I´ve got the a php that returns a JSON string:
$recipes = json_encode($arr);
That is my php-code how I output the recipe-title:
$jsonstring = $recipes;
$recip = json_decode($recipes, true);
$i = 1;
var data = include('php/getAllRecipes.php')Data.Recipes;
foreach ($recip['Data']['Recipes'] as $key => $recipe) {
echo "$i.)   ";
echo $recipe['TITLE'];
$i = $i + 1;
echo "<br>";
Now, I need to add a href to each title. The href should contain a link to recipe_search.php and I have to give it the id of each recipe.
How can I add this href?
$jsonstring = $recipes;
$recip = json_decode($recipes, true);
foreach ($recip['Data']['Recipes'] as $key => $recipe) {
echo '<li>
<a href="/recipe_search.php?id=' . $recipe['ID'] . '">
' . $recipe['TITLE'] . '
Use an ordered list (<ol>) instead of trying to create one yourself using a counter.
var data = include('php/getAllRecipes.php')Data.Recipes; is not valid PHP.
I assume that the id of the recipe is in $recipe['ID'].
Here you are...
foreach ($recip['Data']['Recipes'] as $key => $recipe)
// I guess $key is ID of your recipe...
echo sprintf('%d.) %s<br />', $i++, 'recipe_search.php?id=' . $key, $recipe['TITLE']);
Thats worked for me, just to test the above:
$i = 1;
foreach (array_fill(0, 40, 'recipe') as $key => $recipe)
// I guess $key is ID of your recipe...
echo sprintf('%d.) %s<br />', $i++, 'recipe_search.php?id=' . $key, $recipe);
I am trying to remove the last comma(,) from foreach loop in php with the following code
foreach ($snippet_tags as $tag_data) {
$tags_id = $tag_data->tag_id;
$tagsdata = $this->Constant_model->getDataOneColumn('tags', 'id', $tags_id);
<?php echo $tag_name; ?> ,
<?php }
Right I am getting result like
Hello, How, sam,
But i wants to remove the last comma
By placing the HTML in a simple string variable and then using rtrim() on the resulting string before outputting it this should remove the final , from the string
$out = '';
foreach ($snippet_tags as $tag_data) {
$tags_id = $tag_data->tag_id;
$tagsdata = $this->Constant_model->getDataOneColumn('tags', 'id', $tags_id);
// move inside loop and amend to place in a simple string var
$out .= '' . $tag_name . ',';
echo rtrim($out, ',');
You can also use the following code -
$numItems = count($snippet_tags);
$i = 0;
foreach ($snippet_tags as $tag_data) {
$tags_id = $tag_data->tag_id;
$tagsdata = $this->Constant_model->getDataOneColumn('tags', 'id', $tags_id);
if(++$i === $numItems)
echo "<a href='base_url() ?>tags/<?php echo $tag_name;'> $tag_name</a>";
else echo "<a href='base_url() ?>tags/<?php echo $tag_name;'> $tag_name</a> ,";
Ive been trying make this display as html list items it just a string that i explode then loop over each item i cant get it to out put correctly. Could some one please show me where im going wrong or suggest an new approch.
this is what ive tried
$path = "1/2/3/4";
$expath = explode("/",$path);
$ret = '';
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($expath as $pitem) {
echo '<li><a href='.$ret .= $pitem. "/".'>'.$pitem.'</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
Desired out put on hrefs
Desired visual out LIs
Output i get be warned
$path = "1/2/3/4";
$expath = explode("/", $path);
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($expath as $i => $pitem) {
$slice = array_slice($expath, 0, $i + 1);
$path = implode('/', $slice);
echo '<li>' . $pitem . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
$list = explode("/", "1/2/3/4");
This will create an array $list as:
echo $list[0]; // 1
echo $list[1]; // 2
echo $list[2]; // 3
echo $list[3]; // 4
This line is the problem: echo '<li><a href='.$ret .= $pitem. "/".'>'.$pitem.'</a></li>';
Should be formatted like:
echo "<li><a href='{$ret}={$pitem}/'>{$pitem}</a></li>";
or echo '<li>'.$pitem.'</li>';
Its because your $ret. Place that inside the loop. In your code you concatenate $pitem with $ret all older $ret values also get concat.
$path = "1/2/3/4";
$expath = explode("/",$path);
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($expath as $pitem) {
$ret = '';
echo '<li><a href='.$ret .= $pitem. "/".'>'.$pitem.'</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
If you want = sign tobe there in the url then just change echo by following
echo "<li><a href='$ret=$pitem/'>$pitem</a></li>";
PHP echo with double quotes will print variable value.
I am trying to extract download links from a site. However i only get the last item in my array.
require 'functions/simple_html_dom.php';
$html = new simple_html_dom();
$page_title = $html->find('title',0);
Title:<?php echo $page_title->plaintext; ?><br><br>
foreach($html->find('td.tlistdownload a') as $links){
$dllinks[] = $links->href;
foreach($html->find('td.tlistname a') as $names){
echo '<a href="';
foreach ($dllinks as $value)
echo $value;
echo '">' . $names->innertext . '</a><br>';
foreach ($dllinks as $value)
echo $value . '<br>';
When I use var_dump it shows all the download links in my array. But for some strange reason it only shows the last item in the second foreach loop.
Sorry it was supposed to be like this
require 'functions/simple_html_dom.php';
$html = new simple_html_dom();
$page_title = $html->find('title',0);
Title:<?php echo $page_title->plaintext; ?><br><br>
foreach($html->find('td.tlistdownload a') as $links){
$dllinks[] = $links->href;
foreach($html->find('td.tlistname a') as $names){
echo '<a href="';
foreach ($dllinks as $value)
echo $value;
echo '">' . $names->innertext . '</a><br>';
I kept this verbose so its easier to see whats going on... Basically, grab each row.. Find the name and the link from the row. spit it out..
require 'functions/simple_html_dom.php';
$html = new simple_html_dom();
$page_title = $html->find('title',0);
Title:<?php echo $page_title->plaintext; ?><br><br>
foreach($html->find('.tlistrow') as $row){
$link_nodes = $row->find('td.tlistdownload a');
$name_nodes = $row->find('td.tlistname a');
if (count($link_nodes) > 0 && count($name_nodes) > 0) {
$link = $link_nodes[0]->href;
$name = htmlentities($name_nodes[0]->innertext);
echo "<a href='{$link}'>{$name}</a>\n";
I have a set of numbers in a table field in database, the numbers are separated by comma ','.
I am trying to do the following:
Step 1. : SELECT set of numbers from database and explode it to array :
$array = explode(',', $set_of_numbers);
Step 2. : Print each element of the array as list item by using foreach loop :
foreach ($array as $list_item => $set_of_numbers){
echo "<li>";
echo "</li>";}
Please anybody tell me what is wrong. Thank you.
$numbers = '1,2,3';
$array = explode(',', $numbers);
foreach ($array as $item) {
echo "<li>$item</li>";
Assuming your original $set_of_numbers is simply a CSV string, something like 1,2,3,4,..., then your foreach is "mostly" ok. But your variable naming is quite bonkers, and your print-r() call uncesary:
$array = explode(',', $set_of_numbers);
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
echo "<li>$key: $value</li>";
Assuming that 1,2,3,4... string, you'd get
<li>0: 1</li>
<li>1: 2</li>
<li>2: 3</li>
$numbers = "1,2,3";
$array = explode(",", $numbers);
/* count length of array */
$arrlength = count($array);
/* using for while */
$x = 0;
while ($x < $arrlength) {
echo "<li>$array[$x]</li>" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
/* using for classic */
for ($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {
echo "<li>$array[$x]</li>" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
/* using for each assoc */
foreach ($array as $value) {
echo "<li>$value</li>" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
/* using for each assoc key */
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
echo "<li>$key => $value</li>" . PHP_EOL;
body, html, iframe {
width: 100% ;
height: 100% ;
overflow: hidden ;
<iframe src="https://ideone.com/ZqT4Yi" ></iframe>
You actually don't need to explode on the commas. You can just replace each comma with an ending tag followed by an opening tag and then wrap your whole string in an opening and closing tag.
$set_of_numbers = '1,2,3';
echo '<li>' . str_replace(',', '</li><li>', $set_of_numbers) . '</li>';
// outputs: <li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li>
No looping is necessary.
Here is answer for your question to get ride of your problem
$Num = '1,2,3,4,5,';
$Array = explode(',',$Num);
foreach ($Array as $Items)
echo "<li>&Items</li>"; // This line put put put in the list.
This can easily be achieved by the following code snippet:
$my_numbers = '1,12,3.2,853.3,4545,221';
echo '<ul>';
foreach(explode(',', $my_numbers) AS $my_number){
echo '<li>'.$my_number.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
The above code will output the following HTML:
Credits: http://dwellupper.io/post/49/understanding-php-explode-function-with-examples
I am getting data from XML files that I need to make into an array in PHP. Can any one tell me how to fill PHP array when count is unknown?
function getFeed($feed_url)
$content = file_get_contents($feed_url);
$x = new SimpleXmlElement($content);
echo "<ul>";
foreach($x->channel->item as $entry)
echo "
<a href='$entry->link' title='$entry->title' target='_new'> " . $entry->title . "</a>
echo "</ul>";
Question: can any one tell me how to fill php array when count is unknown
Declare the array and add items to it like so or use array_push
$something = array();
$something[] = 'first item';
$something[] = 'second item';
Hope this works for you:
$c = 0;
$entries = Array();
foreach($x->channel->item as $entry) {
echo "
<a href='$entry->link' title='$entry->title' target='_new'> " . $entry->title . " </a>
$entries[$c] = $entry->title;
function getFeed($feed_url) {
$content = file_get_contents($feed_url);
$x = new SimpleXmlElement($content);
$count = 0;
$data = array();
foreach($x->channel->item as $entry) {
$data[$count]['link'] = $entry->link;
$data[$count]['title'] = $entry->title;
return $data;
might be a better solution. You can then manipulate the data in a more flexible way; keeping the data from presentation separate. Simply loop through $data and output it as you require.
You can always use array_push() or basic array method.
Array Push
$list = array();
$list[] = $element;
Full Code
function getFeed($feed_url) {
$content = file_get_contents($feed_url);
$x = new SimpleXmlElement($content);
$list = array();
foreach($x->channel->item as $entry) {
return $list;
$list = getFeed("url");
echo "<ul>";
foreach($list as $entry) {
echo "
<a href='$entry->link' title='$entry->title' target='_new'> " . $entry->title . "</a>
echo "</ul>";
I can see you print an HTML list while navigating through XML nodes. So if I got your question, you also need to fill an array (in the meanwhile) with the data taken from the XML, actually converting your XML into an array... is that what you want?
Then, you just need to declare an empty array before the foreach statement:
$arr = array();
and then, inside your foreach, add new fields to the array this way:
$arr[] = $entry;
If you need to specify more fields, you can do something like that:
$arr[] = array(
'field' => $entry->fieldvalue
Hope this helps!