldn't need to do any server config changes to use this.
Here is the PHP Doc for the ZipArchive class it uses: http://php.net/manual/en/class.ziparchive.php
There isn't any included way to do what you want, which is a shame. So I would unzip the file to a temp directory, then use another function to copy the contents to where you want. So when using ZipArchive, you will need to return the first item to get the folder name if it is unknown. If the folder is known, ie: the same pesky folder name every time, then you could hard code the name.
I have made it return the first item from the index. So if you ALWAYS have a zip with 1 folder inside it, and everything in that folder, this would work. However, if you have a zip file without everything consolidated inside 1 folder, it would fail. The code I have added will take care of your question. You will need to add further logic to handle alternate cases.
Also, You will still be left with the old directory from when we extract it to the temp directory for "processing". So I included code to delete it too.
NOTE: The code uses a lot of if's to show the processing steps, and print a message for testing purposes. You would need to modify it to your needs.
public function copyDirectoryContents($source, $destination, $create=false)
if ( ! is_dir($source) ) {
return false;
if ( ! is_dir($destination) && $create === true ) {
if ( is_dir($destination) ) {
$files = array_diff(scandir($source), array('.','..'));
foreach ($files as $file)
if ( is_dir($file) ) {
copyDirectoryContents("$source/$file", "$destination/$file");
} else {
#copy("$source/$file", "$destination/$file");
return true;
return false;
public function removeDirectory($directory, $options=array())
$files = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('.','..'));
foreach ($files as $file)
if (is_dir("$directory/$file"))
if(!$options['traverseSymlinks'] && is_link(rtrim($file,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))) {
} else {
} else {
return rmdir($directory);
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/file.zip'; // full path to zip file needing extracted
$temp = dirname(__FILE__) . '/zip-temp'; // full path to temp dir to process extractions
$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/extracted'; // full path to final destination to put the files (not the folder)
$firstDir = null; // holds the name of the first directory
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open($file);
if ($res === TRUE) {
$firstDir = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
$status = "<strong>Success:</strong> '$file' extracted to '$temp'.";
} else {
$status = "<strong>Error:</strong> Could not extract '$file'.";
echo $status . '<br />';
if ( empty($firstDir) ) {
echo 'Error: first directory was empty!';
} else {
$firstDir = realpath($temp . '/' . $firstDir);
echo "First Directory: $firstDir <br />";
if ( is_dir($firstDir) ) {
if ( copyDirectoryContents($firstDir, $path) ) {
echo 'Directory contents copied!<br />';
if ( removeDirectory($directory) ) {
echo 'Temp directory deleted!<br />';
echo 'Done!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error deleting temp directory!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error copying directory contents!<br />';
} else {
echo 'Error: Could not find first directory';
I want to get a list of all the subdirectories and my below code works except when I have readonly permissions on certain folders.
In the below question it shows how to skip a directory with RecursiveDirectoryIterator
Can I make RecursiveDirectoryIterator skip unreadable directories? however my code is slightly different here and I am not able to get around the problem.
$path = 'www/';
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path,RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME),
RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST) as $file => $info)
if ($info->isDir())
echo $file . '<br>';
I get the error
Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(../../www/special): failed to open dir: Permission denied'
I have tried replacing it with the accepted answer in the other question.
new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator("."),
However this code will not give me a list of all the directories inside of www like I want, where am I going wrong here?
The main issue with your code is using CHILD_FIRST
Optional mode. Possible values are
RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY - The default. Lists only leaves in iteration.
RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST - Lists leaves and parents in iteration with parents coming first.
RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST - Lists leaves and parents in iteration with leaves coming first.
What you should use is SELF_FIRST so that the current directory is included. You also forgot to add optional parameters RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD
Optional flag. Possible values are RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD which will then ignore exceptions thrown in calls to RecursiveIteratorIterator::getChildren().
Your CODE Revisited
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path,RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME),
RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD) as $file => $info)
if ($info->isDir())
echo $file . '<br>';
You really want CHILD_FIRST
If you really want to maintain the CHILD_FIRST structure then i suggest you use ReadableDirectoryIterator
foreach ( new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new ReadableDirectoryIterator($path),RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST) as $file ) {
echo $file . '<br>';
Class Used
class ReadableDirectoryIterator extends RecursiveFilterIterator {
function __construct($path) {
if (!$path instanceof RecursiveDirectoryIterator) {
if (! is_readable($path) || ! is_dir($path))
throw new InvalidArgumentException("$path is not a valid directory or not readable");
$path = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
public function accept() {
return $this->current()->isReadable() && $this->current()->isDir();
function dirScan($dir, $fullpath = false){
$ignore = array(".","..");
if (isset($dir) && is_readable($dir)){
$dlist = array();
$dir = realpath($dir);
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir,RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME),RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD);
foreach($objects as $entry){
if(!in_array(basename($entry), $ignore)){
if (!$fullpath){
$entry = str_replace($dir, '', $entry);
$dlist[] = $entry;
return $dlist;
This code works 100%...
You can simply use this function in order to scan for files and folders in your desired directory or drive. You just need to pass the path of the desired directory into the function. The second parameter of the function is to show full-path of the scanned files and folder. False value of the second parameter means not to show full-path.
The array $ignore is used to exclude any desired filename or foldername from the listing.
The function returns the array containing list of files and folders.
This function skips the files and folders that are unreadable while recursion.
I've set up the following directory structure:
test.php <-- the test script
test1/ <-- permissions = 000
I ran the following code (I've added the SKIP_DOTS flag to skip . and .. btw):
$i = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator("www", FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS),
It outputs the following:
[www/test2/file2] => SplFileInfo Object
[pathName:SplFileInfo:private] => www/test2/file2
[fileName:SplFileInfo:private] => file2
[www/file3] => SplFileInfo Object
[pathName:SplFileInfo:private] => www/file3
[fileName:SplFileInfo:private] => file3
This works as expected.
Added the flags you've had in your original example (although I believe those are default anyway):
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator("www", FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME),
RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD | RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST
) as $file => $info) {
echo $file, "\n";
if ($info->isDir()) {
echo $file . '<br>';
SplFileInfo Object
[pathName:SplFileInfo:private] => www/test2/file2
[fileName:SplFileInfo:private] => file2
SplFileInfo Object
[pathName:SplFileInfo:private] => www/file3
[fileName:SplFileInfo:private] => file3
$path = "D:/Movies";
$directory_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME);
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory_iterator,
try {
foreach( $files as $fullFileName => $file) {
$path_parts = pathinfo($fullFileName);
$path_parts = pathinfo($fullFileName);
$fileName[] = $path_parts['filename'];
$extensionName[] = $path_parts['extension'];
$dirName[] = $path_parts['dirname'];
$baseName[] = $path_parts['basename'];
$fullpath[] = $fullFileName;
foreach ($fullpath as $filles){
echo $filles;
echo "</br>";
catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
printf("Directory [%s] contained a directory we can not recurse into", $directory);
The glob function skips read errors automatically and should simplify your code a bit as well.
If you are getting unhandled exceptions, why don't you put that code in a try block, with an exception catch block to catch errors when it can't read directories? Just a simple suggestion by looking at your code and your problem. There is probably a neater way to do it in PHP.
You need to use SELF_FIRST constant if you want to return the unreadable directory name.
When you're doing CHILD_FIRST, it attempt to get into the directory, fails, and the current directory name is not included.
$path = 'testing';
$directory_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory_iterator,
foreach ($iterator as $file => $info) {
if ($info->isDir()) {
echo $file . "\n";
What about try catch the UnexpectedValueException. Maybe there is even an unique exception code for that error you can check. Otherwise you can evil parse exception message for "permission denied".
I would suggest to examine the http://php.net/manual/de/class.unexpectedvalueexception.php
I want not scan all the files in a directory and its sub-directory. And get their path in an array. Like path to the file in the directory in array will be just
path -> text.txt
while the path to a file in sub-directory will be
I am able to scan single directory, but it returns all the files and sub-directories without any ways to differentiate.
if ($handle = opendir('fonts/')) {
/* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
echo "$entry<br/>";
What is the best way to get all the files in the directory and sub-directory with its path?
Using the DirectoryIterator from SPL is probably the best way to do it:
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('.'));
foreach ($it as $file) echo $file."\n";
$file is an SPLFileInfo-object. Its __toString() method will give you the filename, but there are several other methods that are useful as well!
For more information see: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.recursivedirectoryiterator.php
Use is_file() and is_dir():
function getDirContents($dir)
$handle = opendir($dir);
if ( !$handle ) return array();
$contents = array();
while ( $entry = readdir($handle) )
if ( $entry=='.' || $entry=='..' ) continue;
$entry = $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry;
if ( is_file($entry) )
$contents[] = $entry;
else if ( is_dir($entry) )
$contents = array_merge($contents, getDirContents($entry));
return $contents;
For example I had a folder called `Temp' and I wanted to delete or flush all files from this folder using PHP. Could I do this?
$files = glob('path/to/temp/*'); // get all file names
foreach($files as $file){ // iterate files
if(is_file($file)) {
unlink($file); // delete file
If you want to remove 'hidden' files like .htaccess, you have to use
$files = glob('path/to/temp/{,.}*', GLOB_BRACE);
If you want to delete everything from folder (including subfolders) use this combination of array_map, unlink and glob:
array_map( 'unlink', array_filter((array) glob("path/to/temp/*") ) );
This call can also handle empty directories ( thanks for the tip, #mojuba!)
Here is a more modern approach using the Standard PHP Library (SPL).
$dir = "path/to/directory";
$di = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
$ri = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($di, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
foreach ( $ri as $file ) {
$file->isDir() ? rmdir($file) : unlink($file);
foreach (new DirectoryIterator('/path/to/directory') as $fileInfo) {
if(!$fileInfo->isDot()) {
This code from http://php.net/unlink:
* Delete a file or recursively delete a directory
* #param string $str Path to file or directory
function recursiveDelete($str) {
if (is_file($str)) {
return #unlink($str);
elseif (is_dir($str)) {
$scan = glob(rtrim($str,'/').'/*');
foreach($scan as $index=>$path) {
return #rmdir($str);
$dir = 'your/directory/';
foreach(glob($dir.'*.*') as $v){
Assuming you have a folder with A LOT of files reading them all and then deleting in two steps is not that performing.
I believe the most performing way to delete files is to just use a system command.
For example on linux I use :
exec('rm -f '. $absolutePathToFolder .'*');
Or this if you want recursive deletion without the need to write a recursive function
exec('rm -f -r '. $absolutePathToFolder .'*');
the same exact commands exists for any OS supported by PHP.
Keep in mind this is a PERFORMING way of deleting files. $absolutePathToFolder MUST be checked and secured before running this code and permissions must be granted.
See readdir and unlink.
if ($handle = opendir('/path/to/files'))
echo "Directory handle: $handle\n";
echo "Files:\n";
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if( is_file($file) )
The simple and best way to delete all files from a folder in PHP
$files = glob('my_folder/*'); //get all file names
foreach($files as $file){
unlink($file); //delete file
Got this source code from here - http://www.codexworld.com/delete-all-files-from-folder-using-php/
unlinkr function recursively deletes all the folders and files in given path by making sure it doesn't delete the script itself.
