passing multiple parameters from php to shell - php

I want to run .exe (c++) file by php script. I tried very different combinations of exec command, but still my programs returned -2 (argv<6) or array (?), now I tried to use shell_exec
$params = array ('nnn.jpg', 'fff.jp2', '300', '300', '50');
$params_string = implode(" ", $params);
shell_exec('demo.exe '.$params_string);
echo 'demo.exe '.$params_string
but it is not working too... I echoed the string I used, and it's just okay
I got it to send parameters properly, but program exits with error caused by write problem. I've changed all perms in target folder to "full control". Maybe there is something with php settings? (xampp on win7 x64)
demo.exe nnn.jpg fff.jp2 300 300 50
any ideas?
I got it to send parameters properly, but program exits with error caused by write problem. I've changed all perms in target folder to "full control". Maybe there is something with php settings? (xampp on win7 x64)
ERROR: Exception: demo.exe: no decode delegate for this image format `kush.jpg' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/532-5
but as I said before, all goes well through cmd...

Problem was more server issue, dar7yl was almost correct, problem was apache haven't access to imagemagick lib, located in program files... I had to change apache user to my account, and now all works fine ;)


Nothing has worked to code PHP in Visual Studio Code via Windows 10

I am taking a Udemy class for WordPress. I can create a function just fine. However, when I started using the variables and array it will not work. I get a message saying there is no "php.validate.executablePath" and "php.executablePath" via settings.json.
So I downloaded the zip file of PHP 7.3 (7.3.17) VC15 x64 Non Thread Safe and extracted it to C:\php7.3. I then added the path to the settings.json: "php.validate.executablePath": "C:\php7.3\php.exe", "php.executablePath": "C:\php7.3\php.exe"
I then restarted my VSC and nothing happened. I even restarted my computer. The notification never popped up again but I still cannot run PHP. In replace of the \, I used one \, then one /, then two / but it did not change anything. I looked this issue up - found others who had the same issue - and have not found anything that has worked for me so far.
I also tried downloading the xampp but there was an issue at port 443. That's when I downloaded the PHP file directly and uninstalled xampp.
EDIT: Do I have to have something like xampp or wamp to execute the PHP? If so, I would just need to figure out how to fix that error.
Here is a screenshot of the code I used:
Here is a screenshot of the settings.json:
I am on Windows 10 x64. A tool extension for VSC costs money, which I do not want to spend.
Any help?
You are missing the echo in front of the $names[0] array element access.
change your line to this <p>Hi, my name is <?php echo $names[0]; ?></p> and it should work however your error to do with executablePath might be because of something else.

How to execute xpdf (pdftotext.exe) on shared drive?

im trying to parse pdf to text via PHP and XPDF (pdftotext.exe). On my localhost everythings works well, but when im trying to move everything on server, im getting into troubles.
First of all i checked some settings on server and safe_mode is off, exec is not disabled and permissions are rwxrwxrwx.
Then im trying this
$command = "\\\\\\cae\\04_Knowledge-base\\tools\\pdftotext.exe -enc UTF-8 ". $fileName . " \\\\\\cae\\04_Knowledge-base\\output.txt";
$result = exec($command,$output,$args);
echo shell_exec($command);
which isnt working. When i look into $result, $output, are empty, but $args returns 1 which coresponds to Incorrect function by this document windows system error codes
Whole command looks like \\\cae\04_Knowledge-base\tools\pdftotext.exe -enc UTF-8 \\\cae\04_Knowledge-base\testpdf\04_egerland_final_paper.pdf \\\cae\04_Knowledge-base\output.txt and when is dirrectly inputed into commandline, its working.
So im a bit out of ideas. Have someone any hint?
edit 20160201 - aditional trying
So i made aditional tests and when im trying to run similar command with exec from localhost (target .exe file, input and output file is in same location, only im using localhost not server) its working. Im now checking differences in server settings. So can here be problem, that localhosts Server Api is Apache 2.0 Handler and server is CGI/FASTCGI?
So it was all mistake on my side. I badly checked IIS permissions and forgot to assign user to virtual directory which i wana to access. So my only advice and more wisdom from this is to double (maybe triple) check if you have all permissions set correctly.