function unlinkr($dir, $pattern = "*") {
// find all files and folders matching pattern
$files = glob($dir . "/$pattern");
//interate thorugh the files and folders
foreach($files as $file){
//if it is a directory then re-call unlinkr function to delete files inside this directory
if (is_dir($file) and !in_array($file, array('..', '.'))) {
echo "<p>opening directory $file </p>";
unlinkr($file, $pattern);
//remove the directory itself
echo "<p> deleting directory $file </p>";
} else if(is_file($file) and ($file != __FILE__)) {
// make sure you don't delete the current script
echo "<p>deleting file $file </p>";
if you want to delete all files and folders where you place this script then call it as following
//get current working directory
$dir = getcwd();
if you want to just delete just php files then call it as following
unlinkr($dir, "*.php");
you can use any other path to delete the files as well
This will delete all files in home/user/temp directory.
Another solution:
This Class delete all files, subdirectories and files in the sub directories.
class Your_Class_Name {
* #see http://php.net/manual/de/function.array-map.php
* #see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rmdir.php
* #see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.glob.php
* #see http://php.net/manual/de/function.unlink.php
* #param string $path
public function delete($path) {
if (is_dir($path)) {
array_map(function($value) {
},glob($path . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR));
array_map('unlink', glob($path."/*"));
Posted a general purpose file and folder handling class for copy, move, delete, calculate size, etc., that can handle a single file or a set of folders.
To use:
To copy (or move) a single file or a set of folders/files:
$files = new Files();
$results = $files->copyOrMove('source/folder/optional-file', 'target/path', 'target-file-name-for-single-file.only', 'copy');
Delete a single file or all files and folders in a path:
$files = new Files();
$results = $files->delete('source/folder/optional-file.name');
Calculate the size of a single file or a set of files in a set of folders:
$files = new Files();
$results = $files->calculateSize('source/folder/optional-file.name');
//delete all files from folder & sub folders
function listFolderFiles($dir)
$ffs = scandir($dir);
echo '<ol>';
foreach ($ffs as $ff) {
if ($ff != '.' && $ff != '..') {
if (file_exists("$dir/$ff")) {
echo '<li>' . $ff;
if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $ff)) {
listFolderFiles($dir . '/' . $ff);
echo '</li>';
echo '</ol>';
$arr = array(
for ($x = 0; $x < count($arr); $x++) {
$mm = $arr[$x];
For me, the solution with readdir was best and worked like a charm. With glob, the function was failing with some scenarios.
// Remove a directory recursively
function removeDirectory($dirPath) {
if (! is_dir($dirPath)) {
return false;
if (substr($dirPath, strlen($dirPath) - 1, 1) != '/') {
$dirPath .= '/';
if ($handle = opendir($dirPath)) {
while (false !== ($sub = readdir($handle))) {
if ($sub != "." && $sub != ".." && $sub != "Thumb.db") {
$file = $dirPath . $sub;
if (is_dir($file)) {
} else {
public static function recursiveDelete($dir)
foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($dir) as $fileInfo) {
if (!$fileInfo->isDot()) {
if ($fileInfo->isDir()) {
} else {
I've built a really simple package called "Pusheh". Using it, you can clear a directory or remove a directory completely (Github link). It's available on Packagist, also.
For instance, if you want to clear Temp directory, you can do:
// Or you can remove the directory completely
If you're interested, see the wiki.
I updated the answer of #Stichoza to remove files through subfolders.
function glob_recursive($pattern, $flags = 0) {
$fileList = glob($pattern, $flags);
foreach (glob(dirname($pattern).'/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR|GLOB_NOSORT) as $dir) {
$subPattern = $dir.'/'.basename($pattern);
$subFileList = glob_recursive($subPattern, $flags);
$fileList = array_merge($fileList, $subFileList);
return $fileList;
function glob_recursive_unlink($pattern, $flags = 0) {
array_map('unlink', glob_recursive($pattern, $flags));
This is a simple way and good solution. try this code.
array_map('unlink', array_filter((array) array_merge(glob("folder_name/*"))));