Couchbase PHP Connect Hello World! on Mac

I installed the Couchbase Server and its PHP SDK through brew install libcouchbase on Mac. The server admin console is running/working fine on I added a hello.php file with the below code in /Library/WebServer/Documents/hello.php.
$cb = #new Couchbase("",'username','password');
if($cb->getResultCode() != COUCHBASE_SUCCESS){
throw Exception('Cannot connect to couchbase!');
} else {
echo "Hello World!";
When I go to, I get an error saying Not found.. What is the problem?
When I go to, I get the below error
Not found.. What is the problem?
You are going to the wrong port. Port 8091 is the Couchbase Server Console interface. It looks like you are trying to deploy your hello.php script using the Apache server shipped with OS X which uses the default http port (80). The script is also located in the wrong folder. I believe /Library/WebServer/Documents/ is for static content only.
Given the problem you have ran into it make me suspect that you are trying to learn too many new things at once. You should try running the script outside of a Apache first and get it working there.
php hello.php
It is also worth pointing out that you are using the older 1.X version of the Couchbase PHP SDK, you will want to use the new 2.X version.
I assume you've anonymized the code above, but be sure in place of where you have 'username' you have the bucket name and similarly for the bucket password or empty string if no password. Also, check the docs as the connect string you're using is not necessarily the preferred..
Note for debugging these kinds of things you can set LCB_LOGLEVEL to a higher level as mentioned in the documentation. The way you set an envvar varies based on how you're deploying PHP, but you can easily just test it at the command line.

POST xml to php with apache2

I'm working on an application that receives XML data via POST, processes it with a PHP script, and returns an XML response.
I'm getting the XML with this PHP code:
$requestStr = file_get_contents('php://input');
$requests = simplexml_load_string($requestStr);
which works fine on the Linux-based product hardware using nginx as the server.
However, for testing I'd like to be able to run it on my MacBook Pro, so I can avoid the "build image, install on product, reboot product, wait, test change" loop while I do targeted development on this XML processor.
I enabled "web sharing" which starts up Apache, added a rewrite rule to point a convenient URI at my development source directory and used curl to send a request to my PHP script thus:
curl -H "Content-Type:text/xml" -d #request.xml http://localhost/test/path/testscript
"testscript" is handled by the PHP script fine, but when it goes to read "php:://input" I get nothing -- the empty string.
Anyone have a clue why this would work under Linux with nginx and not under MacOS with Apache?
I've googled and searched to no avail. Thanks for any answers.
I've discovered that at least in this configuration, reading from php://stdin will work fine, while php://input will not. Who knew?
Not familiar with nginx or MacOS, but with FreeBSD/Apache there is another way you might try:
You must also add this to the .htaccess:
php_value always_populate_raw_post_data 1

Apache: reverse proxy to process PHP from another server

I have the following setup:
Plain-Server: Delivering php-files as plain text
Proxy-Server: Asking the Plain-Server for the php file and parsing it.
Now my question: How do I configure the Proxy-Server (a fully configurable apache 2.2 with PHP 5.3) to interpret the plain php files from Plain-Server?
Example: Given a small php script "hello.php" on Plain-Server (accessible throw http://plainserver/hello.php):
echo "Hello World";
Plain-Server only outputs it as plain text, no parsing of php-code.
On the Proxy-Server the file "hello.php" does not exist. But when requesting hello.php from Proxy-Server it should get the hello.php from Plain-Server with mod_proxy (Reverse Proxy). It should also parse and execute the php, saying only "Hello World".
The Reverse Proxy is already running, but the execution of php code not working. I tried mod_filter, but couldn't is work. Any ideas how to that?
You may consider instead sharing the php files from your source server via an nfs mount or something similar to your target server. Tricking the proxy server into doing what you ask seems like the long way around the barn?
I totally agree with jskaggz,
you could build some awfull tricks building some apps that fetch the remote page ,
dowload it into a local file and then redirect the user to that page that could be executed...
but there is a milion security issues and things that might go wrong with that...
Can't you just convert the 'plain server' to a php excuting server and do some traditional reverse proxying
on your 'proxy server'
maybe using mod_proxy: ?
Answered this on the ServerFault version of this thread:
